Early 90s in Japan. That's one of the things that was brought up in the main description. Around this time, cell phones are still bricks.  
Early 90s in Japan. That's one of the things that was brought up in the main description. Around this time, cell phones are still bricks.  

I thought so. I wanted to do gag with warren's ps1. (When he came back to life- of course) 
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Yeah but the description you gave for the stopwatch makes me think I could do cool barrier tech. Plus I'm think in terms of Tokshi's character is she just a fighter or does her protective nature make her the tank rather than the assault?
Well, Nenma, does Tokshi seem like the type of character to run in, punch first and ask questions later or to hide behind barriers?

I mean, I know my answer. lol
I mean, it's not like it's impossible to utilize multiple tools. Each tool will have drawbacks and advantages. For instance, the Stopwatch is easily the most versatile and will train for control, creativity and be the all-around item. The Concentration Ring, on the other hand, is going to do jack shit for control, but it's going to be the most effective at raising Potency and Maximum... then being useless. The Storm Knuckles are a good in between, but they have the biggest focus on Passive Potency since after you use them, they're meant to keep fighting - unlike the Spirit gun.
Not at first, no, but after a while, sure. Keep in mind that you're starting off like a Level 1 character in an RPG. You have enough energy to use a Spirit Gun once, but it knocks your ass out - in fact, it's the only item that will push you past your potency stat. You have enough to use the Storm Knuckles once, but not again - the benefit is that you can keep fighting. The Stop Watch can be used four times at first for four weak barriers, but using it just once will keep you from using the others.

The benefit is that the more you use any of these, the more you will increase your efficiency and overall your maximum reikai. So after training for a week or so, you might be able to use the Storm Knuckles up to 4 times in a day or the Stop Watch 16 times. Or, if you split it up, you might end up with the Storm Knuckles 3 times and the Stop Watch 12 times - and while that seems like less, the reason is that you're less efficient at using either. In fact, you're 1/2 less efficient. But, by training with lower efficiency, you will end up raising your Maximum Reikai faster because you're just draining it so fast. That's why I said the Spirit Gun will raise your Maximum Reikai the fastest. For a while, it's going to 100 - 0 you real fast until your efficiency with it increases because it's a 7x multiplier. 

I know it sounds like a little bit of math to deal with, but it's really not. It revolves around a single, simple concept: the more you train and the longer you have these abilities, the more you will increase your Stats. Efficiency is just how effective you are at using a tool/technique, so don't get too wrapped up in that yet. 

Once you have more resources to play around with, you'll be able to use any of them. How you want to use them and how you use them most frequently will then start sculpting your character.
That'll work. I made hard caps for the knuckles and the concentration ring so that even if someone wanted to be a one-trick pony and master just one thing, they wouldn't go on forever with it. Efficiency does have diminishing returns after a while. I mean even Genkai still has to use SOME Reikai to fire a Spirit Gun.

It's all about making these characters unique to you.
Alright, I posted! The big Spirit Beast reveal is up!

@QuirkyAngel I tried to involve Arimi at least some, but she didn't have an egg... so this is kind'a a post for the others. lol On the bright side, this big post marks the climax of the arc. From here, it's falling action until they return to their bodies and get their kits at home.
Protip for everyone: If I take the time to do the double-line thing where I grab a name and a reference picture, be aware that character will likely be important to the plot and recurring. :D
After we name them can we go right to us going back to our bodies or should we wait untill everyone is done naming them?
Once you name them and speak it aloud, your soul will be rebound into your body. If you want to continue on after that, fine, but I would ask you wait at least one post to get into your kits so that I can get Arimi back into her body with a post.
And with that final post from Midnite, we end the first Chapter. The Spirit Beast Arc is over, friends. Next up is the Junior Spirit Detective Arc. :D
Yeah. Go ahead. Botan sent Arimi back to her body and Quirky has a tendency to retro-post, so she'll catch up. Remember that there is a set of instructions in the kit as well. 
@Midnite @Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel

Not to be a pest (in fact, scrub was the last to reply), I'm just curious on what we need to particular push forward. This upcoming transition is very personal for each character as they literally just came back to life. In that, it's going to be very independent (of me, the GM) in terms of narrative.

I don't mind approaching it in various ways. Such as it actually being played out or just summarized or even timeskipping to the next day or week and then flashbacking over it. This is an open forum for you guys to pitch some ideas as to how you want the transition to happen, really. There's quite a few options. Yuto could even introduce himself to each Detective individually over the course of a few days, then get them back together as a group. So, there's a lot of flexibility. 

Let's communicate a bit to see what fits everyone best. I don't mind staggering out this transition some to suit others.

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