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Fandom Marvel: Next Generation


Blasius laughed when she got mad, feeling the hot blood from her nose on his hand. He grimaced in pain as Wintertide's staff connected with his shoulder/neck area. The illusion faltered slightly before falling short and he became himself, there was just enough time for him to jump to the side and dodge the staff, preventing it from hitting his side. "Sorry didn't realize it'd anger you" He said snidely and transformed again. "I hear you don't like Captain America" He said, hearing Steves voice coming out of his mouth, "Would fighting him be better for you" He chuckled with America's heroes voice. He clenched his fist and threw it toward Asya, this time aiming to collide with her side and immediately followed it by attempting to knee her in the stomach.

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Asya Barnes

"Blasius stop with the morphing this is between you and...oomph." She was cut short as she bent over to clutch her stomach. It felt as though the wind knocked out of her, she stood there for a moment as she clutched her stomach trying to find her second wind. "I'm fighting you Blasius, not them. I need you to fight. I can see Exitium doesn't have full control over you like the others. Just fight. Please." Asya said, straitening herself up to look him in the eye. She twisted a knob where the middle of her staff was causing the staff to start emitting pulses of electricity. This could completely backfire on her but she would try anyways. Danica was already down and it looked like the others were in Dust's control. It was just her and Blasius. She needed to end things quickly. She went to hit Blasius with her staff in the middle of his chest. She would hope the electrical impulses would knock him out and if it did she would have to deal with Dust but he could very well overpower her.



Blasius's wicked grin faded as the electricity from the staff hit his chest. He felt the electricity pulsing through his body, and he felt it become his body again. He could feel himself fighting against losing consciousness, reaching forward to grip the staff in an attempt to pull it away from him or something. As he did this he felt his mind shutting down, unable to handle the electricity well. The hypnotized part of Blasius screamed a protest, hating this and fighting against unconsciousness even harder, however the part of his mind that was uncontrolled was screaming with joy, he knew if his brain 'shut off' or was basically unconscious he would be able to regain control, since the mind control wouldn't have anything to attach itself to. There was no way to control the subconscious and that would be what was in control. "No.." Blasius heard himself say weakly, as he finally managed to push the staff away from his chest, his legs locked from the electricity so he was unable to simply walk backwards away from it. Thank you Asya, I'm so sorry.. He found himself thinking before his vision went dark and he collapsed, finally himself.

The smell of dust had long over-whelmed the smell of old books she'd used to love, but it had been too long since Estrid had last come here for her to be able to tell when that had happened. She didn't really know why she had come back now but sometimes the longing grew too strong and she would need to return home, not that it was a true home anymore. Walking idly she trailed her fingertips across aged spines as if to steal their knowledge with a single touch, hoping to clear her mind and allow herself to once again move on to the next fool.

Her thoughts, however, were distracted by a swelling of magic she felt in the center of the room. Any anger Estrid felt at the violation of such a place was quickly pushed aside in order for rational thought. Quickly rushing out of the room she continued on a short way down the hallway before pausing and pushing her back against the wall. Standing still, she quietened her breathing and waited. Whilst her heart screamed at her to attack she wanted to know as much as she could before throwing herself into a battle she may not be able to win.

Sometimes Estrid had wondered whether, after all this time, it would take her a moment to recognise Destin. It turns out only a few words from him was enough. So many feelings washed over her, stronger than any of those over the last few years, that she couldn't identify them all. But for the briefest, sweetest moment was nostalgia: standing here, hearing him, it was almost as if none of it had happened. But it had, and that was when the resentment began to seep in along with reality. It was then that she noticed the female voice along with him. She almost sounded familiar but Estrid was too overwhelmed at this point with memories, and pain, with rage, and bitterness.

Standing up straight, she smoothed out her skirts and took a breath, calming her face into the all too familiar mask. Making an effort not to rush, she walked back to the door she had run from and took a couple of steps in to the room. Seeing his face only increased the storm inside her tenfold but Estrid let none of it show.
"Hello, brother mine. How long the years have felt since I saw you last." Her eyes were fixed onto him, as she unconsciously held her breath.

@Eunoia @lonecoyote
•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin didn't really know what to do so she sat around for a while, watching everyone do what they had to do. She let out a yawn and was about to take a nap until a pain washed over her. Robin rubbed her head, she knew someone was playing mind games thanks to her Uncle Xavier. Sadly, she never learned how to fight them and she didn't have a anti-mind control helmet like her dad. 'Come on Robin you can fight it!' Robin thought to herself, but thinking just made things worst and more painful. Next thing she knew everything went black.

Robin opened her eyes to see she was back at the Uncle Xavier's school. She looked around to see the hallway empty which was weird. "Where is everyone?" Robin asked in a soft voice. She gasped when she realized it was her 10 year old voice and looked down seeing she was ten again. Robin looked to her right and instantly she was in Xavier's office. "Uncle Xavier!" Robin shouted with a big smile on her face. Xavier looked down and stared at Robin in disgust. "Why in the world is this monstrosity here?!" He declared. Robin's smile dropped and tears started to form in her eyes. "Uncle?" Xavier laughed a cruel laugh. "Why in the world would I relate myself to YOU?" Robin shook her head in disbelief. "You're not my uncle! You're just a big meanie!" She shouted and ran out the office.

Robin found herself in her teen years and looked around. Her eyes widen in disbelief as she was still at the school, but it was on fire and corpses of her friends were everywhere. Robin started to tear up, then she felt a hand on her shoulder. "You have done well my dear! Being a spy this whole time was brilliant!" Robin turned to face her father, who was looking down at her with a smile. "No, no! I-I wouldn't, couldn't!" "Oh but you did my dear child!" Robin shook her head and disbelief. Magneto patted her shoulder and started to hover away. Robin looked at him, angry and sad. "How can you just walk away from all this!" Robin yelled at him which cause her father to freeze.

When he turned around he had a terrified face while his suit was squeezing together. "R-Robin! What are you doing!?" Robin looked down and realized her arms were up. Her hands were coming together slowly like she was trying to crush a rock. "What?!" Robin exclaimed and looked back at her dad who was screaming in pain. "I've made... A monster..." Was his last words as Magneto fell down to the ground. Robin's hands were together as tears fell onto them. The blue girl collapsed onto the floor, crying over her father's body as everything around her burned.

Asya Barnes

Asya watched as Blasius fell attempting to catch him but forgot to account for the size difference and ended up going down with him though she didn't care she was just happy it was over. When she mad sure Blasius was okay besides being knocked out she stood up and grabbed her staff pointing it at Nikolai and Techna.
"Hey!" She yelled her eye narrowing as she saw Nikolai's foot on his sister. It disgusted her but this was a battle she could easily remove her emotion from. "I thought you guys were bringing a real fight but all I see are a bunch of pansies." Asya said as she gestured to the limp body of Blasius. All she needed was to buy time till Idun and Destin get back though from the looks of it, it sounded as if she was planning her own funeral.


Yana Maximoff

When Yana finally found Dust she smiled seeing she was in full concentration. Red energy began to appear at the center of her hands ready to take her down. Her mind was ready though still fragile from the battle she had earlier with Dust but she was willing to risk it. "
Looks like the little Mind Wench is a little preoccupied." She said Yana hadn't noticed Gateway though even with all her training she was rather reckless at times. "Hope you don't mind me returning the favor." With this Yana sent a blast of red energy towards Dust. Not enough to kill but just enough to knock her out. She was done with the games they were playing and the cause they were standing for. Right now she just wanted revenge and that's exactly what she was getting.



Dust had done a little too well messing with the minds of others, she was hoping for more of a fight but it seemed none of her victims knew how to propel her mental intrusion. She wondered how long til the others would be done she was getting rather bored standing there and causing havoc in the minds of others. She could feel Blasius's mind drift from her reach as she felt a flutter of hope in her chest. He was Asgardian if he was out he could fight Exitium's control. There was an opening for her to send him a message within his thoughts when Robin and Olivia feel deep within her grasp.
I am establishing a link between our minds. I will end it as soon as Exitum is laid to rest. Don't tell anyone I have done this. She placed the thought in his head before unwillingly going back to destroying the minds of others. She would hope Exitium hadn't noticed the small break in his control over her. She needed this to work. The new recruits had given her hope, she didn't want this hope to be false.


Through the shroud of unconsciousness Blasius felt himself falling and being somewhat caught before being lain down. He had most control of his mind now, but not of his body. He could feel Exitium's control seeping away from his unconscious mind, unable to reach his subconscious. Randomly he heard the voice of the elite Dust, I am establishing a link between our minds. I will end it as soon as Exitium is laid to rest. Don't tell anyone I have done this. he heard before it was gone. So Dust is on our side? He thought confused, not really thinking straight after having his mind controlled.

Olivia Stark

Olivia now sat on her floor, having slid down the corner. She was pretty much just staring forward, pretty catatonic, blinking occasionally. She was screaming internally, unable to externally. Her mind was a wreck of her memories and others, unsure of which was which. Through her eyes she saw Blasius go down to Asya and also Danica down to Nikolai though the thoughts didn't register. All she did was see, she had no opinions on what was happening, she couldn't her mind was too preoccupied with fixing itself.

Destin Incantare

Destin froze when he heard the voice. He had spent years wondering if he would ever see her again. He was ashamed of the way he had abandoned her, left her completely to her own defenses. He hadn't known she still lived in Asgard. "Estrid." He murmured. He opened his mouth to speak again, but couldn't find the words. "Idun, if you don't mind, I can't be seen by Odin. I've suddenly remembered that I'm a fugitive." How stupid could he have been to come here, knowing being seen would result in being arrested again. His eye contact with his sister never faltering.

He knew she was angry, there was no way she wasn't. He had abandoned her. He had long since wondered if he could make it up to her in any way. He hadn't dreamed of seeing her again so soon. "I hate that our reunion is under such dire circumstances, there's a war brewing." He breathed out.

@lonecoyote @Lemoncakes


"Oh, sweetheart, coming at a technopath with technology?" Techna laughed, snapping her fingers and shutting the electricity off. "Not your best move."

"Asya, don't, we're outnumbered. Don't get yourself killed, please." Danica choked out from under her brother. "Don't hurt her." She tried to stand, which caused Techna to laugh.

"Oh, Niki, why don't you let the little one up? She's so entertaining." She giggled. "Don't worry, sweets. We're not going to kill anyone. Yet."


Armani Munroe

Armani couldn't even tell whose memories were whose anymore. He was lost. Until his hand somehow found the charm he had gotten from his father. A tribal charm from his father's tribe. His anchor. He didn't go after Nikolai, because he wouldn't kill Danica, regardless of what happened. He slowly, so slowly, made his way over to Olivia. "Hey, Stark, come on, wake up."

The boy patted her cheeks lightly, with a slight twinge of electricity in them. "Come on, come on." He needed to wake her up. He needed to help her. They had seen each other's memories. He didn't know what to do.

•Robin Eisenhardt•

Robin cried for a few more minutes until she was out of tears. "Why, did this happen?! What is happening?!" She mumbled as the fire grew worst. Then, it hit her. "Wait a minute!" Robin stood up and felt her arm, it was cool with no sweat at all. 'This isn't real...' She thought to herself and looked around her. "None of this is real! I completely forgot, this is just stupid mind games!" Robin said with happiness. 'Now to get out...' She started thinking of ways to get out of her own mind. Robin looked at the fire not to far from her and scratched her chin. "It's worth a shot." Robin took a deep breath and ran straight toward the fire. She was engulfed by the flames and the last thing she did was scream.

Robin sat up quickly, breathing heavily. She looked around and saw she was back in the upstairs room with legacies around her. "I actually did it! Xavier would be so proud of me!" She exclaimed clapping happily. Then the thought of when he shunned her away came back into her head, she shuddered and shook the thought away. "No it was just a dirty trick." She heard a voice and looked over to see Armani try to wake up a girl. "Need some help?" She asked. @Eunoia
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Olivia Stark

As one of the minds that was being mixed with hers detached, and then another leaving her with their memories but they were less intense and forceful. Since she now had a fewer amount of minds colliding with hers, now simply one mind with multiple minds memories bouncing around her mind was able to dedicate some of its work to well.. thinking. She distantly heard Armani trying to wake her, and had enough brain control to want to wake up but she couldn't. Gradually her mind worked to clear itself out very very slowly since it had been so scrambled. She was able to process what she saw, now glad that Blasius was down and worried that Danica was. Though her vision was blocked by Robin and Armani. Still she couldn't move or make sounds so of course they wouldn't know she had gained a slight amount of control back. C'mon guys get me out of this.. She thought pleadingly, cursing herself for literally being a normal human with a fancy suit.

@Eunoia @Aero
He looked guilty at least. Good, he should do. After everything the least he could do was show a little shame, but her resolve weakened when he said her name. She'd missed him, gods, she'd missed him so much. Destin was the only family she had now and no matter what he had done Estrid did not have it within her to hate him, not truly. However that didn't change everything that had happened, love was by no means equal to forgiveness.

Estrid didn't look away either, some childish part of her was worried that if she did he would have disappeared by the time she looked back. When he spoke to the girl - Idun, he called her - she realised why the voice had seemed vaguely familiar. Idun, daughter of Thor, standing here in their mothers study, she was the one Destin brought here. That hurt. But when he mentioned Odin her mask faltered for the shortest moment, a look of confusion and concern flashing across her face. Why would he think he could get away with that in any situation? Odin may have bigger concerns than the runaway children of Amora but he also didn't have a reputation of mercy.

A war? She hadn't heard talk of any such thing in her world, but Destin was more stranger than not now and she didn't even know where he lived, or where this war was.
"When is there not war? Some of us are just fortunate that they do not have to fight alone." Estrid knew she was being immature but she couldn't stop. All those years distancing herself from who she had been now surrounded her and everything she had tried to ignore was all she could think of.

@Eunoia @lonecoyote
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Dust looked over to Gateway
"They're becoming aware..." Before she was able to finish her sentence Dust was knocked over by the red energy from Yana causing her to pass out. She was actually hoping for this but at the same time, she was nervous. Any hold she had on the others diminished as soon as she became unconscious though that would not mean their memories were saved. It would take some time but they would be able to sort them out, finding that the memories she had touched had her watermark on them. In the minds of others the memories would hold a slight shimmer to them, nothing noticeable unless you were focused.


Asya Barnes

Asya looked down at her staff as the electricity powered off.
"Danica if I don't try then what kind of legacy would I be." She would give a soft smile to her in reassurance before going into her stance. She glared at Techna though a small smirk played on her lips. "I don't need tech to win. Though I suppose you hide behind your powers. Too weak to do any real damage right? Having your boy toy do all the dirty work for you." She wouldn't make the first move, letting Techna decide if she wanted to deal with her or have Nikolai come at her. In any case, her odds didn't look great but she still had to try. She could see the others struggling under Dust's mental grip. She was the only one left.


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Idun smiled when Destin found the book, looking over his shoulder when he opened it. When he told her to go see Odin, she nodded.
"Alright, I won't be too long, hopefully." she said with a half smile and backed away from him. She was about to leave when she heard another female voice. Idun turned to see a female who looked nothing like Destin but something about her felt like she knew Destin. Idun stopped and looked at the two, the tension in the air was thick and heavy.

"Are you sure, you'll be alright? If anything happens, I'll be back as fast as I can." she told him, looking from him to the female. Idun noted that the girl truly was a beauty and had the common Asgardian features. Blonde hair, tall and thin, and blue eyes. Then the thought registered that Destin was a fugitive her heart sank a bit. Yes she knew the two could never be true friends or friends in general. His mother and her father were enemies with deep roots. Idun hated that because of that, the children had to pay the consequences and were destined to be enemies. They should be able to make their own decisions, not have them made for them before they're even born. Idun liked to have control of her own life and make her own decisions. She wasn't a naive idiot, but she wanted to give people the benefit of the doubt. Not judge them because of who their parent(s) are/were.

"I'll leave you two alone, but don't kill each other. I need you're help still." she said and pointed to Destin, a grin on her face as she continued walking. As she walked towards the door, she looked at the girl -Estrid was her name, if she heard it correctly- and sized her up. Not in a threatening manor, but just to get a good look at her. She wore bold lipstick and her hair was neatly done, something Idun didn't do too often since she wasn't a fan of make-up and only doing her hair only for special occasions. Her body was more petite than Idun's was since Idun had been training since birth and had an athletic build. Right now, Estrid probably viewed Idun as something almost grotesque since her face was dirty and a bit red from the earlier battle. Her hair was also quite a mess. She looked rough but it was something she didn't mind if it meant saving lives on Earth.

"It's not my business what happened here, but please don't hurt him. I need his help to save my friends. After that, you can do whatever you wish." Idun said when she stopped briefly beside the girl, pretending to look at a book on the shelf. Idun's eyes looked at Estrid's, even if she didn't look at her. She knew it probably wasn't a good idea but she really needed Destin to be alright. Exitium wasn't going to be easy to defeat. Especially if it was just herself.

With that, Idun walked out from the library and once she was outside she took off to see Odin. It didn't take her long to get to where he was. When she landed in front of the guards to his home, they immediately stepped aside and let her in. Idun nodded to them and proceeded, making her way to where Odin was. She knew him enough to know that he would be by the fountain. It was his favorite place and he showed it to her when she visited. When she saw him with his back to her, she smiled and kneeled down.
"Odin." she spoke loud enough for him to hear. Odin turned to look at her and made his way over to her.

"Stand." he said and she did, looking at him with a serious look. "What brings you here?" he asked, his old face would scare away most but not Idun. Even though she hadn't spent lots of time with him, she knew that he did care for her. "Do you know of a man named Exitium?" she asked him and as if his scowl couldn't get any deeper, it did just that. He let out a deep sigh and turned around, walking away from her and signaling for her to follow. Idun followed her grandfather into his study where he took a seat and she stood in front of him. Odin and Idun sat there in silence, the sound of her bones seemed to be screaming when she moved her fingers.

"Exitium is an ancient force that my father fought. I was but a young one. I remember it well. Be aware that you will need all the help you can get. I can send soldiers with you back to Midgard." he said after the long silence, causing Idun to almost jump when he spoke. She took a breath and regained her composure. "That will not be necessary. I will have help but with my own men. This is our battle on our home."

"MIDGARD IS NOT YOUR HOME. ASGARD IS YOUR HOME." Odin yelled at her, slamming his fist down on his desk and Idun winced, stepping back a bit. True her father was sent to Earth as punishment while her mother stayed in Asgard. Odin didn't like the fact Idun was living on Earth because he thought that she was much better than her father and belonged with her mother. Idun didn't agree and caused her relationship with him to become more distant. She took a breath and nodded, bowing to him. "Yes, Odin. My deepest apologies." she spoke out softly. Odin let out an annoyed grunt and shook his head, turning in his chair to grab a book. He sat it on his desk and opened it. He began to talk and Idun listened closely to him, being careful to not miss a thing.

Destin Incantare

"I'm a big boy, Idun." Destin smirked at her before she left. In another life they could have been friends. But because of the actions of their parents, that wasn't going to happen. They were destined to be enemies. He shook off the thought before turning back to his younger sister. She looked so much like their mother, unlike him. "I'm truly sorry for anything you had to fight alone. I never once thought about you before acting, and for that I am eternally sorry." He looked at the book in his hands, finally finding the page about Exitium. He skimmed it, looking for the answers he needed. His mother had scribbled spells next to it. And there was a note in her familiar handwriting.

If you're looking at this, I sincerely hope he hasn't awoken. We were warned, yet we did nothing. Use these spells to help you defeat him. Make sure you kill him. Don't repeat the mistakes of our ancestors.

That was unsettling. He'd have to show the other legacies. Alicia could learn the spells as well, that would be a good help. He suddenly had a sinking feeling in his stomach that something was horribly wrong on Midgard. He looked at his sister. "An ancient evil has resurfaced and is threatening to destroy all of Midgard. I take this as a deeply personal offense since I grace the place with my presence." He sighed. "Asgardians are the only ones that are immune to his powers, so we're sort of a big deal in the battle."

@Lemoncakes @lonecoyote

Armani Munroe

"Yes, I do." He responded to the girl. "We've gotta get her woken up." He gently shocked her cheeks again. "Come on Olivia, find an anchor. You can do this." He couldn't tell how much progress she was making. If any at all.

@Aero @Dxfoe

Nikolai Rogers

"Asya," he heard his sister whisper on the floor under him. He dropped another electric disc on her while removing his foot from her back. Her screams filled the room.

"I'll handle her, Techna." Nikolai stated, knowing the girl wasn't much of a fighter. He stepped forward, a dark glare on his face. "You look scared, Asya." He smirked at her, "I'll let you make the first move if you want."
Don't hurt her, too. Was my sister not enough?



"Shit." Gateway cursed as he watched Dust fall, catching her quickly. "Theo, handle the witch." He instructed the other male before disappearing. Returning Dust to their base, leaving her in the care of Shaman. He returned moments later, at a good place to watch. He couldn't risk getting taken out as well.

@lonecoyote @Aio

Olivia Stark

An anchor? Of course an anchor was what she needed, it was what Tony had taught her to use when the whole thing of being a super hero got to her, either making her depressed and feel like she couldn't do it or when it made her big headed. He always said to find an anchor, someone or something that could help her come back to earth and realize that she was just a person in a suit, she was doing what she could and she had limitations. She usually used Pepper, the memory of her but it would be a bit hard to find that currently. Though it wouldn't be impossible. She thought of her mother and her kindness, Pepper always had brought Olivia and Tony out of their inventing binges, maybe she could get her out of his one? Mom.. Olivia thought searching for a memory of her to anchor her back. She wanted to cry when she struggled to find any intact recollection of her mother at all, or at least one that seemed like her own memory. She'd found several memories of the woman known as Pepper Potts bringing food to Olivia and Tony Stark and forcing them to sleep and things, though they didn't seem like her own, it felt like she was an outsider looking into them. Olivia didn't connect with the memories at all. Slowly a single tear fell from her catatonic eyes, allowed by the miniscule part of her mind that was her own. She would've been crying more than just one tear if she could, she was losing who she was, she was forgetting her identity.

@Eunoia @Aero

Asya Barnes

Asya cringed at Danica's screams before she shook her head to clear her thoughts.
No emotion. One hint of emotion and you're dead. She reminded herself, looking back up at Nikolai her face devoid of emotion. "It's just you didn't strike me as the Lil bitch type. Though I guess we all have out quirks." She wanted to use her guns so badly that it hurt but kept reminding herself that they were under control. If they died she would be the villain. "Everyone knows the man to strike first is the man to die first." Asya spoke as she stared him down. She desperately wanted to look to see if Danica was okay but she knew if she looked away it would give Nikolai an opening to strike, something she did not wish to give him. She needed all the advantages she could get if she was going to try to win.


Yana Maximoff

Yana grumbled as she saw Gateway disappear with Dust.
"Hey that's cheating!" She yelled to the space they had disappeared from. Theo? She thought. Isn't he they guy from the punch table? Yana shook her head to get rid of her useless thoughts, taking her stance as she waited. This was not how she planned things to turn out but nothing ever turns out as planned. She turned around for a quick second, distracted by Danica's screams. Her frown turned into a grimace as she turned around. Her friends were being hurt and she was yelling at air. How useless could she get?

@lonecoyote @Eunoia

Go, he told himself. Go now. There is chaos; mayhem....people are being hurt or dying...especially my target!

No. No, not yet.

But we don-

Think! Listen! What do hear??

He paused a moment, edging his way to the side of the door as he gently opened it just a sliver to allow sounds to permeate the otherwise sturdy and soundproof barrier.


Exactly. They're still busy with whatever they're doing. Most likely they're finishing up after that attack. Everyone's on high alert right now; no distractions. You heard the chaos that was caused. These aren't just a simple group of thieves or highwaymen out to make a buck. They had a specific agenda.

Jonas had to agree. In his years searching for answers he'd run into his fair share of characters: those who made him laugh, those who made him angry...and those special disturbed ones that gave him the notion that for whatever reason they were put on this earth, they had chosen long ago to go their own way...and that way led to the suffering and deaths of many.

From the screams and cries he'd heard, not to mention the smell of blood that wafted all way to the door, these people were looking to set a new record for suffering.

He sighed, leaning back against the cold tile of the men's room where he hid from the others. How did this go so wrong??

~Two hours ago~

Two weeks. He had finally found her after two weeks of searching and tailing. It had taken him nearly a year in San Besitos to find who she was, but two weeks to finally find her. As forthright and trustworthy as his contacts were, finding the girl still posed a challenge: there was always the possible unwanted disclosure of certain parties' secrets that had to be kept should anyone ever find out that they gave him this information...certain parties back east, in some cases, that tied back to Hell's Kitchen. He didn't need to ask to know that's where they went: he could tell from the fear in their eyes that there was no further use in pressing the matter. They could tell him most of anything else, but not that.

It was a fact that he made sure to mentally Post-it someplace in the back of his mind to return to at a later date.

For now, he was content in finishing dressing as he looked down at the unconscious waiter whom he had knocked out previously when the poor fellow stepped outside to grab a smoke.

"Sorry about this. I'm sure you're a really cool guy and all...but I need your pants."

Jonas finished cinching up the black tie, arranging it neatly against the black dress shirt the man had worn that made up his uniform. He felt the small bulge in his left pocket, pulling out the pack of Camels as he tossed them to the ground.

"You shouldn't mess with cigarettes; trust me, playing with fire is never a good idea."

One body dump later (relax, just unconscious and zip-tied: he'll be fine) and Jonas found himself wheeling a serving cart forward toward the main hall.

"Whoa whoa. Hold on there," a rather gruff voice spoke from beside him. Jonas stopped midway down the hall, not wanting to cause a fuss. A large buzz cut haired blonde who couldn't possibly scream 'MARINE' any louder walked around to stand before the cart, looking over to the younger blonde man; a look of suspicion crossing his features.

"You don't look like the usual guy. Where's Freddie?"

Jonas smiled lightly, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry sir. Freddie called in today on a count of bad shellfish. I'm filling in for him." From all his time on the road, Jonas had learned, however much he hated it, to be able to talk and BS his way with people. He had that personality that allowed you to like him one minute, but forget about him in the next. Needless to say it paid dividends in trying to stay off the radar; even moreso as he was tracking down his leads to find out who could tell him more about his dreams and the deaths that had been linked to them. Sgt. Rulebook, on the other hand (not really his name, but Jonas didn't care to learn it; plus there was no badge. More than likely all staff were known by memorization or earpiece. That made it harder for any unwanted guests to try to BS their way in by feigning knowledge about the guards or staff.) seemed like a tougher sell. Pulling out his tablet, the man looked over the list, gazing down the list of names of approved identities for the foodstaff and waitstaff.

"No one notified Resources or my superiors about it...and your name is not on the list, son."

Check again.


Tell him to check the list again.

How is tha-



Sighing, Jonas looked over to the gruff guard; a vulnerable gaze looking over his face.

"Sir, could you please just check again? I really need this work, and I drove all the way out here from San Diego to cover for my friend."

The man stared for a moment...then groaned as he looked back over the list.

There it is.

'Huh...there it is. Guess I must've been mistaken. All right, kid; you're free. Carry on, but make sure to have Freddie call HR next time."

"Oh, yes sir. Thank you. Thank you so much and I'll be sure to pass the message to Freddie when I see him."

"Good. You do that. Tell him Ray hopes he gets better. He's a good kid,"the gruff man seemed to admit begrudgingly...almost as though he didn't really acknowledge the man's usefulness until he wasn't there.

Jonas just nodded, watching as the man went back to his post as he scooted the cart down the hall toward the men's room. Once there, he pulled an object from the base of the cart beneath the curtain, which turned out to be a black duffle bag, entered into the empty men's room, and locked the door.

The frack???

There was no way that should have occurred. He was never on the list; that much he knew. By all rights he would have been caught and would have had to do things through a far rougher method...and yet Ray had shown no sign of duplicity in his voice or facial expressions.

This was not that first occurrence of such an incident. Once when he was involved with some gang activity he had been forced to face five of their enforcers. It wasn't peculiar that he had to fight...not even that he won, for Jonas had been fighting most of his life. What was significant about that night was that he never suffered a single hit. Not one. From five other men. That didn't happen to someone like him. It was almost as though some force or will had actually caused them to miss.

Whatever the case, Jonas learned not to discount that 'voice'...whatever it was...and what it had to say. Especially since it was far more preferable to listen to that voice than the othe-

No. This wasn't the time to entertain such thoughts or anxieties: he had a mission to accomplish, and answers to gain.

Funny then, right when he regained focus on his goal, that life threw him a curveball as the angry bark of gunfire and screams told him all hell broke loose outside.



Jonas started from his pensive moment; having been so lost in thought as to how he wound up here that for a moment he had forgotten the reason why he was waiting.

Now? You sure??

Positive. Listen for yourself: no gunfire, no screams, no sounds of violence. If the chaos is still carrying on it's either finishing up or has diluted enough yet still a viable distraction for you to tag your prey.

Jonas paused a moment to stretch his hearing, dven going so far as to lightly open the door a tad to hear outside. The voice was right. Able to return to his work, Jonas opened the black duffle he brought in and unloaded his equipment: five zip ties, a fully loaded Glock, a Winchester 12 gauge pump action shotgun, a small ring with a spike on one end laced with a powerful sedative, and his black leather motorcycle jacket. He hadn't really figured on needing the shotgun for this grab, but brought it along just in case things got hairy.

Obviously he should have put money on this.

Garbed for his task and loaded for bare, the rogue slowly opened the door and checked the situation outside: blood lined the walls, and bodies of guests and guards were splayed down the halls. He stepped over some, moving to the opposing wall. Sliding down toward the corner, he peeked over to where the main entrance was located for the ballroom. What he saw made him wish he'd brought more guns.

A well built man of African descent gathered a young woman who lie motionless into his arms and just...vanished. Like blipped out of existence vanished. This wasn't going to be as easy as he thought...then again, his quarry was the child of a mutant.

He counted to five before looking back, not seeing the teleporter. Figuring the coast was clear he moved over to the main entrance to take a gander at the situation inside.

Well, he found his quarry...but there were other problems before he could deal with that.

Several youth about his age or younger were splayed on the ground, either motionless or holding their heads in pain. Only three remained standing by his count: the teleporter from before, having found a suitable vantage point at the edge of the ballroom, a blonde man choking the life out of a young woman that looked to be his own sister, and a young woman who stood by, laughing and goading the blonde man to further press the pain on the girl.

This was not good. From the looks of things the blonde girl didn't have long, and his quarry could be next. He had to act...and he knew how.

After a moment of going over his options, Jonas lifted the Glock, pointing it toward the woman on the stage standing. He made sure to aim low towards the meaty inner section of the leg: it wouldn't be lethal, yet still cause serious damage and might worsen if not treated immediately.

He chose the girl over the blonde man because she was the least preoccupied, and all focus would go toward her. If he struck the blonde man there was a chance he'd hurt or endanger his victim. Shoot at the 'porter, there was a chance he'd zip out of the way before it struck him, which equalled a wasted shot and reveal of his presence with no payoff. There was also the chance the 'porter could try and get in front of the bullet to protect the girl, sacrificing himself instead. Either way the girl was the smartest option.

"This isn't gonna be pretty," Jonas said silently, as though to the girl as well to himself.

He pulled the trigger with an exhale of his breath...and with an angry bark of the Glock, for better or worse...made his presence known.

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Estrid had long since grown use to people looking at her, it usually meant she was doing something right, so when she sensed Idun looking at her she didn't shrink under her gaze. Instead she looked back at her from the corner of her eye. All she knew of her was stolen words from loosened lips but even that was not a lot: the daughter of Asgard who lived on Midgard. Compared to Estrid's own more polished appearance, Idun had the worn and disheveled look that come from a fight (or at least from what she had seen from others). It seemed this war had past brewing, this war was beginning to rage.

When Idun left Estrid turned back to look towards Destin as he said his apology. They may not be comforting words, but she was glad to hear them all the same.
"She'd hurt you before I ever would." She muttered in regards to Idun's request for them not to hurt each other, looking downwards for a moment. When he explained the situation further she looked up in curiosity. "Midgard?" So that's where he had been. She'd been there a few times, but not recently, not that she was looking for anything other than what she wanted. "But why? What does he have to gain from destroying Midgard? And why us? What can't he do to us?"

Techna and Nikolai Rogers

"For fuck's sake!" Techna screeched when the bullet pierced her flesh. "Why don't you people just give up?" She spat. This was really getting out of hand. "Gateway or Theo, handle this. I'm busy." She was in the process of shutting down the entire facility, as well as barking orders at Nikolai. She knew Gateway wouldn't. He was too valuable to Exitium. Theo was busy. "You know what, never mind."

The girl turned, locating the male who shot her. She looked around the room, noticing a disc launcher.
That's technology. She snapped, sending an explosive disc at him. It wasn't enough to do much damage, and was easily avoidable, but it would get him off her back for a bit.

Nikolai watched the events unfolding before turning back to Asya. "What can I say, she just gets to me."
What the fuck kind of response is that?

He knew Asya wouldn't make the first move so he decided he would. He ran at her, attempting the same flip and push move his father was known for. He was really buying time until the Asgardians got here, that was his goal. They were the real targets.

@Aio @MarvelousMadman

Destin Incantare

"He wants to rule Midgard." Destin said, running his hand through his hair. He sighed, the whole situation was a mess. One minute he was having some fun, the next he was engaged in a war for the world. He wasn't properly prepared for a war. Then again, was anyone ever ready for war?

Her other question took a minute to think about. "For whatever reason, he can't control us. Those are his powers. Hypnosis - which does work on us but isn't as strong, possession, and mind control. That we know of, there may be more that he's yet to show." He looked at the book. "According to Mom's book, the magic in our blood stops his powers from working on us. But since hypnosis is a mind trick if anything, it still works. A good electric pulse will knock that out, however."

"If you wanted to have a little fun, Midgard could use another Asgardian." He offered. He wasn't sure what she would say. But he knew they needed to leave soon. Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.
Idun, come on.

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Asya Barnes

Asya looked at him when he spoke utter confusion crossing her face.
Defiantly not Nikolai. She thought as he started to run towards her, she knew what he was trying to do so she attempt to block him, while she reflected the hit she was pushed back into the wall letting out a hard grunt as she hit it. She fell to the ground, attempting to stand back up, he was a better fighter than she ever be but at this moment in time she couldn't think about it. "Nikolai...I...Know...Your fighting... But please.... Fight harder." Asya finally got out as she tried to regain her breath standing up she got in her stance again, though it seemed she didn't stand as tall as the first time. "Come on. I know you can fight better than that." She said before she spat on the ground, a mixture of blood and spit leaving her lips and landing on the ground. She didn't know how long she would last but she had to try and get him down, she owed it to Danica and Nikolai, he didn't deserve to have his mind tampered with.


"Midgard has always been a battlefield..." It was true enough within the nine realms alone: the frost giants, the dark elves, even Loki had chosen Midgard. It had once been the duty of Asgard to protect them and prevent such wars, and now that seemed to be the case again just without the worship and deity belief, more's the pity. But that seemed to be a task for the virtuous and the valiant, of which she was neither.

Hypnosis, possession, and mind control? They all felt very... familiar. Her powers were still very much growing but it was from such methods of encouragement that Estrid was achieving that. However that was all she did, all she had been doing, learning, training, studying, only ever using her power to learn more (aside from the frivolities that she was entitled to). There was always more to learn, but at some point she would have to use all that knowledge. So when he offered the opportunity for fun - though she could sense the slight anxiety he seemed to be carrying concerning the situation - Estrid gave a small smirk.
"Ok, I'll help, I won't make you beg."

Maybe she didn't know what she was heading towards but she had a nasty habit of self-preservation, surviving was very natural to her by now.



Idun was standing beside Odin and nodding, reading the words on the page. Odin had spent a few good minutes describing the battle.
"I do not wish to be rude, but can you tell me how to defeat him?" she asked, causing Odin to look up at her and close the book. He folded his arms over his chest and kept his eyes locked on hers.

"You must first have a strong mind and will. His mind control effects us but an electrical shock can prevent it. However, keeping a strong/calm mind and determined will can prevent even the slightest control he may get over you. As for releasing the ones under his control, you must heal them. For you, I will grant you some of my power of energy bursts which will aid in the healing process. The energy burst will be sucked into their body and with your healing powers deep within the energy, it will heal them from the inside out. It will not physically harm your opponent. I'm giving you enough of my power to last you to defeat Exitium. To defeat him, you must get him by himself. Get him alone and focus all of your powers on him. The healing factor will weaken him slightly. Enough of it should give you time to make the final blow. Without his powers, he is weak. Strike then. Make sure to finish him so he does not comeback." he said and put his hands out, crating a large glowing ball of energy in them. Idun watched as he took the ball and placed it in the center of her chest. She closed her eyes and took a breath, feeling him push the ball into her.

When he was finished, Idun felt a new source of confidence. A new found energy. She was calm but felt that she could fight a whole army of Frost Giants. She smiled at Odin and bent down, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you, Odin! Thank you!" she said with a smile, running out to the balcony and taking off to get back to Destin and Estrid.

"Let's get back to Midgard." she said once she landed and ran back inside to get Destin. "Odin told me very useful information. A strong/calm mind and determined will are needed. Also, I have the power now to heal and snap others from the control Exitium has over them. It effects one person at a time." she said and looked at Estrid. When she heard Estrid say she would help them, she smiled.

"Glad to have you. Now, let's go." Idun announced and took off, ready to get back to everyone. The fly from Asgard to Earth didn't take Idun as long as it usually did. She was so moved and ready to beat Exitium. The momentum from everything he has done up to now gave her an added boost. She needed to snap Theo out of Exitium's control. She couldn't let him keep messing with her friends and other's heads. Idun flew back to SHIELD headquarters, seeing the devastating scene. Her stomach did a flip and she began to get worried but she knew she had to put it behind her. Idun grabbed her hammer and aimed it for Gateway, a lightning bolt shooting at hm. She threw in a gust of wind to make a small lightning tornado that usually stayed with her target.



Theo was standing beside Techna when they arrived to SHIELD. He was content with watching everyone squirm and fight but wanted in on the action as well. He grinned when he saw Yana, the girl from the punch table, yelling at nothing. He couldn't help but laugh and teleport in front of her, his head cocked to the side and a grin as large as the Cheshire's cat on his face.

"What're you yellin' at, Doll face? You look like you need to be entertained, here let me help." he said, his arms quickly drawing his personalized gun with 'Reaper' written down the sides. He aimed the gun at her temple, his other hand with an identical gun shoved against her gut.

Don't pull those triggers. Don't pull them. She did nothing to deserve this. Don't do it. Don't do it, don't-

Within a mere second, the gun to her temple was aimed in another direction and the one at her gut was now aimed at her foot. He shot her foot and shot at the guy who shot at Techna. There was a reason he was a skilled mercenary and that was it. He rarely ever missed his target. One bullet connected with Yana's foot and the other into the guy's hand. Theo's gaze went to the guy before turning his attention to Yana.

"Whoops." he said with a smile and brought his fist up to punch her in the gut. He jumped back away from her in case she decided to attack him. "Your move, sweetheart. I'll let you get a shot in." he told her and observed to see what she would do.



Yana Maximoff

No. Yana thought as she heard the gun shots. She held out her hand to stop the bullet from flying into the other man but let a bullet fly into her foot. She screamed in pain as the bullet headed towards the man dropped to the floor. Clutching her stomach as she bent over, in the process she had broken skin inside her moth causing her to spit out some blood. A smile played on her lips as she tried to mask her pain, turning her hand down to her food as she tried pulling the bullet out from her foot. It was painful as beads of sweat started to appear around her temple. "Ya know I thought this could be the start of something beautiful but then you had to go and put a bullet to my foot. Bad choice for a first date." Yana said as she looked up at him the bullet she pulled out dropping to the floor. Red energy started swirling in her hands before she threw two balls of energy at him, she wasn't going to hurt him but just enough to stun him. She could use her fear manipulation on him but she had told Danica she would try and do minimal damage to them but if it came down to it she would without hesitation.

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Theo watched as Yana pulled the bullet from her foot. He couldn't help but smile a bit when he saw her smiling through the pain.
"You're one of those girls who like the pain, huh? I like that in a woman." he said with a grin. Then he saw two balls of energy flying at him. They made contact with his shoulder and his chest, sending him back a few feet and onto his back. Theo laid there for a moment before getting back up and grinning at her. He dusted off where she hit him, his clothes burned through and his exposed burning flesh exposed. "Not too bad, darlin'. Not too bad at all." he said ran at her, teleporting himself in circles around her. He took out his daggers and began to make small cuts to her exposed flesh. "That's too bad, hot stuff. I was starting to look forward to our time together." he said while on the inside, he was so close to giving up. Right now, he was barely able to keep his eyes open. Emotionally and mentally, Theo was beyond the point of exhaustion.

I'm sorry...

Destin Incantare and Nikolai Rogers

"I'm glad to hear that." He murmured to his sister as Idun got back. "Mom wrote some spells that will heal on a bigger range, I'll teach them to you when we get back." The trip back was short. But not short enough, his stomach lurched when he saw the situation. "Don't kill anyone, they're all being controlled." He told his sister before looking for someone to help. He went to Danica first, taking some of the shock from the electric disc as he threw it to the side. "Hey, stay with me, come on, don't let them win." He spoke softly, trying to help her up. She had taken way too much voltage at this point. Her pulse was beyond human capacity and her breathing was labored.

The sound she released didn't sound human. It was a mixture of crying and screaming. It physically hurt him to see her like this. He barely knew the girl, but she was one of the strongest people he'd ever met. If she was broken, what did that say for the rest of them? "Idun, we've got a situation."

Nikolai stopped fighting Asya.
Thank you, Asya. I'm so sorry. He went to Techna, checking her wound. "You gonna make it?"

"I'm fine, babe, get the Asgardians." She responded, playing with his hair gently, something she'd picked up from Exitium. She was bleeding a lot, but she didn't seem phased. Shaman would handle it.

Nikolai turned to the two - no, three now - Asgardians. "Who's first?" He had been fully healed before returning, and aside from his fight with Danica, he felt great. Physically. Mentally, that was another story entirely. "How about you?" He pointed at Idun. "I owe you a dance, don't I?"

@lonecoyote @Lemoncakes @Aio


Shit. He thought to himself as he teleported away. He wasn't fast enough and still got a lot of the damage. He'd only be able to get one of them out. He knew it would be Techna, she was his friend. He reappeared next to her. "I've been hurt, I don't think I can get all of you out."

"I've got a camera set up, we'll watch from base and see what happens. You can come back for them if they win." She said. She'd finished taking out all forms of communications for them. "I don't know what the outcome will be, truthfully."

"Signal me if you need extraction." He called to the two remaining recruits. He wrapped his arm around Techna and they vanished together. They'd both taken more of a beating than they were supposed to. None of the elites were supposed to get hurt. Shaman would have to work on them all.


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