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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Nick pursed his lips, looking away, his ears burning a vibrant red shade. "Yeah, duh, I knew that," he sniffed, folding his arms back over his chest. Not even close. That totally freaked me out, but she doesn't need to know that. Happy enough with the subject change, he looked down at his arm, quickly reading the time. It's about noon. Wait, why did I look at my watch? "I dunno', halfway?" he guessed with a shrug. Nick looked up to see Jodie and another girl exiting a store before them, provoking him to quirk an eyebrow. "Does no one go to school around here?" he muttered.
"That's a tad hypercritical, we aren't at school either." She laughed a little. Fliss looked back at the girl walking away. "That's how I know her! That girl Ava was all blank with me and the red headed girl was Jodie. Is there any other girls who go to Sunny Brooks?" she sighed. So far, Nick, Jodie, Ava and that kid who was in the kitchen were the only people she had met. She assumed that there were more people.

"Okay-So we haaave 4 hours until the dance starts. So that means we have 2 hours to get ready. What do you want to do to kill the time?" Jodie looked at her receipt. The dresses had amounted up to $389. She looked up from her receipt, hardly phased by the ammout of money she had just spent and saw Nick and the new girl from earlier. "HEY!" She shouted. "ARE YOU GOING TO THE DANCE?" She screamed, not bothered that there were probably people trying to enjoy their afternoon in the houses nearby.

"She's loud." Fliss muttered. But the thought of a dance intrigued her. There were never dances at the boarding school...
Nick gave an indignant sniff. "I have an excuse. My classes are fucked up. You don't." He could have elaborated more, but he didn't want to kick off a pity party of sorts and they were approaching the other two girls rather quickly, in any case. Nick furrowed his eyebrows at the other girl's epiphany, listing off how she knew them. Ava, Ava, Ava... she looks vaguely familiar, but I haven't ever said a word to her. Uh... Nick gave up on trying to remember, considering it obviously wasn't working. "No one you would want to know, I don't think." Call it intuition, but I don't think she would be much of a fan of goth girl, either.

Before they had even reached the duo, Jodie was yelling at them, which brought a tiny grin to his face. Nick remained silent until he had caught up to them and was within ear shot, not wanting to raise his voice. "Nah, I don't dance." The one time he had attended a dance, he had been an absolute wallflower and it was overall one of the worst evenings of his life. Loud, bad music blasting through cheap speakers and couples being gross all over the dance floor. "Why, is it a big deal?" Nick had assumed the only reason dances were so important at his last school was because of the way small towns operated socially, so he hadn't expected it to be like that anywhere else.
Ava shrugged at Jodie's question and then jumped when Jodie screamed at the two kids from the orphanage she hardly knew. Ava gave a small wave at the two across the street. However, a small smile crept across her lips, not being phased from the embarrassment Jodie was causing. Jodie never did give a damn, no she did not. She watched the two shout at each other from either side of the street.
"UH, BECAUSE IT'S FUN! IS ISADORE GOING? I know he looooves to dance." She stopped yelling as the two walked closer.

Fliss rolled her eyes at the red headed girls screeching. Do you honestly have to be that loud? But there that name was again, Isadore. The name that was brought up on the bus in a not so great conversation. The dance didn't seem like such a good idea; the fact that she didn't have anything to wear and that Jodie was going were off putting. But the actually dancing part seemed like fun. Fliss had taken several dance classes back home, ballroom, tap, a little ballet. Along with other activities such as violin, tennis and even French. But she couldn't tell anyone about that now-no, they'd just laugh.
L. U. N. C. H. What does that spell? LUNCH. Or in other words the thing that Aaron is having right now. Aaron and his friends walked out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria. When they finally had their food they decided to just eat in the cafeteria. That wouldn't be special if it wasn't for the fact that they never eat their lunch in the cafeteria. It was always to busy for their taste and they had to listen to the 'intelligent' conversations of others. For example the cheerleaders were talking about the school dance and kept saying that their, dress, date or something equally as stupid was the best.
Nick gave a polite, short wave to Ava, but kept his gaze on the girl that was yelling across to him. His smile faltered for a moment at the mention of Isadore (also at the thought of the other boy actually dancing), but quickly corrected himself. "I don't think so. He didn't mention it." Mostly because he had passed out on the floor this morning and yesterday he was acting like a psychopath, but that aside, I hope she's kidding about him dancing... I really do.
Realizing that the afternoon classed were cancelled because of the dance Aaron and his friends quickly went home. They probably should have noticed that the only people still in school were there for the after school activities. Aaron decided to just walk, or rather said run, home. When he got closer to home he saw a group of people talking to each other. When he even got closer he realized that the people were other orphans from Sunny Brook. ''Oh hey everyone'' he said when he was closer to the rest.
Ava knew Jodie and Nick were probably going to talk and such and it was already awkward between her and Felicity. "I'm going to take these bags home. Meet you back there soon..." She muttered as she took the bags from Jodie and crossed the street to head back to the orphanage.

When she arrived and as soon as she stepped in, she heard Ben yelling out for her. She sneaked the best she could and kept from view as she went upstairs, putting the bags on her bed. She left her room and went back downstairs, walking behind Ben. She tapped him on the back of his shoulder. "Where's the fire?"
Benjamin jumped a bit, startled. He laughed it off and smiled brightly at her.

"In my heart, but guess what?"
Ava eyed him warily, though a smile played across her lips. It amused her a bit that she could startle him. "Um, I don't know. What is it?"
Nick, already yearning to talk about something other than the topic at hand, was welcoming to the sound of stampeding feet behind him and, when he glanced over his shoulder, took the opportunity to allow his smile to drop. Upon recognizing the other boy, his expression remained largely unchanged. Oh, it's Aaron. Don't you know I'm still annoyed with you? He looked back over, if only to see Ava excusing herself. Another social butterfly. Oh, wait, wasn't she... oh yeah! Ben's girl, right? I think I got it now.

Nick decided in that moment he wasn't quite ready to forgive the other boy for their encounter before. A broad grin stretched his face then. "Ah, your highness! What an honor it is for you to grace us common folk with your presence this fine summer day!" He mocked a sweeping bow for emphasis, lifting his head only after completing the motion. "Did thoust have some great quarrel with escaping the principal's office, Princess, if I may be so bold to inquire?" The boy straightened himself, smile becoming flashy as his lips pulled ever so slightly from his teeth.
"No, no you may not" said Aaron with a stern but emotionless tone while looking Nick in the eye. A second past before Aaron realised what he said. In less than another second his face turned as red a tomato. Aaron glared as hard as he could at Nick, although he doubted that it would have any affect. Realising that standing there would only hurt his pride more if Nick would respond Aaron just walked to Sunny Brooks. The whole time only one thing went through his head: I should come up with better comebacks.
Benjamin keep his grin on his face and leaned in.

"We start at our new school tomorrow, everything is finalized.....and there's something else I want to ask you...." He said.

He smiled sheepishly and looked away before looking back.
Ava could feel herself leaning back, but stopped herself. "That's great!"

"What do you want to ask me?" Her heart was beating hard against her chest as he added what he wanted to ask her. A blush came across her cheeks and she didn't let herself look away like she usually would. She smiled more when she watched him smile that sheepish smile and look away.
He smiled again and chuckled to himself, he scratched his head and let his arm hang by his side.

"I was thinking, and since we're going to a new school, I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend?"
Ava knew he was going to ask that, yet it made her blush and her heart beat its way up into her throat. She took a breath as she looked away, not being able to keep the smile off her face, though she was battling her feelings on the inside. She deeply wanted to, but she didn't want to at the same time. It's now or never, and it's not like anyone will know us at the new school. It won't be as bad and maybe people would actually be accepting of us being together...

She looked back to Ben and she leaned into him, looking into his eyes. "I'll think about it..." She said with a small giggle and a smirk before making a run for it.
Nick peered at the other boy, a smile ever present on his lips, though it had lost a lot of it genuineness. Oh, don't sugar coat it for me or anything, Princess. He tilted his head, almost intrigued by how slow Aaron seemed to be, a delayed blush coloring his face. Then when he glared, Nick could only chortle lightly to himself. Don't tell me he's mad. So many humorless kids here, it's sad. As Aaron turned to leave, the boy gave a small wave. "Good talk, Chuckles," before turning back to the group.
Benjamin smiled widely and his heart leapt for joy. Maybe he would finally get Ava, and this school thing was a blessing in disguise.

"I hope your answer is yes!" He called after her.
"Who's Isadore?" Fliss finally piped up.

"That's probably the best thing. Don't let him hold you back from going though." Jodie looked at Felicitiy. "He's a pyscho."
I have better things to do than go to a stupid dance. You can forget about my going right now. Nick would have voiced this aloud if he hadn't been distracted by the girl's inquiry. Before he could go with the simple 'he's my roommate' explanation, Jodie already had an answer. Does that mean she knows? If so, would it have killed her to tell me? Well, I guess she tried as best as she could with him being around... Still, whatever the case was regarding that, he felt his jaw tighten at her blunt response. Nick folded his arms over his chest and asserted, "Well, don't say that." Ugh, wait, did I really just say that?
When Aaron finally arrived at Sunny Brooks he decided to just finish his homework first. It wasn't that much but it certainly wasn't easy. Aaron looked up from his desk and saw his suit and sighed. At least he didn't have to go to the dance. But he had to talk to a bunch of rich bastards... Well beggars can't be choosers I guess. Aaron decided to read the lines Natasha gave him. He also had a couple of files about the companies the other owned. When he opened them he saw that it was way more than he had expected. Realizing that it was better to take a shower first Aaron went to the bathroom and took a shower. Not much later he was finished with everything and he started reading the files again.
"Why not? You must have figured him out by now. He's crazy!" She tapped her head. "Nuts, mad, OUT OF HIS MIND!" Jodie shouted making herself seem crazy.

Fliss cringed at the red headed girl making a scene. A pyscho? Why is he pyscho. Things weren't looking good for this 'Isadore' guy. "Why? Why is he a pyscho?" Fliss looked at Nick and Jodie. They were staring at each other; hiding something. She felt left out; like the new girl she was. The new kid that no one trusted.
Should have just kept your mouth shut. Still, as she continued to talk, her volume increasing, he felt something akin to rage beginning to boil within him. Ignoring the new girl once again, as she had already asked too many questions by bringing him up in the first place, he responded, "Hey, news flash, there's a good half of you who aren't mentally in check." His grip on his arms wrapping around himself tightened and his voice dropped to a harsh whisper. "I didn't see you getting all righteous when someone blatantly suggested you murder all those girls."

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