I work on the weekends ¬¬

Arimi will be resting at the shrine.

Yeah, I used to. Actually just quit my job yesterday, but I'm going into full-time education to be an on-site instructor for the job I was doing... so I'll be busy virtually the same hours except for Saturdays.

If that's the case, then can we just safely assume she passed out for now? That way Warren and Tokshi can ease the transition to the shrine.

Eric is in his own little event still.
@Nenma Takashi I would like you to hold off just a moment on "finding" Eric or just not find him at all. While I'm not for sure where @Midnite is, Eric still has his "spark" to finish in his scene (much like both of you did) and it's to be played out with the old man in the church. 
Alright, so I was considering having Botan come in to talk to Warren and Ari, but Tokshi could still see what Rin is doing since it's been a while since she saw him. He's likely about to literally go murder some people... so she may get the chance to see that if she goes off following some of the people from her old gang while looking for Eric. 

Eric still needs to finish out his scene before we can regroup and do the arc finale, so we're basically waiting on Midnite. 

If it goes on into the next week, my suggestion would be to have Ari wake up in the shrine and have her explain some spiritual things to Warren for some 1 on 1 interaction before Botan shows up. Ideally, we'll finish out with Eric and we can squeeze in the Rin subplot with Tokshi to keep everyone "doing something" - I think this feels more natural than me posting again and skipping around. Every time I started writing out a post, it felt like I was pushing things too hard. 

Really, we're close to the end of this first arc. If Midnite gets through with Eric and Nenma can post enough to make the Rin subplot worthwhile, I'd project we can have this arc over by next weekend.
More entirely optional filler: I added a significantly longer post (no real action, mostly just dialogue) to the Higure Mountains. I don't know which of (if any) of you enjoy reading them, but I enjoy writing them, so it's there for whoever wants to have this world feel a bit more "real" to them. :D  Tell me what you guys think if you like them.
@Nenma Takashi I do apologize for the length, but I feel like setting the atmosphere is important for this subplot. Especially since Tokshi is primarily an observer. I also baaaasically am going to set you up for one or two more posts before a potential timeskip.

@Midnite Mostly, all you need to do is keep posting and have a conversation with the elderly man in the church. As long as you keep it mundane, I'll be able to transition you into your spark. From there, what you do is your decision; you could just look for the others or you could wait out a timeskip, too, and just be part of Botan's return.

@QuirkyAngel @Scrubnoppon Both of you can interact now, but we're still in the same transitional phase. Tokshi is doing a Rin subplot. You can feel free to just read along. The real hanger is Eric still needs to have his spark, then we can work on some type of regroup or timeskip to Botan reuniting everyone for the egg-hatching. 

This is getting really close to wrapping up.
Thanks! You could say I come from a line of roleplayers, but I'm a loooot more laid back. >.< I'm a little disappointed Nenma stopped his post at like three words. I hope there wasn't like a posting error.
Thanks! You could say I come from a line of roleplayers, but I'm a loooot more laid back. >.< I'm a little disappointed Nenma stopped his post at like three words. I hope there wasn't like a posting error.

That's my guess. It looks like it was cut off. Nenma isn't one to do one Line
Nenma probably has the darkest storyline thus far, though. The most realistic and detailed with Rin and the gangs of Ketsuekikawa. Fleshes out the city some.

There's a little irony in the fact Arimi was introduced as an exception to the rules, yet otherwise has the simplest storyline thus far. I do have plans for her, though.

Warren, however, definitely needs some depth put in him. I'll figure that out later. There's the whole subplot with his father, but there still needs a bit more.

Eric has effectively been independent for half the RP, but his plotline has been completely his own. Grieving his family, an encounter with an immature spirit and a discussion with an old, spiritual man. 

If this were a show, Eric would likely have the more emotional plotline without violence, Tokshi would have the violent yet still emotional plotline, and Warren would be the comic relief alongside caretaker of Arimi. 

Nenma probably has the darkest storyline thus far, though. The most realistic and detailed with Rin and the gangs of Ketsuekikawa. Fleshes out the city some.

There's a little irony in the fact Arimi was introduced as an exception to the rules, yet otherwise has the simplest storyline thus far. I do have plans for her, though.

Warren, however, definitely needs some depth put in him. I'll figure that out later. There's the whole subplot with his father, but there still needs a bit more.

Eric has effectively been independent for half the RP, but his plotline has been completely his own. Grieving his family, an encounter with an immature spirit and a discussion with an old, spiritual man. 

If this were a show, Eric would likely have the more emotional plotline without violence, Tokshi would have the violent yet still emotional plotline, and Warren would be the comic relief alongside caretaker of Arimi. 


Funnily enough, I do have something planned for Warren regarding something -I'm suprised nobody brought up- Warren's mother. Which should kinda fit into Warren'a father's subplot, and why he decided to take the case in Japan. It's a bit sad, but I think it will be a great addition to Warren's character. I might add it as a bit of a filler post, as Warren waits for Arimi to wake up 
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Well, at this point, all we really need is Tokshi to finish up her Rin subplot, then I can timeskip us to hatch day. I did a tiny timeskip for Tokshi, so she's at around 1PM the next day while it's still nighttime for everyone else. Their eggs hatch at about 4 PM~ So the group really should be heading towards cut-off point so we can finish this arc. It's not like the RP is over, this is just the first chapter. Even Rin's subplot was a dead end that only revealed a little.
Well, at this point, all we really need is Tokshi to finish up her Rin subplot, then I can timeskip us to hatch day. I did a tiny timeskip for Tokshi, so she's at around 1PM the next day while it's still nighttime for everyone else. Their eggs hatch at about 4 PM~ So the group really should be heading towards cut-off point so we can finish this arc. It's not like the RP is over, this is just the first chapter. Even Rin's subplot was a dead end that only revealed a little.

Good point. I can make it come in later. The details aren't 100% hashed out so by the time it's ready, the story will have progressed enough 
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They haven't even begun their real stories as Spirit Detectives. This is all the build-up. And, as you can see, there is a lot of difference in the RP when I guide it and when I give you guys time to go out solo. 

I'm thinking that not long after the arc change, I'll give you all time to go your own way in having your characters interact with their families/loved ones before I thrust them into adventures. I'm still going to give them goodies, buuuut I think it's good for character building to see the before and after. It was one of the most emotional parts of the original  YYH.

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