@Scrubnoppon @Midnite While I applaud the creative uses of the barriers, do keep in mind your control over them is still rogue. It's like a new toy. Additionally, do keep in mind that you get drained just for using them even if they aren't broken. Just notes. :D
Eric was familiar with her plan but he wasn't going to let a broken barrier get in their way... he didn't dodge or counter if it was between either him or Warren losing he chose himself he ducked out of the way

He didn't dodge but he ducked out of the way....I think that counts as dodging?
Actually, I would say Eric is at his limits here. Its a straight shot to him and Tokshi out speeds him. He's darted around her based on skill, but you made this scenario about speed. His only real chance is for to Warren to make a barrier to block Tokshi long enough to dodge. Keep in mind, they can make barriers for each other and the rules changed. 

What I will note, also, is that agility includes reflexes. So once Tokshi gets used to the way Eric fights, she is outright going to be able to react fast enough to counter him. Essentially, the more Eric fights, the worse off for him due to the lack of surprises. 

I'd say that this is the last real trick in their book, too. Every one of them is about to feel immensely drained physically and spiritually. Warren might be able to pull one last barrier due to his protective nature, but that would be their final trump card. Eric is definitively outmatched here physically - If he were less of a fighter, he wouldn't have made it fifteen seconds. 
Alright, as to the current situation in the RP. Let me remind you of how this works: you guys have equal Stamina and should roughly be used to taking the same beating. However, every single punch Tokshi lands will quite literally hurt twice as much as Eric's. There will be no speed draws. Due to her higher agility, she will win almost every reaction or simultaneously made action. Long story short, she is 'too fast' for Eric to completely react to. If he tries to react now that she's focused, he's going to find that he can only 'half dodge' her. If this were turn-based, Eric is basically going to find himself against an opponent that deals twice his damage per turn while only getting half-turns himself. I'm not saying it's impossible to land a few good blows; I'm saying that it's a 99-1 chance Tokshi will win. 

Also, I do like how you're using his flashback ability. What I'm going to immediately inform you of is that if he has a flashback mid fight, that will create an opening for Tokshi to bash his face in. Later, you'll find he actually needs to suppress the ability to avoid distractions. Do keep in mind it can be just as bad as it is good.

With that said, duke it out. 

@Midnite @Nenma Takashi
@Sir Les Paul

Wasnt going to make him use it he still can't trigger it 

I watched dc legends of tomorrow and one of the characters can turn into steel its a new power n he thought he could use it whenever he wanted but was wrong and got a beating trying to trigger it and i liked that so wanted to emulate it .....i don't like Eric on the losing end all the time but i guess this will be a one sided victory then kinda why i didn't like that he had all D's i made him smart but in this situation its useless and his ability isn't going to help he is a punching bag right now

@Nenma Takashi
@Midnite If it makes you feel better, don't consider Eric losing. In all reality, everyone on the team lost today in the eyes of Yuto. What he is trying to invest in them, honestly, is that they need to absolutely watch what they are doing. Between each other like this, victories and defeats mean nothing. Later, they will literally mean the difference in life and death. Yuto is pushing that on them now. If you noticed, Yuto actually predicted exactly what Tokshi would do and called her out for doing it. That should be a bigger shot to the ego than losing a fight against an opponent you know is stronger.
Sorry for being late. Just reporting in that I'm still alive. Though I won't be able to post until tonight T_T

@Sir Les Paul

Retro-posting seems a little...awkward...given how far ahead we already are. Unless you've got plans about what to do with her, I've got an easy enough excuse as to why she didn't pick up any calls. 
That's fine if you want. If you haven't noticed my own news, I'm involved in this huge Justice League project eating my time up. lol So I don't mind the timing.
That's fine if you want. If you haven't noticed my own news, I'm involved in this huge Justice League project eating my time up. lol So I don't mind the timing.

Justice League sounds interesting. Is it a hosted project on this site or a personal project?
It's set in 2060. Whole new Justice League, basically, and it focused on street-level heroes. So low-to-no powered individuals often with quite a bit of tech, but there is variety. We have an Amazon, a little magic, tons of anti-hero stuff and working on three cities.
Go ahead and roleplay out showing up again for the next day. Yuto is going to approach training differently.

No I seriously just thought about it and they're like the SAME 


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@Sir Les Paul

Don't worry about it. I'm a bit of a slow poster and my posts will be rather sporadic atm, so I'm reluctant to force my character into the main cast training until I'm ready to be more involved in the arc. For now I just dropped her into a setting and am having her do her own thing at the side. I've got nothing planned as of yet, so there's not much to be added. With her personality though, she'll probably either initiate conversations with one of the characters (she finally has the mystic mirror), go looking for trouble, or get involved into a bit of trouble...the Hidejeko thing does seem a bit intriguing...

@Nenma Takashi


lol. Warren and Tokshi do make a cute couple :x

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