Well, I was going to wait until the IC, but it won't hurt to explain it now. A "spark" is the moment a soul becomes more powerful than it should be for a regular human. For psychics, this spark occurs naturally and they develop their abilities accordingly. Genkai, for example, is a psychic that later went on to learn Daiken; she is not naturally a Spirit Detective. Spirit Detectives basically have their sparks forced. That's just trivial, though.

Arimi has not had her spark yet and due to the nature of how she became a Spirit Detective, she may not actually get an ability like the others. The Sparks are "forced" by the abrupt surge of reikai from a Seed of Life, and she didn't technically die. She does, however, get a HUGE advantage in actually using a Spirit Gun this early. This means her current maximum Reikai is at least four times as much as the others because each one of them are only about half as strong as they need to be for a proper Spirit Technique - but we'll get more on that later when the whole Spirit Detective thing is explained.

Warren has the simplest, yet probably more reliable and useful spark: he can see Reikai. Sounds simple, but Spirit Detectives don't even learn to sense Reikai for some time. They can sense/see ghosts, feel demonic presences and even feel murderous intent (slightly later), but seeing and sensing Reikai is a whole different thing. 

Tokshi has been granted foresight. It's significantly less reliable and will basically be something I control in the sense that I decide when and how it activates for plot purposes. However, it is arguably the most powerful. I'm not going to explain how it works, but if she ever gets far enough with a Daiken master to train it, it will likely become a keystone of her fighting potential.

And, Eric has what I consider the most interesting power: premonition of the past. While his will require some training, it won't require too terribly much and ultimately it will enable him to touch objects or places and "see" into the past. Depending on the object, the sight will change. Sometimes, the sights can only be immediate, like the last few minutes for a set of stairs. A statue might be a few hours. But, something like an heirloom or the picture from Hitsu could be decades - if not longer. 

The sparks aren't necessarily meant to be combative, either. They're a lot like perks in any RPG you play. They add to the character in different ways and create diversity. This is one of the ways I promised you all that your characters, despite having immense similarities, will intrinsically be different.
You mentioned kits are our each of our kits somewhat different or do we all have the same stuff in them.

I thought about this one for a while, too. I know it was expressed earlier that characters didn't just want the Concentration Rings and that they wanted a bit more individuality for their tools. Despite that, I still wanted to give the feel that the kit was a "universal starter kit" for new Spirit Detectives. As if these items were prepared in mass - in a way, they somewhat are. The compromise I came to was to 'overload' the kits in that no single character can effectively utilize every tool and by the time they can developmentally, they'll be powerful enough that they won't necessarily need the tools to begin with. In this way, the kit will organically serve the purpose you guys want - allowing character diversity - while still fitting the theme I was going for. In short, you will all get the same kit, but your decisions on how to use the tools in the kit will define your role as a Spirit Detective. 

Again, if this were an RPG, the kit is the selection screen after your perk is chosen where you get your equipment and first set of spells, but you have so little resources that even though everyone can potentially do the same thing, they functionally can't.

I will key you in on the mechanic that I feel will make you a little more comfortable with this, if you're still uneasy. The more you use your Reikai, the more you have the next time you rest - simple training concept. However, there is another factor in the equation. The more you use a specific ability, like one augmented by a tool, the more efficient you become at it. This efficiency means that even if everyone trains the same amount as hard as they can, they will get different results if they use different tools because they are developing the way their Reikai is used differently. An extension of this is that the efficiency won't always just "cut down" on Reikai costs for abilities; it will eventually allow for abilities to become more powerful or have unique additions to them. 

Thus, not only will you have to decide what tool to use your limited resources with, but that decision will have long-standing impacts on your character development. I normally would keep something like this hidden quite a while longer so that I could IC reflect back on it and show you how your choices sculpted your current abilities/powers/strengths, but I'm revealing all of this just a bit early so that everyone gets an idea of how I'm going to avoid letting the characters feel bland and similar.
There's a little irony in the fact Arimi was introduced as an exception to the rules, yet otherwise has the simplest storyline thus far. I do have plans for her, though.


lol. Nothing wrong with simplicity. I always get an ominous feeling when a gm tell me they have plans for my character ^_^


Comic relief characters are cool.

Well, I was going to wait until the IC, but it won't hurt to explain it now. A "spark" is the moment a soul becomes more powerful than it should be for a regular human. For psychics, this spark occurs naturally and they develop their abilities accordingly. Genkai, for example, is a psychic that later went on to learn Daiken; she is not naturally a Spirit Detective. Spirit Detectives basically have their sparks forced. That's just trivial, though.

Arimi has not had her spark yet and due to the nature of how she became a Spirit Detective, she may not actually get an ability like the others. The Sparks are "forced" by the abrupt surge of reikai from a Seed of Life, and she didn't technically die. She does, however, get a HUGE advantage in actually using a Spirit Gun this early. This means her current maximum Reikai is at least four times as much as the others because each one of them are only about half as strong as they need to be for a proper Spirit Technique - but we'll get more on that later when the whole Spirit Detective thing is explained.

Warren has the simplest, yet probably more reliable and useful spark: he can see Reikai. Sounds simple, but Spirit Detectives don't even learn to sense Reikai for some time. They can sense/see ghosts, feel demonic presences and even feel murderous intent (slightly later), but seeing and sensing Reikai is a whole different thing. 

Tokshi has been granted foresight. It's significantly less reliable and will basically be something I control in the sense that I decide when and how it activates for plot purposes. However, it is arguably the most powerful. I'm not going to explain how it works, but if she ever gets far enough with a Daiken master to train it, it will likely become a keystone of her fighting potential.

And, Eric has what I consider the most interesting power: premonition of the past. While his will require some training, it won't require too terribly much and ultimately it will enable him to touch objects or places and "see" into the past. Depending on the object, the sight will change. Sometimes, the sights can only be immediate, like the last few minutes for a set of stairs. A statue might be a few hours. But, something like an heirloom or the picture from Hitsu could be decades - if not longer. 

The sparks aren't necessarily meant to be combative, either. They're a lot like perks in any RPG you play. They add to the character in different ways and create diversity. This is one of the ways I promised you all that your characters, despite having immense similarities, will intrinsically be different.

Interesting. Makes sense. I suppose Arimi's spark will have to be her sparkling personality xD

I'll have Arimi wake up to watch the egg hatchings in a bit.
It may be some more time before I actually reply. Because it will be a long, involved post and I'm very busy during the day, it may be the weekend. That said, you may wanna do a few most posting rounds if you're comfortable with that.
I hope Warren gets a monkey. :x

A... monkey? Huh, never thought about that... 

That could be cool if it were this guy.

(10 points if you know who that guy is from!)

In the end I guess it's all up to our GM! 
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My weekdays get busier and busier, but I should be good this weekend. I like the interactions I'm seeing, so basically just take this as IC chill time. I'm watching the OOC, too, so anything you say can and will be used against you. ;)
Sorry for not posting sooner. I had two tests today so I had to study up. Now that they're over i have some free time and I'm finally able to post. 
This is the kit! I made an external link to it because it's lengthy, has quite a bit of material to it and I didn't want it to detract from the upcoming post. By the way, now that I've knocked out the kit, I'll be working on that post. Each person will get EVERYTHING involved in the kit and basically a handbook explaining what each thing does. Don't let the stats be daunting either. They're not complex (not nearly as much as most tabletops, even), they won't have to be a big part of the RP and they're more as a plot point to use the Little Black Book to look up things or just to compare training stats. I included three tools that are COMPLETELY different in how they allow you to use your Reikai; two offense, one defensive/utility. I didn't want to keep making things because I felt those three should give a decent amount of diversity. I also added flavor text... 'cause why not? 

Anyway, I hope that gives the feel you were aiming for. All of the items definitely, to me, feel like things that would come in a brief case to help out. And, for practical purposes, I made the Mystic Mirror your go-to tool. I didn't think it served a purpose to have a ton of tools to bounce between; that might get annoying later and would eat up RP time.

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