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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

"If you're finished with your story, I'll call the detective in charge of the investigation and he'll come out and gather the evidence., okay?" Ms. Donaldson said.

Benjamin nodded and pushed back his chair while standing.

"Okay, go ahead and call him. I don't want anything to do with that money or the gun."

He turned to Ava, and smiled.

"Thanks, Ava."
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Ava sneaked a glance at Ben, smiling a little.

"No problem..." She wondered when they can leave. She would have gotten up to leave, but she didn't know if she could.
Ms. Donaldson dialed the Detectives number, and waited for him to pick up.

"Yes, Detective Harris. We've got some more evidence for the Sunny Brooks Case, it might connect the big one to this....okay.....you'll be here in a little bit." She said.

She hung up the phone and smiled at them.

"He said he'll be here in 30 minutes, and the have the stuff ready." She said.

She picked up her briefcase and stood.

"Thank you both for your time."
"Not a problem..." Ava muttered. She reached up to her messy bun and undid her hair tie, letting her hair fall over her shoulder. She put the hair tie around her wrist and ran a hand through her hair. At least she got thirty minutes to relax.
Ms Donaldson smiled and left the room, and headed to the door.

"Thanks again." she said before opening it and walking out.

Ben sighed and sat back down on the couch.

"I've always hated Lawyers, honestly."
"Yeah..." Ava breathed, sitting in her seat for a few more seconds before she got up. She just couldn't sit anymore and turned around, facing the shelves. She took a step closer to the shelves and lightly touched the spines of the books, looking like she was searching for something though she wasn't. Her shaky hand dropped and she walked over to the window, leaning against the wall as she stared out of it.

What kind of mess did I get myself into...?
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Jodie woke up to the sound of the front door closing. She sat up, tied her hair into a bun and walked downstairs. She found Ben and Ava, Ava looking sad by the window. "Hey, what's up?" She walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "You can't have had a worse day than me." She tried to sound sympathetic, but it just made her sound like she wanted attention. She coughed and sat on the couch.
Hearing that there were people in the living room Aaron placed his cup in the kitchen sink and walked to the living room. ''Oh hey everyone'' he said. His face was still pale and his voice sounded a little bit sad. I mean how would you react if you just realized you would make a million a month by just giving people coffee and making copies of things? Wait? Not like that? Huh. Well everyone's different right?
"Oh, hey Aaron. You look a little...tense." Jodie leant back on the couch. She folded her legs and looked at the people surrounding her. They all looked ass if they were going to cry. Ben was emotionless, Ava looked sad and Aaron looked pale.
''I do? Oh...'' Aaron chuckled nervously and sat down on the chair. ''Well that's because..'' Should I tell them? No. That would probably make them even more confused. And they're gonna ask me questions.. So just shut up for now.
"Hey Jodie." Ben said.

He turned his attention to Ava and smiled.

"Is everything okay? " he asked.
"Y-yeah, everything's fine..." She said, cracking a small smile.

She turned to Jodie with a concerned look on her face. "Anything happen, Jodie?" She asked, walking over to her friend and sitting beside her.
"Oh-" Jodie thought about the fact she had been left in a dumpster with Damien. She wanted to tell Ava, but she couldn't, she would be furious. But she had to. "I went to the Hut...And it was a trick. Ashley got some weird old guy to drug me and make it look like me and Damien Freeman had been...well...doing it." Jodie knew Ava would be furious, but after the day she'd had, she just didn't care. The effects of the drugs still effected her, and if it got too much, she could just let herself doze off again.
Ava stared at Jodie, her eyes growing wide as she recounted what happened, her mouth hanging open a little. She then faced forward, expressionless for a moment. However, she did not have it in her to be angry at Jodie. She would have said something along the lines of: "Are you stupid or something? What made you think that going there was such a good idea!? What were you fucking thinking!?"

All she could be right now was worried. She looked back at Jodie, noticing she was dozing off a bit. "Dear God, are you okay? They didn't hurt you, right? H-hey!" She nudged her a little, letting out a sigh. Why did you go there in the first place...? Though she felt a bit of anger boiling underneath her skin, she tried to keep it down, but she couldn't help but feel betrayed.
Jodie saw the look on Ava's face. Jodie almost burst out crying. She knew she had betrayed her best friend on the false hope that the popular kids would like her. Of course they wouldn't, she was different. "Ava, I am so sorry. I know I was an idiot. I wasn't thinking. I promise you I won't ever speak to Ashley again!" She looked desperately at Ava. She knew she had made everything worse over these past few days, but she only just realised it now.
Walking down the hallway a few paces before the other boy, Isadore shrugged and shook his head at Nick's advice. "Nobody likes criticism. But it benefits everybody to tell obnoxious people to shut up, yes?" Thinking about the office aid, Isadore made a face. "Is Bermuda really that attractive? Beyond the rich color of her hair, I mean, she's rather short." Glancing up at Nick, he gave a teasing grin. "You have a strange taste in girls, but thanks anyways for the flirtation tips. I'm sure those will come in handy." Oh please. Like I have time to waste lavishing praise on some air-headed pair of breasts.

Snorting in derision, Isadore stopped before the cafeteria and motioned Nick to go in first. "Lady-killers first. It's flirtation etiquette."
Ava took a breath and faced straight, clenching her jaw. "To be honest, Jodie... I never expected such behavior from you. Not even in a million years. Maybe from me because I'm just..." She exhaled and put on a wry smile. "... And I understand why you would do it, but you shouldn't have been so stupid. And to be honest, it hurts me a lot that you still went..." She touched her cheek and shook her head.

"I-I have things to do. Talk to you later, yeah...?" Ava got up and then looked slightly over to Aaron, who was sitting in the chair. "Umm... You shouldn't leave your video games around the place. Ben almost played with your Nintendo thingy... Y-yeah..." She exited the room and headed upstairs quickly.
Jodie punched the wall and split open her knuckle. "For fu-" She shook her fist and ran to the kitchen to soak up the blood. She knew how much of an idiot she had been. How she always is. She just wanted someone to like her. Someone fun to be friends with her. Why couldn't Ava be enough for a friend? Jodie screamed inside herself that she was selfish.
Aaron looked at the N64 or in Ava's words the Nintendo thingy. He wanted to say that it wasn't his but decided to ignore her. Suddenly he felt a little sad, there was a N64 in the house the whole time and he didn't know. Although, it doesn't matter now. He has his own and he doesn't need to worry that people will complain about the fact that he plays too much video games. Or that they want to watch TV. He can just play them in his room now.
Alex silently walked downstairs with a small sigh. She sat down at the table, glad that she had skipped school, and stared blankly at the wall in front of her, her red eyes unmoving.
Ben turns to look at Jodie.

"You serious? Why the hell would you go there anyway? you know those dude roofied you, they coulda raped you and you'd be none the wiser, and what made you think Ashley would wanna make peace anyway? She never let's things go."
Nick rewarded Isadore with his best incredulous stare, complete with a frowning face and wide, blinking eyes. It took a while for him to gather himself and finally respond. "Are you kidding me?" Was she really that attractive? Was that even a question? "What kind of drugs are you on and why aren't you sharing?" Nick took a breath, shaking his head in disbelief. He shouldn't even have to explain it. The way she held her hair was adorable, she had amazingly lean legs that was highlighted perfectly by those curled jorts, and she had the most exquisite breasts, just big enough to be perky. He couldn't fathom what Isadore could be thinking to say such a thing... and what kind of argument was it that she was short? A girl shouldn't be taller, that was a good thing. It wasn't like she was a midget or anything, how could he even say such things? This poor, poor inexperienced kid.

In an effort to get past what Isadore had say, as the other boy's confusion was beyond comprehension, he shook his head one more time, breathing deeply before finally saying, "You're short." Unless... Nick cast him a suspicious glance. Don't tell me he's gay. Please don't tell me I'm rooming with a gay guy. Nick shivered a little, dismissing the thought, as he didn't want to consider the possibility. Instead, he ran his fingers quickly over his eyebrows and looked ahead again.

Upon Isadore stopping outside of the cafeteria, the corner of his lips twisted into a bitter smirk. Passing the other boy, he reached to give Isadore a shove, perhaps light enough to just push him into the wall. As Nick looked around for the line, his eyes landed on where Bermuda and her friends were seated. Her elbows were set on the table to cover her face, with a company of girls trying to give her reassuring words and... Oh, you sly dog. The baggy eyed boy from earlier looked up from where his arm was draped around her, rubbing her back, his hand perhaps passing a little too low. Nick could barely make out the boy mouthing the words 'I love you' from across the cafeteria. Nick smirked, before giving a supportive two thumbs up. One of the girls glared at him.

"See, look, I made a friend out of all of this," he laughed with a lazy gesture toward the other boy before continuing onto where the food was awaiting him.
"Ben, I don't need a lecture. I know I was stupid, immature little girl, but you-you just don't understand." Jodie squealed and stormed off to her room. She saw Damien's jacket. For some strange, deranged reason, she felt the need to see him. He was the only other person in her situation. He must have done something awful to Ashley to make her want to take revenge as she had done with Jodie.

Finding his number wasn't hard. She just had to search his Facebook profile and get it from there.

"Hello?" His deep voice spoke from the other side.

"Hey, it's Jodie. The half naked chick from today." She said.

"Oh, yeah." There was a moment of silence and Jodie had no idea what to say. She wanted to speak to him but she also didn't want to just say 'hey, lets meet up because we both hate Ashley and we've done rotten things to her.'

"Uh...um...Do you want you're jacket back?" She blurted.

"Sure, I can pick it up tomorro-"

"No, it's cool, meet me at Sunny Brooks, like, now." She sounded a little hasty.

"Well okay." He sounded a little confused, although, he always did.

"Bye then." Jodie smiled.
"I'm not on drugs." Isadore was extremely confused at Nick's response to his appraisal of Bermuda. Is this guy blind? How high would your BAC level have to be, to find the office aid attractive? She is constantly fidgeting with her hair, giving off an air of impatience and immaturity. Her legs are too thin, lacking any toned or shapely quality, and she dresses like a whore, purposely rolling up those shorts way further than dress code permits. Obviously, she's the type to abuse her position to slid by the school policies. Not to mention, she's wearing a push up bra because her real breasts are too small to support that low-cut collar of hers. Also, she's stupid. Only smart people are good in bed; creativity is half the battle when it comes to sex. And you accuse ME of having bad taste... Before Isadore could continue his mental rant, Nick's statement about his height finally processed in his brain.

Isadore sniffed at Nick's retort. "I'm not short. YOU are just too tall, my friend." Noticing Nick's almost incredulous look in his direction, Isadore inwardly groaned. He think's I'm gay, doesn't he? Why does everybody...first Jodie, and now my roommate too? Frowning irritatingly at the other boy, Isadore muttered to himself. "Just because I'm not attracted to giggle-tits or bitch types does not make me gay." Noticing and following Nick's distracted line of sight, Isadore finally identified who the other boy was giving a 'thumbs-up' to. Hm. It's another guy flirting with the...attractive...office aid. "Oh, look. It's Barracuda." Sighing in disappointment at Nick's obvious lack of taste in girls, Isadore made his way to the cafeteria line.

As he stood there, wondering if he should eat the suspiciously rancid-looking specialty pasta or just binge on a few bags of chips, Isadore felt an elbow jabbed between his shoulder-blades. Oh, well it's crowded here. Maybe I should just stand closer to the counter. As he stepped up, a hand smacked him on the back of his head, and this time, Isadore could hear snickering. Turning around, he saw that it was a group of track team members that stood behind him. He immediately recognized the thin, gangling appearance of the boy closest to him. That trash-talker from the library... Smiling coldly at the jock, Isadore slung an arm around the boy in feigned camaraderie and leaned in closely, the arrival of a busty blonde momentarily distracting the boy's friends from what Isadore was about to say. He whispered quietly in his ear.

"Once you die, I'll find a way to reincarnate you." He mockingly patted the boy on the head. "Because killing you once wouldn't be enough." Stepping back and relishing the fear that was beginning to set into the athlete's features, Isadore smiled once more, gave a little wave, and excused himself from the lunch line. Making his way empty-handed to an equally desolate table, Isadore sat down in resignation to his hunger. I suppose I can make a stop at the mall bakery after school... he sighed and lay his head on the table, not caring that the faux wood surface was sticky. And they had fries today, too...
The large majority of Isadore's latter comments went beneath the boy's notice, and upon arriving to the food line, he inhaled deeply, shutting his eyes and grinning. Ah, it smells like nothing. The cafeteria food must be awful here, too. How nostalgic. A change in the quality of food was something that he had been hoping for, in all honesty, but to find out that it was no better than at home gave the cafeteria almost that same charming, classic quality to it. He really couldn't complain. At least there seems to be some sort of theme here. Sort of. Nachos, tater tots, a banana, beans... what had they been thinking? I guess there was a reason the cafeteria ladies always looked high, after all. Could cafeteria ladies afford pot, though? I mean, I wouldn't know how much that stuff costs, but surely their salary...

Nick was drawn back to reality when someone gave him an impatient nudge with their elbow to move him up in line. Snapping his head to the side, a gap had opened up in the line with Isadore suddenly gone. Looking behind him, he saw a group of boys crowded behind him, all of which were laughing and staring elsewhere, save for the one closest to him, the corner of his lip twitching in an effort to conceal his terror, the boy staring blankly at the empty spot in front of him. What did I miss? Nick had just caught a glimpse of Isadore settling down at an empty table when that same boy nudged him again. "Come on, man, some-"

"Shut up." Nick only spared a moment to glare at the other boy, the annoyed scowl looking largely unchanged from this, before finally moving up to pile his tray. The boy hesitated a little as he went over to the table, but finally seated himself across from Isadore. No eye contact was made, as the other boy had his head down, so he was left to stare a bit blankly at his bed of hair. We're completely alone. What about the kids from the orphanage? Then again, they don't ever seem to go to school, but doesn't he have any friends? Nick reflected on context clue from the scene before, and he recalled, once again, what Isadore had said. You know people avoid me, right? It's because I'm dangerous.

The boy sighed lightly around a mouthful of spaghetti. This table is like the table of weird nerds or mentally disabled kids that all the others avoid. This can't be good for my reputation. Then again, this was how it all started there... and since when do I have a good reputation, anyway? I'm sure there's someone- "Who were those guys?" he blurted, not able to contain himself any longer. Nick looked down then, twirling his fork in the spaghetti aimlessly. "I mean, it's cool if you don't want to talk about it-" which he obviously doesn't "-but..." He left the rest of it unsaid.

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