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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Damn, I was looking forward to see how they live. Fliss watched the other girl touch the door adjacent from hers. She looked a little awkward as she practically made out with the door. God, is she okay? She grinned politely and said,"Sure, I'd love to."
"Well, be warned, it's not exciting," she said as she entered her room. I hate this awkwardness... It hung thick in the air between the two, the awkwardness. When she was with Jodie, it was hardly awkward. They could always make something out of nothing, and she wished it could be the same with other people, but sadly not. Hopefully, she will be out of here in a few seconds...
The room was dull, lightly decorated and a few band posters hung from the walls. It wasn't messy, but it was

impeccably clean neither. At least it was better than the room she had been put it; which was A- someone elses and B- unpainted and uncarpeted. "It's nice."
Eugh, 'nice'. What a boring adjective. "So where is everyone? Jodie already filled me in on the fact that you don't et dinner here."
"Thanks..." Ava said, smiling a bit. "I don't know exactly where everyone is to be honest. Usually they are running around, wreaking havoc..." She let out a chuckle. "But I heard that Alex is going to be adopted soon so that'll be a room freed and you won't have to share a room with Raja and some child..."

She nodded at the dinner part. "I guess since Raja is away, meaning no dinner, and Michael hardly stocks up on food..." She hated talking bad about Sunny Brooks and making it seem like a horrible place to be, but she had to be at least somewhat truthful.
Isadore walked out of the school parking lot and across the street, not at all bothered by the screeching tires and honks he was getting from the cars that swerved around him. The school bell gave a shrill cry, reminding him that he still had a period left in the day. Now, why would I attend my classes? New course material won't be taught until next week, at the latest. He sighed through his nose, mildly irritated with the unproductive educational system that he was forced to attend. Isadore stopped on the sidewalk, glancing around at the buildings near him. Oh, I must have passed the intersection already. This is the way to the psychiatric office. Standing there, mostly recovered from his little episode in the school hallway, he shrugged and continued into the heart of the downtown.

There weren't too many people wandering the little boutiques and restaurants along the narrow street he turned into. It was a pleasant, clean little place, though. Not at all an area of suspicion for the cops. Isadore smiled humorlessly as he headed towards a white building a few blocks away from the end of the cozy little street. The glass window of the building read in plain, black lettering: Dr. Finchman ~ Psychiatric Clinic. A very respectable establishment it was, and as Isadore slipped in through the door, the warm scent of vanilla creme coffee wafted around him in greeting. The young woman at the front desk looked up from the paperwork she was sorting, and smiled at him. "Mr. Gyles, have a seat. Dr Finchman will be done in just a moment."

Choosing instead to stand next to the desk, Isadore leaned over and glanced at the woman's left hand. She still had her ring finger. "So...I take it he's treating you well?" Placid, hazel eyes looked up and briefly considered Isadore's impassive expression. "You mean, Dr. Finchman? Yes, he is a very kind man, especially considering the stress in his line of work." She went back to shuffling through the stack of papers. Isadore heard an almost inaudible sigh as the woman marked an 'x' in the corner of one of the patients' forms. "Yet another one that's behind on payments. Frustrating, isn't it, that Dr. Finchman still continues to treat these ingrates?" Oh, yes. Quite frustrating. From down the hall, a door opened and two people stepped out: a middle-aged man with a paunch, and a tall and wiry old man, dressed in a white, clinical coat. As the fat client shambled past him and out the building, Dr. Finchman raised a thin, slender hand at Isadore in greeting.

"Mr. Gyles. This is quite the pleasant surprise. Do come in, we have much to discuss." I'm sure you do, old man.
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"Well I guess I'll go find some people to introduce myself to." Fliss nodded and walked out of the room without saying goodbye. She just needed to get out of there, to stop the awkwardness from choking her. She hated being awkward and unfortunately, unless she was by herself, almost 99% of the time she was with another person it was awkward. She walked past 'Ben's' room, and making sure Ava wasn't looking, she put her ear to the door and listened for sings of life. She heard the breeze of what sounded like an open window, but that was all. Fliss turned around and saw if anyone was looking; no one was so she moved onto the next door. She remembered Ava saying it was 'Nick's' door, I mean, she wouldn't forget, she had an eidetic memory. Again, she stuck her ear to the door and listened. Just the calm sound of breathing. Bingo. "Hello?" She knocked on the door. She was desperate to sort of...interview the people who lived there. Any time now would be good.
Nick's eyes had been flickering open and shut, feeling some odd mixture of exhaustion and restlessness. He gave a disgruntled sigh. He knew it would be like this. Attempting to squeeze his eyes shut and nestle down further into the sheets, he laid there for a few more moments before his eyes snapped open to the sound of a high, feminine voice and knocking. He didn't recognize who it was, nor did he care. Nick gave an annoyed sniff and remained where he was, glaring at the wall. Nobody's here. Go away.
Ava closed the door as soon as Felicity left. Alone again at last... She shook her head as she thought that she should have never have been curious to what sound that was earlier. It would have saved her a lot of awkwardness than she was used to. She got her headphones and music player and plopped herself on the bed, popping in the buds and drowning everything out as she tried to relax.
Benjamin sighed and put a shirt on and ruffled his hair. He'd heard voices outside his door, Ava and another girl, someone who wasn't familiar. He sighed and opened the door and looked outside and noticed Ava's door was closed.
After no one answered, Fliss sighed and opened the door anyway, fearing that someone may be dying as the breathing was becoming increasingly fast. "Hello." She stood at the door, her arms still folded. "I'm Fliss-Um, Felicity." Wow, it smells weird in here. "I'm new, jjust wanted to introduce myself. Okay. Bye." She felt tense with awkwardness again and realised she was probably waking someone up. She closed the door as gently as she could and walked back to her room, well, Raja's room; whoever she was. She picked up her diary that was bound with claret leather. She popped off the button and sat down on her bed, kicking off her shoes and propping up her cushions. She pulled up her knees and rested the journal on her knee caps.

Dear diary,

The first day so far has been eventful. I've been here maybe an hour or so and I already feel like I am unwanted. For a start, I have to stay in a room that is already owned by someone. It's dirty and poorly furnished. Secondly, the 3 people I have met so far seem like extremely different people; not that I blame them, I'm about as different as it gets, but they do not seem to fit my lifestyle. Perhaps I will have to dumb myself down a little; make myself seem more like them. I hope someone less rude, such as the girl Jodie arrives. Jodie offered me a tour and didn't even show me the upstairs rooms.

Oh well, I will write tomorrow, if I haven't been massacred and eaten by the starving children here.

Only joking.

Orphan joke.

Nick had to suppress the urge to groan at the sound of the door clicking and someone stepping in anyway. Should I have locked that? Who comes into a room uninvited? He rolled over to look at whoever had entered the room without bothering to remove the scowl from his face. His features only softened a little at the sight of a girl he had not seen before, and clearly his unwelcoming vibe put her off. She was new? This vaguely piqued his curiosity, but before he could think of anything to say, she had awkwardly shuffled out of the room.

Oh well. She (Felicity, was it? Weird names everywhere.) shouldn't have come in anyway. Nick turned back over, pulled the sheets closer to him. With a single thought, he realized the precise extent of the sour mood he found himself in at that moment. I didn't even give her a rating. Hopeful that nothing like that happened again this evening, he let the memory float to the back of his mind and attempted to resume his slumber.
Aaron finished his homework and decided to just play videogames for the rest of the night. After a while he got thirsty and went downstairs to get some water. When he arrived in the kitchen he heard the phone ring and he quickly picked it up. It was Natasha calling to ask him to go to some fancy party. He didn't actually wanted to go but he didn't feel like staying at home either. So he agreed to come to the party. Realizing that he didn't have anything fancy he wanted to cancel the appointment. Natasha said that it was fine and that she would pick him up to get something. He accepted her offer after some thinking, he really wanted to see the others again.

Aaron hang up and drank his cup of water. Not much later he heard a car honk and went outside to see Natasha's 'batman' car. He quickly stepped into the car and greeted Natasha. ''Since when are you so fast?'' asked Aaron with a smile. ''Since always'' said Natasha with a smirk.

The ride to the city was boring and uneventful. At least Aaron thought they were going to the city. They were actually going to some small boutique that one of Natasha's friends owned. When they arrived they got greeted by one of the employees. Luckily for Aaron it didn't take them long to find a fitting suit. It wasn't that fancy but it wasn't simple either. It was just right for the party.

They went outside and decided to just eat at one of the restaurants. Apparently the party wasn't just a party. It was a very important event. Even some celebrities would come. Not that Aaron cared. He probably would stand or sit alone the whole party. The only reason Natasha invited him is because he worked at the company now. And she wanted to make him feel uncomfortable by making him talk to fancy ass people who didn't talk to peasants. Because that's were friends are for.

Aaron suddenly heard on a radio not far away that there would be paparazzi outside the building where the party took place and that the opening and entrance(?) would be on live TV . Natasha said that it would be fine and asked him he wanted to drive to the party in separate cars. ''Sure'' said Aaron after taking a sip from his drink.
Isadore sat in one of the consultation rooms, sitting on the couch and studying the rich, blue color of the walls. It was a very mellow, sophisticated hue, though he couldn't help but sense the sinister pallor that writhed beneath the thin layer of paint. Dr. Finchman stepped into the room, a clipboard and a small, sleek box in hand. He sat down in his large, black leather chair and turned the little machine on, to record their therapy session, then swiveled around to look at Isadore. Waving a thin hand, his features solemn and thoughtful, Dr. Finchman began talking. "So you've decided to visit me before school's ended. What seems to be the issue?" His aged features weren't concerned, only set with a mildly curious expression.

Isadore nodded once. Last word. "I...confessed. Don't know why, but it just happened today." He breathed in slowly, clenching his hands in his lap. I'm only a nervous, vulnerable teen, dealing with the turbulent emotions that come with puberty. Nothing suspicious is happening. Raising an eyebrow, Dr. Finchman chortled a bit. "It's perfectly natural to feel enamored by a fellow classmate and these feelings of yours are by no means a problem." Isadore glanced down at his fists. "I...I suppose not. But he hasn't responded yet." They both sat in silence for a few moments.

"And how is your mother?" Dr. Finchman continued the conversation, giving Isadore an inquisitive glance.

Isadore sighed. I should have known there'd be an assignment. "I think she's okay. " The old man smiled sympathetically, thoughtfully tapping his pen against the clipboard in his hand. Isadore mentally counted the strokes as he stammered through another response. "Well, I mean I haven't really talked to her, b-because I...don't know how." Dr. Finchman stopped his tapping, taking a few moments to jot down some notes. Eight figures, not bad. "That sort of avoidant behavior is quite damaging, though the problem may initially seem unnoticeable. If not confronted soon enough, your familial relations will only become more toxic." Isadore scowled at the old man. "If you're only here giving me shitty advice, you might as well just put me on meds." Dr. Finchman scribbled a few more words down, then gave him a look of disapproval.

"I suggest we end this discussion now, as you failed to make an appointment today. I have a client coming in at 4:30." Reaching over the table, the old man pressed the stop button on the recorder and stood up, handing Isadore a mostly blank note sheet, a photo attached on the back. Isadore studied the face a few moments, memorized it and the address Dr. Finchman had scrawled below it, then handed the paper back. As the two of them walked out of the consultation room, Dr. Finchman patted Isadore on the shoulder. "I'll write up the refill for your medication by next Tuesday." He shrugged off the psychiatrist's thin hand. "That's fine. I'm not running low, by any means. " The young secretary waved to Isadore as he stepped out of the building and walked down the street. Well, let's get this over with...

He paused, mid-step, as his stomach growled in protest. Never mind. Lunch is the greater priority. Isadore glanced down at his watch. It's only half past three. I've got an hour to spare. He turned around and headed into the deeper downtown area, eyes peeled for even a half-decent restaurant.
Aaron sipped from his cola and listened to Natasha ramble about how he should act and to who he should talk to. That probably was because of the fact that he had a 'fancy' title at the company. Even if he wouldn't be doing much the people who didn't work for the company didn't know that. They think that he did important things for the company like.. sitting in meetings or something. When she was finished talking he already regretted agreeing. She said that he had to talk to people, and with talk she meant just nod your head once in a while. It wasn't that bad but still. These people would see trough him the minute he walks into the room.

Natasha could see that Aaron was nervous so she quickly changed the subject to things that he did care about. They talked about that weird game with the shovel that they still hadn't bought.

Lucky for Aaron the party wasn't until Friday. And that was pretty much the only reason Aaron agreed. Because every year there's a dance at school. But now that he has that party he doesn't have to come. Aaron looked up from his drink when Natasha started talking about the party again. She said that he would be picked up by Charles and that the party started at 7 AM. Natasha asked him in what kind of car he wanted to be picked up. After a couple seconds she realized what she said and chuckled. ''Batman car?'' ''Batman car'' answered Aaron with a smile.
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Fliss walked down the stairs, hoping no one would be in the living room. On her tour with Jodie, she had noticed an interesting book that had been left on one of the coffee tables. She was going to swoop it up, skim read it and put it back where it was. She didn't really want to steal anything; there was no point. She'd probably get beat up in this place anyway.

When she was in the living room, she realised the book was gone and she cursed inwardly. Still, she walked over to the couch and sank down into it. It didn't smell too good. Not like the one she had at home. A lavish leather 7 seater with 2 matching recliners at either side. The tv wasn't up to scratch either, just a low quality flat screen; nothing compared to the 62 inch HD ready plasma she had. She wondered where it was now; if someone else was using it or if it was just thrown into the trash or sold for cheap on a black market.

And then something peeled her away from her daydream. The thought that she was hungry. She was starved almost. She hadn't eaten anything since the early morning and even then she had only eaten a small pot of strawberry porridge.

She stood up and went to find Jodie, who was still in the kitchen, her head buried in a book. Fliss coughed, to get her attention, which didn't work. She walked over to her and realised that she was asleep. Fliss stood there, thinking what to do? And then she just poked her.

"What?What-Oh, it's just you." Jodie's head jerked up.

"I would like some dinner, or lunch. Which ever is appropriate." Fliss unbuttoned her coat as she started to feel quite warm.

"And why are you asking me?" Jodie rubbed her cheek that had the imprint of her shirt.

"I want to know where I can get some."
She is so rude.

"Sandy's Diner, three blocks. There's signs outside." Jodie fell into her arms again and almost instantly her breath slowed down; indicating sleep.

Fliss didn't know whether to say thank you, considering she was asleep; so she didn't. She waved, awkwardly, and made her way to the door, her boots in her hand. When she reached the front door, she slipped on her boots and tied up her laces, loosely.  
The next day: (Fliss at her lunch out and went straight to bed)

Fliss got up, her phone beeping. She had set her alarm for 7 o'clock, not exactly knowing what time school started. As soon as she got out of bed, she took off her pyjamas and dressed herself in a long sleeved fitted white shirt, and a brown leather waist coat. she put on her Grandfathers dog tags and her dark blue skinny jeans, brushing her lightly waved hair after she did so.

She walked down the stairs to see Jodie still, face down in her book, sleeping.
Lazy. She walked around her and looked in the fridge for some breakfast. Nothing, unless you count a gone off piece of cheddar or a random egg. She walked out of the kitchen and back up to her room. Guess I'll have to starve. She grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulder and held both straps with either of her hands. She walked back downstairs again and sat at the table, waiting for the others to show themselves, so she could introduce herself.
Aaron woke up and quickly dressed himself. It was one of those days. You know those days that you can't wait to go to school. What? Never had one of those days? I pity you. But back to Aaron. It wasn't a matter of minutes before he was done. It was a matter of seconds. He ran as quiet as possible to the kitchen and looked in the fridge. Nothing. When he looked around the kitchen he saw a girl sitting at the table. ''Oh hey. Good morning'' said Aaron. He walked to the phone and dialled Natasha's number. He asked her if he could pick her up early so he can have some breakfast. She said she would be there in a half hour and she hang up.
"Hello." A timid looking boy walked into the kitchen and pulled the same disappointed face as she did when he realised there was no food in the fridge. Yeah, I know the feeling, she rubbed her hungry stomach. "When does school start?" She enquired once the boy had put the phone down. He sounded like he was talking to a parent, a Mother even. She wondered why, if he was here, was he talking to a parent? Still, didn't question it; it was too early to start asking questions.
Nibbling on the flesh of his breakfast, Isadore sat in his apple tree. He watched his roommate sleeping in their bedroom. I'm watching you sleep, Nick. Slowly, he pressed his face against the glass and stared intensely at the other boy. I'm staring intensely at you, Nick. Then, cautiously, Isadore mimed a gecko, splaying his hands along the glass and randomly scrambling around with a drawn out grimace. The common apple-gecko, native to car insurance commercials and orphanages, is particularly fond of windows...

Isadore stopped, wondering why in the world he was acting so strange. Ah, that's right. Lack of sleep. He bit into his breakfast apple.
Ava woke up the next morning, stretching her arms overhead. She didn't know why she was awake at this hour since she didn't know when she was returning to school since Ben didn't keep her in the loop. Obviously not today since it was the end of the week and when the school day was over signaled the beginning of the weekend. She rolled over in bed and tried to catch a few more Z's, but it was useless. Once she was awake, she couldn't go back to sleep.

She lazily got out of bed and took her time to get ready. She put on a pair of jeans and a sweater, like usual, and then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. After she was done getting ready, she went downstairs and to the kitchen. She muttered a good morning at the occupants already there and then looked through the cabinets, looking for some food since the fridge was absolutely bare. She did end up finding a granola bar in the far back on the top shelf. With granola bar in hand, she went to the living room and sat cross legged in the armchair, unwrapping the bar and took a bite.
''Oh good morning'' said Aaron. Apparently there was food. ''School starts at 8.30AM'' said Aaron to the new girl. ''Euhm.. My name is Aaron'' Aaron waved at her. He looked at the clock and realized that they still had enough time. Lucky for that meant that he would arrive just in time for school if he went with Natasha to that little restaurant. Really someone should buy groceries.
Benjamin woke up and stretched before falling back down, he stared at the ceiling for a moment before getting out of bed. He hadn't been called to known when their transfer was complete. He sat on the edge of his bed and ran a hand through his hair, and then stood and put on a shirt. He walked out of his room and down the stairs. His stomach growled and he laughed and looked around, he needed to get some food.
Nick awoke with a start, his phone vibrating loudly into his stomach. His eyes snapped open and he flinched away from it, his heart beating fast. It took a moment for him to recover, tapping the cracked screen to turn the alarm off. Alarms are the worst thing in the world. Nick heaved a sigh, putting his face into his palm and massaged up and down on his temples. After a moment, he peered out from over his hand, glaring at the wall across from him. His sheets were strewn messily across the bed, and it had taken him getting up in the middle of the night to shower to finally drift off. He felt like he might as well have stayed up all night.

He peeled the sheets off of him, looking at the bag of water that was cast off to the side. It was undoubtedly warm now, anyway. Nick propped himself up on one arm to sit up, wrapping his fingers around his ankle, squeezing all around it. Some of the swelling has gone out, but it still hurts like a mother- Nick furrowed his eyebrows, slowly becoming aware of the sound of scuttling against the window. He turned to look at what it could be, if only to see... "Jesus-!" he began to swear loudly, flinching at the sight of Isadore's face pressed closely to it, such that his nose was bent against the glass, and Nick planted his face back into his pillow, waiting for that disturbing mental image to slip out of his mind.
"I'm Felicity. Nice to meet you." Although it wasn't that nice. Oh God, that word again. She looked the boy. He was neatly dressed and looked a little stressed. Perhaps it was because of his phone call. She got up, brushed off her jeans and walked to the door where her boots lay. It was a quarter to eight, and she felt like she needed to go to school now, to receive her schedule and begin her classes now. She was so eager to meet the teachers; the only people who seemed to understand her, probably because she was so bright, and the other students didn't get that.
''Nice to meet you too'' He said with a smile. He wanted to say something but a car honk cut him off. ''Oh.. that's my ride. See you later'' He said quickly. He wanted to run outside but realized that he didn't have his backpack. So he quickly ran to his room to get his backpack. In a matter of seconds he was in front of Natasha's car again. ''Sorry that you had to wait'' Said Aaron when he stepped into the car. ''No big deal'' Natasha smiled at him and she drove off to the restaurant to eat breakfast.
Oh, shoot. Is he dead? Isadore slid into the room, a concerned expression on his face as he looked down at his hands. More importantly, my apple's all mushy and gross. Walking over to the trash can, he unceremoniously dumped the remains of his breakfast into the garbage. He stifled a yawn as he padded over to where Nick lay, apparently comatose, on his bed. Isadore prodded him gently in the ribs. "Hey...hey Nick." He waited for a few moments. Still whispering, Isadore tugged on the other boy's ear. "Hey...hey Nick." Another pause, and Isadore began playing an imaginary piano on Nick's back. "Hey...hey Nick." Why isn't he responding, did I really scare him to death? How can I check?

Reaching down for Nick's wrist, Isadore whispered to the boy again. "Hey...hey Nick. If you're dead, wiggle your hand."

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