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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

( NEFHHFIENENFN! Sorry. ;-; )

Raja sat there. Thinking about sunny brooks and mick. That's what all was on her mind. She would give a few calls once in a while, making sure they are alright. But she didn't dare leave Mick alone for a second.
Nick had to give himself time to recover from his second scare of the morning. If he were to expect seeing Isadore, it wasn't lingering outside of their window. He wasn't here at three in the morning... or five, for that matter. That fact had initially disturbed him, but now he had to wonder if he had just been outside the entire time. Previously, his forced optimism had just assured him that it would make avoiding Isadore easier, but here he was now... poking him, pulling his ear, tapping on his back.

Nick breathed in, slowly and deeply, somewhat at a loss of what to do. The other boy was acting just as friendly as ever... supposedly. He was a little afraid of what would happen when he admitted to being awake. Don't be stupid, he knows you're awake. He's just being annoying. After a moment, he sat up to rest on one foot, gently tugging his hand back. Nick spent a moment rubbing his face, as though to physically rub the sleep off of him.

He stopped suddenly, eyes flicking back open as an idea struck him, his eyelashes tickling the palms of his hands. This is probably a stupid idea. I'm gonna' do it anyway. Nick pulled the remainder of the covers from off of him and slipped onto the floor next to the other boy. "Hey... Isadore." Nick turned to him and clapped the other boy on the shoulder. He was silent for a moment, looking at the other boy seriously as though trying to think of something to say. Then, without warning, his grip tightened in an effort to hold Isadore in place as his other hand balled in a fist to throw a quick punch into his abdomen. "For yesterday." He grinned a little. Even if the other boy did dodge, seeing him flinch would still be somewhat satisfactory. "Twerp."
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Mick would finally wake up, having slept most of the day away and being awake almost all night. But that's pretty much normal for him. "Raja?" He asks, seeing if she was still there.of course she's still there. She's never not there. he thinks to himself.
Raja would grin and scoot closer to him. "You feeling okay Mick? Anything wrong? Are you hungry? You need water? Maybe I should call the nurse..." She said and looked at the door then back at him.
As Nick sat up, easing slowly off of his bad foot, Isadore stood and waited for his roommate to initiate conversation. There's so much I have to explain from yesterday...and I'm not planning on explaining anything. If we're going to get into an argument, I might as well let him have the first blow. He hadn't been expecting the 'blow' to be so literal, though. As Nick's hand tightened on his shoulder, Isadore wondered to himself. Why is his hand so tight? Is he trying to keep me in place? But he's smiling, so maybe it's a gesture of forgiveness? Thinking for a moment, the answer finally glittered through his sleepy thoughts. Oh, he's trying to pu-

As Isadore felt the fist ram into his gut, he yanked out of Nick's grip on his shoulder and attempted to absorb the impact. It didn't work, as the wall was right behind him, and Isadore stumbled back and hit his head, hard. Slowly sliding to the floor, he looked up at Nick with a blank expression, wondering what to do. That's right. Normal people make a big deal out of physical pain, don't they? It wasn't too bad though, only a soreness just below his skin that might leave some mild bruising. Deciding to act as normally as possible, Isadore tilted his head to one side.

"Ow," he said, impassively.
Rajas smile shrunk. "Sorry. Just worried." Raja had some food already, she had a grilled cheese sandwich and some apple juice and pretzels. "Here." She smiled and put the grilled cheese on the plate, putting it on his lap, "It's grilled cheese. Be careful, the plate might slide off..." She sat there, watching him intently.
Jodie woke up with a bang. A sudden rush of realisation that she didn't make it to bed last night ran over her. The face of Felicity surprised her and made her jump more.

"Good morning." Fliss looked a little startled. Finally, she's awake.

"What time is it?" he rubbed her eye.

"Almost 8 0'clock." Fliss sat, her hand still hovering over her grumbling stomach.

"Are you kidding? I have no time to get dressed!" Jodie moaned and sprinted upstairs.

Goodbye to you too. Fliss stood up and pulled up her bag. She made her way outside but didn't have to slightest idea what she was doing. She thought maybe she should find a bus stop, but she didn't know how far it would be. Luckily, it was in sight when she walked out of the gates of Sunny Brooks. She sat down on the small red seats and waited for someone else to arrive.
Ah, can't think of a more refreshing way to kick off the morning. However, with time, the smug grin on Nick's face dissolved. Well, it worked better than he had expected, seeing him back up against the wall after the blow, except... Isadore's face was practically devoid of emotion, not even cringing once. Well, if I had been really trying to hurt him, this would be embarrassing. Nick stood there for a moment, face equally blank, trying to decide on what he should make of what just happened. I wonder what it would take to irk this kid. He felt the hairs on the back of his stand on end, and a tingling sensation began to spread up his arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps.

Nick turned away quickly before his growing fear could register on his face. I think I would feel better if he was mad. I doubt he's just taking it because he feels guilty. Without another word, he began to get ready. He slipped on some jeans and swapped shirts, before moving to stuff the notebook back in his backpack, lost in thought and trying almost desperately to seem unperturbed.
He's not going to hit me again...why only hit me once? What a strange guy. Isadore could feel a perplexed expression forming on his face, but it was quickly broken by another yawn. Sleepy. Getting up and stumbling over to his own bed, Isadore grabbed his pillow and promptly lay down on the floor. Feeling the cool ground through his wrinkled clothes, he reached a hand up along the edge of his mattress and pulled all the sheets off his bed. Snuggling into his blankets, Isadore breathed in deeply and sighed. It smells like feet down here.

He fell asleep.
The breakfast at the restaurant was great and they talked about the party. Aaron secretly did want to go to the party. But only to see how it looks like and because he could see the others again. After they were done eating Natasha brought him to school. First period didn't start yet so he calmly walked into the school.

The school was empty, if it wasn't for the teachers and some other early birds. Aaron walked to the cafeteria and did his homework. When he was done with that he realized that he had to go to work Monday. Even though there was a weekend between Monday and now he was still nervous. What if he screwed up? Or what if he accidentally drops a pencil. Which makes someone trip over it and spill their drink. Which makes someone stumble and fall against the fire alarm. Which makes the fireman come to the company in a hurry. Which makes them crash against another car because they were in a hurry. Which kills people. WHAT IF THAT HAPPENED?!
Nick was slinging his backpack over his shoulders when he heard the slipping of fabrics. Was he getting into bed? Did he dare turn around? Slowly, the boy cast a look over his shoulder, if only to find Isadore's bed stripped of it's sheets and the boy snuggled in it. He walked over to kick him, tell him there was only one day of school left... but looking at the slow rise and fall of his chest, he quickly figured out the other boy was already asleep. Unless he's faking it. Whatever the case was, Nick decided against being the good roommate and turned to abandon him on the floor after grabbing the bag and phone that had still been on his bed.

The boy emptied the water in the sink of the bathroom and stuffed the bag into his pocket. Nick's progress was slow, and one glance at his watch told him that he didn't have much time to spare going up and down the stairs at his sluggish pace. Instead, he simply brushed his teeth while he was there, in spite of his mouth still feeling clean from when he had done the same thing just hours before, and headed down the stairs in time to see Jodie sprinting down the hall. Well, looks like she wasn't kidnapped to be sold for sex last night. Guess that's a good thing.

Nick dug around the kitchen for just some small snack, and eventually found a granola bar hidden far in the back of a cabinet. I think I'm almost used to eating one meal a day now. Peeling the wrapper apart to chew on it thoughtfully, he headed outside, deciding to just refill the bag with ice at the school if it started to become too unbearable. His ankle was still throbbing, but it was feeling a lot better, and hopefully would be in good condition by tomorrow.

Patting his pockets, he recalled, I don't think I have any more than 200 dollars. I really need a job. No skipping out on that today... wait, maybe I haven't missed the bus yet. Only then realizing he had no idea where the bus stop would be, he headed down the gravel driveway, one hand loosely stuffed in his pocket. Finally passing the gates of the orphanage, he found the bench that he had mentally made a landmark to find the way home. Nick only then realized that must be the bus stop upon seeing a girl occupying a seat on it. As he approached her and swallowed a second bite of his granola bar, he slowly realized it was that girl that had barged into his room yesterday. Oh, what was her name now? Falice? Florence? Was that even a chick's name?

Dropping the idea of addressing her by name, Nick settled down next to her with a quiet, "Hey." Oh, this is awkward, he thought, recalling how he had scowled at her crossly until she left. Deciding that it might be best to apologize instead of possibly scaring her again, he set his elbows on his knees, cupping his head in one hand to look nonchalantly at the ground and continued, "Um... sorry about yesterday."
Raja nodded. "You're welcome." She looked at him and looked at the ceiling. She sighed. Something planted in her head. "Hey.. Um. What would you like in a adopting parent?" Obviously she was up to something.
Fliss waited at the bus stop, the bus still hadn't come and just to make things worse, the boy who's room she had barged into strode up to her. "Hey. Um...Sorry about yesterday." He sat next to her. For what? I barged into your room-"It's okay, I'm sorry too. I'm not great around people as you could probably tell." She put her hands in her lap and sighed. "So, when did you get here? Sunny Brooks, I mean." She tried to make conversation and was quite proud of the topic she had come up with. This was the first time in the whole day that she had been in Sunny Brooks that she had had a normal conversation with someone with our being rudely talked to. That red headed girl was a real piece of work.
Oh, she's sorry, too? Good, because I wasn't actually sorry. Pushing away his thoughts, as they had been growing increasingly caustic in recent history, Nick spared a moment to glance over her. She seems like she could be one of the only normal kids here. He gave a long sigh through his nose. Also pretty serious and kinda' boring. "I just got here a few days ago. Still getting used to everything." Understatement of the year. I'm already wanting to run away. Nick finished off the rest of his breakfast and crumpled the wrapper in his fist, subconsciously dropping it to the ground.
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Oh, good I'm not the only new kid. "Yeah; it's very, um, different here." She swallowed, thinking for something interesting to say; but there was no use trying, so she just went with her gut, "I don't think I have met anyone who has been straight with me. They've either been awkward, rude or blank. I can't read any of the kids here-" She stopped and felt herself go red. She was actually speaking to someone and she was letting too much go at once. "Sorry, that sounds kind of creepy." She put her hands in her pockets. Why can't I just be non-awkward?
Nick looked up suddenly in amazement, eyes widened. He had to take a moment to chew, as his mouth was filled to the brim with granola bar, resulting in the silence to be drawn out longer than he had meant to. Finally after swallowing, he gave a loud scoff. "Thank you!" She completely understood. Of course, he wouldn't use 'awkward, rude or blank' to describe the kids here, instead opting for 'completely desensitized, socially inept or out of their fucking mind', but she seemed to get the gist of it. Nick straightened and slapped his hand on his knee, blurting, "They all just act like there's some big secret they have to hide and it completely pisses me off."

He blew an irritated sigh through flared nostrils and settled back against the red bench as much as he could with his backpack still on it. Of course, this wasn't the first discussion he had like this, but he had a feeling this wouldn't exactly end the same way the last one did. Where have all the normal kids been this whole time? Oh, that's right. They're probably strung up in the basement or something.
"Exactly! Like, that girl...Ava! She was just ignorant. I tried to introduce myself and she walked away. I can tell I'm not going to enjoy it here. And what about the food, where is it all?" Fliss stopped, almost panting at the rant she was in the middle of. She felt weirdly obligated to talk to this guy; maybe it was the fact that he was new, or that he understood that everyone around here was nuts. Still, when he sat back on the bench, she shuffled a little too the side, the fear of intimacy was striking. She sighed and leant forward, putting head in her hands and looking at the boys granola bar. I am starving. Her stomach grumbled once more. I wish I could to the kitchen and cut myself a freshly baked piece of banana bread, like back home. She looked at the gravel beneath her feet and swung her shoe above it, rearranging the stones.
Nick shook his head. "I don't even know who that is." He forced himself to calm, realizing just moments ago he got way too excited. Way to keep it cool. It was just so welcoming to talk to someone who actually meant what they said. He scratched the bridge of his nose, looking away as she, too, turned away awkwardly. "Yeah, I have no clue. I think I'm just gonna' have to buy my own food, so I'm gonna' look for a job after school today."
Should I offer him money? Lord knows I have an abundance of it. I basically own my Fathers life savings. "Me too." She tried to keep it cool. She remembered how everyone treated her differently at her old school when they figured out she had money. But this isn't school, this is your home now, they'll find out sooner or later.

And just as her thoughts were busy conflicting, the bus arrived. She stood up and wiped her hands on the back of her jeans. She waited for Nick to step in front of her and get on the bus, not wanting to be rude and taking the lead; but she ended up drawing out the situation and making it harder to deal with, so she just hopped on in front of him and smiled at the driver, who looked at her suspiciously. She took a seat near the back and wondered where he was going to sit; she wanted to ask more about the kids at Sunny Brooks.
Over here.
Her too? Did she mean buying her own food or getting a job? If the latter, should he ask her to join him? Would that be improper for him not to, or would it be way too quick and personal if he didn't? Did he even want her to come along? Weighing his options, he heard the crunching of tires on gravel. No one else is here. Isadore is going to miss the bus again. Maybe I should have woken him up... Again, there was the conversation from yesterday that came to mind, and the boy had to suppress a shiver.

Without further delay, he gripped the back of the bench to help himself to his feet. The girl had already disappeared onto the bus by the time he was hobbling up them awkwardly, trying to keep his weight on his good leg. Okay, so the bus is mostly empty. Social protocol calls for me to not sit right next to her, but maybe stay within the vicinity to keep up conversation? Hopefully no one tries to sit next to me. Nick passed her and selected the seat behind her. Damn, I always pick the wheel seat. With a somewhat frazzled sigh, he slumped in the seat, stretching one leg across it in hopes that it will put people off from sitting next to him in the future. Resting his cheek against the window, he inclined his head just forward enough to continue conversation. "Did you want to go with me?" He paused. "Just thought I should ask. S'fine if not."
Nick limped through the bus and Fliss only just noticed that he seemed to be injured. He hobbled past her and sat on the seat behind. "No, I mean, I don't mind. It's up to you." She shrugged. "It's not like anyone else is going to." She whispered to quiet for him to hear. "What wrong with your ankle, if you don't mind me asking." She cringed. Why would he mind her asking? Stop being weird Fliss. The fact was that she couldn't remember the last time she had actually had had a civil conversation that had A-Lasted this long and B-Been about something that she wanted to talk about, not just an argument or a 'debate' as her Mother used to say.
The boy's eyebrows knitted together. It's up to me? What the hell do you want me to say? 'You're coming with me, little girl?' Nick gave a somewhat exasperated sigh, a vacuum sort of sound filling the bus as the door shut and it peeled off the road. "Okay," he replied, allowing it to sound more like a question than an answer, annoyance creeping into his tone.

His lips pursed at her question, and the boy had to swallow back the curt response of 'none of your business' that was about to roll off his tongue. Be nice. "Just twisted it, no big deal." Nick let his head slip further against the corner of the bus, ignoring the way it made his head rattle. He put his fist in his other palm, cracking his knuckles loudly in an effort to take his mind off of the unpleasant memories that were surfacing.

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