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Fantasy Madness


Six Thousand Club
Imagine a world where time did not exist. Imagine a world where an alien invasion, an apocalypse, and an Economic collapse happened at the same time. Imagine a world where all the genres of books, was put into the world.

That is the world we live in.

A scientist, named: Gordon Jones, has been working on two projects at once. A time machine and a Worm whole. He used various ingredients to create these things. One night, a rouge scientist plugged all of them together, mixing all of the chemicals together; and as he pulled the switch, both machines turned on. Nothing came out of it, but the machines were so vast and the worm hole so big, they morphed together, creating an eternal portal.

Weeks later, people have been sighting strange things in the world, including old time homes on top of each other, strange figures in homes, and people have been dressing like they lived in the past. They even acted like they did not know the technology that is today. Not only past people came, but those from the future.

After a month of trying to figure out what happened, the world became over flowed with dangerous and wild things. Things from different universe. Everything was a mess.

Time was changed, time did not exist. Sanity did not exist.
Annie sat in her van, watching a house, carefully. She was investigating the home for paranormal creatures. Tom sat on her shoulder, watching just as carefully. There!" He squeaked, pointing his wing to the left window. Annie pulled out her binoculars and looked into the window. She saw a black cat. She sighed and flicked Tom's nose. "Ouch!" He yelled. "What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his nose with his wings. "It was only a cat. Should we just go in?" She asked him, putting the binoculars away. The small red dragon nodded. Annie nodded back and opened the car door, and closing it behind her as she walked out.
"someone's here..."

Logan thought to himself when he heard footsteps come from outside the house. He stands near the window and take a peek through the curtain.

"A girl...and a...dragon?"

He quickly hides inside a shadow corner of a house, right hand ready on the revolver, waiting for one wrong move. But he's gonna watch them first.
Annie walked up to the house, quietly. Tom bounding after her on the ground. She turned the knob on the door slowly, opening it slightly. A gush of cold air poured from the house. She opened the door all the away she could and walked inside. She looked down at Tom, and whispered. "There's someone here..." She said quietly, looking up.
Suddenly there was a loud, distant crash which made the ground shake slightly, smoke Rose from a crater not to far from the house.

In the crater, which was surrounded by burning trees, was a black ball that seemed to have whisps of shadows billowing off of it...then the ball uncurled into Ginx, standing up Ginx was scared because the gravity was different her...not as strong as her planet, she tried to think of how she got here...and there was nothing

Ginx crawled out of the crater and away from the burning trees, now in the forest she sniffed around at everything following a very odd scent and one that was a bit familiar, coming apon the edge of the forest near the house she tried to crouch as low as possible, but standing at a height of at least 8'0 she was easily noticeable... Especially since it was daytime
"what the f...another one?"

Logan said to himself as he spotted a dark figure. He doesn't want the girl with the dragon notice him, but he gotta deals with the paranormal. Which is the quickest way and the most silent way to do it. He silently sneaks around the corner, picks up an old teacup on the table and throws it to the other side of the house. As the creature is distracted, and he hopes the girl with the dragon also got distracted, too, he quickly dash forward and cocks his revolver and points it at the creature's head.

"Wrong house, wrong time, you have the worst luck."
Annie jumped at the sudden sound. "Wait." She whispered. They waited, until they heard voices outside. "Quickly." she said, grabbing Tom and running out the door. She saw a large black paranormal creatures and a man with a weapon, aimed at it. "Stop!" She yelled, running towards them. She pulled out a weapon herself, and pointed it at the man. "Don't kill it!"
Ginx made an almost screech sound, like when someone suddenly slams on the breaks, she jumped to the left and forwards to keep moving so she woundly be shot...and cause the yelling had startled her growling she grabbed the man's gun with her telekinesis and yanked it away from him throwing it into a bush near the forest and running around to the other side of the house
"give me one reason, little lady" Logan said to Annie"...And you just made the hunt more interesting..."

Logan looks at the direction the creature just ran to, put a cigar on his lips light it with a zippo, then he pull out Aequitas, his other revolver.

"And who the hell are you anyway? And what the hell is that dragon?"
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"One, they aren't doing anything! Their trapped in this place. They don't really have a choice. Two, it's basically murder you are committing." She said, cocking the gun, not taking the aim off.

"You can call me Annie, and this is Tom. Now leave the creature alone..." She said with a snarl. She slowly walked in front of the creature, protecting it from the man.
Ginx jumped onto the roof of the house and watched Anne, then she scanned her and added human into her growing list of forms she could become...she watched them talk as she tried to flatten herself against the roof of the house
"yeah, said that to people who died by those. And please," Logan said "Are you even old enough to hold that thing? I could knock it out of your hand before your finger touch the trigger."

He looks at the creature. "Unless you prove it to me that thing is harmless, I'm still putting holes in it." He said, let out some smoke
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Annie smirked. "I can totally prove it's innocent. Let's both put away our guns, and i'll show you..." She said, slowly crouching, going to place the gun on the floor.

"If you don't cooperate, I won't have a choice but to pull my trigger." She said with a smirk. She didn't let go of the gun, and she didn't plan to unless he did the same. She looked up to the roof and nodded, hoping it would come down, peacefully.
"All right then, hotshot, didn't want you to lose a finger anyway."

Logan said, he puts Aequitas back to the holster and go get Veritas from the bush. He walks slowly toward Annie, then looks up to the creature. "Let's hope today is your lucky day." He said to the creature, then turn to Annie. "Now talk."
Ginx took a step back when the woman looked to her but saw her lower her gun, she hesitated and then jumoed doing a front flip she transformed into her new human form standing between the two, the shadows around her had come to get her to conjure clothes on her body, but the one thing that stood out was the metal collar around her neck, it was black and had a loop for a chain to attack to on it
Annie jumped back at the being, but quickly regained her calm. "Hello. I'm Annie. I promise I won't hut you..." She muttered, with a smile. The dragon, Tom sat on her shoulder and nodded.

"I just wanted to prove to this man, that you are no trouble. Your innocent. You have no where else to go since the rift has been around." She sighed, placing her hands into her pockets.
Ginx blinked, for a moment she processed exactly what she was going to say before saying it " Hello, I am G.I.N.X, Genetic Imitational Necto Xinix...but I am called Ginx for short " her voice wasn't robotic or odd...it was actually really pretty and flowed correctly
"Very nice to meet you, Ginx." She said, sending a glance of pride towards the man, then looked back kindly at Ginx.
Logan looks at Ginx, she's way too different from the form before. Those eyes are the eyes of a child.

"Where did you come from?" Logan asked Ginx
Ginx blinked looking to Logan she tried to procces what her planet was called ibto human words but could not so she just projected an image into his mind of her planet

"Woa, I kill things, not an astrophysicist." Logan said, squeezing his forehead. "Also, don't ever do that again, it's kinda hurt..."

He turns to Annie. "From what you said before, seems like you know this kind pretty well, any idea?"
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Ginx had curiously gotten closer to Tom, she poked his tail watching him her pupils seemed to grow larger...like a cats would when it gets curious

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