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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Nick couldn't bring himself to reflect her smile. She can hit even harder? She already hits like a truck... or a man. Seriously, what's up with that? Do I really have to accept those terms? Ugh. She'd do it anyway, wouldn't she? The boy rubbed his cheek, his skin stinging at the memory. "Like I could stop you anyway." Maybe I'll get used to it, because that's bound to happen a lot.

Nick forced himself to take his mind off his own woes. That was about as close to forgiveness as he was going to get with his smooth talking, so he took it as his cue to step into her room finally. Okay, so how do I ask? He came up to her side, still digesting everything slowly. "So, seriously. What happened?" He couldn't even see her nose beneath the bandage, and now that he reflected on what he had seen last night, a knot was forming in his stomach, recalling the sheer amount of blood he could see all the way from his window.
Fliss' smile was wiped away at the memory of last night. She didn't even want to speak about it. She didn't want to remember it, but she knew that the first step to getting over something was acknowledging that it was real and it wasn't hard. The pain in her nose told her it was indeed real. She slumped down onto her bed and stared into space as she retold it as detailed as she could. "Jodie was waiting for Ava inside and she told me to go and hold the cab outside, so I did. I got in, handed the driver some money and he just-just pounced on me. He had this look in his eyes, an evil stare like he wanted to squeeze the life out of me. Like he wanted to feel me breath my last breath and he just stopped me from breathing. He was pushing so hard on my face that my nose broke." She shook her head and looked into her hands. She felt as though she could still see the blood on her hands. She coughed and looked at Nick, "Luckily Jodie wacked him over the head with a freaking breeze block." She laughed as if she was recounting something funny that had happened to her; although it was not funny at all.
At the girl's silence, Nick almost swallowed his words and reassured her she didn't have to talk about it, but he really did want to know, as though getting some sick fix off of knowing just how much he could have helped. Soon enough, she began recounting the events, and he kept a serious look on his face as she looked away from him. It would probably help her if he could chuckle a little at her dry crack, but he couldn't. "That's disgusting. I'm so sorry." Nick couldn't wrap his mind around it. The attack was entirely unprovoked, and if he understood it all correctly, it wasn't even some attempt at rape. At least Jodie seemed to have gotten there in time, since he at least knew the girl didn't have to spend the night at the hospital or anything, but he could have done so much if he had been there. In fact, it probably would never have happened.

He had to acknowledge there was nothing he could do now. Nick considered following her to sit on the edge of the bed, as his ankle was starting to hurt again, though it was mostly healed, but instead remained standing and looked down at her suitcase. "So why are you packing?" Then it clicked. "Oh, duh. Never mind." I still haven't even finished unpacking. Nick attempted to rub the remainder of sleep out of his eyes, feeling himself slump down onto the bed next to her. It was too late to stop legal authorities from getting involved, so they were bound to relocate the kids soon enough. Moving once, now again that he almost felt like he had settled, having an apparently homicidal roommate, needing a job if he ever had any hope of escaping... it was all too much stress, and he had to take a moment massaging his temples, scratching the back of his head and other manners of fidgeting for him to calm down, sighing deeply all the while.
"We have really quite messed up lives, don't we?" Fliss felt Nick's tenseness beside her. She hated moving and having to do it twice within the space of 2 days wasn't fun. She wondered if Michael was still downstairs, dead on the couch. Maybe the ambulance had taken him already. No one had any words goodwill or farewell to him. Everyone just seem shocked, but not sad. Fliss felt like maybe she should be sad, but she didn't need to be. She didn't know the guy. She hadn't even talked to him. She just knew of his existence. 
"We have really quite messed up lives, don't we?" Fliss felt Nick's tenseness beside her. She hated moving and having to do it twice within the space of 2 days wasn't fun. She wondered if Michael was still downstairs, dead on the couch. Maybe the ambulance had taken him already. No one had any words goodwill or farewell to him. Everyone just seem shocked, but not sad. Fliss felt like maybe she should be sad, but she didn't need to be. She didn't know the guy. She hadn't even talked to him. She just knew of his existence.
Nick finally managed to force a grin then, though it was hollow and bitter. "No kidding." If someone ended up in an orphanage, there was something that went horribly wrong with their lives. Perhaps the easiest thing would be to have always lived in one, but he was sure that the kids that lived like that would beg to differ, and it would no longer be a pity party. More like a pity competition. Same shit of people trying to say how much later they stayed up than you. I don't even want to try arguing with these kids. Nick finally ceased his fidgeting after twirling his watch around his wrist a few times, instead gripping the end of the bed. "Well, I'm gonna' go pack then, I guess." With that, he pushed himself to his feet and walked off to do so.
Fliss sighed as Nick left. She had finished packing and she wanted to get out of that room immediately so she went downstairs and sneaked past the remaining people. She walked outside and noticed a beautiful apple tree. She walked over to it and touched the closest apple to the Earth. It was ripe and a gorgeous green. She plucked it from the branch and studied it in her hands. It was shiny and glossy and she rubbed it on her shirt. She took a bite and the flavour burst in her mouth. It was delicious, but no better than any other apple she had tasted before. She slumped down on the trunk and continued eating her apple, looking at the clouds and waiting for the day to be over.
A slick black Mercedes pulled up alongside the curb of the orphanage, and it took a few minutes for anybody to actually step out. Luka, or Lucifer as he prefers to be called, stepped out of the car into the bright sunlight. He scowled deeply as the car sped away from the curb. Typical. My grandparents couldn't even drop me off themselves. Selfish bastards. He slung his bag over his shoulder and for a second, he considered just leaving. But he knew that the police would end up looking for him, and he had no where else to go. Besides, how bad could it be? Free room, free food, maybe even a few people that were not too stupid for him to talk to. But he had heard some disturbing rumours about this place, but that just made him even more excited at the thought. He always wondered about the psychotic mind. He might actually be able to see for himself what it's really like.

He pushed himself forward, ignoring the itchy feeling inside his mind, and walked up to the house. He was about to knock when he caught sight of movement just out of the corner of his eye. He spotted a petite girl sitting under a tree. She was looking up at the clouds, seemingly lost in thought. She was the only one that he has seen so far, and a split second decision had him walking towards her. Maybe if he turned on his charm, he would get her to show him the perks of this place. He ditched his scowl in place of a warm and charming smile. "Hi, uhh, my name's Luci - Luka. I'm new here and was wondering if you could show me around, miss.....?"
Isadore sighed, wondering what to do now that the dead man had been removed. It's so strange, though. If he was dead since yesterday, why wasn't there a smell this morning? Corpses decay, don't they? Shrugging, with the belief that perhaps Michael's alcoholic tendencies might have preserved his body, Isadore slipped out of the living room and into the kitchen. Breakfast... he rummaged around in the nearly empty fridge, and sighed in exasperation. There was literally no food left in the house.

Muttering in annoyance, Isadore decided to head outside and pick his breakfast from his apple tree. But he stopped when he noticed some kids already crowding around his friend, the slappy girl and what seemed to be a new arrival. Two more people for the list. Isadore silently watched them from the doorway, no longer hungry but very interested in who these kids were.
"Oh God. You didn't come at a really great time. We are actually moving." Fliss looked at the guy stepping out of the car. He didn't sound so sure of his name. He looked nervous, but then again so did she when she moved here. "I guess you could just wait here. No doubt someone will pick us up some time. There's only so long before they remember that we are here unsupervised. "I'm Felicity." She smiled and patted the ground next to her. She acted like she had been there for years, but that was the first time she had ever sat there. The first time she had ever seen that tree. She wanted to seem welcoming at least.
"Moving? Unsupervised? Huh. Let me guess. The guy that's supposed to be watching the kids around here has either ditched or died, but I'm guessing he died," Luka sat himself down in the shade of the tree, and leaned back on his arms. He knew that he was being a little insensitive, but he just couldn't help it. It was just who he was. Plus, he was a little angry that he was dropped off at a place that was about to move, so no doubt that he would be have to help. There was one thing that he disliked more then bossy people, was being forced to help those helping those bossy people by even bossier adults. That was one of the reasons he got into all the fights at school, and at home. For a second, his "Mr. Nice Guy" mask fell at the memories, and he scowled a bit before placing the charming smile back on his lips. "Maybe the next place will be better then this one,"
"Correct." She cringed at the memory of Michael's dead body, "And I hope so." She ran a hand through her hair. Anywhere had to be better than here. Ambulances everywhere. No one cares about what you eat, when you eat, if you get any care, if you are being attacked! She sighed and pulled down the handle on her suitcase and threw her apple core on the ground.
"That must have been hard for you guys, losing someone who is supposed to take care of you," Luka meant that sincerely, which surprised him. He didn't know what it was like to actually have someone care for you, but he did have a few friends that he didn't actually hate that died in unfortunate "accidents". Though from the look on the girls face said that she didn't like the guy much. He opened his mouth to say something else, when a large van pulled up. It stopped in front of the house and he turned back to Felicity. "I guess that is our ride." He stood up and moved toward the truck. "You coming or not?"
"Actually, he didn't take care of us...much." She saw a van pull up. "That's our ride." She pulled the handle of her case back up and strode over to the care to see the paramedic from earlier at the wheel. He saw her and rolled down the window."I'm here to take you guys to the New Life Centre." He nodded and rolled up the window again. Fliss sighed, knowing she'd have to go inside and tell the others. Fliss walked to the door and yelled inside. "GUYS, OUR RIDE IS HERE. PACK YOUR THINGS AND GET IN!" She turned around and coughed, not used to shouting. She walked over to the van and yanked the door open. She now realised it was more of a minibus than a van, with a lot of seats in the back. She chose the back seat and sat down, a little squished by her case.

"Thank God." Jodie muttered and shot out of the house. She noticed a red headed guy standing outside of the van. "I like your hair, snap." She said, thinking he was just a passerby.
Aaron placed his glass on the counter and ran upstairs to pack all his stuff. He didn't really know why but he just did. But because of that he didn't have time to change into his regular clothes. Aaron ran downstairs with his two suitcases and his backpack with his N64 in it.


This is the N64 in his backpack, it's portable

He placed his two small suitcases and looked at the girl who was in the van. ''Good morning'' said Aaron while hoping that she also didn't notice the suit that he was wearing. I hope that she's just as blind as Not-Steve was.
Fliss noticed Aaron was wearing a suit. She tried to contain her laughter but it was difficult and a weird little squeal escaped her lips. She covered it up by saying,"What's with the suit?"
Luka winced slightly as the girl shouted, and sighed. I guess it was one way to get noticed. He raised an eyebrow at the red headed woman that had shot out of the house, but didn't reply. He didn't feel like meeting all of the members of the house right now, so he climbed onto the bus and took a seat in the middle. He stared out the window as more people filed out of the house.
Apparently not. ''I had to go to a.. thing'' A party is a thing right? Aaron sat next to her in the van and placed his backpack on his lap. ''Do you think the ride will be long?'' Asked Aaron, trying to change the topic.
"Hopefully not. I get travel sick pretty easy." She already have a headache."Although, a little bit of sick might make your suit look a little better considering how hideous it is." She coughed.
Aaron looked at her and blinked. Well that's rude, person I don't know the name of. Aaron grabbed his N64 out of his backpack and started playing Mario Kart 64. There's no need in talking to rude people is there? Nope, definitely not.
Nick tugged the zipper the rest of the way around the suitcase when a shrill voice cried throughout the house. He couldn't help but cringe. He made a mental note to do everything in his power to keep her from screeching ever again. The boy flipped the suitcase up and, as a final act in that room, dumped all the trash he had been collecting over time that he had been attempting to hide from his roommate. He emptied his pocket and various zippers on his backpack, and soon, there were wrappers littered all over the desk. Well, I guess moving prolongs having to break the new. Nick shrugged on his backpack, if only to have the weight of all of his textbooks bear down on his shoulders. These textbooks will be the death of me. The boy had finally gotten over his pseudo hangover, allowing him to finally move around with ease.

Just as he was making his way out of the orphanage, a thought struck him. What would a new orphanage entail for his rooming situation? He imagined the orphanage would get crowded from basically merging with another one. Would he be able to nab a room for himself, or should he just try his luck to get a new roommate? Then again, how would Isadore react to that avoidance? Actually, what would happen if someone else had to room with him? Nick chewed on his bottom lip, uncharacteristically pondering all his options and the consequences of each as he headed down the stairs.

Arriving at the van, he resolved that he should just see how the other boy reacts to the situation, make him make the decision. Wordlessly, he chose the front seat in hopes of enabling himself to be the first to claim a room so that his plan would be most effective. So as to dissuade people from sitting next to him, he left his suitcase next to his legs and slid his backpack off with a contented sigh. I better not need all of these textbooks. Class sets should be a thing. Nick took his mind off of that, instead switching his mind set to speculating the possibilities of yet another home, pressing his cheek against the window.
Marcus would be finishing up on cleaning his room. He sighs and sits down at his navy blue desk. Which was covered in articles, papers, pens, pencils and so,e sketches of dogs. "Hmm. Oh! Yes. Greyhounds..." He picked up a pencil. And resumed writing, muttering every word he wrote. "It is a gentle and intelligent breed whose combination of long, powerful legs, deep chest, flexible spine and slim build allows it to reach average race speeds in excess of 64 kilometres per hour (40 mph).The greyhound can reach a full speed of 70 kilometres per hour (43 mph) within 30 meters or six strides from the boxes, traveling at almost 20 metres per ssecond for the first 250 metres of a race....." He sighed putting down his pen and rubbing his forehead. "Oh dear. I hope the new ones won't be a nuisance..." He fixed his light purple tie and sighed, standing up he inspected his room once more.

Ruby was outside, picking some flowers. She was bored, but excited about the newcomers. "Ooh! I can't wait!" But she bit her lip in a thought.

What if they think of you as weird? Throw those flowers away! You're not nine! Did I clean my room? I hope I did. Please god, I don't want to mess up with the new ones. What if they think I'm a clean freak? Uh.. ?! What if they think I'm weird because I have some flowers in my hair like a little girl?! But... I like these flowers... No! I gotta throw them away. Ya' know, what if they think I'm a loner, just, outside here, all by myself?!?!?!?!

Her eyes seemed dilated and she breath in and out slowly, taking out the flowers from her hair and throwing them to the ground, as well as the flowers from her hand.

I need to go to Markie. Yes. Markie. We can talk, and I stay inside, so I won't be a loner! And he is really nice. But what if they think we're mean if we didn't go stand outside to greet them?! What if they think we are just some lousy kids with horrid lives?!?! I don't want them to think that!!!! What should I do?! What should I do?!? You better not have a breakdown Ruby! I promised myself I won't have one!!! Gah!!!!

She stood there, her expression looked like she was struggling with something. Ruby couldn't help it, this would happen everyday. Those session of thoughts... It almost a drives her crazy.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + New Life Centre + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

"I could hear it again..."

...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock..."This dream..."Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick.."Belle...". tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock."..This dream again.....".. tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick.."Belle wake up..."...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock..."..the dream..." tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick."....It's ..."..tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock."....Why...". tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick."..This dream..... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock.."N-No... Zai-". tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock.. tick... tock...Tick... tock... tick...tock..


The young caramel blondish brunette just jolted awake from her bed, her eyes widened and her breathing went on rapid after her sharp gasp transpired, beautiful wavy strands astray from her her long braid that looked delicious against the milky peach skin she had on, her dress of the night of white lace, her lips of blood red apples, her bright honey light brown caramels eyes that slowly softened. They focus on and off as she steadied herself, her brain telling her what her senses sung. She was in a room, a room to which she shared with her brother. A cozy red wall papered and dark wooden floor room was it all, books everywhere on the floor and dim orange like lights, very warm looking, like a cabin. Her bed was located at the front of the window with lacy white curtains over a creme' coloured one.

And infront of her was her brother who looked panicked, he was handsome, his hands out as his eyes were wide, his hair was slightly longer, they reached the nape, his skin was paler than hers, hair of jet black, eyes of stirling silverish ashen grey, he wore a black tank top, his black open jacket was on the floor as if he had rushed to jump on her bed when she showed signs of a nightmare. He had his black jeans on, his belt was on too, meaning to say he was getting ready for the day. Frowning a bit, he kissed her forehead gently. "....You were having a nightmare..." he said gently.. stroking her cheek as she frowned, looking down and covered her face.

He gave another heavy sigh.. "...Is it the same dream again..?" his voice warm, soft and full of concern..

"..Yes.." she said softly, her voice innocent, sweet yet sad.

Belle was having nightmares recently, perhaps a side effect from the medication she was having, or from stress. They wouldn't really know, they weren't the richest people, well, not rich anymore into the context monetary.

Zainier, or Zaine, would just bring his sister close and hug her with a small smile, "..It's going to be alright...I'm here..." he whispered gently as his sister's eyes, from widened startled expression, they softened and slowly closed as she buried her face to her brother's shoulder..

The only family she had left..

Why did it feel like each day, they'll be taken off and away?... The problems with these kinds of places.. you sign in.

They hated Signing in, because when you sign in you will one day sign out.

It took around 10 minutes for her to regain her composure, and once she did, she went off to change, putting on her knit hoodie as she put on more comfortable outfits for her, she was colder than most people, her body temperature was slightly lower, due to her health issues, she was weak this way. Her brother was the complete opposite though, as she looked at him after changing, he was just letting his jacket hang over his shoulders, concealing a huge cross scar that looks excruciatingly painful.

"..There's new people coming..."

She blinked suddenly.. What?

"...To this place.. we have new people." he continued as his eyes shifted to hers, his voice low, it was so low it sounded like he was growling, it fitted a bad guy or a villain in some kind of movie. "....Meaning to say it'll get a lot more nosier here than ever."

She only chuckled after blinking several times in her registery of what he said. "Nothing wrong with that...it's just the same old thing..."

Her brother scoffed as he went to open the door, shrugging while rolling his eyes, "Yeah.. I guess." he rested his elbow on the door frame while looking over his shoulder, she could tease him that he looked like a guy from a modeling magazine, her brother was an athletic body type, she wondered why he never considered to get modeling as a job, or go for sports.

But he just scoffs in every idea.

"Come along Belle, we gotta get you something to eat." he said a bit irritatedly due to her staring, she nearly jumped and nodded. And followed him suit as they walked down the stairs. A certain aura was given off the two siblings, the yin and yang, who never really interacted or talked to anyone else but to each other. They were the opposite of each other yet shared similarities indeed.

But right now they both weren't just thinking on the usual aura they gave off. But..much more rather...

The new comers..
A silence fell on the New Life Centre, as most of the kids were still holed up in their rooms. That was usual for any weekend morning, however, so the single boy that was sunken into the leather couch of the living room was not surprised. Marcus couldn't complain, however, because it just gave him more time to work on his homework. At least, that was the front he had wanted to put up when he had initially woken up that morning. The usual items of the coffee table, a few decorations and stray cords for various electronics, were all pushed to the side, a tiny stack of textbooks sitting precariously next to the notebooks and papers that were strew across the surface. He had gotten further in his homework than usual, in that he had finished the first algebra problem... if only to find that he had done it in pen.

The television sat across from him at an angle, the flat screen lit up with the picture of a man and woman whispering harshly to each other, Spanish words filling the otherwise quiet state of the orphanage. Those jerks only thought to mention they got Telemundo here last week. Marcus had subconsciously put his pen down at an angle, the cap caught between his thick lips, allowing him to whistle merrily through it each time he exhaled. Originally he had feigned disinterest at the cheap soap operas that were playing, but with time, he had turned to face the television, slumped forward and propping his elbows up on his knees. One bare foot touched the ground only with the balls of it, bobbing up and down for the fun of it.

The boy sighed through the pen cap, sending a sharp whistle through the building. He ground it between his teeth, bite marks covering all of it. Jess, don't you know he's no good for you? Just leave him already. Marcus had long since forgotten his growling stomach, completely absorbed in the drama. After all, if he left during a commercial break, he might be gone too long! He frowned at the dilemma he found himself in... the same one that he had been in for the past couple of hours. Marcus shook his head a little, sparing a moment to tug at his tanktop, as the way it was wrinkling might have been making him look too chubby for his taste. Forget my predicament. Maria is totally about to bust Lucas if she walks in on that affair with Lucille...
It was soon time for the 'Newbies' to turn up, and Madison was waiting in her room, staring out the window. She had a room to herself, though there was another bed in her room that nobody used. She tended to use it as somewhere to put her things. It wouldn't have surprised her if one of the new people came to take her spare bed. She knew it would be nice to have some company, but company that would respect her.

She cleaned her room earlier that day to prepare for the new comers. As usual, she didn't wear clothes that were too posh or sophisticated, she wore things made her the person she was. Her aim was to look good.

She knew that they would be here soon, but she couldn't seem to draw her attention from staring out of the double-glazed window.

Right then.

She got up and marched down stairs to get something to eat, as she knew Belle and Zainier went down stairs a moment ago, it must have been to get some food. Maybe I should get something to eat too.

Those two never seem to talk to me.

Madison then left the room and went down stairs.
Jamie sat on the hard plastic chair that was made to look like glass. He stared at the back of the Headmistresses computer and waited for the tall, skinny woman to stop typing. Finally, she did. She pushed up her glasses and cleared her throat, turning towards Jamie and clasping her hands together.

"So, Jamie. As you know you are the best behave studen-"She coughed. "child living under my care. I understand that so far, your record is clear-you have not once left the house without permission and you finish your chores on time every time you are given them." She looked over the rim of her glasses at him and squinted her eyes a little. "You don't seem like the kind of boy who would have an immaculate record, a nose piercing, skinny jeans etcetera, but I supposed I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover."
Oh, yes you should. I changed all of those records you dumb bitch. That's what you get for not having a password on your computer. "So; I have a job for you. One I know you'll be good at. On this very morning, a total of 8 new children will be joining our house. I want you to find out everything about them. Their past, their habits, their romantic interests. Leave no stone unturned. I want to know everything. Do you understand?" She raised her eyebrow. Jamie nodded. She passed him a large black notepad over her desk and Jamie coughed. "But, obviously, I will receive some kind of reward, right?" He smirked. "Of course. 200 dollars if you finish the job within 4 weeks. If you fail, the reward will decrease 10 dollars each week after." Jamie understood. He grabbed the notebook and stood up; no more needed to be said. He walked towards the door.

"Oh, and make sure that what we just spoke about is kept secret." She neatened out a set of papers and Jamie shut the door, the notebook still in his hand.

Jamie went to his room and studied himself in the mirror. He took off his black beanie and combed his hair back, like a good boy. He took off his skinny jeans and his BTTF t-shirt and replaced them with a pair of black chinos (His fancy pants) and a plain white shirt. He left the top two buttons undone, you know, just in case there was anyone hot enough to charm arriving from this orphanage. She brushed his hair back with his hand and practised his best do-gooder smiled. "Hi, I'm Jamie. Welcome to the New Life Centre." He stuck out his hand and pretend to greet someone enthusiastically. He grinned and then ran downstairs, opening up the door and sitting on the doorsteps ready for his new subjects.

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