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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Benjamin grunted angrily as he stepped into the van after putting his belongings in the back.

"They should've just gotten a new caretaker for our old one, and forgot about this moving garbage."

His boxing gloves were tied around his neck and bounced against his chest as he walked. He stopped and waited for Ava to follow.
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Madison swung her self on the spinning breakfast bar chair after eating her ham sandwich. She was still waiting for the new people to arrive. Jamie walked past her looking slightly unfamiliar, usually he would say a remark like 'what the hell' if he ever caught her pointlessly spinning. Instead he walked straight past wearing more 'formal' clothing. Out of curiosity, Madison followed him outside onto the doorstep.
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The two of them went down, not noticing that another have came out of her room. Down onto the dark wood stairs, at least to what it seems. The siblings proceeded down the stairs, the smooth persia carpets of maroon was inviting enough to give the place the seemingly welcoming orphanage. Looking from right to left, the did so separately as if they were looking out for one another. Unknown to anyone, they do this unconsciously when they tried to survive on their own before the Headmistress had found them all near starvation at the Chapel.

They walked through, passing some other people in the place that they don't bother to keep a look. At the kitchen, where the cook, whoever was in duty and all, wasn't present, they would help themselves, they were silent like this, sometimes they would scare the living hell out of someone.

Belle opened the fridge, taking out two cartons of separate OJ's for her and her brother, as Zaine, being a very tall young man, went to open up the cabinets and brought out some eggs and bread. He rammed a hand through his hair as some of the girl residency would smile sheepishly when he did, he simply ignored them as he started onto the stove. Preparing it for a small cooking, praying to god no one asks if he could cook for them as well. Zaine wasn't the type to wait for someone, if he does actually wait for you, then you mean something.

"Scrambled, please Zaine?" Belle lifted her head to him as she placed one carton down for him as she sips into the straw of her own. Zaine huffs as he grabbed the apron by the oven handle and put it on him, cracking his neck with a small mumble of ok under his breath.

Belle sat on the chair, as she turned her head to hear Jamie was walking down, but she didn't give much mind, he must be welcoming committee. Her honey eyes shifted to watch her big brother cook now, and as always, the two were silent.. but nevertheless.

Simple moments were peace for them.
Ava followed Ben, agreeing with him, with just a backpack full of clothes and stuff and a box in her arms with more stuff. She didn't have a lot of things to begin with anyway. She put her things in the van and got in. "Let's get this show on the road, yeah?"
Luka was jolted awake when the bus came to a stop. He didn't realise that he had fallen asleep, and pushed himself up and off the bus. He stared up at the house in scepticism. For some reason, he didn't like it here. He walked up to the door, and sighed. Maybe he could do the same thing as he did last few times. Either cause enough trouble to be sent to another house, or just runaway. He was sure he could find a job somewhere. He really had no idea what to do so he looked around for someone to help him out. There seemed to be people everywhere, and for the second time that day, he didn't want to meet anyone at the moment. So he found his way to the living room and sat himself down. "Well, this is not going to be my type of hell,"
As the mini-bus turned up at the New Life Centre Building, some of the passengers noticed the girl leant on the wall by the doorway.

Madison was her name. Her hair was short but still in a perfect and neat style. She seemed to have a small lolly-pop in the side of her mouth, sucking on it as she watched the full vehicle move. She didn't seem bothered that she was only wearing a navy jumper over her shorts and knee socks. I better make a good impression for these dorks She thought.
Jamie saw a bus in the horizon. He knew it must be them. "Ah, welcome." He tried to look polite, realising he'd forgotten to take out his nose ring. Oh well, maybe it makes me look more down to Earth. "This is The New Life Centre, or as I call it; Home." Oh yes. How deliciously clichéd. "Where was your previous home?" Now he sounded a little over the top. "Like, was it Sunny Brooks?" He brought it down a bit. He felt someone stand next to him; It was Madison. Oh joy, this slutted up freak. He smiled at her. He looked for the closest newbie to him and held out his hand.
Aaron stepped out of the van. He already turned off his N64 and had his backpack on his back. It kind of looked a little silly since he wore a suit but it didn't matter. Aaron grabbed his suitcases out of the van and looked at the two people who greeted them. He smiled a timid smile and hoped that they just showed him were he was gonna sleep. Come on, I want to change my clothes.
Marcus saw the bus and smiled. "Delightful." He came down and scowled at... He never remembered there names... Oh yes! Jamie and Madison. Marcus was in the background. Waiting for someone to befriend him.

I shall not go up to these newcomers and shake my hand with them, if they want to befriend me, they have to do it themselves...

Ruby was slightly still having a panic attack. And when everyone came down and the bus came as well, she hid half of her body behind a tree. Just peeking so she could see the newcomers. She was twitching and breathing hard still.

Hide. Just hide. So they won't call you a freak. Weirdo. Messed up. All those words. Just hide. Hide. Hide. Hide. Hide. Hide. Hide...

Shakily Ruby tried to hide behind the tree, hoping no one saw her. "Please.... Just.. Go away...!" She whispered to herself and clutched her hair. She put her knees against herself, then she put her head on her knees, whispering and wishing for them to go away already.
Belle moved her head to the window, as her eyes softened. "Brother..."

he lifted his head a bit, looking at the window with the corner of his eyes, they instantly went dead ashes and looks away. "Great...more people." his voice dead and growling, he already had to deal with the many people in this area, growing up, having the place to get even more populated. Honestly, people just making babies here and there like they're pushing up daisies and just end them up into this place just because they don't want them, or some freak accident happens. But then again, the latter can't be helped. He sighed and shrugged, changing slightly his view, and redirected his attention onto the scrambled eggs he's now preparing for his sister.

As he cooked some bacon, his other hand went to grab the OJ tetra pack and sipped up through the strap, putting it down as he raised his hand going into the cabinets as he continued to multi task. "...There's quite a number..." He heard her said slightly concernedly, but he didn't give a comment to it but another scoff.

The scoffing seems to be the understatement now...if...that's possible..
Madison just looked at Jamie and wondered what had changed this boy. There must be something going on here, She thought to herself.

And then she saw the notebook in his hand. "What on earth have you got that for?" She said quietly, though she knew he probably wouldn't hear her anyway.

She just tried to stay looking as cool as possible as the bus unloaded.
Jamie grabbed the hand of a kid in a suit. And they are already proving that they are idiots. "I'm Jamie, welcome to the New Life Centre."He turned around with his arms outstretched. Nice touch. "If you'l step this way, I'll give you a tour of our wonderful home, he smiled.
''That would be nice'' Said Aaron while smiling at no one in particular. Hopefully the rest of the people would be just as nice, or at least just as good in pretending that they're nice.
Luka noticed that a man was leading the group around the house and sighed. If he wanted to get the layout of the house, he had better follow the rest of them. He got up, and placed himself at the back of the group. He really didn't feel like being noticed at the moment. He likes to observe people to see what people are really like. "Hope this doesn't take too long,"
Madison folded her arms and followed the group of newbies. Listening to Jamie speak formally and professionally made her laugh a little. "Pfft." She made a little giggle as she knew all this was total bullshit.

Madison just decided to follow them and watch, if she could keep in the laughter that is.
Marcus was snapped out of his reverie, having been much too absorbed in his show to notice any of the action going on around him until someone spoke up. The boy instantly scrambled for the remote, pressing jamming his thumb into any random buttons in hopes of shutting the television off as quickly as he did. He honestly had no idea what he had done, but in an instant, the screen had switched to numerous gray scale pixels dancing around, a crackling loudly through the speakers. Marcus looked over at who it could be, if only for his eyes to widen. What? Who was this kid? Was he new here, why wasn't anyone showing him around? What is to become of Marcella?

Aware that the television was filling the room with way too much noise, and he had no idea how to fix whatever he had done, he pressed the power button to shut it off instead. The remote clattered back onto the table and he flashed the red haired boy sitting across from him a wide smile, trying to keep the nervous tick out of it. Man, if the new kid caught me getting into that soap opera... "Hey! You new here?" he greeted cheerily, attempting to change the topic away from him being so startled.

However, in the next moment, the other boy had simply got up and left. Damn. He furrowed his eyebrows, noticing the large group of kids that were entering the orphanage. Without hesitation, his homework long since forgotten, he pushed himself off the coach and darted into the kitchen. Swinging his head through the door way, he noticed that Bella and Zaine were there, much like he had expected. "Do you know what's going on out there?" he asked hurriedly.
Good. I think he'll be first. "So, what's your name?" He nodded at the boy in the strange suit. Why was he wearing that? All Jamie knew was that he looked ridiculous. "Your suit is great by the way!" He nodded, walking into the living room and waiting for the boy to answer his name. He wanted this tour to be over as soon as possible, but he knew it would mean the difference between him not pocketing 200 dollars next month and buying a new laptop with the rest of his saved money or staying with his crappy current one.
Belle lifted her head to his voice, Marcus, she blinked and looked at the window. "....New people." she simply said, as always, Zaine ignored him as he continued on cooking for himself, now turning off the stove as he let the heat on the pan just continue to cook off the last remaining bacon he had on there. Turning around as he went to the dish cabinet to get a plate of his own. "Jamie and Maddie are greeting them ....it won't be long before they're.. in..." She added on, sipping shyly to her OJ tetra pack pulling the hood from her knit hoodie up over her head. Zaine now momentarily removing the apron he had on.
''Aaron. Aaron Mayor. And you?'' Asked Aaron. When he made that comment about his suit Aaron wanted to raise his eyebrow. The suit was kind of weird, the only reason they picked it was because Natasha said that he would stand out in the crowd. And people would remember him better. But Bill probably topped it with his weirder yellow suit. And his cane, the cane he doesn't need. His weird top hat and bow-tie were pretty remember-able to.
Madison saw Belle and Zainier in the kitchen, and seemed to walk over to them. "Aren't you two going to greet everyone?" It was the first time Madison had really spoken to the pair.
The siblings instantly got really quiet when the room slowly had more people in it, and this time it was Maddison. "...N-no thanks.." she quietly said timidly as she nommed onto her toast, already finished her scrambled eggs as she looked like she could entirely hide in her hood. She wasn't good with new people, or even interacting with them in the first place. Either because no one wanted to, or she couldn't OR her brother scares them away.

Zaine simply shifted his eyes to her as he put down the kitchen down now pouring himself some tea he got from a box up the top of the cabinet, now drinking it despite it being hot he didn't flinch, he liked hot things. no, no innuendos please.

"......." he was looking at Maddison while sipping his tea, and then it shifted to the window, not responding to what she said as he went over to the counter behind his sister and leaned against it as he brushed his hand through his bangs, huffing a bit, heating him the area of his face as his breath went against the heat of the tea he drunk.

The two never really talked to anyone, not greeted anyone, oddly, for them being there ever since they were kids, they weren't as warm or open to them, even the ones older than them or near their age group or something like that.

They just.... don't.
"Well, Aaron Mayor; I'm Jamie." He turned away and pulled an exasperated face. I just told him my name, don't these people listen? This is the living room. "This is the living room and kitchen." He spotted Zainier, Marcus Uno and Belle sitting in the kitchen. I hope they keep their mouth shut. "And that Is Zainier." He pointed to the boy standing at the stove. "Marcus Uno, or Marcus no.1 and Belle. Meaning beauty, obviously." He winked at her.

Belle noticed Jamie who brought in the new comers, and when she heard him comment about her name, she blushed darkly and hid under her hood and bowed her head slightly, but she said nothing and continued on eating. Zainier just glared venomously at Jamie, but decided to not act on it, he merely stated the facts anyway and no physical action is being done.

Though his own aura was just as dark as someone's own hell brain, a small growl, but he looked away and continued to drink tea, ignoring the newbies as if they don't even exist, prompting that the corner of the kitchen was a more apple to the eyes and by far the most bloody entertaining sight ever than the newbies.


.. The growl was still evident...

..Oh ....that smashed thing in his hand...

..that used to be an apple... I think.
Marcus felt somewhat overwhelmed. New people? "But there's so many of them." Something akin to desperation choked his tone. He wasn't ready! He looked so trashy at the moment. At least the new guy didn't seem to take any notice of him getting sappy over Telemundo. Maybe if he could sneak up to his room and throw something nicer on... but then again, if Jamie and Maddie were giving the tour, then maybe he would be fine to avoid everyone for a little while. On any other day, he would be excited to have new people but... he just wasn't ready.

The boy was thrown out of his plight when a sudden growl ripped his stomach. "Oh, is that bacon?" he muttered. Ugh, but they probably won't share. Still, in hopes that it might simply be too much for them and he would be able to pick off some scraps, he seated himself in a chair across from them, his previous dilemma all but forgotten.

That was, until the group passed them by. Attempting to look confident, Marcus did his typical routine of winking at Madison. "Hey gorgeous." He raised his hand to wave, but his fingers curled at Jamie's passing comment. Oh, Zaine, don't kill him now.
I don't listen to people who are clearly lying. Ladalalala. ''Nice to meet you'' Said Aaron with a smile. Aaron waved at the people and smiled a smile that just said 'Nice to meet you but I really want to know were my room is because I want to change into something more casual and not weird'. Oh there's no smile that says that? Oh well..

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