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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

"Okay, okay! I'm coming!" She laughed, though she blushed at Jodie saying she'd bring Ben along. She put on her jacket and met Jodie downstairs at the door.
Jodie walked out of the house and saw the dress shop across the road. She liked to shop, especially for dresses and having a shop so close maade it 100 times better. She patted her pocket which still had a little bit of that dirty money in it. She looked at Ava and pictured her in a silk backless dress. A fashion designer was something she wanted to be, maybe one day...

When they got into the shop, they were greeted by the woman behind the desk. Surprisingly, she was welcoming and showed them around to the prom section. Although it wasn't a prom, Jodie wasn't really into going to a dance in a bridal gown.

Jodie looked at all the dresses and saw three that she liked. A coral long dress with a suede collar. It was sort of casual yet formal. An indigo dress that was long at the back and short at the front and had studs around the neck line. And finally, a golden dress that had an Egyptian pattern on the hem. She wasn't sure which one she would get, but it was all down to the trying them on.

"See one you like?" She nudged Ava.
Nick watched with non-existent interest as the librarian grabbed from the enormous pile of textbooks and study guides that had built up in front of him. Going five strong on the textbooks alone, the boy just realized precisely how tiresome carrying all of them will be. I guess I'll have to drop these off at the house, he resigned with a somewhat depressed exhale. He watched her scan them one by one, arms folded to lean on the counter, legs crossed behind him, and one hand cupping his mouth as he observed. After a moment, he spoke up. "Sorry if I interrupted anything. I'm sure you were very busy." Nick kept his smile concealed with his palm.

The librarian spared a moment to cast him an annoyed glance before returning to her work. Someone didn't hear they fixed the coffee machine this morning. Good thing I didn't stick a pen cap in her ear after all. Nick looked over his shoulder to observe the rest of the library. Tall shelves towered everywhere, and the library itself was easily the size of the public library back in town. However, it was largely empty, the only people occupying it were some kids seemingly working on a project in a corner, a low rumble of murmurs coming from their direction, then...

Nick blinked, recognizing the brown leather waist coat of a girl bundled in a faraway chair. Book worm. I knew it, but skipping classes? The boy tutted softly to himself, only looking back over when the librarian gave an abrupt, "Here you go," and shoved the pile of textbooks his way.

After stuffing them all in his backpack, he gave an exasperated sigh. My shoulders already hurt. Nick was about to turn right to go straight back to the orphanage, but before he took another step, he quickly changed directions to where the girl was. Time to find out if she has a sense of humor. Hopefully she isn't as much of a kill joy as Princess back there.

Nick approached her in a wide arc, making sure he had his behind at least one book shelf before coming up behind her. The boy stalked up to her, finding some small relief from the slow pace he took. Once there, he slowly put his hands on the back of the chair, making sure not to make a noise until he had leaned in just close enough that his lips weren't touching her ear. Closer than Blood? At least it isn't Twilight. "Boo," he whispered harshly, pulling back quickly just in case she flailed around too much.
Ava walked into the shop with Jodie. She hung a little behind Jodie as they were greeted. They walked over to the dresses and they began to browse. Ava lingered around a rack of dresses while Jodie was at another.

She was holding a price tag when Jodie asked her a question. Looking to her, she shrugged a bit before looking at the number on the price tag. "T-two hundred, what?" She stared at the price tag incredulously. "This much for something that barely has any fabric. No thank you..." She let go of the dress and continued to browse. All of the dresses were either skimpy or way too flashy.

"This one looks nice..." She muttered as she picked out a dress from the wrack and held it against her. It was a grey halter top gown that dipped low in the back. She liked the feel of the material, it was smooth to the touch.
"Hey, this is actually a really great book." Fliss tried to stop herself from laughing. "Actually, it's boring as hell and the protagonist is an idiot. She's a detective, but she get chased by a stalker! Doesn't even make sense." She put the book on the table and put her hands on her head, trying to hide her drenched hair. "I see you were with your girlfriend over there." She nodded to the librarian. And then coughed, hoping he would find it funny. She was never one for comedy, at least not from herself anyway. That was a really stupid thing to say, Fliss.

"Beauty comes at a price." She looked at the dress Ava was holding, "It's beautiful-but grey. You can't wear grey to a dance!" Jodie tugged ito ut of Ava's hand and showed it to the shop assistant, "Do you have this in a-Hmm lets see," She looked Ava up and down,"In gold, perhaps?" The lady stared at the dress for a few second before nodding. "Yes, yes we do. One second, I'll be right back." She skipped away, the dress still in her hand as a reference. "While she's gone, I'll try this one on." Jodie got a hold of the indigo dress and stepped into the dressing room. After a few minutes, she pulled back the curtain and twirled. "What do you think?" She laughed a little. It looked good, Jodie knew it.
Nick's jaw dropped a little before snapping shut, a frown clearly drawn on it. She just started blabbing! He hadn't even asked, what? More importantly, she hadn't even flinched at all! I'll just have to scare her later. Shaking his head a little, he folded his arms over his chest and went to sit in a chair across from her so as to converse like a normal human being for a little while. "Yeah, see, that's why I don't read. Can't find a good book."

Upon her reference to his very one-sided conversation with the librarian, his eyebrows went from furrowed to quirked. Oh, she saw me over there, that's why. "You think I have a shot?" A dry smile spread over his lips and he laughed lightly from out of his nose. Now sitting before her, he tilted his head, finally observing the damp state of her hair and a somewhat damp spot that was showing on her shirt. Without hesitation, he cracked, "Oh, what, did I miss the annual wet t-shirt contest again?"
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"Actually yes, I won." She tried helplessly to crack another joke and then looked down at the book. "I got soaked in the shower and humiliated myself in front of the gym class." She tried not to sound sorry for herself, but choked on her words when she missed out the details of her whipping off her shirt. "It was actually quite funny." She said with a straight face, still avoiding the boys eye contact. She tapped her finger on the table.
"Too bad." Nick adjusted himself, the sudden bulge in his backpack not allowing him to be anywhere near the back of the chair, making him sit forward. Wait, what's humiliating about being soaked in the shower? Isn't that the point? He did, however, grin, seeing her already finding what happened amusing. "Sounds like it," he chimed, but only as an afterthought realized that she wasn't laughing at all. His smile dropped quickly. Crap, she's actually upset. Am I supposed to say something? Nick coughed awkwardly into his palm, eager to change the subject. "So, were you planning on actually going back to class or were you going to hole yourself up here all day? I was actually gonna' head back to the..." Do I call it orphanage or what? "House," he finished with a tone of uncertainty. "Then I was gonna' go into town."
Ava's eyes widened when Jodie came out from the dressing room. "That looks really good on you." Jodie always looked good in everything she put on and Ava was a bit envious of that.
"I mean, I could come along." She tried to sound uninterested, but if he said no, she really had no other option that to just leave by herself. "If that's okay." She tried not to sound too pathetic again, but it was near impossible. She closed her book in her hands and looked at the spine of it, trying to memorize it in case she felt like finding out what happened to the stupid character. "I think I need to get changed first also." She was beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable in her soaked shirt. She stood up and slid the book back into the spot she had got it from and turned back to Nick, raising an eyebrow in question. Please don't leave me in this hell hole.
Nick pursed his lips. Yes, you could come along. I also could punch you in the face, tackle the book shelves to witness a beautiful domino effect, or I could pull all the fire alarms in the school. The boy shut his eyes and rubbed his eyelids for a moment, before looking up again. She was already putting the book in the shelf, couldn't she just say she wanted to go? "Okay, fine, how about this? You're coming with me," he asserted, not caring how annoyed or impatient he sounded. Gripping the arm rest of the chair, he pushed himself up to his feet, thumbs tucking under the straps as he bumped the backpack against himself in yet another adjustment. Without another word, he began to walk off to where he had entered the library, reviewing all the turns he had taken to get back to the orphanage yesterday in his head.
"Thanks Ava." The lady arrived back with the dress that Ava wanted, but in gold. "Here you are ma'am. And that dress suites you wonderfully." She smiled and Jodie mimicked her action. "Go on then, try it on."

By the time Fliss had turned around, Nick had already made his way out of the library. He had accepted that she was coming along, but now her seemed a little annoyed at it. No need to be an ass with me. When the go out of the school, Fliss wondered how the hell they were going to get back. She had no money for the bus and Nick seemed in no position to walk. "How are we supposed to get back...you know, there?" She scratched the back of her neck. Outside she felt 100 times more cold. The wind blew on her shirt and intensified the cold air. She wrapped her arms around herself. She hated being cold-being hot she could deal with-but being cold when you have no means of getting warm was the second worst feeling ever. The first being humiliated, which coincidently had already been bestowed upon her. Wow I miss my bed.
Ava smiled and took the dress, thanking the woman that owned the store. "Well, here goes nothing..." She headed into an empty dressing room. In a couple of minutes, she had slipped the dress on with ease. She looked at herself in the mirror, pulling her hair over her shoulder before heading out.

"What do you think?" She asked as she slowly turned in a circle so Jodie can see how it looked.
Upon arriving outside, the beam of the sun seemed all too welcoming. He rolled his neck, though the cracks that followed served nothing in the way of getting the tension out that he wanted to, so the boy reached back to massage it a little. At her question, he didn't stop walking, and just cast her a confused glance, eyebrows furrowed. How were they supposed to get there? What did that mean? "You have legs," he answered with a grin. "Don't worry, I know the way." I think.
"Ava! You look beautiful!" Jodie nearly started to cry, she never really wore a dress. "I have to get it for you!" She started dishing money out of her pocket and the shop assistant looked a Jodie, suspiciously.

"I know I have legs, but it doesn't seem like yours are functioning!" Fliss poked him. She began to feel extremely wary. How could he know where he was going? He must have only been to school a few times and the fact that he was limping didn't help. She doubted he would even make it. "Don't you think you should go to the doctor about that? Or at least put a bandage on it." she brushed her hands together. She desperately wanted to know how he got the injury; she knew it was a touchy subject. Not yet Fliss, be patient.
Ava smiled at Jodie's reaction and she bit her lip, twirling in her dress a bit before heading back into the dressing room. She took off the dress and put on her clothes, hanging the dress back on the hanger, then headed out. She couldn't help, but feel a bit of excitement.
"Functioning?" he repeated, baffled. Do I look like a cripple to you? Nick gave his neck one more deep rub before he dropped his hand, splaying it before him in an incredulous gesture, eyes widening and smile dropping. "I already said I'm fine. Look, I know how this looks-" Did he just say 'look' twice in the same sentence? How annoying. "-but comparatively, I feel amazing. I walked home yesterday and the day before that, so I don't think my leg's going to suddenly give out on me or something." At that precise moment, his foot got caught in a crack on the sidewalk, and he stumbled comically. Nick straightened quickly to recover. "That had nothing to do with it."
Fliss shook her head and laughed at Nick's fall. "Okay. I trust you. But if you fall, just know I don't have a cell phone and I am not get down on my knees to help you up-I'm wet as it is." She looked at the damp pavement. It was sunny yesterday, it must have rained in the night. Fliss followed after Nick, watching everything she passed; just in case she needed to take the same journey again. "So, what do you all do at the 'house' for...fun." Fliss said, assuming there wasn't much fun at the orphanage. She put one hand in her pocket and twirled the charm on her necklace in her hands.
A is the first letter of the world apple. B is the second letter in the word Abbadon, which is arguably another word for Hell. Or if you're a supernatural fan, the last knight of Hell. C is the third letter in the word duck, fun-fact ducks wear sailor suits. Just ask Donald Duck. D is the fourth letter in the word random. E is the fifth letter in the word...Which word? Aaron picked up his backpack from the ground and grabbed his dictionary out of it.

He flipped threw the pages to find a word with the fifth letter e. Aaron sighed when he couldn't find one. Which was understandable since he flipped threw the pages so fast that he almost ripped off a couple pages. When he looked up from his dictionary however he saw Peter giving him a look that said: What are you doing? Aaron smiled sheepishly at him and shrugged. Peter just raised an eyebrow in responce and went back to doing mathematics.

Mathematics! That's a word with as fifth letter the letter e! Wow I'm bored.
At her words, he rolled his eyes, but made a mental note to make a Life Alert joke when the conversation began to die down. At least she can laugh. It'd be a little nicer if the first time hadn't been at me- Nick sputtered a small laugh, the immature part of his mind taking over for a moment. She said she was wet. He had a feeling she wasn't the sort to appreciate a mind in the gutter, however, so he left the joke unspoken, instead opting to roll his ankle to stretch it a little before he continued walking.

At her next inquiry, an almost bitter smile crossed his face. "I wouldn't know." Probably cut themselves said his newly developed and morbid sense of humor. However, in the next moment, his expression switched to a wolfish grin. "I've been thinking a little, though, and I've come up with a few ideas." He shrugged, turning then past the silver fire hydrant. Nick fell into silence, as though deep in thought. "Buuuuuuuut I can't tell you. Otherwise it won't be as fun." He smirked at her then, waiting to see if her curiosity piques at all with that little teaser.
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Nick giggled to himself, Fliss wondered at what but just shrugged the matter off. "Oh, the suspense is killing me; please do tell." She sounded sarcastic although she did indeed want to know what 'fun' he was talking about. She realised that this guy was a pretty closed book; that you had to be more involved with him to see his true self. Right now, he seemed a little bit of an ass- but a good ass. At least he was giving information, which made him useful. She folder her arms once again. shielding herself from the cold wind and made a brrr sound with her mouth. She didn't know why-just wanted to break the awkwardness maybe. Stop being weird again Fliss.
The girl had made the sarcasm prominent in her tone, but he still simply shook his head. "Stand in line, buddy, you'll just have to wait like everyone else." The wicked grin that formed on Nick's face then would be difficult to displace for the next several minutes. "I mean, you'll find out one way or another, so might as well not ruin the surprise." Upon his epiphany that he hadn't seen a single adult guardian for the past few days, he had finally come to realize the precise amount of freedom that an unsupervised house provided. Nick gave an almost wistful sigh. It's every prankster's dream.

Pushing the thought out of his head before he became too excited and started blurting all the plans that she might not even appreciate in the first place, he looked over as seemingly another breeze cut through her clothing. This sort of weather used to bother him, too, but that was before he spent the last few years of his life in such a cold state. "Hey, you might not be so cold if you just took off your shirt," he teased. Deep down, he knew saying that was a mistake, but for the moment, he couldn't resist the temptation and had just blurted it out anyway.
"Oh really?" She looked at him. "Well, it's already happened once today-may as well do it again." She started to take of her waistcoat and looked at his reaction. Of course she wasn't going to take of her shirt. She threw her waistcoat at him and it fell to the ground. She just left it-she didn't need it any way; it was a little too Crocodile Dundee for Fliss' taste.
Nick snorted lightly in laughter with her going along with the joke, but his smile dropped the instant she began to remove her waistcoat. What? his mind screamed, evidently panicked. "Wait, what? No, I was kidding, don't do that!" In the next moment, however, he was greeted with a face full of waistcoat which, in his moment of alarm, he had neglected to try catching and it fell to the ground. Huh. It smells nice. Nick looked over to find her still walking. "In the middle of the street," he began to grumble, reaching to swipe it up off the sidewalk as he walked by, "what are you doing?" The boy bundled it up and held it back out to her.
"I was kidding you dork." She laughed at his panicking face. She wiped a hypothetical tear from her eye and pulled her waistcoat on and laughed some more. It was evident he had never seen a girl topless-at least not in real life. And if he had, he had no idea what to do with one anyone. Not that she did either. "How much longer is it?" She looked into the distance for any sign of the old building. There was only a dress shop in her view and a couple of houses. A red haired girl and a brunette exited the store. I recognise her, she thought. Although she had a good memory, she wasn't great with faces.

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