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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

"... get up, get up, get up." Nick paused, if only to hear Isadore's muffled refusal. "You're only tired because you haven't gotten up yet. It's been, like, five hours dude." Wait, that wasn't right. "Over six hours. I'll even share a Red Bull, just get up. I'm not telling you again." Nick grappled for the sheets, finding a spot where he could bundle the fiber in his fist and began to wrestle it from the other boy, waiting just a little while longer to see if it was time to begin.
"Nuuuuuuuuuu. M tired cuf m tired. Gof awoy!" Isadore rolled around on his bed in frustration. Finally, he bumped up against the wall and sighed, pulling his face from the pillow briefly to glare at Nick. "...And I don't drink Red Bull. It's gross." He face-planted again and curled up into a fetal position around the mound of blankets on his bed.
Fliss put on her dress and looked at herself in the mirror. I look okay. She smoothed down the bottom. She could sense that no one was really excited about the dance, except maybe Jodie, and even her mood was ruined now. Fliss had no choice but to force people to go. She had never been to a dance before, and she wasn't about to go to one that was empty. She walked out into the corridor and heard voices coming from the door opposite. "Get up, get up, get up.." It went on. She knew it was Nick. He must have been talking to someone, unless her had gone mad like the others. Perhaps it was Isadore. The suspense is too much. She thought, dramatically.

"You have to come to the dance." She burst in the room, he hands on her hip, desperately searching for the one named Isadore. But there was only Nick and a bundle of blankets. "Oh-so you have gone crazy. Talking to yourself now, are you?" She smirked. "Any way, you are coming to the dance, I've decided." She leant on the wall, the shoes she was wearing were digging into her ankles.

"Avaaaa?" Jodie span around in her dress. "Ladadeee Ladaduuum." She pretend she was ballroom dancing. "My darling Ava, our carriage awaits." She referred to the cab that was outside. "Come on!" She knocked on her door when there was no reply. "We have to get there extra early!" She walked in.
Aaron smiled when he heard the music stop. Just when he wanted to take a break. He sighed and left his room to go watch some TV. When he turned on the TV it turned on one of those gossip channel. His eyes grew large when he realized that they were talking about the party were he was going to. Aaron turned the volume higher and listened to the lady who talked about all the celebrities who would come. Apparently it wasn't only for business. A sigh escaped Aaron's lips when he saw the amount of paparazzi at the entrance. The party hasn't even started for someone's sake! Aaron turned down the volume and decided to just look for something else. Lucky for him the amazing world of gumball was on and he decided to just watch that episode.
Red Bull? Gross? Actually, it is, but you get used to it. Nick gripped the sheets, ready for one final tug when someone burst through the door. He glanced over, if only to find new girl standing in the doorway. Well, this is awkward. Nick dropped the blankets, glancing over the girl. She was already dressed, clad in a blue polka dot dress, which was honestly adorable, but that just made it worse. He pursed his lips at the accusation, coupled with her demands for him to go. "Sweetheart, I'm gonna' level with you," he said, tilting his head to the side. "I don't even remember your name, and even if I did, I'm still not going. I hate dances."

Nick returned to the task at hand, more determined than ever to tug the blankets from off the boy to prove his roommate's existence. I suppose there are worse ways to spend an evening... like going to a dance. He was still pulling when he noticed that the pillow was vulnerable, more or less, and he took that opportunity to try to snatch it. "Look, you're getting up if it kills me." He paused briefly. "Or disables me for life. Whatever's your preference." Oops, more morbid jokes. In front of Florence, too.
Isadore had nearly relinquished his hold on his blankets when the bedroom door banged open. What? What is going on? Suddenly, an obnoxious voice pipped up from the doorway. It wasn't even the high pitch that was most annoying, it was what the girl, Isadore assumed was a girl, was saying. Dance? Make US go dancing? He snorted into his pillow. Right. Like any of you know how to dance...As he relaxed his grip on the pillow, in order to burrow deeper into his blankets, Nick took the opportunity to yank his beloved Fluffles away. Isadore almost cried. Almost.

He paused, listening to what Nick was saying above him. Kill you? Disable you? Those are such tempting suggestions, my friend. Quickly, Isadore burst out of his blanket-fort with a roar and tackled Nick. "Who dares to disturb my slumber?" Then he got up, dusting himself off and extending a hand to his roommate on the floor. "Pillow."
"I'm coming! I don't know how to... Ah!" Ava stumbled towards Jodie. She never wore high heels before. Why would anyone wear these death contraptions...? Jodie had insisted she wear high heels, no matter how much Ava protested.

She blushed and smoothed out her dress, awkwardly. "Maybe I shouldn't go. I look ridiculous..." She said quietly, rolling her eyes.
Sweetheart? Sweetheart? Don't call me sweetheart! "Excuse me?" She coughed. "Sweetheart? You couldn't be more insulting if you tried." she looked at him through squinted eyes. "My name, is Felicity." She walked over to him and smacked his face with force. Those Judo classes had paid off now at least. "Perhaps that will help you remember?" She smiled and walked out the door. She heard Jodie singing in the hallways. Perhaps she should just use her to go dancing with.

"Jodie?" She walked around the corner seeing the back of her dress. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier." She smiled and Jodie turned around.

"It's cool. You should stick with me and Ava. I heard what Nick just said, clearly he is under the Isadore influence." She leaned in and whispered. "If you ask me, I think he's a hypnotist." She giggles.

Fliss could smell the alcohol on her breath. Oh, great. There's murderers, alcoholics,

psychopaths and just down right ass holes in this house.
Perhaps the last thing he had expected was Isadore suddenly pouncing him. Caught off guard and with the state of his leg, he was easily knocked to the ground. Oh, was that enough to wake your ass up? Nick wrapped his arms around the pillow to hold it closer to his chest. "Yeah, fuck off." He rolled his eyes, doing a good job to not seem at all intimidated, all things considered.

He looked back over to the girl, who finally seemed to have processed what he said after a momentary state of shock. Couldn't be more insulting if I tried? You obviously don't know me that well. I haven't even reached my final form. Nick, for once, figured out very quickly that he should keep his mouth shut. After all, there was an angry Isadore standing over him (as angry as the boy ever seemed to get, anyway) and now an angry Felicity marching his way. The resulting slap hurt worse than he could have imagined, and any resemblance of a smile was wiped off of his face. Wow, two bitch slaps in two consecutive days. Maybe I should try to go for a new record. Nick rotated his jaw, still lying on the floor. "She hits harder than Bermuda," he commented, looking back at Isadore, prepared to go on the defense.
Isadore had watched silently as a little girl ran over, bent down, and slapped Nick before dashing out of the room. What in the world...Sunny Brooks has an infestation of bitches. Must get out the rat poison at some point. Looking down at his roommate, who clung tightly to his pillow as his cheek gradually grew redder, Isadore sighed. Nick adjusted his jaw a bit, then looked up to meet his derisive glance. "She hits harder than Bermuda." Isadore couldn't help but chuckle a bit, then he face planted into the pillow in Nick's arms. "A double layer. Not bad."
The boy's eyebrows knit together, awarding Isadore with his best confused stare. He was laughing? Did he really think that was funny? However, upon seeing the other boy toppling down onto him, his thoughts quickly changed perspective. Has he finally snapped? his mind screamed. Nick had an almost literal knee jerk at this turn of events, his good leg quickly drawing up to his side. He wasn't sure if he had ended up racking Isadore, jabbing the boy in the stomach or any other sort of injury, but as it turned out, he was only trying to lay on him. "Sorry, sorry," Nick responded automatically, the bewildered look on his face only having intensified just before he realized he was basically letting Isadore lie on him. "Get off," he sneered. He put his leg down and rolled over, still clutching the pillow tightly.
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Benjamin adjusted his red tie and pulled on the bottom of the suit jacket to straighten it out. He brushed his hair into an attractive kind of lazy do and smoothed out his vest and unbuttoned the bottom button. He smiled at himself in the mirror and turned around to walk outside, where he bumped into Ava.

"Sorry, Ava. Are you al-" he said, abruptly cutting off.

He looked her over in her dress and her heels, and was struck speechless. She looked amazing all dressed up, and a smile crept across his face.

"You look stunning..." He said, finally managing to get the words out.
Ava let out a small yelp as she was bumped into, almost losing her balance. She held out her hands in case she was to fall, but luckily she didn't need to use them. She turned to whoever bumped into her and saw that it was Ben. Her breath caught in her while she stared at him. Words couldn't even come to her head to describe how handsome he looked.

"You're just saying that..." She muttered as she nervously tugged on the necklace she wore, the same necklace Ben had given her some time ago. She looked away as she felt her cheeks redden before looking back to him. "You look nice."

Nice? Nice, really? That's the best I can come up with? More like drop dead gorgeous...
Benjamin shook his head, no.

"No, I'm really not. You look amazing, Ava." He said.

He smiled at her compliment and adjusted his tie so that it'd hang down the middle of his shirt, and hide the buttons that wasn't covered by his waist coat.

"You really think so? I was hoping the three piece suit wasn't too much." He said.

He could tell that "nice" wasn't the word she wanted to use to describe him. She always blushed red and looked away when he plucked a heart string, and he'd grown to notice when he did.
Ava nodded and smiled. "No, but I'm not so sure about this tie..." She joked as she lightly touched his tie.

"The dance hasn't even started and I'm already dying to take these heels off. I don't know how girls do it," she said, lightly groaning as she looked around a bit.
"Are you being serious, or are you joking with me?" He asked.

He looked down at her heels and laughed.

"I like them, they're very feminine."
Ava rolled her eyes at his question. "Am I really that monotone for you not being able to tell when I am and not joking?"

Ava leaned against the wall a bit. "Obviously you would think they're nice since you're not the one wearing them..."
"I was nervous that the color was too loud." Benjamin said. "It looks okay, though, right?"

He fiddled with his tie for a little bit and smiled at her.

"You should bring some flats, because I'm going to ask you to dance."
"Yes, Ben, it's okay," Ava said with a slight dramatic sigh, "Are you trying to look perfect for all the ladies?"

Ava twirled a strand of hair around her finger, saying softly, "Yeah or I could get you to carry me around..."
Benjamin shook his head.

"No, just for you." He said. "What did you say?"

He fixed his tie and smiled at her.
Ava cracked a smile and she shook her head. "Nothing, I'll be back. Don't miss me too much when I'm gone..." She slipped past him and into the orphanage, heading to her room to get a pair of flats. There was no way she was going the whole night in these things.
Benjamin nods and watches her leave, and smiles to himself.

"Damn, she's amazing....." He whispered to himself.
Ava finally made it to her room and grabbed the flats from her closet. She then quickly made her way back so Jodie wouldn't get angry with her.

"Hope you didn't miss me too much..." She said as she walked out the door and passed Ben, a small smile on her face.
Aaron decided that he had to learn his lines again and turned off the TV. He quickly ran upstairs and sat behind his desk. The files were spread over his desk and he sighed. He placed the files and lines that he already learned on his right and the ones that he still had to learn on his left. A sigh escaped his lips when he saw that the left pile was much bigger than the right one. ''I better hurry up'' muttered Aaron to himself. Lucky for him he was good in remembering things he read so he quickly read threw the files.

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