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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Fliss stretched out her legs as the morning sun beamed down on her face. She had forgotten to shut the curtains before she went to bed. She got up, shielding her face from the light and feeling the throbbing her nose as she stood up. "Ah!" She touched the bandage on her face. She blinked away the pain and strode over to her wardrobe. She pulled out a pale blue shirt and a pair of white jeans. She shrugged the shirt on along with the pants and left her hair in a bun. She walked downstairs and saw Michael on the couch. His mouth was wide open and he looked as if he was asleep. "Um, excuse me?" She poked his arm. His skin looked pale. Was he dead? He wasn't moving. His breath smelt of alcohol, perhaps he was passed out? Fliss didn't know what to do. She stood there for a moment, contemplating slapping him. And she did. A big smacker upside the head. His head flopped to the side, lifelessly. She shivered and shouted upstairs. "Little help here?" She doubted anyone would here. "I think this guy is dead." She called.
Ava had just rolled out of bed when she faintly heard someone calling out about a dead body. She was probably hearing things, she could hardly keep her eyes open from the bright morning sun that shone into her room. Should we poke it with a stick? She thought with a small laugh. Her stomach growled and disappointment filled her as she thought about how there wasn't any food in the house, just cereal bars and the like. With a sigh, she left her room and went downstairs.

She saw Felicity standing in the living room in front of the couch. Ava walked to the living room and entered. "Hey, what's- Oh my..." Her eyes widened as she saw Michael laying on the couch, unusually quiet. "Is he, you know...?"
Benjamin slid down the stairs railing and landed on his feet and noticed everyone was standing around an apparently unconscious Michael. Benjamin walked over and looked at Ava and the new girl, who never told him her name.

"Hey, Mike?!" Ben asked, loudly.

He bent over and lifted his head, both his eyes were closed. Ben raised an eyebrow and pried his lids open, his pupils didn't respond to the light and remained dilated. He released his eyelids and placed two fingers on his neck where his arteries would be. He felt no pulse, and Michael wasn't breathing.

"Call an ambulance, Mike is unresponsive. Do it now, please." He said.

He looked up at Ava and motioned for her to call.
"Okay..." Ava walked over to the phone and started to dial 911. She didn't know what to feel, it's not like she liked the guy in the first place. She was more worried about where she will go. Who was going to take care of them now Michael was gone? She told the dispatcher about what happened and they needed an ambulance before hanging up. "They're on their way."
Isadore stirred as he heard a faint voice calling from somewhere down below. Satan has an unusually high-pitched voice, the boy thought as he snuggled into his pillow. But just as he began drifting back to sleep, the voice's words registered in his head. Dead? Someone died? Leaping out of bed, Isadore dashed out the bedroom door and stumbled downstairs, glancing around the living room in confusion.

"Where's the dead body?"
"He's not dead, right? He's still alive. Maybe he passed out? He stinks of Whiskey!" Fliss was a little shaky and then another boy burst into the room. "Where's the dead body?" He said, almost excitedly. "Who are you?" Fliss raised an eyebrow at him.

Jodie heard the commotion from down stairs and jumped out of bed, running downstairs in her pyjamas. She didn't want to miss anything. "What's going on?" She passed Isadore with an 'accidental' bang on the shoulder. "Oh my God-" She put her hand over her mouth. "Is he dead?" She poked him in the shoulder. "Mike?" She slapped him hard. "Guys, if he's dead, what do we do? We'll be homeless, alone!" She started to freak out.

I just had to pick this one :I (I like that quote too much :I Also I couldn't fin another picture that covered his eye-patch with his hair :I Even though this one doesn't really hide it either.)

Also he's 6 ft 7. Which is tall(or lanky :I)...:I Especially if you compare it to Aaron who's 5 ft 5 and Natasha who's 5 ft 7. And just to clear things up, only if you stand far away his eye colour looks black. So if you get really, really close you can see that it's actually dark blue. but only if you're like an inch away from him. So that was unnecessary information :I.

P.s Picture the top hat to be a more normal or something, you don't have to:I :I.

Aaron woke up and looked around himself. A look of confusion popped on his face when he didn't recognise the room he was in. That look quickly disappeared however when he remembered what happened the previous day.Aaron stepped out of bed and decided to just put his suit back on. When he looked at the clock in the room he saw that it was just 6AM in the morning.

Not knowing were to go Aaron just turned on the PC. It didn't take too long for it to start and he was lucky that the account didn't had a password. Aaron started Opera and typed in Sunny Brooks Orphanage. It didn't took him too long to find the right one and he quickly printed out the driving instructions.

After a while Aaron decided to just watch stupid videos on youtube. Suddenly he heard someone knock on the door. ''Who's that?'' Asked Aaron while pausing a video. Aaron asked himself, in his head of course, if that was really necessary. So far he knew Bill lived alone.

''It's just me, Stripes'' Said Bill while opening the door. ''Oh okay'' Bill looked at Aaron and than at the printed out driving instructions.

''Do you mind bringing me home? Or can I at least call a cab?'' Asked Aaron while turning off the PC. ''Oh and sorry. But I had to use you computer to print that out'' Said Aaron with a sheepish smile.

''No, it's fine don't worry. But don't you want to eat breakfast first?'' Said Bill.

Aaron stood up from his seat and noticed that Bill was still dressed pretty fancy. He wore a dress shirt and dress pants, he even wore the same bow-tie from the party. But he didn't had his cane with him, so that probably meant it was just an accessory or something.

''Yeah sure why not'' Said Aaron while grabbing the sheet of paper. The walk to the kitchen was kind of long compared to the not even half minute it took at home.

''So what do you want to eat?'' Bill opened a cupboard and grabbed a cup to put his coffee in. ''Can I have some cereal?'' Asked Aaron.

Bill Blinked at that while looking at him.

''I'm sorry Stripes. But I don't have any cereal. I don't eat cereal.'' Aaron frowned at that and took a second to think.

''Can I have a sandwich than?'' Bill nodded at that and opened a cupboard to grab the bread. To his surprise the only thing in it was an empty can. So he opened another cupboard, only empty jars and a cup full sugar. He decided to look in the fridge for some food.

''Euh.. It looks like I have to do some grocery shopping. I'm sorry but I don't have any food'' Said Bill while scratching his head.

''Well.. That's fine. We can go grocery shopping if you want to''

''You really want to go grocery shopping?''Asked Bill with a raised eyebrow.

''Sure why not?''

''You're wearing a suit. Do you really want to go grocery shopping in a suit?'' His eyebrow was still raised.

''Sure why not?'' Said Aaron while he shrugged.

Bill just nodded and they walked to his car. The ride to the nearby grocery store was longer than expected. After some time the radio got boring so Aaron asked Bill if he had some CD's. Bill said that he should just look in the dashboard. To his surprise he found some country CD's, he didn't knew what kind of music Bill liked but country was very unexpected. But he also found some classic music so he didn't really know what to think. So Aaron decided to just leave the radio on.

When they finally got in the grocer store the first thing Bill grabbed was a box of cereal.

''Euhm.. Didn't you say that you didn't eat cereal?'' Asked Aaron while looking at the box.

''Yeah, but didn't you ask for cereal?''

''You don't have to buy cereal for me'' Said Aaron while pushing the cart.

''Who said I was buying this for you?'' Asked Bill with a smirk.

''You just did. When you said 'but didn't you ask for cereal?'''

''And who says that You isn't a person?'' Aaron just sighed at that and placed the milk in the cart.The rest of the the time not much was said. Although most of the time it was quiet it wasn't an uncomfortable silence.

When they finally returned at Bill's house Aaron poured the Cereal and milk in a bowl. ''Don't you want to eat something?'' Asked Aaron after swallowing his food.

Bill blinked at that and just took a sip from his coffee. He grabbed a spoon from the drawer and eat some of Aaron's cereal. Bill spit out the cereal in his mouth and looked at Aaron with a raised eyebrow.

''How can you eat this Stripes? It tastes like cardboard with sugar on it!'' Bill took a big sip from his coffee and gargled.

''Most cereal for kids do'' Said Aaron after swallowing another bite. He wanted to ask Bill why he didn't know that, but he already said that he didn't eat cereal so it was kind of obvious why.

After Aaron eat his cereal Bill drove him home. It wouldn't take that long if it wasn't for the fact that they got lost a couple of times. The whole time they blamed each other for getting lost. Even though it was Bill who was driving. So it was Bill's fault, at least if you want to believe Aaron. Because Bill kept saying that Aaron gave him the wrong directions. Thanks to that the ride took them a whole more hour than it should be.

When they finally arrived at Sunny Brooks Aaron saw a ambulance in front of Sunny Brooks. He blinked a few times to see if it really was there. Unlucky for him it was.

''Can I wait in the car? You know until I know what's going on?'' Asked Aaron while still looking at the ambulance.

''Of course Stripes''
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A paramedic strolled in the room, a bag thrown over his shoulder. He looked worried instantly. He put two fingers on Mike's neck and shook his head. "Okay kids, give him some room. How long has he been like this?" Everyone was quiet, except Jodie. "I saw him like this last night, I assumed he was sleeping." The paramedic looked a little sick; he had to break the news to a room full of orphans. He had to tell them that their carer was dead. He gulped. "I am afraid that he has passed away." He stood up. "If you could just leave the room while I take him out into the ambulance, that'd be great."

Jodie was a little shocked. She hated to admit it, but she was kind of happy. She was glad that he was gone. It was an opportunity to start anew. She ran up to her room, unsure whether to laugh or cry.

Fliss was a little confused. She had only seen this man a few times. She didn't know him. The others around her didn't seem upset, just shocked. She barely even knew who he was. "I'm going to go to my room." She stepped back, flabbergasted. She followed Jodie up the stairs but walked into her own room and began to pack. She knew it wouldn't be long before they were resettled.
Benjamin stepped back and grabbed Ava's hand and gave it a quick squeeze for reassurance.

"If we have to move, I promise you I won't leave you."
Ava could feel her eyes water and tried to hold any tears back. She never wanted to be here in the first place, but over time, she felt rather attached. She didn't know what she would do if she were to be separated from Ben. She could cope from being separated from her best friend, but not Ben.

She gave a smile and held his hand tightly. "I know."
Benjamin quickly pulled her into a hug, to avoid her from seeing the paramedics place Michael's lifeless corpse on a gurney. The paramedic looked at the orphans and offered a sympathetic smile, he then covered Michael with a sheet out of respect for Mike and the orphans.

"Sorry for your loss." He said quietly.

The two paramedics wheeled him out of the building, and the sound of the stretcher and it's wheels rolling across the wooden floor echoed along the hallways of the orphanage, causing Ben to hold Ava tighter.

"It's okay, I've known you long enough to know when you want to cry. Go ahead..." He whispered into her ear.
Ava bit her lip as he held her tighter. She shook her head and wrapped her arms around him. "No, I'm fine. I'll always be as long as I'm with you," she said softly as she leaned up to kiss him.
Nick stifled another snore as he was finally tugged from his dreamless state, the persistent whining of a siren finally managing to break through to his conscious. He muttered incoherently into the sheets that smothered his face, wanting to swear, but not able to recall the English language at the time. Eventually, through the arms that wrapped his head and the blankets so tightly, he managed to get out, "What the actual fuck?" There was an ambulance here just yesterday, and now he was waking up to one. This is ridiculous. I'm going to learn how to tune those things out at this rate. Doesn't usually happen my ass.

The boy rolled over from lying on his back and immediately regretted it, a pounding surging through his head in that instant. He ground his teeth against the pain, lying still as he waited for it to pass. It wasn't like he had gone out to party all night, so why did it feel like such an awful hangover? Nick had spent his evening filling out any application he could get his hands on, which was difficult as there were only so many places still offering applications at midnight, but he didn't return to the orphanage until perhaps two in the morning. Logically, he should have waited for the next day, but he had been hyped up on Red Bull and wasn't in the mood to hang around the orphanage at the time and the questionable company that came along with it.

One thing he had managed to do was replace his phone for free, though there were many complications involved and it took entirely too long. Nick hadn't even known that phone companies were still producing flip phones, but as it turned out, they did... and they were free. Perhaps it was the end of meaningless games and Snapchat, but he knew he didn't have time to waste on those things. The phone would suffice for any job that he might get which was all he needed. Either way, the old school feel had a certain charm to it, which he could distinctly recall Orion taking advantage of on several occasions with his fake phone calls.

Nick grimaced at the memories, dismissing them as quickly as he could manage. The boy finally slid the blankets from out of his face, and upon cracking his eyes open, noticed the bed across from him in disarray, Isadore absent from it. I swear if he's been out all night... Somewhat hypocritical, but he wasn't about to crawl back into bed after he managed to drag himself out of it.

Slowly, so as to not agitate his headache, Nick began to get dressed. The cry of the sirens had finally cut off by the time he was slipping a cloth belt through the belt loop, though he was instantly aware of how loosely the khaki shorts hung on his shorts. Throwing on a plain heather shirt, he slipped out of his room. A ringing was still present in his ears from the ambulance, stunting his progress of making his way down the hall, every step seeming to tease the wrath of his headache.

Finally, he decided he could not bear the thought of making his way down the stairs and switched his destination. The boy had caught a glimpse of what he thought had been Felicity retreating into her room. She was probably still angry with him, but he didn't really care. Maybe she would know what happened the night before, too. Without hesitation, he leaned his head against the door frame to her room, rapping the door with his knuckles.
Fliss heard a knock at her door. She was halfway through packing even though her clothes had only been in the wardrobe for just over 24 hours. She sighed and waited for whoever it was outside to remember. She looked at her dress and started to get a headache, remembering the events of last night. So much went on. She sat down and put her hand on her head. "Come in."
Aaron entered the orphanage and softly walked upstairs. In the hallway he saw Nick knocking on someone's door. ''Oh hey good morning'' Aaron noticed that he still had his suit on and hoped that the other didn't notice it.
Nick blew a bubble into his cheek while waiting for an answer. I know you're in there. Finally, he heard her consent and allowed the air to come out, making some odd noise vaguely reminiscent to flatulence. He looked over his shoulder as he heard someone walking behind him. It was the kid from before, Aaron, walking by... in a suit. Why am I not surprised? Skipping out on harassing the other boy, as he was much too tired, he simply returned a passive, "Oh, hey," before turning back to the door, twisting the door knob and pushing it in. Instantly, his eyebrows knit together in confusion at the whole scene.

He had not seen another person's room up until now, and it was certainly different from the one he shared. It seemed bigger, but that was probably just because there was only one bed. Either way, the thing that puzzled him more than that was the girl standing over a suitcase stuffed with clothes. "What happened to your face?" he blurted, not able to contain himself, though he inwardly cringed at his choice of words, but he certainly hadn't seen that bandage on her before.
How kind. Fliss got the impression Nick wasn't great with words. "Are you kidding me? Piss off." She looked at him and continued packing. How could he really think he could offend her and then come into her room and offend her again? "Seriously." She was through trying to make friends here, perhaps there would be kinder people at wherever they were going...
Benjamin smiled and met her halfway, kissing her.

"Yeah, me too. I want you to stay with me." He said, softly.
Nick exhaled deeply through his nose, shutting his eyes and cupping his hand over his mouth, dragging it down slowly. Casanova, alright. He attempted to keep his frustration directed towards himself, in spite of her own curt words. Finally, he dropped his hand and looked at her again. "That's not what I meant. I mean..." You know what I mean, he brewed silently. "Not insulting. Genuinely asking."
Ava kissed him a few more times before pulling away from him. "We should run away together," she said with a small laugh. "Well, we should get packing, yeah?" She looked kind of sad for a moment before smiling at him again. She then turned around and walked out of the room, heading upstairs.
Fliss sighed and zipped up her bag. She turned around, "Look, you didn't give a damn about my feelings last night, so I'm not going to give a damn about yours now. I tried to be your friend-you pushed me away. All that happened was some guy attacked me." Hah, all that happened. "And the head of the house died, so if you are really that curious, his dead body is downstairs on the couch. But maybe you don't care about that either because you're just some heartless-" She stopped, clearly she was getting too angry. She pried her hands from their fists and looked at the floor. "Does that answer your question?"
He didn't notice the suit. I don't know if I should be happy about that or be concerned about the fact the he might be blind. Happy definitely happy. Aaron walked to his room and placed the sheet of paper on his desk. Forgetting the fact that he wore a suit Aaron went downstairs again. On the stairs he saw a girl. '''Good morning'' He said to her and he walked the stairs down to grab something to drink.

When he got in the kitchen he grabbed a glass and filled it with water. That's when he noticed that he still wore his suit and sighed. ''Is it socially acceptable to walk around in a suit at home?'' Asked Aaron softly to himself. ''Probably not'' Aaron shrugged at his own answer and took a sip from his drink.
Benjamin laughed and smiled as she left him.

"Don't put the idea into my head, babe. " He whispered.

He took one last look at the couch where a dead Michael sat and probably breathed his last breaths. He cringed and headed upstairs into his room, and took his father' sold dusty military bags out of the small closet, these bags were large enough to hold bedding and his while wardrobe and then some, and he had three of them. He smiled as he smelled them, the old musty military smell wafted out of the open bag and he grin widely. He remembered this smell when he hugged his father, when he'd come home after a day at the base or after a tour. He shook his head and began to pack his clothing, his personal items, and then his bedding.
Oh, crap. I didn't know she was that angry. Girls are ruthless. Nick allowed her to rant, unable to find it in him to argue. However, at the delivery of the news that she had been attacked, his forehead creased in concern. "What?" That alone had caught him so off guard, he almost missed her explaining how the man, Michael, presumably, was dead. He stood there in silence, frowning. He didn't know the man well, as his only memory was of them sharing that small amount of whiskey, but he did feel a little upset about it, even before his mind had been able to clarify all the consequences that came with his death. More than that, he felt a pang of remorse for what she had alluded to happening to her. Was that what the ambulance was for last night? Why would anyone attack her?

He was beyond bothered by all of this. On top of it, he wasn't sure if he had ever been called heartless before. At the very least, it didn't happen often. Nick found himself swallowing his spit, attempting to work out some sort of apology. "Look, Felicity," he began, pushing himself off from the door frame, his expression deepening as another surge of pain pulsated through his head from the action. "It's not that I don't care about your feelings, it's just..." He was at a loss for words again. Maybe he hadn't cared, but surely there was more to it... He certainly never sat down and reflected on why he acted in the manner that he did, everything was always automatic, so how was he supposed to explain himself? Nick decided he couldn't and instead attempted to just skip out on that altogether. "If I had been there... that wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry."
Oh, come on. He thinks he can turn on the charm and make me smile? Because he can. "I accept your apology, on the condition that I get to slap you so hard that your face turns a satisfying crimson colour next time you are that rude to me?" She grinned sarcastically. Maybe they could be friends. Maybe if he didn't keep up that armour of his. Maybe he was rude because he was in front of his room mate? Please don't be an ass.

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