• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

"So, Fliss, I'm going to go get Ava, you wait at the door, okay?" Jodie skipped up the hall. "Avaaa?" She saw her leaving her room, a smirk lying on her face. "Ooh, that's a grin I know too well. Benny boy in your room was he"She skipped to the end of the corridor. "Come on, Felicity is waiting for us at the door Last one there is a rotten egg." She tried to sound as much as snotty nosed kid as she could and she jumped down the stairs in her heels looking for Felicity.

Fliss heard a series of consecutive bangs coming from behind her before another person slammed into her. "Woah!" She yelled. She saw Jodie lying on the floor, pulling a piece of hair out of her mouth that was sticky with lip gloss. Ugh, make up. It's so disgusting. I wonder how many animals had to die before that lipgloss was safe for human use. Her attentions was drawn away with the thought of a sheep wearing lipstick.

"Hey! Help me up." Jodie held her hand out and Felicity pulled her up, Jodie putting little strength into helping herself. "Come on Ava." She growled. "The cab is here, you know? You can go get in it, I'll wait for her." Jodie looked impatiently at the stairs, tapping her foot comically.

"Uh, sure." Fliss took the opportunity to get out of there. Maybe if she got to the cab she could explain to the driver why they were delayed.

When she got outside, she saw the cab driver smoking a cigarette.
Oh joy, the wonderful smell of disgusting lung shrivelling smoke.

Can't he just stop?

"Hey." She came closer to the window; maybe he would put out the cigarette if he acknowledged her presence.

She pulled open the back door and sat on the leather seat in side. The driver turned around. His face was covered with a hat that was tattered and a dirty green colour. "Nice dress." He sniggered. He was starting to sound a little creepy.

"Just to the function centre." Fliss held out 10 dollars.

"Don't mind if I do." He jumped in the back seat with her and crushed her mouth his his hand. "Sh-It'll be all over soon." Fliss felt black dots clouding her vision, she could breath-his hands were covering her nose-almost crushing them. She felt wetness between his hand and her skin-it was blood, possibly from her nose, possibly from biting on her tongue. She struggled under his weight but soon felt her muscles weakening. Then a sound came from behind him and he fell on top of her. Fliss gasped, choking on blood. What the hell just happened? She tried to push his limp body off of her. "Get off me!" She cried. And then she saw Jodie at the other side of the cab, a rock in her hand. "Get him off of me!" She yelped again.

"Oh my God!" She put her hands over her mouth, the rock dropping to the floor. "There's so much blood!" She lunged forward and fumbled for Felicity's hands.

Fliss got up, he head throbbing; mostly her nose. She held it when she got out of the car; starting to feel light-headed as the blood gushed out. "AVA!" Jodie screamed above her, "CALL 911!"
"What the hell is going on?" Benjamin asked.

He looked over towards the cab and began to walk towards it.
Ava pulled out her phone from her clutch purse as soon as she heard Jodie yell about calling 911. She immediately called, explaining to the emergency operator just to send someone to help because she had no idea what was going on as she neared the scene.
"Ben-oh my God oh my God. That guy he was attacking her or-something!" Get the cops. Jodie ripped the bottom her dress and pinched the bridge of Felicity's nose.

The bleeding was starting to stop now but her head was spinning. The pain in her nose was immense and dispersed throughout her whole face. "I'm fine." She coughed. What the hell? I just wanna go home. 
"Ava, we need police." She looked at the blood on her hands and sighed. I think it's stopped now. She stood up.

Fliss pulled her hands away from her nose. She looked at them and they were a completely different colour to before. they were completely covered in crimson blood. The taste of metal burnt the back of her throat and she looked to the side of her. The cab drivers legs were dangling out of the car. Is he dead? Either way, she wanted to get as far away as she could from him. She got up and stumbled to the door, passing Ava and the other guy who she assumed to be Ben. She sat on the doorstep, trying to piece all of the memories together. One second I was sat in a cab, the next I was being suffocated. She held her head, imprinting a bloody hand print to her forehead. She could feel her hair sticking to her face with blood. She had never bled so much in her life. The feeling of the pounding blood vessels pouring out of her nose. She looked down at her dress and laughed a little. The once white blue polka dot dress was now a red one. At least that was funny. She needed something to drink-the taste of blood was not the nicest and she squealed Jodie's name. "Please-Some water."

"Sure." Jodie stepped behind Felicity, into the house and into the kitchen. Her hands were shaking as she washed off the blood from her hands. It brought back a memory- one she wasn't fond of and she shivered at the thought of it.

She filled up a glass, gulping the memory away and walked back outside, handing the water to Felicity. Jodie went over to the cab and stuffed in the drivers legs, slamming the door.

Fliss took in a mouthful of the water after accepting it from Jodie and swirled it around her mouth. She spat it onto the floor next to her and repeated.

Is this some sort of nightmare? Surely it must be...How could such a small amount of time feel like hours?
Ava felt lightheaded as she saw all the blood. There was so much blood, it seemed to her. The operator told her that the police were on their way. Ava muttered to send an ambulance as well before she hung up. "T-they're on their way..." She said and then looked elsewhere, trying not to fall on the spot.
Benjamin bent down and looked her over.

"Looks like your nose is broken.....uh, what's your name?" He asked. "They won't do anything but set it, and that hurts."

Ben glanced at the unconscious driver and shrugs.

"Not sure about him though."
He had decided to just completely ignore Nick for the moment. Pillow is cool and comfortable, a chillow pillow. Snickering a bit into the cottony cushion, Isadore slid to the floor when Nick put his leg down and rolled over, pulling the pillow away from Isadore's embrace. "Why, you cold hearted bastard, why?" His roommate continued to tug the pillow out of his hands. "My beloved, we must not part ways..." Maintaining his grip on the corner of his pillow case, Isadore felt himself dragged across the floor. Geez. This guy's strong. Sighing out of his nose, he finally sat up and tilted his head, cracking his neck to the left, and then to the right. Just as he stood and made his way to his sadly pillowless bed, Isadore heard a montage of screaming and shouting from outside the window. What in the world...He walked over to the window sill and pressed his face against the glass, curious to see the commotion out on the lawn.

The first thing he noticed was the blood.
Nick held onto the pillow with determined vigor, his efforts bolstered even further by how drowsy Isadore seemed to be. Still, this was the best leverage he had against the other boy, so he wasn't about to drop his guard for a moment. I, Nicholas, first of my name, ruler of the second floor of all jank orphanages, hereby decree that you, Isadore, whatever of your name, may never take a nap again so long as... However, he finally seemed to have claimed his victory as the other boy stood. Nick sat up, smirking into the pillow, if only for the smug look to drop upon bearing witness to Isadore simply heading back to his bed. He'll probably just sleep on the bed frame if I take away the mattress at this rate, he realized.

Before he had a chance to decide on a form of torture that he would have to utilize, his attention was, too, redirected to the window. The exact words were lost in translation by the time it reached their room, but the indistinct shouts sounded much like the events of the other day. Nick threw the pillow back onto his bed, seeing Isadore, too, wanting to observe the disturbance firsthand. He rolled back in order to launch himself more effectively to his feet. With Isadore already filling most of the window, Nick was left to stand off at his side but, leaning against the window frame with one outstretched arm, peered over the other boy's head.

"What?" he finally asked in an exasperated tone. There was a cab with the door still open, and the only two people, now one person, that he could see didn't seem like they were screaming bloody murder just a moment ago. Nick tilted his head to rest on his own shoulder, trying to pick more observations before deciding whether he should stay out of it or not. "Are you sure this doesn't happen a lot?"
"Yeah, I got that." Fliss looked up at Ben. "My name is Felicity." It's not like he would know any way. Can I just go to bed?

"What was that freaking rapist doing to you anyway?" Jodie bent down next to her.

"I don't know, it all happened so quickly. I handed him 10 dollars and he pounced on me." She touched her nose and winced. "Does it look out of place?" She hoped it didn't.

"A little." Jodie tried to lie, because it was quite out of place. then she looked up and saw Isadores face squashed against that glass of his window. "No doubt Isadore will turn out to be like that cab driver." She shook her head.

What? Why does everyone keep making out like he's a murderer? Fliss heard the sirens and sighed. No doubt she'd have to retell the story, even though she couldn't even retell it to herself, never mind some strange cops. I want to go to sleep.
"So, I guess no dance, huh...?" Ava asked as she looked to the time on her phone. They were already running late, Jodie's dress was ruined, and Ava felt sick to her stomach. Especially sick as she looked at Felicity's face. "T-that doesn't look good at all..." She muttered as she put a hand to her mouth and turned to go back to the orphanage.
Benjamin shrugged and turned Felicity's head to the side to look at her nose.

"I've seen way worse, this is not too bad. What did he do? Punch you? He must've, you look like I did for my very first fight." He said with a laugh.

He pointed to the scar on the bridge of his nose, and smiled.

"Broke it so bad, the bone was sticking out."
"OH MY GOD MY BONE'S STICKING OUT?" Fliss yelped touching her nose, feeling for a sign of a bone, thank God there wasn't. "What do I do?" She was shaking, worried that she might have to pop her nose into place again or something. Will I be ugly forever? Will I look like a wrestler for the rest of my life? She pushed her hair out of her face, shoving it behind her ear. "I'm sorry." She looked up at Ava who had gone drip white. She looked like she was about to be sick.

"No, it isn't don't worry. Ben, don't scare her." Jodie saw the cop car pull into the drive along with the ambulance. She jogged over to them and looked in the cab, the guy was still 'asleep'.

"He's in there!" She said desperately.

"Who's in there?" the cops peered into the cab.

"The guy who tried to murder my friend!" She pointed frantically.

"Okay, okay, let me talk to the victim of the assault." One of the cops took out a note pad and a paramedic ran up behind him.

"No, let me check her out first; it seems she's lost a lot of blood." He jogged past them and over to Felicity.

"Hello, my name is Jacob. Let me check you out." He bent down and threw down his backpack full of medical things. Felicity nodded and the paramedic proceeded his tests.
"Her nose is broken, bud. Seen this before, broke mine so bad it tore through the skin." Ben said.

He glanced over at Ava and gave an encouraging smile. Everything was going to be okay, or so he had hoped.
Ava had already headed inside as soon as she heard the words nose and broken. Along with the blood, she felt terribly squeamish. Why am I still wearing these heels of death? She walked over to the living room and sat on the couch, removing her heels. She let out a content sigh as she slumped back against the couch. "I hate dances and dresses and shoes."
"Okay, your friend is correct, your nose is broken. There was no need for stitches, but if your nose bleeds again, it may need cauterising, so don't hesitate to call us. I have bandaged your nose up a little, just until it heals back into place. Overall, you were pretty brave. You didn't even cry. I'll tell Mr Bad Cop over here to give you a day or two to recover from the incident; I know it might be hard. I'm sure you have a school counsellor though." the paramedic laughed. He called, "You know my number." As he walked away, passed the cop who was dragging her attacker into a police car. Fliss stared at him, confused, but he didn't see her.

"I need some food." Fliss looked up at Ben, and behind him, Jodie who was staring at the attacker. She stood up and walked in the house.
I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, she repeated over and over and over in her head. But there was no home. Someone else would have moved into her home. And even if it was still there, no one would be there for her. The was no one. Anywhere. Fliss tumbled into the kitchen and opened up the cupboards. There was just cereal bars and odd bits of pasta. "Ugh!" She growled. "I need real food." She slumped to the floor and put her head in her hands. She wanted to cry. Not about the food, not really, but about everything. But then she pulled her head up, breathed in a long breath and yanked a cereal bar from the cupboard. This is your life. There are people worse off. Stop being selfish. She took off the wrapped and dug into her dinner.
Aaron decided that it was time for a snack break so he went to the kitchen. He grabbed a cereal bar from the cupboard and turned around. ''Oh hey'' he said when he realized that he wasn't the only one in the kitchen. He didn't notice the whole thing that happened down stairs, he was too busy learning his lines and files that he didn't notice anything. Aaron wrapped open his cereal bar and placed the file he still had in his hands on the table. He closed the file and took a bite from his cereal bar.
Fliss saw the guy from earlier walk in. "Please don't be a pyscho too." She mumbled. "Have you ever broke your nose?" She stood up, a little wobbly from the pain killers. "Because I just did, and it wasn't fun." She coughed.
Aaron looked at her and frowned at her comment about a psycho. ''No, no I haven't''. Aaron looked at the clock and sighed. ''Well I hope your nose gets better soon'' He didn't notice the fact that her dress was stained with blood so he didn't comment on it. Aaron grabbed his file and ran upstairs. It was time to get himself ready for the party. He changed into his suit in the bathroom. When he was done he looked into the mirror and sighed. ''I hope that this night ends soon''
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"So are you going to lock him up?" Jodie hounded the police officer. "Are you? You better!" The police officer rolled up his window and drove away, the attacker in the back. Jodie walked back inside, a little angry that she didn't get to go to the dance. She walked into the living room, and to her surprise, Michael was sitting on the couch. "Oh, you actually aren't supping whiskey and smoking cigars, how magical." Jodie walked past him. He didn't reply, he's probably asleep, she thought. And then she trotted upstairs, looking down at her 200 hundred dollar dress that was stained with blood and ripped. At least I was helpful. She went off to her bedroom to change and curl up in her bed.

Ah, another person who is evasive. Fliss stood up. She got another glass of water and washed her face in the sink. She wasn't too bothered about the dance. She wondered if Jodie was mad at her; not that it mattered. It's not like she was friends with her. Fliss trudged up the stairs, the loss of blood had drained her veins but also her energy. She walked past Nicks door, he was obviously oblivious to what had gone on; either that or he was ignoring the situation. Maybe sirens in the front yard was normality around here. She laughed, but she knew it was probably a fact. She took off her dress and wrapped a towel around herself. She noticed the bathroom earlier; it was small but it had a shower. She looked out into the corridor to make sure no one was looking and walked over to the bathroom. She dropped her towel and removed her underwear before stepping under the hot water. It was a little too warm at first, but her skin adjusted and she was far too tired to mess about with the mechanics of this out of date shower right now. She washed the blood out of her hair, turning the water underneath her a pale red. She was careful not to touch her nose, in fear of the bandage falling out. She hated needed medical treatment. She searched around for some shampoo and found a bottle of cheap apple scented one. Despite the price, it actually smelt pretty good. She lathered up her hair and rinsed it away and then she just stood, under the water, thinking about things, not really wanting to get out. Her skin had adjusted to the warmth and if she stepped out, she would just be cold again. So she thought about things.
As Isadore watched the last of the scene die out on the lawn, he turned around and sighed in disappointment, faintly aware of the fact that a question had been asked quite a while ago. He looked up at Nick, giving him an inquisitive grin. "No...this doesn't happen particularly often. Maybe you're lucky! Two legal complications in a week, what a great deal." Chuckling to himself, Isadore slipped under the other boy's propped up arm and made his way over to his pillowless bed. He waved to Nick. "It's night time now. Pillow."
The ring of the doorbell ripped him out of his thought and he quickly pulled on his shoes. When he looked outside he saw a parked limo and he ran downstairs. He opened the door and greeted the man. ''Charles?'' The man nodded at that. ''Mister Mayor, are you ready to go?'' asked the man in the suit. Aaron looked closer at the limo and saw the logo of Natasha's company on it, he nodded at the man and followed him to the limo. The man opened the door for him and he carefully stepped into the car.

The drive to the party was longer than he expected. Lucky for him Natasha thought about it and there were video games in the limo. The whole ride he played video games. When the chauffeur told him that he had to get out of the car he looked around him and saw that they arrived. Aaron nodded at that and quickly turned of the TV.

When Aaron stepped out of the car he was almost blinded by all the camera flashes. He smiled a shy smile at them and tried to walk as fast as possible without making it look like he was running. The moment he got inside a relieved sigh came out of him. But he look of awe popped onto his face when he looked around himself. Everywhere he looked were people with suits, dresses. Of course that was the dress code, but the reason why he was so in awe was the fact that they all looked like rich bastards. Aaron quickly got nervous and looked around for Natasha.

Five minutes passed and he still couldn't find Natasha. Not that he expected to find her in five minutes. The hall was huge and he never seen so many people in a room together. So Aaron decided to get something to drink. He grabbed his wallet from his pocket and walked to the bar. Aaron ordered a cola and got a weird look from the bartender. He tried to ignore it and just paid for his drink. When he looked at the other people who were standing at the bar he suddenly felt out of place. All these people were rich, or at least looked rich, older than him and had this I'm-Better-Than-You aura around them.

''One whiskey please'' Aaron looked beside him and saw a blond man order a whiskey. That wouldn't be that weird if it wasn't for the fact that the man wore an eye patch. It wasn't really noticeable if you just took a glance at him, the eye-patch was hidden behind his bangs that only covered his left eye. Aaron found himself staring at the eye patch and started making up reasons why the man had an eye patch.

''Excuse you, didn't your mother teach you not to stare at strangers?'' Said the man with a smirk.

Aaron blinked at the comment. ''I'm an orphan'' Said Aaron with a complete blank face and tone. Realizing what he just said Aaron sighed. ''I mean I'm sorry I just'' Aaron took a second to think. ''Don't see that many people with eye-patches'' And with that I mean I never seen a person with an eye patch before.

The man nodded at his comment. ''Ah, so you're curious what's under my eye-patch. Well Stripes, let's just say'' Aaron cut him off before he could say something else. ''I may never learned to not stare at strangers, but I did learn to never talk to strangers'' Taking a sip from his drink he suddenly realised that ''Did you just call me Stripes?'' The man smirked at his comment.

''Yes, yes I did Stripes''

A second or two past and Aaron gave him a confused look. ''Why?'' The man just pointed at his tie and Aaron sighed.

''Well stop. I have a name you know''

''Well Stripes, didn't you just say that you didn't talk to strangers?''

''Stop. Calling. Me. Stripes'' An annoyed look appeared on Aaron's face and he glared at the man. The glare disappeared and a annoyed look popped up on his face again when he heard the man chuckle.

''You should really work on your glare, Stripes. And how am I supposed to know your name if you never said it?'' The man patted his hair and smiled.

''It's Aaron. My name is Aaron Casey Mayor'' He half yelled. Realising that he just gave his name to a stranger Aaron face palmed. Aaron sighed and looked at the man. ''And what's your name?'' He asked with an annoyed tone.

''And what makes you think that I'm going to tell you my name?''

''Well'' Aaron stopped to think. He looked at what the man was wearing and raised an eyebrow. The man didn't look that old, he probably was somewhere in his mid-twenties, but he dressed the way his grandfather could've dressed. He wore a simple suit with a bow tie and a top hat, not that, that was that weird. But when he looked next to the man he saw a black cane. Did the man had a walking problem?

''Because I can do that too, old man'' Said Aaron with a smile. The man raised an eyebrow at that but still smirked.

''Okay Stripes. If you really want to know my name'' The man looked at him and Aaron nodded. ''The name's William. William Cipher. But most people just call me Bill'' The man, or Bill, shook Aaron's hand.

''See that's not that hard isn't it?'' Said Aaron with a smile. Bill just smirked in return and chuckled.

''But what are you doing here? It's not really a place for kids'' Bill took a sip from his whiskey and looked at Aaron with a curious look.

''Well I work for Banaltra Industries or you know 'The Company'. They said I had to come here to widen my social network'' Aaron took a few sips from his drink. Bill chuckled and looked at Aaron but he stopped when he realised that Aaron wasn't joking.

'That's a joke right, Stripes?'' Asked Bill with a raised eyebrow.

''Why would I be joking?'' Aaron looked around himself and smiled when he saw Natasha. ''If you don't believe me. Just follow'' Aaron pointed his chin towards Natasha and Bill looked at him with a confused face.

''You know Natasha Banaltra?'' Bill quickly drank up his whiskey and followed Aaron to Natasha. Aaron looked at the cane and still couldn't tell if Bill had a walking problem or just liked to carry around a cane.

''Hey Natasha!'' Aaron walked up to Natasha and smiled. ''Oh hey Angel'' Natasha stopped talking and looked at Bill.

''Good to see you again Natasha'' Said Bill with a smirk.

Aaron raised an eyebrow when he saw Natasha glaring at Bill. ''Good to see you too'' Answered Natasha, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

''Euhm...So you guys know each other?''

''You can say that'' Said Natasha while still glaring at Bill.

Aaron tried to figure out why they were glaring at each other. His mind filled itself with scenarios and he suddenly found the reason why Natasha looked like she wanted to kill Bill.

''So.. Did you guys used to date?"

Bill chuckled and Natasha looked at him with the Are-You-Kidding-Me look. ''I can assure you Stripes. Natasha and I never had and never will be in a relationship together''

Natasha wanted to respond to that but stopped herself. ''Did you just call him Stripes?''

''Yes, yes I did'' Said Bill the same time Aaron said ''Yes, yes he did''.

Bill and Aaron looked at each other and Natasha coughed. ''So Aaron, did you talk to anyone besides Cipher?''

''Well... does the bartender count?'' Aaron chuckled nervously when he saw Natasha shook her head.

''Lucky for you the party just began. You've still got time to work on your network'' Natasha took a sip from her drink. ''Oh and before I forget, here's your card'' She gave Aaron his employee's card and smiled at him. Bill suddenly realised that what Aaron said was true but he still wanted to know for sure.

''So Stripes really works for your company'' It was supposed to be a question but it came out as a statement.

Natasha just nodded and excused herself when a couple people came to her to talk about her company.

''Well Stripes I hope you have a wonderful evening, but I have to go'' Bill turned around to leave.

''Wait Bill, don't leave'' Said Aaron while putting his hand on his neck.

Bill didn't fully turn around but he still looked at Aaron. ''Oh, and where's the whole I don't talk to strangers attitude now?'' Asked Bill with a smirk.

''We're not really strangers now are we? And I don't really know how to talk to these people. So maybe, just maybe, you can help me?'' Aaron said the last part carefully. Afraid that the other would laugh and that he had to to it himself.

Lucky for him Bill just smirked and placed his arm around his neck. ''Well than you're lucky Stripes. I feel awfully generous today so I will help you in your quest to talk to these snobby bastards'' Bill smirked at him and Aaron smiled back.

''Thanks, but can you stop touching me?'' Said Aaron while looking at Bill's arm around his neck. Bill just chuckled and shook his head. They walked towards the first person they saw and decided to introduce themselves to her.

The conversation went well and they figured out that she worked for Liberty Global Inc, a daughter company of Banaltra Industries. Bill decided that it wasn't worth talking to someone who already worked for The Company, or at least that's what he said to Aaron the real reason why he didn't want to talk to her was because she he thought that she was a snobby b*tch. So they went looking for someone else.

''Why are you actually here?'' Asked Aaron when they left her.

''Well Stripes, ever heard of Triangle Trio Corporations?'' Aaron shook his head and Bill finally pulled his arm from his neck. But he placed it back again, but this time he had a business card in his hand and placed it in front of Aaron's face. On the card was a triangle, which was understandable since the company was called Triangle Trio Corporations. It was only worth mentioning because of the fact that it was only one triangle, instead of three. On the back of the card stood the company's name and the basic information about it.

''I own it'' Said Bill suddenly. Aaron just nodded at that and took the business card.

Aaron wanted to ask more about the company but Bill walked to some other people. He had walk with him if he didn't want to trip.

The rest of the evening, or the rest three hours since the party wasn't over yet, was spent talking to different people and putting up with Bill's stupid habit of calling him Stripes. He didn't have the chance to talk to Natasha after she left to talk to these people. But it didn't matter, talking to Bill was surprisingly interesting and most of these people weren't as snobbish as he first thought they were. It made him feel guilty that he though they were snobbish in the first place.
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Nick was faintly annoyed by Isadore's silence, but figured that it was a stupid question anyway. He had considered descending the stair to find out precisely what had happened, but with the cops and ambulance having already pulled in and removed themselves, he knew there was no point. He gave a long exhale, standing to watch the ambulance slip out of view, none of the kids being carried off as far as he was concerned. Finally he pulled away from the window, pushing himself to no longer lean against the wall, and he scowled at Isadore. I could be super cruel and take both of the pillows with me. With the other boy still awake, he wasn't sure if he could call this a victory or not.

He relented with a snort, crossing back over to his bed and chucking the pillow across the room, hoping for it to smother the other boy's face briefly just to squeeze out that little bit of satisfaction. "Fine. I'm going out now," he began to explain, returning to the table his backpack stood stiffly on. Nick unzipped it quickly and unloaded the mass amount of textbooks all at once, resisting the urge to grunt from the weight until he allowed them to fall back onto the desk with a loud slap. He stuffed his bag of fries in there before shutting it and slinging it back over his shoulder. "I'm not gonna' make you go or anything, but I swear to God, if you start pulling some nocturnal shit on me, I'm going to make your life miserable." Nick pointed at Isadore, drilling a glared into him for emphasis, before swiping up the can and heading out.
Fliss finally found the energy to climb out of the shower. She combed her hair back with her fingers and wrapped the towel around her. She looked back out of the bathroom door and saw Nick leaving his room. Hurry up ass hole. She waited for him to leave and then she walked back to her room. She dried herself and combed her hair into a bun. She put on her newly bought pyjamas and crawled into bed. It had been a hard day; but it was bearable. She just hoped tomorrow would be different.
Benjamin sighed and went back inside to find Ava.

"Ava?" He called out, hoping to find her.
''So I guess you want to eat something Stripes?''

The second he was finished with that sentence a weird noise came from Aaron's belly and Bill and Aaron stopped walking. Bill looked at him and waited for an answer. The whole time he had his arm around him but after a while Aaron stopped paying attention to it. Just like he stopped paying attention to the fact that Bill called him Stripes. Made him wonder why he was bothered by the fact that the new kid called him princess. Oh wait never mind, that kid was a stranger. Bill wasn't. At least he knew Bill's name. And princess is a stupid nickname. Not that Stripes was that much better.

Aaron raised an eyebrow at Bill and just nodded his head. ''Sure why not''

The hall were the party was hosted was huge. There were several 'bars' and several VIP areas. There was however only one area were you could get real food. And that area was only for people who were important enough, so it was a gamble if they actually were allowed.

When they got there Aaron was surprised when they were just let in, considering the fact that there was a huge line. Aaron looked at the line and the people glared at him. He quickly ran inside, or actually behind the rope, and sighed. Bill could see that Aaron wanted to ask something about it.

''Don't worry Stripes. You're with me'' Bill smiled at him and they took place on a table. When they got their food, Aaron ordered a pizza while Bill ordered a bottle of whiskey, a woman suddenly came to their table.

''What a pleasant surprise'' Said the woman a tiny hint of sarcasm could be heard if you paid attention. Bill smirked at her and placed his drink on the table. ''Never thought I would see you here'' said Bill.

''I just wanted to say the same to you brother dear'' The woman smirked back at him and suddenly looked at Aaron. ''And who's that?'' She asked while looking at Aaron.

''My name is'' ''Aaron Mayor'' Aaron looked at Bill when he finished his sentence for him and shot him a confused look.

''Well it's nice to meet you Aaron Mayor. I see you're here with my brother. I swear he never tells me anything about his life'' She shook her head and sat on the only available seat. ''I guess we just have to catch up. So how did you guys meet each other?'' She looked at him with an eager expression and Aaron swallowed his spit.

''Euhm.. We just met today and I'm actually here with a friend.. But she kind of had to do things so...'' Aaron clacked his tongue. When he looked at her he suddenly saw that she looked remarkably like Bill. They were probably twins or siblings if her calling him brother didn't give anything away. She had the same blond hair as him, but of course longer, but not that much longer, and the same twinkle in her eyes.

A twinkle that said I-Know-Something-That-You-Don't-Know.

''Oh. Well anything can happen right?'' She winked at Aaron and took a sip from Bill's whiskey bottle. Aaron gave her a blanc look and opened his mouth to ask her for her name.

''The name is Jillian Cipher. Or Jill doesn't matter. Bill and I are twins, but of course I'm the older, wiser and better looking twin'' The last part was said with a smirk which Aaron returned with a smile. Bill looked at her with a frown and a glare.

''So Bill, I never knew that you started taking the company serious'' Jill smirked at him. The company was a family thing but Bill currently owned it. For now at least, the two of them have been fighting for the company for years. Either threw legal or illegal ways. The company was their wild card. The owner of the company was practically untouchable, that's how powerful the company was. So obvious they both wanted it. Of course they could always share, but that would mean that they had to discuss what they wanted to happen to the company. And neither of them wanted that. They hated each other, and even that was sugar coated , even if they never showed it in public.

Before Jill could say something again Bill cut her off. ''Well it was nice seeing you sis but as you can see I'm here on a'' Bill was cut of when Aaron stood up from his seat and said. ''Natasha!''

Natasha walked towards their table and blinked when she saw Bill and Jill. Her smile turned into a glare and she took a deep breath to keep her cool.

''My my what a surprise to see you here'' Said Natasha with a blanc expression. Jill smirked at her and hugged Natasha. ''It's been awhile hasn't it?'' Jill still had her arm around Natasha, but Natasha quickly shoved her arm away. ''Not long enough'' Said Natasha while placing herself on the seat Jill first sat in.

Aaron could practically feel the hate in the air. Even if none of them truly showed it they all basically wanted to kill each other. Aaron coughed and regretted it the second he did. All of their attention was suddenly pointed towards him and he gave them a sheepish smile.

''So apparently everyone knows each other'' Said Aaron with a sound that said I don't know how I should feel about that.

''Sadly, yes'' Said Natasha and she took a sip from the whiskey bottle.

''So you know him too?'' Asked Jill with a raised eyebrow. Natasha nodded at that an putted down the whiskey bottle. ''He works for Banaltra Industries''

Jill raised an eyebrow at that and smirked. ''Oh really? Is that how you met or is the reason he works their is that you guys know each other?''

Natasha didn't answer but that was enough for Jill.

''Oh look at that'' Jill looked at her wrist, her watchless wrist. ''It looks like this reunion needs to come to an end. It was nice seeing you guys again'' Her voice dripped with sarcasm and over politeness, especially when she said nice. She turned around and left without saying anything.

''Ladies and gentleman, Jill Cipher'' Said Natasha with a chuckle. ''Or in other words, the worlds biggest b*tch'' Of course the last part was whispered but Bill still heard it who just smirked.

Aaron who didn't hear it just stared at them with a confused face. ''Okau'' Said Aaron to no one in particular and he took the last bite from his pizza. 
Aaron sighed and looked around himself. He stood outside the building and it was really dark outside, he didn't have to look at a watch to know that it was late. Thinking back at the evening he smiled. When he finished his dinner he went with Natasha to talk to different people. That went fine until someone asked Natasha to come with them to talk about a million dollar deal. He lost her after that and couldn't find her.

The party has been over for a while now and he still hadn't find her. He didn't have a phone so he couldn't call anyone. Their weren't any payphones around so that wasn't an option either. Not that their would be cabs driving anyway. It wasn't just late, it was almost morning. Well almost it was 2AM in the morning so it still would be hours until the sun came up again.

Aaron yawned and sighed. When he suddenly heard a car honk and he looked up from his feet. The window of the drivers side went down.

''What are you doing here Stripes?'' Asked Bill with a raised eyebrow.

''Oh you know.. waiting for my drive home'' Said Aaron. And than it hit him. He was supposed to drive home with Natasha. Aaron sighed and a look of are you kidding me appeared on his face.

''Well it's too late to drive you home now. Why don't you just crash at my place?'' Said Bill.

It was too late to drive home right now. They're probably gonna ask, or not, why he came home so late. But sleeping at a strangers house, even if they weren't strangers, wasn't an option either. But than again he didn't know the address of Sunny Brooks so he couldn't ask him to just drop him off there either.

A couple minutes passed before Aaron answered.

''Sure why not'' Aaron stepped into the car pulled on the seatbelt. The drive to Bill's house was long and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the radio. Aaron almost fell asleep in the car but when they suddenly stopped he almost smashed his head against the dashboard.

''You okay there Stripes?'' Asked Bill when he looked at Aaron.


The house were Bill lived was pretty big, not as big as a mansion but bigger than the average house, it was a little secluded but the forest wasn't so big. You probably wouldn't get lost.

''I only get mail on Monday and my neighbours are like 5 miles away. But I think I like the fact that it's so secluded'' Said Bill with a mix between a smile and smirk. Not that Aaron noticed.

Aaron stepped out of the car and followed Bill inside the house. Bill showed him the guest room.

''So do you want to borrow clothes or are you fine with sleeping in a suit?'' Asked Bill with a chuckle.

''Euhm... Well'' Aaron stared at his clothes. ''Can I borrow a shirt?'' Asked Aaron. Bill just nodded and left the room. He came back five minutes later with a simple with t-shirt.

'''Sorry Stripes this is the smallest thing I own'' Said Bill. Aaron looked at the t-shirt. It still was too big for him, but that was probably due to their age gap and the fact that Bill was ridiculously tall. Maybe that's why he walked around with a cane? To keep balance.

''It's okay, thanks'' Said Aaron. '''Well good night Stripes. Don't stay up too late'' Bill chuckled and left the room. ''Good night Bill'' Said Aaron with his voice a little higher than normal.

Aaron changed into the shirt and decided to just sleep in his underwear instead of keeping on his pants. It didn't take him too long to fall asleep.
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