I like the idea of Yuto later getting everyone together since they all agreed to meet back up when they came back to life.
Alright. That was already in the woodworks. What I'm more curious about is if you would like individual meetings with Yuto first and how long before the first group meeting.
Well for me I'd like maybe three or so post to have Tokshi really let everything she learned sink in. Meet Yuto during this and then have the group meeting afterwards but ya know that's just me.
 Well that's precisely what I'm asking! This is a chance to detail out the next few days and get some personal time. Not to mention, the story will need a little shove forward since right this second it's entirely in your hands.
Yeah, I think that works. I want to do a backstory post now that ties up some loose ends and will end up explaining why Warren's Dad decided to come to Japan, to give Warren some more character. 
Not a problem. If you guys want more time, no biggie. I just wanted to know that's what you guys want. I don't want this to become stagnant nor give you guys the impression I'm not paying attention. 
So I made a post. Not really a huge impact on you guys, but feel free to take it in. It's really a bit of foreshadowing and a guideline for someone else that should be joining us: @DaniBot
Guys, the inactivity is unnerving me...

Okay, here is my predicament. 

I wanna post but i don't wanna just

"oh hey look I randomly bumped into my friend what a suprise!" 

So if we could work something out where we could meet, and go from there, That might just work. 
Okay, here is my predicament. 

I wanna post but i don't wanna just

"oh hey look I randomly bumped into my friend what a suprise!" 

So if we could work something out where we could meet, and go from there, That might just work. 

Well, and this goes to everyone, you were given the Mirrors to communicate openly. You don't have to randomly pump into anyone; you basically have a cell phone and a set of instructions on how to use it.

Furthermore, I can have Yuto start doing one-on-ones with the group before we have a whole group session as well. All I need is basically for someone to volunteer. You guys literally have the resources at your disposal. lol
I... didn't think about that...

But besides that...

I voulenteer for a One on one before we all group up. I think it may be interesting.
Sorry for taking so long! We had on-site safety training. One of the days was all CPR and First Aid... not too big of an issue until CHAIN OF COMMAND. Anyway, I'll get right on replies today sometime! Probably before noon.

Ha thanks for assuming Eric will have B's and C's but its unlikely lol would be nice though but Eric will probably be better in a different stat its up to @Sir Les Paul  but im sure hes not gonna put such a wide gap and stamina is Warren's niche
While I won't divulge much, what I will assure you of is this: no character will begin with a stat of B. These stats are not just numbers; they represent an actual power scaling that I worked all the way up to the highest Ranks. No single character as of now can justify a B rank. Even Arimi won't have a B in her spiritual stats. Once you hit D:B, you effectively top out maximum human performance on an Olympic level (for the physical stats, at least). I don't want to start off anyone making them feel like Captain America here.

Warren was given the stamina increase for two reasons: his spiritual beast, the tortoise, is a manifestation of his defensive nature itself; and, secondly, he did gain some amount of experience during the fight with the Onna, so I felt that merited some semblance of notation.

As for everyone else, you'll just have to wait for the Oak Card readings. :D

Ha thanks for assuming Eric will have B's and C's but its unlikely lol would be nice though but Eric will probably be better in a different stat its up to @Sir Les Paul  but im sure hes not gonna put such a wide gap and stamina is Warren's niche

Yeah for sure- He wasn't being Serious, just mentioning how much stronger he thinks the two would be. 
If Yuto is seeming like a bit of a dick, he's meant to. Once the group gets a little stronger, it'll fade. There are far... more dickish characters I have lined up in this RP. If you remember Genkai at all, that'll come as no surprise. One recurring theme you'll find is how "obedient" Spirit Detectives are intended to be. While Yuto will be grooming them, a lot of his propaganda will effectively be to try to turn the group into sheep in a sort've way. Be prepared for that. A word of advice: just because your present mentor is preaching something doesn't mean it's necessarily correct. If we keep this RP going (and btw, with just us 5, we're at nearly 400 posts for the HP and a good majority of them are IC; that's a really good ratio), you'll have plenty more.
@Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon I "unpaused" the RP (I don't know if you got to see that post, it was like really early in the morning) so you can post now. The flashback scene for Eric might change, but the real-time reactions will be the same, so you have plenty to go off from. Thanks! :D

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