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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation



Olivia smiled and clapped at the speeches. Waving to her father as he left. She slowly started to mingle, but stopped all together when the lights went out and the spotlight came up on Exitium. Immediately she went cold, it wasn't hard to tell that this stranger was a villain. She stood still, listening to his speech without doing anything, but when he started controlling people she slipped out of the room, running into the hall where she had hidden her portable suit. She activated it and the suit quickly formed to her and powered arm. "JARVIS scan the life forms in the other room." She commanded him, "Figure out what the main guy is." She quickly flew back into the room just in time to hear Exitium tell his followers to attack. She swooped down toward the one closes to her, Blasius, who seemed to be approaching Asya, and pulled up her arm firing the light cannon thing from her hand toward him.



Who tf is this guy? She thought angrily as Exitium began his speech. Her and Destin had planned on being the ones to crash this party not some guy no one had heard of. She sighed and pulled her arm away from Destin's and assumed a defensive position. "I guess we're a bit late for the party" She said with a small angry undertone as she summoned her suit with her magic. It wasn't exactly something she was trained to do, but she'd figured out how to. Her suit was very similar to her fathers. She put up a weak force field and instead of using her magic decided to favor her martial arts for now, saving her energy for later.



Blasius felt numb as his proximity to Exitium closed until he was next to him. He definitely did not want to be on this guys side, he turned to find Asya in the crowd, but before he could find her Exitium was hypnotizing him and everything that mattered to him suddenly was dulled. All he could think about was helping Exitium now. He turned his head back toward Asya, however this time instead of looking for him for support he was looking for her with anger in his eye. When he spotted her he smiled, he summoned his armor, which was similar to his fathers but teal and walked toward Asya staff in hand. It was clear that he had planned to attack her, but an energy beam interrupted him. His head snapped toward Olivia and he groaned, "Stay out of this Stark." He threatened, using his staff to send his own energy beam toward the iron suit that was in the air.



Shadow grinned as her leader took over the SHIELD ball, and almost laughed as he took over the three 'heroes' known as Nikolai, Theo, and Blasius. They were all strong but not as strong as Exitium's elite. She stood behind him with the rest of the elite in her armor/outfit. It was simple, consisting of black skinny jeans, tall black wedge boot/sneakers, a long sleeved grey shirt and a black trench coat. Her blonde hair was tied into a tight pony tail for now, but slowly it faded into a shadow as she began her power transformation. In seconds she was in the shadow realm moving quickly, attacking people's shadows. She wasn't harming anybody important yet, just civilians or allies of SHIELD that happened to be at the ball that weren't legacies, she'd save them for later. Instead she was stabbing worthless nobodies shadows, and watching them in pain from the invisible threat.



Idun watched the stage as Nikolai and Danica awarded their father and spoke about him. She laughed when she should and shook her head when she should as well. As their speeches came to an end and the parents left, she hugged her parents goodbye. Then she heard someone speaking to her. She turned to see it was Nikolai and she smiled at him.

"I'm glad you didn't forget." she said and took his hand. In a matter of seconds, everything went completely dark. Idun held up her hand and summoned her hammer and sword from under the stage where her father put them. She took her hand back from Nikolai and looked around to see the cause. Then a single light shown on the stage and Idun had to squint her eyes to see who it was. It was a man she'd never seen before. He had a few people behind him and she didn't recognize them as well. Then the man began to speak. His voice shook her to her very core. The way he talked made her skin crawl and made her feel that nothing good could come from his being here. He stated his name and his purpose and Idun's blood began to boil.

How could he tell she was an Asgardian? Before she knew it, Nikolai and Theo were on stage with the man.
"No! You let them go! Let them go right now! Take me if that's what you want! You leave my friends alone!" she yelled out. She had not expected for her life to take a turn like this on a night where everything was going perfectly. When he just ignored her, Idun went to charge at him but found herself frozen to her spot. Without her realizing, her feet had been frozen by a guy standing just a few feet away from her. He grinned at her and winked, turning away and walking to the stage.

"Chill out, doll face. We won't hurt them. They'll just hurt you." he stated simply with a wide toothy grin. Idun let out a growl and a glare, trying to move her feet but they were pretty solid. "You're the son of Loki. The Asgardian's imprisoned him." the man said and Idun's heart dropped. Her cousin was here? Blasius was in this very room and she didn't know? How could she miss his presence? This made Idun even more infuriated than she already was.

Idun managed to break free from her icy barricade right when he told his people to attack. She let out a mighty yell and began to sing her hammer, landing a few blows to those who were in her way. She needed to get to Exitium and she needed to get to him now. "Oh dear, such a pretty girl like you playing with a big hammer like that? That's dangerous, you know!" the same guy from earlier teased and blew a giant snowball which landed in her face. Idun was temporarily blind which led to him landing a punch to her gut. The guy grinned at the sound of her pain, his hand morphing to a dagger. In the blink of an eye, Idun felt a sharp pain in her abdomen and looked down to see the guy's hand went through her side. She let out a scream in agony, looking down at the thing as he twisted it. Idun grabbed his arm and with her free hand brought down her sword to chop off his arm. The guy let out a yell and backed away, looking at his now missing hand.

"UGH! YOU BITCH! Theo, handle her." he told the mercenary who was a few feet away and just finished decapitating a man. Idun's eyes widened and she would normally never run from a fight but she couldn't fight Theo. That was her best friend and he was a high ranked mercenary for a reason. He showed no remorse for those he was told to kill.


Dust stood behind Exitium her arms crossed over her chest. She wasn't a fighter by any means, her powers better used when she is sitting down and staring into the minds of their captured. Which reminded her that when they were finished she needed to start reconstructing other minds to fit the mold Exitium had set for her. Depending on the mental wall of a capture it could take up to months breaking their mental will down and replacing their memories with ones Exitium had chosen.

"Boss." Dust said as she watched chaos break out in the building. "Do you wish for me to start or to go?" She always had to ask if she was to fight, most of the time she would start on the mental break down but this was a fight for the history books. All these legacies in one room and she had the pleasure to destroy their mental stability.

Before he had the chance to answer Dust jumped in front of him, grabbing the witches arms. When she touched her she immediately entered her mind. It was easy to get past her mental wall, there was obvious recent tramau the girl had gone through. She enjoyed the cries the girl let out as she broke her down. Finding out the source of her pain Dust created false memories of Scarlett Witch in her head. She could feel the pain emitting from the girl which only encouraged her to move on.



Asya Barnes


Asya was by no means ready for what had just occurred. One second Blasius was by her side and the next he was gone. She narrowed her eyes at the man who called himself Exitium and growled. She ran to where SHEILD hid emergency guns and opened the wall, holstering two as she held one in her hand and started to shoot. This guy took the cake for being someone who could piss her off more than the Rogers. She was ready to fight.

The dress she had chosen to wear was coincidentally one she wore to a mission she had years ago. In a matter of minutes, she was in her uniform, mask pulled up over her nose. She took in the chaos before her but was focused on Blasius. He was her friend, her confidant, she couldn't leave him to a mind control freak. When she saw Blasius approach her she smiled but it soon faded when he started to attack Ironwoman.
"Blasius!" She didn't want to shoot him holding her gun out in front of her ready to pull the trigger. She was trained to not let her emotions control her but right now she was having a hard time remembering that.



Yana Maximoff

Red Wiccan

Yana grew excited as the lights shut off, feeling a powerful presence enter the room. When the lights turned on she looked at the man who spoke at the podium and smiled though it wavered. During the Ball Yana had tapped into some of the members of SHEILDS minds when they looked at her, never think of doing so before. There she got the spill of who her mother really was as anger filled her. It was an odd sensation to have so much anger, but Yana reveled in it.

She believed it fate when the man name Exitium had appeared. Picking up her skirts she glided past the others, leaving the chaos behind her. When she was close enough to the man she ignited her powers as a frown appeared on her lips. Waves or red energy emitting from her hands as attempted to use her fear manipulation on him. She wanted to see what he feared, what could end him.

She was attacked by a woman before she had the chance to break him all her memories flooding to her, some she didn't even knew she possessed. They haunted her, pained her. Every image that passed through her head crumbled her mentally as she whipped her head back letting out an agonised scream.



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Ironwoman dodged quickly, though the Asgardian energy beam was quicker than she could move so she clipped her left let, burning the suit slightly. She sighed frustrated, "Hurry it up JARVIS" She nearly screamed as she shot both hands toward Blasius, flying around dodging his attacks. She had always heard that Blasius preferred to be more neutral, siding with whichever side benefitted him most, but in this situation they knew nothing about this guy there was no benefit to Blasius siding with Exitium. She had been out of the room so she didn't exactly know why he was on their side but she still didn't like it.





Blasius sighed as he had to dodge Ironwoman's attacks. Through the hypnotized haze he heard Asya scream his name. For a split second he was back and almost looked back at her, before his mind wasn't his again. He sighed, annoyed at the disruption and quickly sent a concentrated electromagnetic pulse toward the center of Ironwoman's armor, hitting it dead on causing the armor to temporarily power down and the girl inside to fall to the ground. He turned toward Asya now, finally able to give his target his full attention. He tightened his grip on his staff as he approached her, "That's my name." He smirked, as he threw a ball of electricity, which seemed to be his thing, toward his date.




Shadow thought it may be interesting, an Asgardian against a shadow. Frost may have just told Theo to attack the daughter of Thor, Idun but she wanted in on it as well. She materialized in the physical plain behind her. "Hope you can multitask." She smiled evilly, a dagger in each hand, dripping with shadow blood, which in the physical plain looked like black goo. She twirled the beautiful daggers and tightened her grip on them as she smiled waiting for her to respond. It may be fun to play with this one before killing her.


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Danica let out the most blood curdling scream when Nikolai was taken to the stage. It was animalistic, the sound of pure distraught. Armani held her back, using every bit of his strength to do it. When the attack was ordered, he released her. She took a deep breath.

"Armani, it's time to be a hero." Danica called out pulling a knife out from under her dress - garters, man - and cutting it so she could run. She removed her heels, hooking them together as a weapon as well. "Techna, the blonde with the longer hair if I remember correctly, is a technopath. That's gotta be how she turned the lights on. Obviously that one's a teleporter."

"What do we do?" He asked, readying himself.

"I had our parents stash our outfits in the locker room. Get me there so I can get my shield and gauntlets. This won't be pretty." Danica instructed, the leadership side coming out.

Armani nodded, quickly covering them in clouds as they moved. She changed in a short amount of time. As did he, though his outfit was really just a black shirt and pants. He didn't enjoy fancy outfits.

As soon as they left the room a fist collided with her cheek. The same fist she'd been sparring with her entire life. The fist that punched the first boy who broke her heart. The fist that clenched when SHIELD disciplined her for saving them. The fist that broke a window when she was suspended from missions. The hand that made the fist belonged to the most important person in her life.

"Nikolai, I don't want to hurt you." She choked out.

Armani wouldn't be much help, as he was fighting the teleporter. It wasn't much of a fair fight, but it was a fight non the less.

Nikolai threw another punch, Danica deflected. "I know every move you're going to make, Nik. Please, snap out of this." His eyes were solid black. That scared the shit out of her. "Nik. Please." She choked out.

He went in for a roundhouse kick. Danica held her shield up. She hid behind it momentarily before looking at her widow's cuffs and shield. She looked at him. "Fight back, stupid girl." He snarled. His voice sending chills down her spine.

"You asked for it." The blonde soldier placed her shield on her back. Her fist went flying, he dodged, but he didn't think to dodge her foot as it came up between his legs. He let out a small groan. She spun, kicking him in his stab wound. That knocked the breath out him so she punched him again, but he caught it and twisted her arm, breaking it. The girl screamed.

She used her gauntlet against him. She sent out the Widow's Bite, shocking him and sending him to the floor. Armani was holding his own so she looked around for anyone she could help. "Idun!" She rushed over to her, "you've been stabbed, obviously." She held her shield between Theo and Idun. "I need you to help me get the legacies out. I can send a widows kiss to Theo and he'll pass out, but you have to okay it before I'll do it."



That name rang a bell. Exitium. He had heard it before. Now wasn't the time to think about it though, as all hell was breaking loose in the room. Alicia was ready for battle. "You might want to avoid me, apparently Asgardians are bad luck." He chuckled.

Never a fan of a costume, Destin didn't change, just started sending out spells. Trying to take down anyone he could. Especially the technopath. She was using the blasters around her to take out anyone and everyone. She didn't even need her hands to do it. Just looking at a target sent a blast through them.

The more magic he sent at her, the more afraid she became. Which was both entertaining and sad. He saw the other Asgardian in attendance, Idun Brunnhilde. The daughter of Captain America was helping her.
Good, he thought. Despite being destined enemies, he didn't want her to suffer either. Her friends being taken was enough.



"Oh, my child, thank you." Exitium spoke to Dust as she grabbed the witch. "You are so brave." He petted her hair affectionately. He watched as the legacies united. They were stronger than he had originally given them credit for. Though, they weren't strong enough to win. He didn't want to kill them just yet. That wouldn't be enough fun. He would watch the battle for awhile, then he would have gateway take them back.

The blonde girl with the awful screech took down Nikolai. He frowned, she was resourceful. Perhaps his sister. She did seem to know where his punches where going to be going. She also knew his weak spots. He broke her arm in the process, that was promising. Exitium snapped and Gateway stopped his battle to transport the fallen child to their home base.



Ironwoman's heart sank as she felt herself drop. She could still fight but it would be harder with her suit off until the EMP wore off. She didn't have Jarvis nor did she have her sights so she had the helmet part retract so she was fighting in her suit melee style.



Doom chuckles before she teleports to where Scarlet Witch and one of Exitium's elite are fighting. "I guess so, though I can't avoid you forever." She turns, implying she will return to help him eventually before teleporting off to help Scarlet Witch. Doom normally didn't side with the heroes but for this one, she sensed this guy may attack her home country if he succeeded in America and that she couldn't stand for. She quickly teleported over to where the girl and Scarlet Witch were. "Hey knock it off!" She called as she reached the point where they were. "Psionics is my thing." She said before launching a kick at the girl

@Eunoia @lonecoyote

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When a girl interrupted her connection with the Red Wiccan she smiled, letting go of the girl, watching her fall to the ground.
"Aw here then. I'm done with her anyways." She slid back at the girl swung at her, feeling the impact of her foot hit her jaw. She wiped away the blood that appeared around the corners of her mouth and chuckled. Exitium's minor distraction gave Dust enough time to break through for a second before she was sucked back into the darkness. Looking at the girl before her as she started to speak. "Hel-" Her words were cut off as Exitium took back control, her eyes returning to their glossy black state.

A cruel smile played around on her lips deciding to have some fun with this girl. Locking her eyes with the girls, she attempted to break her mental wall.
"What should I take first? The memory to walk? No...Oh, how about the use of your powers." She taunted. Red Wiccan was already done for, her eyes staring blankly up at the ceiling, her body frozen in place.




Asya's eyes grew wide as the electric ball flew towards her. She quickly dodged it hearing it slam into the wall behind her.
"Snap out of it!" She didn't understand what was happening. Today was a day like any else. They were supposed to come to the ball listen to the speech and go home. What happened? She thought. She decided there was no reasoning with Blasius as she ran towards him attempting to kick his staff out of his hand. In such short time it was all she could think of that wouldn't kill him



Red Wiccan

Yana was frozen on the floor, trying to fight off the memories Dust had placed in her head. She could tell the ones she had touched, having an almost shimmery blurred look to them. She tried to regain consciousness but found it hard to do so, memories appearing out of nowhere with strong emotions linked to them causing her to backtrack and weed through the new memories that surfaced.



It was pretty early in the morning when Nathan decided to suffocate Marley by sitting on zir face and meowing loudly.

"Oh my gosh, Nathan! Get oooooff!" Ze said pushing him on to the covers. "And shut up while you're at it. You're not supposed to have breakfast until 7:00, It's like 5:25. Gooooosh Nathan." Ze grumbled, irritated. Ze closed zir eyes to try to sleep, but sleep never came. Getting up an heading downstairs Kathrine was up already doing what looks to be Maths equations, but ze can never be sure. Marley personally thought having a Physics major must be the most boring thing in the planet and yet here was Kathrine sitting in the barely lit dining room doing Math. Ze flicked the light switch on, much to the annoyance of Kathrine.

"Procrastinating? Again?" Ze asked raising an eyebrow.

"Don't tell Nat."

"Not unless you make waffles"

"But I'm tired."

"I'll tell Nat."

"Uh fine, deal."

Marley smiled and picked up opened zir law book to finish the outlining ze started yesterday.


"Omg, I am so jealous darling. You look absolutely ravishing!" Natalie squealed as Marley stepped downstairs, Kathrine rolled her eyes but smiled at zir. Natalie's bubbly nature was something Kathrine and zir had put up with for as long as they have been living together and while it can be quite frankly annoying, she knows how to give the best compliments.

"This is so exciting! You haven't been to a party in half a year!" She continued.

"Hey, you don't need to rub it in" Ze mumbled.

"But I want to. Oh and a word of advice..." She said, putting her hands on Marley's shoulder. Her expression turned dead serious in a split second. Nat does that sometimes and it's terrifying.

"There will be a lot of heroes under that roof today and do you know what that attracts Marley?" She whispered.

"Um, the paparazzi?" Ze replied with uncertainty.

"Villains, Marley. Villains." She said, staring into Marley's slightly frightened eyes.

"Don't scare zir, it's a party. That's already scary enough." Kathrine said breaking the tension.

"Yeah you're right." She said taking her hands of Marley's shoulder, her frown turned into her usual bubbly grin. She opened the the front door for Marley who stepped out, still recovering from Natalie's outburst.

"Buh bye darling, have fun and be careful!" She said cheerfully, waving with Kathrine.

"Bye." Marley said as ze stepped out the door to catch a cab.



Marley arrived at the ball slightly late, but eh, why should ze care. Walking up to the SHIELD agents ze handed them zir invitation.

"Marley Jodie Banner" Ze said, looking up at them. They looked at zir with confusion.

"Marley? Marley Banner?" The taller one asked her. Ze shuffled zir feet uncomfortably. Guess they used zir legal name.

"Marilyn. It's Marilyn." Ze said. The two nodded and opened the door for zir.

Stepping in, Marley noticed a few familiar faces, but most ze had never seen in zir life. Ze tried to drown out the constant buzz of conversation and focus on mingling with the people she wanted to talk with but everything was just too overwhelming. This is why ze didn't go to parties. Among the crowd ze spotted Olivia Stark and her father. She was looking, well, beautiful. Marley had only caught zirself staring after what seemed like five minutes, ze looked away quickly.

"Oh no. I am not crushing on Stark's daughter. I am not." Ze muttered to zirself. Suddenly the crowd turned quiet and began to gather around the stage where Danica and Nikolai was standing, probably giving a speech.


The lights turned off then a spotlight shined on one person. As he gave his speech Marley grew more and more nervous. Ze took out zir pocket knife in case ze had to defend zirself. When he ordered the attack, Marley realised he was controlling some of the people. He had mind manipulation. Now ze was truly terrified. As soon as panic broke out Marley bolted for the door but was shot in the back by a SHIELD agent. Pain shot through zir body as ze fell to the floor. Ze regained zir senses and reached out zir other hand to touch the wound which has started to bleed. Looking at zir blood soaked had, only two things could happen, Ze faints or ze turns green. And Marley didn't know what was worse. If ze faints, ze will be killed. And if ze turns green, ze will kill. Staring at zir hand ze started to be consumed by anger. Before ze loses zirself to the Hulkling, ze turned to the nearest Legacy.

"I'm so sorry." Ze choked as ze began to feel zirself slip away.



Just the suit

Ze kicked agent that shot zir into a wall and roared at where Exitum is standing. Marley's motives are passed onto the Hulkling whether ze likes it or not. Ze tried to kick away the henchmen guarding him but only managed to hit a couple of the slower ones. Ze then lunged forward to try to hit Exitum.



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Gateway moved Exitium out of the way before Hulkling could hit him. "Thank you my child." The man responded to the save. He looked at the green creature in front of him. "You could be of great use to me," he murmured. "But not yet."

"Children, please refrain from killing our dear legacies. We need them for later." The man's voice called to his followers. He frowned when Techna hit the ground, the Asgardian boy using magic on her. "Gateway, assist your sister." The young male nodded and went to get her out of the fray. "Gateway, make sure to stay out of the fray as well. I need you at full power to get us all out.
Jinx said:
Cassidy Lea Cho

Cassidy just walked out the bathroom, she had to freshen up a little, her mind wondering when her father was awarded some stupid thing like tony stark. She let out a sigh as she turned the corner leading her back to the giant room, she slowed her steps as she heard, fighting? "Ok....?" She questioned her self as she opened the door that was open when she left.

She stood there, shock laid on her face, she took a step into the room as a person came after her. She quickly dodged, tripping on a chair and falling face first into the floor. "Oww...." She said pushing her self off the floor.
"MARKIS.... Oh come on, please work!" She yelled as her black and white dress turned into her suit, the small red and yellow micro bots covering her body as someone charged into her and knocked her back. "Are you online MARKIS..." She said seeing that her suit wasent powering on, in an instant the lights flickered on and she boasted her self in the air. "Thank you..." She mum breed as she used her new flying power, thanks to tony.

((Meh it sucks! But writers block got me hard.))



Eden felt the pain in her side increase as she kept it covered, her hand hovering over it to heal herself while she ran from Theo. Never in her life was she more afraid, confused, and furious. It was as if it was centered on her. Nikolai and Theo being taken from right from beside her and she was helpless. She was pulled from her thoughts when she found herself backed up into a corner. She looked around frantically as Theo neared her. It was as if her body shut down because she just stood there.

"I need you to help me get the legacies out. I can send a widow's kiss to Theo and he'll pass out, but you need to okay it before I do it." Danica's voice rang through her ears and she saw that her shield was protecting the two. Eden's breathing was irregular but within a few moments, it was back to normal. Eden had to remind herself just who she was and what her job was to do. Then she saw Danica's arm.

"I'm going to heal your arm really quick, ok? It's not going to be 100% but it will be enough where you can use it and not feel the pain. As for Theo, I'll take care of him. No one knows him as well as I do. I can handle him."
she said and quickly began to do her best to get Danica's arm to working conditions. With every passing second, she could hear Theo beating against the shield. Eden's healing was over when Danica's arm was nearly straight and she ripped the bottom half of her dress and tied it around the bone to keep it in place.

"You're friends are ours now."
she heard another female voice call out and looked behind her to see another blonde girl who had daggers in her hand. Eden placed her hammer on the ground in the corner, reaching behind her to grab her sword.

"On three, you take care of the girl and I'll handle Theo. If you can gather all of the legacies in one place, I can create an impenetrable forcefield around us. It's one of my hammer's new abilities. If you've got a better idea, let me know. Now, three!" she yelled and moved Danica's shield out of the way and faced Theo.

"I know you don't want to do this, Theo. Just look at me." she said, blocking his attacks with his own daggers and landing a blow here and there. Theo did the same and the two got into a rhythm, both landing jabs and cuts to the other. Eden looked at Theo in the eyes and saw nothing but black which scared the dog piss out of her.

"Theo, please!"
she yelled, her voice shaking as she backed up.

Theo was emotionless and expressionless as he attacked her, his arm coming back quickly and pulling out a gun. He aimed it for her forehead and just as he pulled the trigger, she fell on her butt. Eden let out a frustrated growl and grabbed her sword by the hilt, cutting into his leg which caused him to let out a howl of pain and causing him to fall on top of her. Eden was face to face with Theo and in the years that she's known him, he scared her. His eyes were pitch black and she could see no life in him.

As quick as he fell, Eden felt a sharp pain in her thighs and cold metal against her head. Eden's pulse quickened and her adrenaline was now pumping faster than it had been in a long time. She let out a loud growl and summoned all of her strength, throwing him off of her and into a nearby wall. Tears flooded from her eyes as she tore the daggers from her legs, throwing them at him and pinning him against the wall. Eden then grabbed her sword and swung it, cutting his arm off from where it was severed earlier in the day. She stood there and caught her breath, seeing that for now, Theo was done with. Eden wiped the sweat from her forehead, her legs feeling numb and her heart beating in her throat. She placed her sword back on her back, making her way back to her hammer and grabbing it.

Her second wind came to her and she raised her hammer, a mighty roar similar to her father's emitted from her and lightening came from the ceiling and into her hammer.


Theo's head was spinning. It hurt so bad and he wasn't sure what was happening. Everything was blurry and confusing. Then he heard a voice. A voice that repeated the same thing over and over again.

Kill her. Kill the girl. Take the very breath she has.

It repeated and Theo looked around to try to find out where it was coming from. "What the hell? Who are you talking about?" then it clicked that he was alone in a dark place.

A light brightened the place and Theo walked towards it. He watched in horror as he saw Idun running away from him. Her eyes were wide and she looked so scared. So so scared.

"Idun! Idun! What's wrong? Why are you running?" he asked her and when he saw his own hands fighting her, the blood drained from his face.

"No! What's going on? Why are we fighting?" he yelled, his hands coming up to his hair and pulling at it.

Kill her. Kill the girl. Take the very breath she has.

The voice repeated again and Theo looked around angirly.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME HURT HER?!" he yelled looking around the darkness and trying the find the source. The more he watched the fight the more he felt sick to his stomach.

"Theo, please!" Idun's voice echoed and Theo looked to watch his gun be pointed at her head. His voice left his body go numb as he watched and thought of the fact of him gun blowing a hole in her head. Luckily, she fell but as quick as she fell, he fell. Idun let out a blood curdling scream and he noticed that his daggers, the ones she gave him as a present, were deep into her thighs.

"Idun..." he mumbled out, falling to his knees and buried his face into his hands. He fell apart and couldn't watch anything else that happened. He heard the rest of the fight but didn't watch it. He was too distraught and upset to let anything pull him from his slump.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

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Alex walked forward, and bowed. "Master," he told Exitium. He had an "I just betrayed you all" look on his face, but it also seemed he had something up his sleeve. He breathed in and out heavily, seemingly from his run here. Just as Exitium seemingly let his guard down, Alex used his speed to throw a punch out of nowhere, trying to attack Exitium. By himself...


(Sorry if this is too small xD ... I'm having writer's block at the moment...)
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Warlock couldn't shake the feeling that he knew who this man was. Especially since he seemed to have it out for the Asgardians. His mother must have mentioned him before she died. Maybe during one of his history lessons. Yes! He remembered it now. A great war for Midgard lifetimes ago. Odin had still been a child.

The teleporter grabbed the technopath and the boy frowned, looking for the others. They couldn't win this fight. There was no way they could win this. This was a war no one was equipped to fight. He'd need to go to Asgard, but the thought made his skin crawl. He'd have to have the other Asgardian go with him. He'd have to work with the girl destined to be his enemy.

She was engaged in battle so he searched the room for more of the followers. Banner's kid went green and some kid threw a punch at the man on the stage. "Shit." He approached Hulkling. "Hey, hey, look at me. We can't punch our way through this yet, calm down so no one else gets hurt." Exitium had said Hulkling would be of use, this was going to be dangerous.

Alex looked at Exitium caught his hand. "Y... You... Hmph," He said, with a grin on his face. As he flew back, he ran straight towards Exitium again, although he noticed that he stared strangely at another boy, and then he disappeared. Hm... You're one one of those villains, then? Heard stories. Knew superheroes existed, although I didn't know this kind of villain existed. Better just take the chance! He yelled in his thoughts. He stopped in his tracks and ran straight in to the boy that seemed to be possessed by Exitium. "Die!" he yelled at him, while attempting to throw a quick punch. He figured that if Exitium died, the possessed one died, so he did his best to try and only punch the villain out of him.


(If this is too OP I'll edit it xD I feel like it is, but I just want to check and make sure this is alright...)

Rose Gwynn

Bubblegum Fairy

Earlier that day

An alarm clock begins ringing. "....I don't wanna get up the dream unicorn was about to make me the princess Buttercup Land". Rose summons her dagger and throws it at the alarm clock destroying it. She begins to fall asleep again but then the alarm on her phone begins to ring. "Fine I'm up I'm up." She slowly gets out of bed and the goes over to stop the alarm on her phone. She notices the time on her phone. "Omg why I did I set this thing to wake me this early in the morning." She checks her schedule on her phone. "Cap's retirement ball? Omg how did I forget something so important that is so not Tidy."

"What should I wear omg what should I wear!!!" She begins dumping out the contents of every suitcase she brought with her to her new apartment to find her dresses. "Ok that didn't work, all I did was make a huge mess on the floor." She begins to randomly search through the mess of stuff but then she hears that received a text. "Oh it's from one of my old X-men friends, wait I can't believe she didn't think I was going to remember to go to Cap's retirement party." Rose texts back that she remember and was getting ready to go but then she starts sending pointless texts to other X-kids for about an hour.

After finishing with her texting she resumes her search for the perfect dress in her mess. "Maybe this dress.... nah it's too blue and it takes too long to fit my wings in it. Wait omg it's been two whole days since I lasted checked YouTube for bunny videos I need to check it now!!!" She watches YouTube bunny and cat videos for hours. She once again resumes her search for the perfect dress and finally finds something pink. "It's pink but it's not Tidy enough for Cap's party." She tosses the dress back into the mess and then receives another text. "Why is she asking how is the party? Omg I'm late to the party how did that happen I had tons of time to prepare for it". She texts back a lie that she is having a lot of fun there. She takes a quick shower.


"I'm so late, what should I do!!! F I'll just grab some jeans and the first pink top I can find and go". She gets dressed finally and starts flying to the party.
•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin was happy when Idun invited her to hang out outside. It was perfect really, since she herself wanted some air as well and to avoid all the gossip about her. When she followed Idun outside she watched as a blonde boy walk out and stand next to Idun. Robin saw them talking and could tell that had a little thing going on which made her smile a little. Not wanting to intrude on their conversation, she made her way back inside and went back to her little corner to chill until the speech.

Robin tuned out half of the speech losing interest in it quite fast. It was the same thing as any hero speech, he is a good man, he'll stay a good man, blah blah blah. She closed her eyes and started to doze off until she heard a roar of applause that startled her awake. Robin clapped like she was listening the entire time with a fake smile on her face. She let out a yawn ready to leave the ball until the lights went out. When they came back on, Robin saw a tall man standing on the stage with a small but still mighty army behind him. Little did the woman know she was in for something big...


It wasn't long till Alloy was ducking and dodging attacks from every way. "Crap! Shit! Why! Come on! Ugh!" Was all she said as she tried to find a way to break the stupid bracelets and not die in the process. Alloy had done everything to get the bracelets off her wrists; smashing them against the wall, tables, someones face, and even her own knee which hurt like hell! Finally she was able to find the guard who put the stupid things on her in the first place dead in the corner. "Man this is weird..." She mumbled as she patted down the dead guard looking for a key or something. After a minute or two of searching Alloy found a card key with the same looking pattern code thing as her bracelets.

Alloy swiped the card on both bracelets and watched as they fell to the floor. She rubbed her wrists for a moment before picking up a table and throwing it at a nearby weirdo who was trying to kill her. "Sweet!" She said and then looked down at her dress that was in rips and tatters. Alloy sighed and shifted into a more appropriate look, which was a lose purple jumpsuit and leather magenta boots. She shifted her hair into a messy low bun so it wouldn't get in her way when fighting. Alloy cracked her knuckles and rushed into battle. Who would've thought she would be helping heroes tonight.

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@Anyone who needs assistance



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Exitium moved out of the way easily, his host's body's powers coming in handy. He put his hand on the boys neck. "If you come at me again, I'll snap your neck. Do yourself a favor and use that super speed to get away from me." Exitium's voice boomed from the host body as he threw the boy across the room.

He wiped his hands together.
The nerve of these mere children. They have no idea what they're facing. He didn't want to kill the legacies tonight, where was the fun in that? He looked around. His children all holding their own. "Children, finish your fun, we'll be leaving shortly. Once I get what I came for." He walked out of the ballroom, into the control rooms.
Alex slowly watched everything around him collapse in a cloud of darkness. As he lay there, slowly being knocked unconscious, he realized that he couldn't win. Of course he couldn't. He never has, and this showed he never would. The boy started to open his eyes, but to no avail. He just sat there, leaning against the rough wall, blood dripping from the back of his head, his neck, and the center of his spine. I can't win... And I won't. He thought as he stopped moving and just lied there, motionless.

(@Aero mehbeh?)

While fighting, Alloy noticed a figure flying over her head and into a wall. She made her way over to the figure while trying to fend off some of Exitium's goons who are getting to close to the figure. When Alloy finally reached the figur, she had bruises and scratches all over and her body ached. "Man I'm outta shape." Alloy said with a sigh and jogged closer to a boy limp by a wall. She gasped and kneeled down beside him. Alloy started patting his cheek. "Wake up, wake up!" She kept repeating hoping he would wake up. When she realized he was really out, she turned him over and wiped the blood off with her sleeve. Alloy then ripped off her pants leg and wrapped it around the boy's head to stop the bleed. She wasn't sure who to go to since all the legacies were fighting. "Help!" Alloy yelled hoping someone will come to help. @Nerdyy @Anyone


Eden felt the power surging through her, her body feeling like nothing was wrong with it. Right when she was about to help out with others, she felt another wave of lightning come at the place. Eden couldn't risk the chance of it hurting the others so she quickly raised her hammer and absorbed the lightning. Since she had nowhere to project it to, she had to take the attack herself.

Needless to say, she looked and felt like a night light. The sudden burst of lightning surging through her made her blood boil. She felt like she was being cooked from the inside out. She took a deep breath and slumped over, leaning against her hammer and taking deep breaths. Her skin was incredibly red and her heart beat was so slow. She felt herself getting dizzy and fell to her knees, steam visibly coming from her skin. She felt nauseous and wanted to throw up.

"I feel like a lobster." she mumbled, her eyes closing and her hands resting on her heart and her brain. She slowly began to heal these parts so she could stand again even though she was in immense pain. It took her a few minutes and she ached all over, standing and finding the source of the attack. She saw Armani's body floating and looking straight at her. She looked him back in the eyes, slowly but surely standing up straight and flipping her blonde locks behind her shoulder. She hoped it would send a message to him that she was not going to give up. No matter what, she was going to persevere.

She heard a cry for help and looked to see where the cry came from, making her way over to them. She found where the cry came from and saw Robin there with a guy who looked to be passed out. Even though she wanted nothing more than to lie on the floor, she put a hot hand on Robin's shoulder.

"What happened?" she asked, slamming her hammer into the ground and creating a forcefield around them. @Nerdyy @Eunoia

Alloy felt a tinge of heat hit the skin of her shoulder. She looked over at Eden and sighed in relief. "I'm not sure, but all I know is that while I was fighting, I saw this boy get thrown across the room to here." Alloy said looking back down at the boy. "He's breathing but it's really shallow and he lost a lot of blood from the hit." She said pointing to the wrap she made around his head. "I would love to help him but I don't know much about healing and stuff..." @Nerdyy



Ironwoman's Iron suit powered up just in time for her to see Marley hulked out jumping for Exitium. She knew about Marley's fear of mind control, and by then she also knew that Exitium had more than enough power to control the hulked out Marley. She quickly let her helmet cover her face again before flying and pushing the green Marley off course, more toward the wall. "Don't get near him!" She exclaimed, not caring if the hulk was now targeting her, as long as it wasn't in danger of being mind controlled.





Eden looked at her and gave her a faint smile, nodding and kneeling down to look at the boy. "It'll be fine. You did good. You did very good. I'll take it from here." she said and pulled her hair behind her head and tied it in a low knot. She took a deep breath and looked back at Alloy.

"I may pass out after this. I'm drained, but make sure that my hammer stays in the ground. This forcefield will be good until I stop breathing. If that happens, stay calm. All you have to do is put your hands over the center of my chest and press down three times. Then tilt my head back to make sure my air ducts open. Then just give me one breath, ok? That's my crash course in CPR. Now, please keep an eye out while I do this." she explained everything, adding in the proper hand signals.

Eden focused her remaining
energy on healing the boy, focusing her powers on him. She felt her body shutting down from the attacks and her blood loss. "C'mon, stay awake. Stay awake." she said to herself and took the bandage from his head. She watched as his wound slowly began to heal. Usually she was much faster but with her body out of strength and energy, it was much slower.

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Exitium killed the guards remaining in the control room before taking what he wanted. Every piece of information on the mainframe. He grinned as he walked out of the room, leaving his host's body unconscious in the room. "Children!" His voice boomed through the room. "It's time to leave, leave the rest of the legacies behind."

Gateway appeared at his side, "I'll begin collecting the others. Would you like to go first?"

"No, I'll wait until the end." He patted the young man's back. He watched as his children were taken to their home base. They would all be healed there. He was proud of their achievements today.

"Young legacies, I hope you've received my message loud and clear. I will regain my reign of this world. You will not be able to stop me. You can either join me, or you can perish. Make your choice quickly, war has begun." His voice echoed, chillingly calm through the speech. He raised his hand and Gateway appeared, taking his hand and disappearing with him.

@lonecoyote @Aio @Dxfoe @everyone basically but especially those players have villains


Dust smiled letting go of the girl placing a few corrupted memories in her head for when she didn't have her full defenses up.
"Until next time." She backed away, Gateway appearing next to her and taking her away.

Catatonic. Your making them Catatonic. A voice chimed in her head as she made it back to base. Better Catatonic than dead. She says to the voice. She had theses conversations daily with a voice she didn't even know. The voice would normally tell her what she is doing wrong, how she should let herself go and let Exitium take control but she knew better than that. Exitium hadn't taken all of her yet and she wasn't about to let herself be lost in the eternal darkness.



Asya Barnes

"No." Asya said as she attempted to grab hold of him. "I know the real Blasius is still there. I will not hurt a friend." Her emotions were getting the better of her. Kill him, before he kills you. If she was rational she would have killed him, if that was her she would want him to kill her before she hurt anyone. Sadly things can never be so black and white. When she tried grabbing him she only clutched onto the air, he was gone.



Yana Maximoff

Yana laid unresponsive on the ground. Her mind in shambles as she tried piecing her life back together. She was struggling with the memories Dust had given her. They couldn't all be lies could they? She was embarrassed about being taken down so easily but she underestimated the girls power. Her manipulation was on a far grander scale than she had ever come across. It scared her but she didn't have time to worry about who was the best. She needed to put her life back together, literally.



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