@Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon @Midnite Now, I could interject some if you want, but honestly, I think you guys are doing great as is with the character development. I'm also introducing Arimi now with Botan. So, this leaves the question: do you want to do your entire 48 hour period without GM intervention (a fairly rare choice in many RP's), or do you want me to try to play an active role? Either way, I will judge what comes out of that egg, and I do intend on giving at minimal a paragraph reflection on how the egg developed into an embryo and eventually a beast based on what it fed off of and when it did.
Well, Warren's 48 hours are pretty much up. So I can't say much for the others, but I'm perfectly fine with GM interaction. 

Also, hype to see what comes out of Warren's egg. And everyone's for that matter. 
Alright guys, be a little patient with me! Every time I've had time to post, the site's been down! 
Alright guys, be a little patient with me! Every time I've had time to post, the site's been down! 

Hah, i feel you. Take your time man. I dunno if you do this already, but write posts in docs and then paste them into the site. Or, just even save it there every once in a while so you can work on it while the site's down. 

Good luck!
@Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel @Midnite @Nenma Takashi

I'm seeing a slight division among the timelines here. Tokshi is roughly 12 hours into her first day, Arimi hasn't even begun her egg (although I can likely manipulate that due to her circumstances) while Warren and Echo are basically already done. The way I see it, this can go a few ways:

1. Wait it out until everyone is caught up. I'm personally not a fan of this idea because I prefer everyone to be active.
2. Scale back Warren and Echo so that they have more they can do while Tokshi, Botan and Arimi interact.

Down to it, Tokshi is really the "last" one to hatch an egg. I can plot-device up something for Arimi due to her circumstances. So, Scrub and Midnite, if you'd take some more time to RP out your characters, I can likely help you out by adding a short subplot with you maybe involving some bad mojo and spiritual harassment. I'm a flexible guy, so if you are willing to do this, some quick edits to both of your posts would give you guys basically a whole day to work with while the girls catch up. I like this compromise because it extends the arc some, allows for some more character development and it'll get everyone up to speed without making anyone feel left out.

Notably, we will need to see just a wee bit more from QuirkyAngel since it's their turn to post and Botan/Tokshi are post-locked with her.

How's this sound to everyone? If you have other ideas or input, tell me! PM's or here are fine. I really like the direction this is going. I do. I feel like all of the characters do have a unique personality, and I like that. I think it'll become even more evident after this arc.
I've read bits of the manga, and I'm currently on the end of season 2. So The end of the dark tournament basically 
@Scrubnoppon @QuirkyAngel @Midnite @Nenma Takashi

I'm seeing a slight division among the timelines here. Tokshi is roughly 12 hours into her first day, Arimi hasn't even begun her egg (although I can likely manipulate that due to her circumstances) while Warren and Echo are basically already done. The way I see it, this can go a few ways:

1. Wait it out until everyone is caught up. I'm personally not a fan of this idea because I prefer everyone to be active.
2. Scale back Warren and Echo so that they have more they can do while Tokshi, Botan and Arimi interact.

Down to it, Tokshi is really the "last" one to hatch an egg. I can plot-device up something for Arimi due to her circumstances. So, Scrub and Midnite, if you'd take some more time to RP out your characters, I can likely help you out by adding a short subplot with you maybe involving some bad mojo and spiritual harassment. I'm a flexible guy, so if you are willing to do this, some quick edits to both of your posts would give you guys basically a whole day to work with while the girls catch up. I like this compromise because it extends the arc some, allows for some more character development and it'll get everyone up to speed without making anyone feel left out.

Notably, we will need to see just a wee bit more from QuirkyAngel since it's their turn to post and Botan/Tokshi are post-locked with her.

How's this sound to everyone? If you have other ideas or input, tell me! PM's or here are fine. I really like the direction this is going. I do. I feel like all of the characters do have a unique personality, and I like that. I think it'll become even more evident after this arc.

I'm really sorry for the hold up. Didn't get notifications at all until I was tagged.

I'll try to get a post up tonight.
I've read bits of the manga, and I'm currently on the end of season 2. So The end of the dark tournament basically 

I ask because the manga has a LOT, LOT, LOT longer period of time Yusuke was a ghost and Human World Spirit Detective, so it had a handful more ideas we could use. Do you have a theme you would like, or would you like me to just go off with it? 

I'm an avid fan of player-input, so I don't wanna just go running off without you guys. On the other hand, I can totally do that if you want me to try to make an exciting last day as dismebodied spirits. So this is a call between @Scrubnoppon and @Midnite
I don't really have an idea, of what to go off, but I am familiar with what you're taking about. 

And considering the way you've played characters in the past, I 100% trust in your ability to make an interesting sub plot. 
Actually, I'm going to address this with everyone. When it comes to the NPC's I make, spirits, demons, etc. - unless I directly state to do so, please don't puppet them. This goes as far as to "how they're feeling" and there's a reason for that. Both of those spirits are based directly off of Japanese mythology and mirror what happened in YYH. A lot of times, I'm going to be doing things like this and putting twists on them. So, if you play them out without knowing that (which then ruins the surprises), you may throw off an entire direction I intended on going. So, this goes out to everyone: don't puppet a character I introduce. I'm not necessarily a control freak here; it's just that doing so makes it significantly harder for me to tell a solid story with these characters if their behaviors get altered.
Actually, I'm going to address this with everyone. When it comes to the NPC's I make, spirits, demons, etc. - unless I directly state to do so, please don't puppet them. This goes as far as to "how they're feeling" and there's a reason for that. Both of those spirits are based directly off of Japanese mythology and mirror what happened in YYH. A lot of times, I'm going to be doing things like this and putting twists on them. So, if you play them out without knowing that (which then ruins the surprises), you may throw off an entire direction I intended on going. So, this goes out to everyone: don't puppet a character I introduce. I'm not necessarily a control freak here; it's just that doing so makes it significantly harder for me to tell a solid story with these characters if their behaviors get altered.

Sounds good man, I'll make sure not to. 

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