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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Nick pursed his lips, the slight delay in her response making him doubt this was going to go ideally. Well, if I have to explain myself, then so be it... but I really don't want to. The boy removed his hands from his laps and propped himself up with them. "Well, back to what we were talking about earlier..." Deciding that the position he had settled himself in wasn't as comfortable as he was hoping, he scooted back a little before hunching forward, grabbing the edge of the desk once more. "You're going to hear about this one way or another, but I'd rather you hear it from me. Jamie's trying to blackmail me, but he doesn't know shit."

Up until this point, there hadn't been very many people he had confided in, only his closest friends. The only thing to do at that time at home was to wait for the rumor to be forgotten, as anyone who asked him wouldn't change their opinion on the matter in spite of whatever response he chose, because any decent human being would at least try to deny doing something like that. Nick took in a shallow breath and looked at her seriously, not entirely prepared to deliver all the words he had plotted out. "My freshman year, I pissed off a girl, and she decided to spread a rumor that I had raped her, which I would never do. Somehow, he found out about that, and... well... I think you can guess the rest." He paused. "If you don't entirely believe me, I could tell you the story, but I really would rather not." Please don't. Please.
Fliss squinted her eyes slightly, listening to what Nick was saying. Then the word rape came along and Fliss was completely taken aback. This was obviously a sore subject for Nick, and she could tell that telling her the full story was going to be painful. But talking about it can sometimes relieve half of the problem, her Mother used to say, and her Mother was wrong all the time, so that didn't help. She sighed and decided to keep an open mind. She knew Nick may be a little over the top at times, but she knew he would never do that. "Okay." She sighed again, not knowing exactly how to get out these next few words, "Whatever happened with that girl, no matter how bad it got, I know you would never rape her. But, in order to trust you fully, I need to know what actually happened." She was trying to get him to tell her. She didn't want to directly ask him, she knew she might come across as rude, but she needed to know.
Nick inwardly believed a sigh of relief at her initial... until she stated he would have to tell her anyway. He set his elbows on his knees and put his face in his palms, a gust of air funneling up against his face as he exhaled deeply. Most kids are playing video games or doing homework right now, Jamie's probably getting horny off of porn in preparation of getting in her pants, and here I am stuck with the most awkward story telling session... ever. This world is cruel.

Nick lifted his head up just so that his hand was covering his chin, his thumb resting on his cheek as he set his other arm between his legs, carefully trying to read her expression. He shifted just so that his temple was leaning into his knuckles and he was cupping his cheek. "So... like I said, it was freshman year and I was a lot stupider. I heard about a party that this girl, Jennifer, was throwing while her parents were out of town, and I wanted to try that whole 'get drunk and have sex' thing. I hadn't ever drank before and, well, I lost a game of beer pong, not to mention I have no idea what was in the punch. So, check on the 'get drunk off my ass' part."

That part was typical. It was the sort of high school party that were almost solely responsible for giving teenagers a bad reputation, so that was easy enough to talk about. He couldn't help but sigh once more, even as aware as he was that he had been doing so many times as it was already. "So... after all of that, Jennifer was looking... well... especially attractive. Somehow, I honestly can't remember too well, but I ended up in a room with her and, well... I mean, I'll spare you the details, but it was all purely consensual. Um..." Nick could feel his ears burning red in embarrassment. Fuck, this is so awkward. It's harder to tell a chick. "So, uh... she..." She doesn't want to hear this. "She... b-basically she started making these noises... like, I would have been more turned on by the sound of a dying animal, and at that point, I managed to remember how much I hated her." Wait, I probably could have left that part out, couldn't I? God dammit.

He couldn't stand making eye contact anymore and cast his gaze down to the floor below. "So before things got that far, I just left without a word." Worst part over. Nick rubbed the corner of his eye where an itch had formed. "I didn't realize how absolutely pissed she was until Monday when she started to spread that rumor. See, the thing about Jennifer was that she was pretty much the number one slut in that town. Well... among the people who hadn't graduated yet, anyway." Moving past that portion of the story, he was able to look back up at her again. "Basically any guy that had ever done it had done it with her at least once. She had never been rejected before, so... yeah." That summed it up, right? He could mention getting his revenge, but he was reserving that prank for later at this school, perhaps even to a certain someone in this orphanage for putting him through this, and it just didn't seem necessary to the story.
Fliss wasn't really shocked at the story. If anything she was glad that that was all that had happened. She looked up at Nick and simply said, "She's a bitch." And let out a breath, realising she had been holding it the whole way through his story. "I mean, it's not that bad." She laughed a little and stood up, "I mean sure, you were an idiot for going to that party in the first place, but I guess you see that." She fiddled with the journal on her desk. "But that really wasn't bad. And, I told you, I'd stay away from Jamie. That's why he soiled my floor with cake." She looked at the stain, "Someone needs to teach him a lesson." And she went back to her bed, "Anyway, as I said, my birthday. The Headmistress booked the table for 7 on Wednesday, so, you know, invite who ever you want, it doesn't matter to me." She curled up on her bed and yawned. It was getting late and she was feeling the effects of fatigue.

Jamie was waiting in his room, tapping his finger on his desk, waiting patiently. He was bored of waiting and decided to do something to take his mind of it. He turned on his computer and did another google search for Aaron C. Mayor, seeing as he was interrupted last time. A few results came up, he had won a drawing competition in 2008, but then a report from a paper came up. It told that Aaron had been stalked by some creepy dude that Jamie noted down. He decided to go to bed and figure out what he was going to do with this information.
Nick had been feeling ambivalent the entire time, mostly due to her stare that had been attentive but unrevealing up until that point, but when she finally spoke, it was evident that she believed him. He relaxed the tension in his shoulders and breathed out. Still, he had said enough, and he had no desire to linger on the topic, as appreciative as he was by her response. "Really," he muttered, only then looking down to notice the stain in the carpet. What a brat. Then elaborating on the birthday, a frown slashed his face. "Well, alright." Wednesday is so soon, though, and who would I invite, anyway? What friends? Isadore? I have no idea what he would say.

He slipped off the desk, seeing as the conversation had come to a close with her lying down on her bed, locking his fingers together and raising his arms in a stretch. Homework should be a thing, but it's gotten late. Maybe I'll get up early. That's what I always say, though. Just as Nick was getting to the good part of his stretch, his frame shook, interrupting it and making his cup his hand over his mouth to stifle the fit of laughter he had suddenly burst into. Originally what had been a passing comment of hers, he finally was hit with the satisfaction of know that he had successfully foiled the other boy's plan. "You know what Jamie thinks I've been doing?" Nick didn't wait for an answer for too long. "He thinks I've been telling you about how great he is," he tittered. "I so can't wait to see the look on his face."
Nick shook his head, quieting himself for the moment just enough to smirk at her. "I don't want to ruin the surprise. You might just see it first hand." If I can stop laughing for long enough. He began to pull each finger individually, seemingly only popping every other one of them.
That's not exactly what I meant. Of course, if he had half a brain, Jamie might notice that something was wrong... but Nick didn't want to give him that much credit. "Well, alright." The boy unlocked the door then and, forcing himself to hold back his laughter, exited her room, not bothering to pull the door shut. When he was at the end of the hall, Nick unceremoniously burst into the other boy's room, an unmistakable grin stretching his lips. Without hesitation, seeing the other boy curled in bed, he walked over and smacked Jamie in the rear. "All preparations are ready, Cap'n!" he chimed enthusiastically. "Go getcha' some, Tiger!"
Fliss stood outside of Jamie's door, listening. "Go getcha some tiger!" Nick yelled and Fliss found it hard to keep in her laughter.

"What the-?" Jamie was in his bed. "Do you mind?" He sat up. "What did you say?" He rubbed his eyes.
Do I mind? You think I have a shred of respect for you, Bitch Cakes? "You heard me. The deed has been done!" Nick cried, insistently patting the other boy on the rump until Jamie eventually sat up. "When shall we have the bedding ceremony? Tonight, my lord?"
Nick awarded the boy with a wolfish grin. You still haven't figured it out? Boy, you're so dense, I bet you'd sink in water. He rubbed his palms in excitement, pleased that he had managed to not laugh this entire time. But what did she say? I haven't thought about that. Realistic or extravagant? Well, I only have ideas for one, so... "Well, she called me a rat bastard for ever keeping you two apart and stopped following me on Twitter. She was embarrassed to admit it at the time, but when she ate some of that cake you made her, she came all over herself, which was the only reason she had ever been so rude. Oh, and her body is ready." Nick impatiently waited for him to blow, giddy as he stood there.
Fliss almost choked on her laughter when she heard what Nick was saying.

"Why are you so chipper?" He was getting out of bed now and putting on a sweater.

Fliss ran back to her room, so Jamie wouldn't suspect anything.
Nick's chest heaved in barely suppressed mirth. He doesn't get it now? Really? Please, never breed. I would never wish that upon the human population. "Why shouldn't I be? The birth of young love is such a beautiful thing." I think I could have a more in depth conversation with a dolphin.
Nick sucked in his lips in an effort to keep his grin from becoming smug, his snickering forcible held to only be quick inhales through his nose. Name calling aside, I didn't know people this dumb existed. Aw, are we friends now? I could tell him that an alien empire came into contact with me and demanded to change my attitude and he might believe me. "Well, if she stopped following me on Twitter, then she obviously wants nothing to do with me anymore, so have at her!" Nick allowed himself to flash a smile then, lips charismatically pulled from his teeth.
Jamie got up and stepped close to Nick, "Wipe that smirk of your face, or I'll tell her that you're a rapist." He smiled.

Nick's eyes widened, his smile dissolving as he gazed at the boy in mock horror. Whatever shall I do? "No, don't do that." He was tempted to cry it out, but he didn't want that small sliver of a chance that Jamie might start suspecting something. Oh dear, if I make him think, it might set the smoke alarm off. He wanted to see him make a fool of himself in front of her. There were very few other things that could please him more at the time than seeing Jamie embarrassed and humiliated.
"Good." He got to the door. "I see we are at an agreement." He walked out and over to Felicity's room.

"Felicity?"He knocked on the door, "I am so sorry about earlier." He pushed on the door and it opened. "Hey, listen-" He stopped. Felicity was standing in the middle of the room, wearing only her underwear. She walked closer to him and locked the door. "It's fine Jamie Wamie." She poked his chest. "Do you love me?"

Fliss almost died with the laughter building in side her. She wanted to carry the joke on as long as possible. She wanted to seem like the clingiest girl he had ever met.
Nick almost lost it there. An agreement? For the love of- He waited a short while after Jamie had left and remained in his room. Finally, when he heard the voices down the hall, he wrapped an arm around his torso and set his head against the wall, covering his mouth so as to muffle the laughter that was sputtering out of his lips. He gave himself an adequate amount of time standing there, chortling to himself, before he finally jogged out the room, feet padding softly against the carpet until he arrived outside of Felicity's room. He stood just beside the door, his back against the wall as he listened in.
Jamie gulped. What did Nick say? "Felicity!" He smiled, "Of course I love you!" He felt his cheeks burning red, either from anger or embarrassment; he didn't know. "It's just," He pushed her toward the bed, "Maybe you shouldn't talk." He couldn't help thinking how annoying her voice was.

Fliss laughed, but as he pushed her on the bed, she struggled to stand the force. "Okay, this was a joke." Her back slammed on the mattress.

"What?" Jamie looked down at Fliss, not quite knowing what to do next.

"Please-get off me." She pushed him away but he wouldn't budge.

"This is a joke?" Jamie's grip around Felicity's shoulders tightened. "Are you KIDDING me?" He yelled. "I'm going to kill Nick." He looked into the room, but then back at Felicity. "But first-" He bent down and kissed her neck.

"Jamie! GET OFF OF ME!" Fliss pushed furiously, but her weak arms and his body weight were both factors that stopped her from getting free.

"What?" He lifted his head up. "You started it-You provoked me." He carried on.

Nick was on the verge of losing it when Jamie proclaimed his love for her. The boy had to cover his mouth again, snickers hissing from out of his teeth and into his palms. What a stupid thing to say, and if the other boy actually believed it, the end result of this would just be all the more satisfactory. He wanted that boy's heart to break, but he was sure that he would just flush red every time he saw Felicity after this, hopefully too ashamed to show his face ever again.

When the two dropped down to a more inside volume, the words became more obscure and muffled, only allowing the boy to catch little snippets of the conversation. Nick pushed himself up from the wall, letting his hands fall from his face and moved closer to have his ear against the door, wanting to hear the buildup to Jamie's eventual epiphany. However, before he had even moved much closer, he finally heard the spike in the other boy's temper, Jamie asserting that he would kill him. Nick peeled over and guffawed loudly, no longer having a need to quell his laughter.

He listened, awaiting for the other boy to begin ranting and raving, proclaiming him to be a rapist as he had promised to do, something. However, there was a disquieting drop in volume at that point, causing his own laughter to die down. Nick's mouth snapped shut when he heard her yell. His smile dropped into a perplexed frown, it took entirely too long for him to make the connection as to what was happening. No way.

He reached for the doorknob but found that, after hardly twisting in the desired direction, it stopped abruptly, and Nick jiggled and pushed a little just to confirm that it was locked. His blood was brought up to a boil, fury bubbling inside of him. "Hey!" Nick pounded his fist against the door, the likes of which shuddered every time his knuckles connected. "Don't think I won't kick down this door! I will fucking end you!"
"Ah, Nicky boy is here." Jamie got up, pushing his hands aggressively on Felicity as he got up. He walked to the door and unlocked it, pulling it open hard. "Come on then kid, END me, I dare you." He squeezed his fists at his side and he was almost spitting with rage. How dare he humiliate me? How dare her disobey me?

Fliss lay on the bed as Jamie pressed on her arms and got up. She felt disgusting, his saliva on her neck, his hand prints on her shoulders. She breathed quickly, sharp breaths that almost hurt her throat. She squeezed her eyes and willed the tears back. She grabbed her dressing gown and wrapped it around her, finally feeling a little less vulnerable, plus, Jamie had opened the door and she may as well have died right there if he had seen her like this. She wiped her cheeks and she hadn't realised her cheeks were damp. All she wanted to do was throttle Jamie, but she had a slight feeling Nick might do it for her.
At any other moment, Nick's confidence would have faltered on his last threat, as he had no experience performing such an act and these doors were rather solid in contrast to those of Sunny Brooks. In fact, materialistic-wise, everything was better in this orphanage, even compared to his old home. However, the science behind it all seemed simple enough. His legs were most powerful and the side opposite the hinges should be weakest for obvious reason.

In the end, he had no need to concern himself with that as the door swung in abruptly, and the other boy stood before him, practically matching his level of fury. He didn't waste a second. Nick's nostrils flared in rage and, not bothering to look past him at the girl inside, snatched for the scruff of Jamie's shirt to pull him out of the room and throw him to the ground. "Get out of here!" he bellowed as his final warning, topping the volume that his vocal cords would allow.

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