• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Nick's frown deepened, almost beginning to resemble a cringe. Don't make me say it. The boy was struggling with how to put his stance on the matter into words, instead just becoming all the more awkward. He glanced uneasily at the stairs that his roommate had yet to descend. "I don't..." Nick's voice trailed off, unsure of how he wanted to finish that statement. Why did she want to be friends with him so badly that they had to compromise, anyway? I guess... it's the same reason as me. "I don't want to have to bargain for a friendship," he finally managed, looking back at her then. "It's not something that needs to be discussed."
Fliss nodded and looked at the floor. She cracked her neck and looked back at him. "I guess that's what I was expecting." She walked past him and stopped just behind him. "The offer will always be there, though. If you change you mind." She walked up the stairs, knowing that he never would. She went into her bedroom and turned on her computer, deciding to watch pointless youtube videos to take her mind off his rejection.

The bell for period 2 rang and Jamie walked down the hall. He watched some emo girls coo and giggle as he walked by and rolled his eyes at their patheticness. He walked past one of the counsellors, Lydia. She was by far the most annoying person he had ever met. She was bright and quirky and ugh, he shivered. "Yeah, I had to send Felicity home, she was a little upset this morning." Jamie's ears pricked at the sound of Felicity's name. He turned around and walked out the front door, starting to run back to TNLC.
Expecting? What was she expecting? What had he just said? Rather, what did she think he had just said? Nick's confusion had only progressed at her response. What, did he really have to have some sort of 'yes or no' answer to her question? He sighed deeply, putting his face in his hand and pressing his fingers against his eyelids. He didn't have time for this. Given an adequate amount of time, he wouldn't have to deal with this, so he supposed nothing he said mattered in the first place. Nick lifted his head from his palm and glanced at his watch. He groaned. Some sort of time god is plotting against me. "Isadore, hurry your ass up before I leave it behind!" he called, putting his hand on the door knob in anticipation of making his exit.
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Jamie sprinted to the front door and fell forward as someone was already pulling it open. He landed on his face and stood up, rubbing his nose. "OH, hey best friend." He laughed, "Seen Felicity anywhere?" He strode behind him, checking his nose wasn't bleeding.
Nick blinked as a blur landed before his feet, the sound of a face slapping painfully against the tile floor almost make him apologize automatically. He stopped himself, however, upon recognizing who it was. Back away a few steps so I can slam the door in your face. He was beyond annoyed at the other boy's seemingly perfect timing. Like hell I'm telling you. Casually, he responded, "Oh, yeah. I killed her and used her blood for satanic rituals." He smiled then. With a mockingly sweet tone, he continued, "Any other questions?"
"Oh, damn, I was actually planning to do that myself." Jamie moved to the bottom of the stairs, "I supposed I'll just have to talk to what's left of her." He grinned and trotted up the stairs, knocking on Fliss' door.

Fliss sighed, "Look, Nick, it's fine, leave me alone."

"It's not Nick, sweetie." Jamie smirked and rubbed his hands together.

"I don't want you either, just leave me be." Fliss led on her front and plugged in her headphones, she didn't want anyone to talk to her.

"You sure?" He was shocked, but got no reply. He shrugged and went downstairs again, banging shoulders as her walked into the kitchen. He was going to make her a cake. All girls love cake when their upset, right?
Nick dropped his smile, peering at the other boy. He almost wanted to follow after him to see why he was still waiting for his roommate, but he wanted to keep his distance from Jamie for the moment. Tomorrow I won't be late. For sure. He remained standing by the doorway, but when the other boy came downstairs so quickly, his interest was piqued. Rejected? Good. Nick's face turned smug and, curious as to what Jamie was up to (bonus points if he made him uncomfortable), he decided to study the other boy in silence until it was time for him to take his leave.
Isadore finally quelled his laughter when Nick brushed past him and headed for the stairs. It was disappointing, though, that his roommate hadn't laughed as much as expected. Was Nick in a better mood than before? Sighing, Isadore could only hope his hygienic pun had done the trick. Fliss...floss. It was a perfectly good joke. Frowning perplexedly at Nick's obvious lack of humor, Isadore walked down the hallway and over to the banister of the stairs. Leaning over the edge, he could hear some sort of discussion downstairs. Fliss' high pitched voice, and his roommate's. I wonder if they're getting married? They should, then their heights would balance out in their kids. And they could live in Pleasantville, with 2.5 children and a dog. Isadore's hands clenched tighter to the railing as he silently listened in on their conversation.

"...to bargain for a friendship. It's not something that needs to be discussed." Their friendship is being bargained? What needs to be discussed? Did he ask her out? Isadore furrowed his brow as he recalled the almost disdainful and irritant expression that Nick wore when he was in the bathroom, describing his feelings for Fliss. Hm. No, it's probably the other way around. Flossy asked him out. As if prompted by his thoughts, Fliss began to speak.

"I guess that's what I was expecting." Footsteps. Is she walking away? "The offer will always be there, though. If you change you mind." Isadore sighed almost inaudibly into his sleeve as he folded his arms in front of his face. Teenage relationships. Cheap, shallow, and...so dispassionate. It seemed that the dicussion was over, and he pushed himself up from the stairwell banister when he heard Nick calling for him. "Isadore, hurry your ass up before I leave it behind!" Isadore blinked a few times, in mild surprise, before chuckling. Oh, it seems he has a sense of humor after all. Ass. Behind. Not bad. He made his way down the stairs just as something crashed to the floor. A new voice resounded boisterously in the front hall. Padding silently along the wall in the opposite direction of the front door, Isadore slipped into the living room and glanced cautiously around the corner. It was the bull-ring guy from before. As the dark-haired boy stood up, he rubbed his nose and turned to Nick.

"OH, hey best friend." He laughed, "Seen Felicity anywhere?" Isadore's heart no longer pumped blood. Liquid nitrogen coursed through his veins and made his gaze frigidly cold as he repeatedly stabbed Bull-ring with shards of ice. Best friend, is he? Isadore mentally clenched his fists around a lance of frosted ice and steel. YOUR best friend, is he? The dark-eyed boy frowned in hesitation. Well, it's not as if Nick considers me a friend. He nodded in silent resignation. Maybe you are his best friend, after all. Isadore blinked once, slowly, dark eyes trained like camera lens on Bull-ring. The boy's image was meticulously recorded in Isadore's mind. But being Nick's best friend won't save you from me, when it's your turn to die. And if you hurt him...Isadore's lip curled slightly into a sadistic grin...your time will come much sooner.

"Oh, damn, I was actually planning to do that myself," Bull-ring said as he walked towards Isadore. Isadore tilted his head in confusion. You're going to kill yourself for me? How...kind of you? But the nose-ringed boy turned towards the bottom of the stairs before he got to the end of the hallway. "I supposed I'll just have to talk to what's left of her." Bull-ring grinned in Nick's direction, then trotted up the stairs. Isadore finally realized what was happening. He wasn't talking to me. I have no physical presence in the eye of any of these beholders. How unsurprising. Smiling wryly to himself, Isadore patiently waited for the boy upstairs to come back down.

When said target did return to the first floor, the boy promptly walked across the hall and into the kitchen. Isadore took this as his cue to step back into the hallway. This time, his footsteps could be heard as he made his way to the front door; there was no need to hide anything. Turning to his roommate, Isadore tried to think of something to say. "That..." He scratched his head. "You're retaliatory pun was very good."
If I were to guess, I would say you have more bark than bite. I could easily take you easily. You obviously don't work out much, if at all. You're dumb, too. What are you gathering all that stuff for now anyway? Baking? Baking what? Are you too good for cafeteria slop? Don't you know I'm so much better than you? The complacent smile on Nick's mouth slowly developed a cruel twist as he was bombarded with ideas. Oh, you're going to pay... for everything. Right now, easy mode. For calling me gay...

However, Nick had only taken one step in Jamie's direction when he heard Isadore come up behind him finally. Oh, yeah. School. The boy spared a moment to commit all of his methods of torture to memory before tearing his gaze away and back to his roommate. "Fucking finally," he muttered under his breath. His first thought was to complain about how long he took and all the awkward encounters Isadore could have saved him from, but he didn't want to somehow end up talking about said conversations or getting into another argument (though, now that he thought the nature of his roommate, he doubted that would ever happen). Instead, he simply gave the boy a confused glance at his compliment. "What?" Retaliatory pun? When was that a thing?

He shook his head, stepping out the door then. "Well, I hope you're finally done putting on your makeup or whatever the hell you were doing up there. We're gonna' have to take a cab again, right?" Nick paused then, rather embarrassed at the possibility of having to leech off of his roommate's money once again. "I'll pay you back."
Isadore chuckled at the other boy's critic of his time management. "Makeup? Bitch please, I'm fabulous." Fluttering his eyes in satirical flirtation, Isadore flung open the front door and strutted down the steps, pretentiously tossing a non-existent wave of hair over his shoulder. But he couldn't keep up that act for long, and ended up laughing and tripping down the last step. He rolled around on the lawn for a few moments, before raising his head from the grass. "Look, Nick. The grass is green." He planted his face back in the dirt. "I'm a stranger in paradise," Isadore murmured into the ground. Then he jumped up in mock horror, making small noises of strangulation as he pointed to a little dandelion, bobbing in the grass. "Oh, gods. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeed."

It was high noon, the salty sea air crashing against the dock in eddying waves, curtains that would fall on this final scene. The audience was mighty appreciative, from their vantage points behind salted makerel barrels and rickety saloon doors. Deputy Dandelion was in town. He sauntered on down the wooden planks, 10 quart sausage hat cocked at an impossible angle. Seems the man was very much invested in super glue and duct tape. Captain Gyles snorted derisively as he leaned against the side of his ship. "E' wuzzat, sheriff? You dyin' of cancer o'er ther, 'cause that's one hell of a tumor you got grownin' out of yer temple." Slapping his knee, Captain Gyles tilted his head back and roared with laughter. All the sailors docked at the pier, even the brawny, briny captains of the large, cargo ships, cowered away behind crates and deck railings as Deputy Dandelion slowly pulled out his pistol and took careful aim. BANG

Isadore reeled back, falling stiff-kneed onto the lawn, spasming and twitching. Grasping at his chest, he cried out. "Aw! Yer got meh! I'm bleedin' all o'er, but I ain't dead yet!" Still writhing and cringing, Isadore started rolling towards the street curb. "I'm gonna die a man. A man o' the sea!" Finally, he stopped rolling when he felt the heat of the street's asphalt beneath him. Casually, Isadore stood up and brushed out the grass strands in his hair. "It's okay about the cab, Nick. Since I call it, I pay for it. That's the normal way to do things." He smiled and waved at his roommate. "What are you still waiting there for? We're going to be late, weirdo."
Nick gave an amused snort at the boy's effeminate display, his smile only broadening as his antics continued. He gave a low whistle as Isadore brushed away his imaginary, long, luscious locks. He continued on down the steps just behind him, grabbing the scruff of his shirt to pump air into his face, then removed his hand if only to fan himself with it. "Babe, please. It's hot enough out here already." The light round of chortling coming from him was no longer satisfactory as Isadore tripped over himself, however, and he burst into laughter alongside him.

Nick would have attempted to play along with the scene unfolding before him, had it not been for the fact that he could hardly keep track of the boy's madness. He's been working on the Victorian accent. His chortling only grew in volume, and soon enough, he was peeling with laughter, leaning forward a little with one arm wrapped around his torso, his other hand clapped around his mouth in a rather fruitless effort to stifle it. The best he could manage was to continue walking after the boy, but even that was somewhat difficult. Consequently having to disregard the cab comment as he regained his composure, he had finally quieted down a little when his roommate completed his act with an ironic statement. "I'm the weirdo? Come here!" Nick charged the other boy then for the small distance that was between them, swinging his arm to wrap around Isadore's neck and burrow his knuckles into his head, only firm enough to be an annoyance in his playful gesture as he continued to snigger in delight.
Isadore could feel himself grinning, even though his roommate was giving him some sort of weird head massage. Is this normal? Do friends spontaneously massage each other? He shook his head and tried pull out of Nick's headlock. This was actually a rather difficult task, as Isadore soon discovered. "Mmm. You's a hautless yun' man, tryin' tuh chuk an ol woman like meh. Duncha now mah hubby's gonna getcha if ah dies heah in yuh arms?" Throwing his arms up, Isadore shouted fervently up at the morning sky. "Lordy, ah's suffer'd 'nough as it is. Jus' let mah soul rest heah, peacefuh like, on dis very ground. Lay meh down tuh rest, jeezus. Aw, jeezus." Then he went limp, making loud gagging noises before lolling his head to one side.

After waiting a few moments, Isadore abruptly turned to give Nick a curious look. "As far as I can tell, your laugh is perfectly fine. Why don't you share it more often?" He reached up to prod his roommate's cheek. "Laughing is good for you, you know. Unless you have heart problems." Isadore frowned in mock concern. "Sir, are you aware that your humor levels are dangerously low? It could be fatal for your soul." He hissed as he wiggled his hands together. "Fatal for your ssssssssoul..."
Nick's arm locked all the more tightly around Isadore's neck when he struggled. At least he was a good sport about it. He could easily recall several people who didn't react well to a noogie, whether this reciprocate was from pain or for the mussing of their hair, just as he was doing now. Not that Isadore cares about what he looks like... and if he does, it must be for some eighties block party. This thought, coupled with Isadore's continued theatrics, all resulted in his frame shivering with mirth. He considered dropping the boy when he went limp in his arms for a good while, silence between them for a few moments, save for Nick's continued laughter, but decided against it, as that would be too mean.

Just in time for Isadore to look over him, Nick had knotted his roommate's hair to a satisfactory degree and relented, though kept the headlock to see how long he could get away with it. He simply grinned then at his half-serious inquiry, if he understood the boy correctly. "That's what that dang Doctor Schole tol' me, ya' know?" Nick experienced modern success with the Southern belle accent he adopted then. "He tol' me that I needed to laugh more, but I tol' him, I said, 'I can't laugh if no one's funny 'round here', and that ol' coot di'nt believe me." The boy loosened his grip them enough to allow the other boy to be free. Too bad it'll be hours before you fix your hair.
Jamie pulled out flour, eggs, sugar, butter and cocoa powder, because girls love chocolate. He put the butter and sugar into the bowl and 'creamed' them, as the recipe on his phone said so. It was going good until he was disturbed by the sound of what seemed to be a wild west show. Dropping his spoon in the bowl, he pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head before shouting,"SHUT UP!" In the direction of the front door. Whatever show they were putting on outside sounded ridiculous. What were they doing? The laughter and ridiculous voices continued and Jamie picked up an extra wooden spoon stormed to the front door and threw it outside, hitting Nick hard on the cheek. Jamie covered his mouth to stifle a laugh and then ran back to the kitchen, so no one would see him. He almost collapsed in hysterics in the kitchen but as he calmed down, he continued his baking.
Nick was caught off guard by a certain pain that suddenly burst in his cheek. All laughter and smiling ceased, and as automatic reaction, he released his roommate from the headlock abruptly. "Ow. Fuck," he muttered, his eyes turning to the ground at the sound of wood clattering with asphalt. His confusion only lasted a few seconds before he was able to draw his conclusion. Nick whipped his head around to glare at the front door, if only to find it absent of the presence of his beloved asshole. What, you think you can fool me? Maybe if I was as slow as you, but I'm not. A malicious smile curled his lips then. "He's gonna' pay for that." But what he doesn't know is that I already have everything planned out. Nick chuckled lightly to himself and picked up the spoon before swinging his backpack onto one shoulder and depositing it in through a small gap in the zipper. He shut it again and slipped his other arm through the strap. The boy turned back to Isadore then, gingerly running two fingers down his own cheek. If I'm going to have some sort of welt for my interview today, I'm gonna' be pissed.
Isadore cringed upon hearing Nick's attempt at theatrical voice acting. Well, it's a start... Suddenly, the other boy loosened his arm, and Isadore stumbled forwards, trying to regain his balance. Picking at the knots in his hair, he turned around and gave Nick an exasperated look. "Come on, after all that time I spent this morning-" but before he could finish his satirically indignant statement, someone else shouted from the house. "SHUT UP!" Moments later, a flying spoon attacks Nick with a spiral smack. Isadore slowly tilted his head to one side. What? Though he wasn't personally upset, his roommate certainly didn't seem to appreciate the astounding feat of a flying spoon.

In fact, Nick was ignoring the aviator kitchen utensil and instead glaring at the front door of the house. A malicious smile curled his lips. "He's gonna pay for that." Why would you get so mad at a door? You strange, strange child. As Nick bent down and retrieved the magic spoon, Isadore sighed and tried to tame a particularly thick knot of hair. Noticing that his roommate had stood up and was gingerly testing for any battle wound from the wooden assailant, he tapped his own cheek in response. "Raw steak with a meat tenderizer. That should work."
A prickling feeling was drawn in a line down his cheek, stinging in a similar manner as when Bermuda had slapped him... or when Felicity had slapped him... or when Lyla had slapped him... or when Marley had slapped him... Nick stopped the list there more for the sake of not wanting to find out how long the list was than any other reason. Either way, from that, he didn't suspect he would develop anything more than a little bruising. I haven't had too much experience with being hit by a spoon.

"What?" he responded automatically, turning back to Isadore before he figured out what the boy was talking about. Rather, what he was mostly sure he was talking about. "It's fine. We really need to get to school." Nick paused for a moment, grimacing at the face of his watch before something seemed to suddenly occur to him. "Oh yeah. What classes do you have? I printed off my schedule yesterday." He slipped his backpack onto one shoulder to retrieve the paper. "I mean, what are you, a junior?" He hadn't really considered Isadore being a different age or a different grade from him up until that point. With the paper in hand now, he slipped his backpack on and read over it again, as he was still rather confused by the lack of classes compared to his last school and the way his credits had fallen. AP Physics, AP Psychology, Calculus, gym, English III... why are all the hard classes at the beginning of the day?
Isadore shrugged his knapsack a bit higher onto his back before taking the paper from Nick. As his eyes flicked down the list, he smiled. Oh? As I thought, he's not an idiot. "Hey, we have the first class together, same teacher. And gym, too, though the classes may be split." Then he chuckled a bit as he handed the schedule back to Nick. "Looks like we have lunch at the same time. Won't that be interesting?" Especially after you completely rejected my efforts to make you popular. Idiot. He shook his head at his roommate. "And...Junior, really? I might as well sign myself up for a nursing home, if I already look that old." Waving a hand out into the street, Isadore grinned as a yellow cab slid up to the curb. He opened the door to the back seat. "Age before beauty, wisdom before youth. After you, kind sir."
Nick made a small noise of acknowledgment. Having a class with his roommate could potentially be nice, but with how severely late they had been for the past several school days, he might not even count it. "Well, gym doesn't really matter anyway. I won't be in there for long." Then again, I won't be in any of these classes for long. He smiled almost bitterly at the thought, taking his schedule back to slip in his backpack once more. Terrible ironic joke, almost on par with Back to the Future... that's bad.

After zipping his backpack a final time, the smile was wiped off of his face. Interesting? Was that a reference to... ugh, I don't even want to think about that. Rather, he frowned, feigning offense. "Old? Old, am I?" He gave an indignant sniff, lifting his nose as he stepped into the cab. Nick nearly ordered the boy to get off of his lawn, but the presence of the cab driver deterred him from doing so, opting not to say anything too strange without the man knowing what context it was in. Instead, he slipped farther down the back seat and pulled the seat belt over him, silent until Isadore picked the conversation back up.
Jamie took sprinkled chocolate swirls over the cake he had made. It had taken him two times to do it, because he first time he used salt instead of sugar. It's a good thing we have an abundance of ingredients here. He picked up the plate the cake was resting on and carried it carefully to Fliss' door. "Knock knock." He said, not being able to use his hands to knock.

Fliss had been watching countless episodes of Adventure Time when someone spoke on the other side of her door. "Come in." She yawned. Jamie entered, holding a badly made cake. Still, Fliss had skipped lunch and it was chocolate.

"This is to really apologise." Jamie grinned. "I'm not the best cook, but at least it's something." He brought the cake to her and sat at the bottom of her bed.

Fliss grabbed the cake and though about her promise to Nick. She smiled and nodded in appreciation. "Thanks." She noticed a piece was already cut out and she pulled off a small piece of it, putting it in her mouth. It wasn't bad, it had just the right amount of chocolate in it, but Fliss couldn't shake the face that it tasted vaguely salty.

"You like it?" Jamie smiled shyly, trying to seem vulnerable, apparently girls like that?

"It's great. But, I told Nick that I wasn't going to see you." She looked down as she handed him the cake back. It pained her to be rude and not accept a gift, but she had to. "Thankyou for the thought, but I have to keep my promise to Nick."

"Oh." Jamie stood up and dropped the plate on Fliss' floor. It made a big bang. He knew she would hate from that moment, but he didn't care. He had all he needed about Fliss. She was obsessed with one thing, he was going to write it in his book and then he was going to write about Nick and Isadore and then he was going to get his 200 hundred dollars. "Sorry for wasting your time." He picked up a piece of cake and threw it into the wall before walking out and slamming the door.
A black car stopped in front of a modern looking building. The building, or rather said orphanage, was named 'The New Life Centre''. A rather fitting name if you think about. It can either stand for the fact that it prepares the children for a new life, or for the fact that it gives the children a new life. Fitting or not Bill still thought that it was a rather ridiculous name. But than again it was better than Sunny Brooks. Better said anything was better than Sunny Brooks. Especially since it was so ironic. He remembered dropping of Stripes, Aaron, there and it didn't look anything close to what the name implied.

Natasha didn't care what the name of the orphanage was. All that mattered was if it was safe. She was happy that Aaron got transferred to a better orphanage. The name was rather 'cold' for her. But she didn't really care. As long as the orphanage itself was safe and warm.

Bill and Natasha stepped out of the car. ''It won't take too long'' Said Natasha to Charles. The chauffeur nodded at that. Natasha was about to close the car door when suddenly. ''I'm really sorry, miss'' Natasha smiled at Charles. ''It's okay. Wait. You didn't do anything'' Said Natasha with a raised eyebrow,but she had a smile on her face. Charles just smiled back and Natasha closed the car door.

''How do you even know that it's his first day for work?'' Asked Natasha while walking towards the front door. ''He told me'' Answered Bill with a smirk. ''I really should learn him not too trust everyone he meets'' Muttered Natasha under her breath. But Bill still heard it and his smirk just grew. ''What can I say. He thought that I was a trustworthy person and started too talk to me'' Natasha raised her eyebrow at that. If that's true I really need to teach him the basics of 'how to spot a manipulative bastard and other types of people you don't want to know'.

''He stared at your eye-patch and you pointed that out to him. Right?'' Natasha wanted to point at his eye-patch but noticed that he wasn't wearing it. Instead he had a eye-plaster. Which was weird considering the fact that he always wears his eye-patch over it.

''Maybe''Answered Bill in a sing-song voice. Natasha rolled her eyes and rang the doorbell.

(Someone's post... because I don't want to write a one-liner post :I)

''Good afternoon, is Aaron here?''Asked Natasha at the person who opened the door.
Relishing the fact that his leg was now completely healed, Nick hadn't spared a single moment walking as casually slow as people tended to do. He couldn't decide if that made his navigation of the hallways more or less frustrating. In any case, directly after his interview, he had chosen to run back to the orphanage, not at all minding the fact that he had gotten lost. It wasn't as bad as it had been the first time he had gotten lost, in any case. Nick almost felt like he had gotten a hang of navigating this town on his own.

He had settled in the kitchen for a few minutes, opting to avoid the other kids here while he cooled down if at all possible, when he heard the doorbell ringing in the house. Nick's face was flushed red from his run, but it was not wholly unwelcoming. The faintest bit of sweat ran down his back, making his plaid shirt stick to him, but it had already turned cool and made him chilled. It was the heat outside more than anything; he didn't feel tired at all.

You can't really appreciate one's well being until you get some stupid injury.
Without wasting any more time pondering over how many things he took for granted, Nick pushed himself out of the kitchen chair and went to open the door. The sight of Nurse Bitch made the corner of his lip twitch into an almost bitter smile. How nostalgic. What interested him more, however, was the man that towered over her... and was still a great deal taller than him. His attention was drawn to the eye-plaster, but he quickly averted his gaze and looked back at Nurse Bitch. It's rude to stare at giants. "I'm assuming," he answered simply, pulling the door open all the further to invite them in, as he supposed he had no reason to not pretend to be courteous. "I wouldn't know, really."
Aaron heard the doorbell ring and walked downstairs. When he saw the people at the door he raised an eyebrow. ''Great to see you again, Stripes'' Said Bill with a smile at the same time

Natasha said, ''Hey Aaron, ready for work?''. Aaron's eyebrow stayed up and he just nodded.

Bill and Natasha glared at each other from the corner of their eye.

Aaron blinked when he saw that Bill didn't have his eye-patch on. So... does he wear that under his eye-patch or does he only wear a eye-patch and if that's true.. Why doesn't he wear an eye-patch right now? Bill noticed that Aaron was staring at his eye-plaster and grinned.

''Staring is still impolite, Stripes'' Bill raised an eyebrow and Aaron just smiled back. Well smiled he tried to smile.

Aaron didn't really know what to say. He expected Natasha to come. But Bill was the last person he expected to stand in front of the door. Don't they hate each other? Aaron looked behind them and saw that there was only one car.

''Just noticed the fact that you don't wear your eye-patch... That's all'' Aaron still had that awkard smile on his face and he avoided looking Bill in the eye. Ha... eye.

Bill shot him an confussed look. ''You mean this one?'' Bill grabbed the black eye-patch out of his pocket and put it on. ''Better?'' Aaron nodded his head at that. A second past before he realized that and he shook it quickly. ''I mean. You know. It's'' Aaron stopped himself from talking and just looked at Bill awkwardly. Natasha shook her head. ''So are you coming? Or are you two going to stand here for the rest of the day?'' Natasha turned around to leave and Aaron stepped out of the house to walk with her to the car. He stood inbetween Natasha and Bill. Bill just placed his arm around Aaron*. When he looked beside him he saw Natasha glaring at him. So he just smirked back and they stopped walking. Aaron just raised an eyebrow when he felt that Bill stopped walking. Why aren't we walking? He popped up his poker-face and waited for an answer that would never come. ''Aaron. Do you still have those files again?'' Asked Natasha while glaring at Bill. Aaron looked at her and she stopped glaring. Instead she just smiled.

''Yeah ofcourse I have'' Answered Aaron with a smile. ''Would you mind if you get them?''

Aaron nodded at that and ran upstairs to grab the files. Causing Bill and Natasha to just stand there in silence. The glaring didn't stop until they realised that Nick was still at the door. Well stop? They just tried to do it less obvious. Keyword: tried.

When Aaron came back they immideatly stopped glaring at each other. ''Here are the files'' Aaron gave Natasha the files. ''So are we going now?'' Bill and Natasha just smiled and nodded at that. When Aaron stepped out of the house Natasha was the one that placed her arm around him. Natasha smirked at Bill who glared at her in return.

''Oh wait'' Aaron turned around and looked at Nick. ''Did we get a key from the headmistress or...?'' Aaron didn't want to ring the bell to get in the house all the time. What if no one was at home? Or... Wait that are the only reasons he wanted the keys anyways.

*Do you get what I mean? :I Like when you sit at the bios and a guy does that weird yawn thing and places his arm around you. Yeah that. I hope that explained what I mean with that xD .
The instant Aaron appeared downstairs, Nick had turned invisible. I really gotta' stop answering the door. Nurse Bitch has no courtesies. I even tried to be nice. Don't mind me. I'll just be standing here... holding the door open... what a thankless job. Nick had half a mind to slam the door on them after not being so much as acknowledged, but all that awaited him was a shower and even more make-up work. He relaxed the scowl that had slowly overtaken his countenance, shifting to stare at the trio impassively. Aaron's relationship with the school nurse was odd enough, so on a whim, he decided he would much rather study their interactions, if only to make them feel all the more uncomfortable when they realized he was still standing there.

First note was that the man called him Stripes. Oh, but aren't you going to snap at him for that, or do you just not like me? That's okay. I don't really like you either, Princess. Nick backed up against the door, no longer holding onto the handle to keep it open. Rather, he leaned against it, crossing one leg over the other and folding his arms over his chest. Second observation was that Aaron had a job. And who in their right mind would hire him? The only thing he's missing is bloodshot eyes, but otherwise, he might as well be permanently stoned. If I don't get a job after that interview, that would just be degrading.

Nick tilted his head to rest his cheek against the door, finding it pleasantly cool. As he was sure Aaron would be the last person to notice him, he kept his focused gaze flickering between the two adults. He snickered almost inaudibly into his hand when he noticed the two glaring at each other. A one-eyed man glaring. How amusing. Still, the fact that they were so openly displaying their distaste for each other was rather childish, certainly not something he would expect from two adults. Divorced, perhaps? Nick's laughter subtly rose in volume as the man scolded Aaron. Look who got caught. What a chump.

After all the initial observations, his interest in the situation began to wane rather quickly. With Nurse Bitch charging forward to leave, he was beginning to suspect that his efforts would be all for naught. Eye patches aren't as cool as I thought, either. However, just as he was about to give up, doubting that Aaron would even notice how the door was no longer magically holding itself open when he came back down, Nurse Bitch and Patchy the Pirate finally looked at him. The boy beamed sardonically, giving a cheerful little wave at them. Well, aren't you embarrassed, now? A small pause, and the exuberant look to him faded away all at once. No, obviously not.

He exhaled deeply through his nose. Well, that was a giant waste of time. At least the air conditioning has cut on now. Still determined to make some sort of impact, no longer attempting to conceal the exasperation in his expression, he stood there, waiting until the happy party left. It's like the most boring family reunion ever. Forced, fake smiles, formal talk, the whole shebang. I might as well be watching The Brady Bunch or something. Pondering the validity of that analogy, his attention beginning to slip from his efforts to discern and speculate over their interactions, he was prevented from being completely overtaken by his reverie when Aaron finally addressed him.

Nick blinked, almost as though to physically pull himself from his thoughts and recall how to speak again. "Who?" He supposed that wasn't really the point of the question, however dumb of a question it was. "Well, I don't have a key. I guess it makes sense that you wouldn't ever notice someone giving you a key, Princess." He gave an irritated smile, no longer caring how condescending or venomous his words were.
Aaron raised his eyebrow when he heard Nick's tone, or at the nickname. But that doesn't matter. ''Okay'' He said while turning his head. Natasha saw that he wanted to leave as fast as possile so she walked a little bit faster than usual to the car. ''Princess?'' Asked Bill in a amused tone. ''Don't ask me'' Aaron didn't look at Bill and his tone didn't give away any emotion. Bill just chuckled, ''Who is he anyways?'' Bill realised that Nick could probably still hear them but he didn't really care.

''Again, don't ask me'' Aaron's voice was still unemotional. He still didn't know the guys name. Not that he would bother remembering it now.

''After you, princess'' Said Bill while opening the car door.

''No. Just no. I just started getting used to Stripes'' Aaron sighed and face palmed. With a poker-face he stepped into the car.

'''But thanks'' Said Aaron when the car door closed.

When they, Natasha and Bill, got in the car Natasha looked at Aaron with a worried face. ''He's not bullying you is he?'' Aaron raised his eyebrow and shook his head. ''Other than giving me stupid nicknames... But no. Not really''

''If he does start bullying you just say so. Okay, princess? I can deal with it'' Bill started the sentence with a caring smile. But at the end his smile turned more into a sadistic smirk. Lucky for him Aaron was still not looking at any of them.

''Of course'' Aaron smiled at Bill. Making his smirk turn into a smile again.

After five or ten seconds Aaron suddenly punched Bill's shoulder. ''Hey! Stripes, don't you know that hitting people isn't nice?'' Bill looked at him with a faked hurt look. While rolling his eyes Aaron said, ''Than don't call me Princess''

''You were fine with it when What's-His-Name called you that'' Bill pinked away a tear and Aaron rolled his eye again.

''I'm not fine with it. I just don't care anymore'' Aaron sighed and looked back in front of him.

The whole ride Natasha had a irritated expression on her face. She didn't know, or cared, weither it was the fact that she had to talk,talk? really you just said a sentence to him, to Nick or that it was Bill's presence that annoyed her the most.

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