It will take time for Spirits to become attracted, so his torment won't be starting to terribly early. However, Spirit Detectives will have to intervene if Spirits begin to harass him.

What happens after that will be decided by IC.
I'm going to be waiting for Quirky and then a post from Tokshi so that I can get the training started. Scrub will kind'a be left hanging, but I want to do one legit training scene before the timeskip.
I'm going to be waiting for Quirky and then a post from Tokshi so that I can get the training started. Scrub will kind'a be left hanging, but I want to do one legit training scene before the timeskip.

Yeah that's fair. I've gotten the spotlight for a while, I think that the rest should get some posts in. 
It's fine. lol I replied as well. This is going to be your IC training session before the skip. I believe I provided all the prompt needed.
Alright, given the absence of Quirky and my continuing activity in Beta Protocol, I'm going to have to put this RP on hiatus. I really didn't want to and I'm still wavering on it given the holiday, but I feel that I cannot deliver a just roleplay here deserved of the effort put in by others - not to mention, puppeting Arimi simply doesn't feel right. It feels like, to be blunt, a 1x1 despite their being three of us, and that's not what I intended this roleplay to be. In the future, this may change, but in the present state of the RP, I don't wish to continue it. 
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