Actually, I'm going to address this with everyone. When it comes to the NPC's I make, spirits, demons, etc. - unless I directly state to do so, please don't puppet them. This goes as far as to "how they're feeling" and there's a reason for that. Both of those spirits are based directly off of Japanese mythology and mirror what happened in YYH. A lot of times, I'm going to be doing things like this and putting twists on them. So, if you play them out without knowing that (which then ruins the surprises), you may throw off an entire direction I intended on going. So, this goes out to everyone: don't puppet a character I introduce. I'm not necessarily a control freak here; it's just that doing so makes it significantly harder for me to tell a solid story with these characters if their behaviors get altered.

Will do.
Quick question. Besides our personalities what will be the primary differences in our charecters? Like power development, are we gonna go down the path of urameshi? Or will we each develop powers differently?

@Sir Les Paul
Quick question. Besides our personalities what will be the primary differences in our charecters? Like power development, are we gonna go down the path of urameshi? Or will we each develop powers differently?

@Sir Les Paul

I would think differently...once our characters get around to fiddling with their abilities.
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There are various ways I could answer that question, but instead, I think it is best you know more about how powers will develop organically as opposed to the end results

At first, you may not see much difference. You havent trained any, picked preferences or been taught about Reikai. As characters develop, they will adjust according to how they perform. In fact, I intend on one of the items given by Botan be a personal tracker to view a short-term stat based system i will make. It wont last forever. It will just be a plot device to help show growth and give you guys guidelines as to what you can do early. You will have access to a few other tools that will allow certain techniques ranging from utility to attacking. Each will develop certain stats and skills, and increase the efficiency of techniques. Its not complex nor the focus of the story. Instead, it will all be a supplement to the IC. What characters make of it is their own call.

All of that only covers the first step of characters. The second is when or if they become disciples of Daiken. There are five styles with unique training and focuses as well as techniques. You can see that in the Genkai teaser post. At that point, everyone may be under Genkai or not - and that can drastically influence their development. 

In short, I will provide various ways to branch out as we progess, but your creativity and the IC opportunities will dictate how far you go. Once we get to Reikai, youll see. I may also get more strict then as well. While i allot creative liberty, it is limited by universal fairness. Each character should relate to another. I cant have DBZ mechanics beside HXH with someone tossing in Fist of The North Star. It needs to remain distinctively YYH.

-sent by tablet
It's all fine! I do have a note, however, It's probably going to be late into the weekend (think Sunday) before I reply. To be blunt, I'm sick. To be even more blunt, I can get out of my safety classes, but not work. So, I'm stuck all day feeling absolutely god-awful. Sunday is my first day off. Ideally, I'll have rested enough then to respond to 4 posts. I'm not even involved in other RP's on the site, so this is definitely just me being drained. If I do feel better beforehand, I'll get something up.
That's alright. I'm not in particularly fast either...and in far more rps than I should be given that I'm a bit behind in some ¬¬

Hope you feel better.
:P  Thanks! One thing I'll emphasize to everyone across the board: because Spirit Detectives have a different "role" in society in this RP than they did canon, quite a bit has changed. Alongside those changes, I'm going to try and twist up characters and plots to give them more depth and make more sense for this world. Nothing is going to be "shoehorned" into this world just for the sake of it being like Yu Yu Hakusho. I don't think that makes for a good fandom. I would compare it to the difference between FMA and FMA:B - just to a little further extent.
:P  Thanks! One thing I'll emphasize to everyone across the board: because Spirit Detectives have a different "role" in society in this RP than they did canon, quite a bit has changed. Alongside those changes, I'm going to try and twist up characters and plots to give them more depth and make more sense for this world. Nothing is going to be "shoehorned" into this world just for the sake of it being like Yu Yu Hakusho. I don't think that makes for a good fandom. I would compare it to the difference between FMA and FMA:B - just to a little further extent.

I see what you're going for. I like the idea 
@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @Midnite @QuirkyAngel 

Go ahead and do another round of posting. I think it's best to keep this organically running before Botan intervenes.

A thing to note, specifically about Eric, is that your interactions aren't done yet. The last post specifically should allude to what is left to do.

One thing to note is that much akin to how I want NPC's to be played out properly (and thus generally without control from players unless otherwise permitted), the same goes for the Eggs. Each egg, until it is hatched, is an absolute unknown. They feed off energy constantly. So while I don't mind the particular fact of mentioning them or maybe bringing how how they to drain what is around them, specifically noting what they're eating, doing or how they're reacting is something that I'd rather save for the arc finale. :D  Thanks.
@Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi @Midnite @QuirkyAngel 

Go ahead and do another round of posting. I think it's best to keep this organically running before Botan intervenes.

A thing to note, specifically about Eric, is that your interactions aren't done yet. The last post specifically should allude to what is left to do.

One thing to note is that much akin to how I want NPC's to be played out properly (and thus generally without control from players unless otherwise permitted), the same goes for the Eggs. Each egg, until it is hatched, is an absolute unknown. They feed off energy constantly. So while I don't mind the particular fact of mentioning them or maybe bringing how how they to drain what is around them, specifically noting what they're eating, doing or how they're reacting is something that I'd rather save for the arc finale. :D  Thanks.

Uh, just making sure--because I'm not great at reading allusions--we're suppose to be meeting with Eric at his church, yes?
Not really. It makes sense to either go to the shrine Arimi uses or just the closest - which I doubt is the Christian Church that Eric went to. Now if you want to go searching for Eric after resting at the shrine, you can, but that would be a challenge to figure out. I'd suggest keeping to the original plan. 
Oh by the way, there's a new post in Higure mountains. Since I decided to skip a posting cycle (since I didn't want Botan to jump in yet), I decided to treat you guys to another filler post to give you yet another Daiken master, some stuff to look forward to and some more insight to the world.

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