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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Aaron grabbed his employee-card from his pocket. Banaltra Industries logo was the first thing that you would see. After that his picture and name. For some reason height also stood on the card. He thought that it was just a stupid joke. But no. 5 ft 5. I'm not that short... right? I mean Natasha is taller than me.. But she's older. Bill is taller than me.. But he's also older. And he's probably taller than anyone in this room. Aaron started to twirl the card around in his hand.
"Oh, I see. Two against one, is it?" He made his voice louder, hoping people would hear. "That's really cruel. I just thought you were together, that's nothing bad, is it?" He stuck his lip out, pretending to be sad. And then he laughed, walking out of the kitchen.

Fliss heard Jamie walk out of the kitchen, and this was her chance; to finally meet Nick's roommate. She got off the couch and moved into the kitchen, sitting in front of the boys. "So he's a dick, I think we established that. I'm Fliss, if you were wondering, although you probably weren't." She smiled at Isadore and then her smile faded. She just called herself Fliss. "UH, I mean, I'm Felicity." She failed to fix her mistake, hopefully he would just forget it.
Max, who had managed to fall asleep at the dinning table, sits bolt upright "imawake... Wha?" someone was shouting. He stands, wobbles, then goes to invesagate the desturburance.
Aaron 'looked' around the room. And with that I mean he just moved his eyes around. He didn't really pay attention to where he was looking. But he did avoid people's faces, or better said people in general. After a while he just stared at the ceiling. Not very interesting but maybe it will distract him of his thoughts.
Nick looked back as the boy spoke up again. Don't yell, you fucking obnoxious little twat. Of course someone else will want to argue because of your piss poor attitude. You can't even come up with something good. You're worthless. The stream of angry, vulgar monologue continued, the phrases gradually sounding less intelligent and more profane, until finally Jamie made his exit. A torrent of heated air blew from out of his nostrils then as a final effort to relax.

Before he could even finish off another bite, Felicity entered the kitchen and sat across from them, making him avert his gaze and scowl down at his plate. Well, isn't that pretty damn convenient? Nick supposed she just didn't want to be around that guy, for respectable reasons, but it still irked him that she had seemingly been listening the whole time. If you ever get friendly with that boy, I'm never talking to you again.

Nick took advantage of what seemed to be Isadore being the sole focus of her attention at the moment and simply ate in silence, not wanting to speak much after that exchange. You did a pretty good job of introducing yourself to him when you bitch slapped me the other day, why are you doing it again? And did you just call yourself Fliss? Before he could decide on whether on not he should actually make any of this inquiries, his phone began to buzz in his pocket. "I'll be right back." With that, he pushed himself out from underneath the table and made his way to the front door, pulling the phone from his pocket and flipping the screen open with his thumb.
Aaron got ripped out of his thought when he heard the front door. He looked around and saw that he was in the kitchen. A relieved sigh escaped his lips and he looked around him. When he saw Jamie he remembered that he would help him with his homework. Than it clicked. He had homework himself. Well 'homework'? He had to read the files about the companies Natasha owned. And this time he head to remember all of them. ''Oh hey Jamie about your mathematics homework.. I remember that I need to do some homework myself... But if you really need help you can always ask'' He stood up from the table and walked to his room.

When he got there he grabbed the files from his drawer and placed them on his desk. He categorized them by name and size. Aaron decided that it was easier to just read the longer ones and end with the shorter ones. When he looked at his alarm clock he sighed. It was already 8PM. Wait,

hold your horses! Did he really got an alarm clock? Finally! No more oversleeping!
He had no idea where Nick had went, though it wasn't entirely the fault of his inattention. Isadore sighed in mild frustration. There's nothing to do except make small talk. Glancing over at the midget sitting across the table from him, he couldn't help but chuckle into his hand. 'small talk'...how apt. The girl had said her name was Floss, was it? Isadore cleared his throat as he stood up. "Why are you introducing yourself to me? I was there the night you ran in the bedroom and smacked Nick around." Tilting his head to one side, he smiled amusedly at the girl and walked out of the kitchen. "It was nice meeting you, Flossy."
Flossy? FLOSSY? Oh no, what had she done? Why did she tell him her name was Fliss? "Ugh." She put her head on the table. Embarrassed that Isadore had remembered her slap Nick, embarrassed that she had slapped Nick at all. She pushed her hair out of her face and yawned. It was getting a little ate, and she wanted to get an early night, considering she had school in the morning. She walked up the stairs and int her room, changing into some shorts and a baggy old tee shirt. She turned off her light and crawled into bed. It was comfier than the one at Sunny Brooks, but not as luxurious as the one at her home. She closed her eyes and dreamed of her parents.
Aaron heard the beep of his alarm clock and quickly pushed it off. it was 6AM and he had all the time of the world to get ready. First he took half hour shower. Than he dressed himself in two minutes. After that he decided to eat breakfast. Force of habit made him eat cereal. Not like he would've actually made a sandwich for himself. That's lunchfood not breakfastfood. He went upstairs to brush his teeth. When he went back to his room again he saw that it was 7:10AM. Deciding that he still had time to do stuff he decided to just read the files again.

With black (low)converse.
Nick had gradually slipped into consciousness. He felt more restless than awake as, once again, he had difficulties sleeping that night. Aside from having yet another bed to adjust to, though the springs in the mattress weren't as obvious as the last, a thought had occurred to him while he had stayed up relatively late catching up on work. It was more of a concept than something he could put into words - something that Isadore had said during their argument at the table. He knew it really shouldn't have bothered him, but it was, and in some way that he could not recall, it had plagued his dreams from the night before.

Nick sat up then, propping himself up with his hands behind his back and glanced over at Isadore who had yet to stir, from what he could tell. Specific reasons unknown to him, he suddenly recalled the events from Thursday, their conversation that he had. Vividly, he recalled that twinge of insanity he had seen in the other boy then. Nick felt a panic swell inside him, and in the next few moments, his body was shaken with tremors. He tore his gaze away suddenly, wrapping his arms over his bare chest and rubbed his hands over the subtle curve of his triceps, a long sigh blowing out of his nose. Enough of that.

He could still feel a powerful heart beat in his chest, in his throat as he threw the sheets off of him and moved over to the drawers. As one of the things he had done to procrastinate on his homework, Nick had actually unpacked his suitcase this time and organized his clothes. He threw on some khaki shorts and, as he would be due for an interview later in the day, went ahead with buttoning up a plaid shirt. After he had packed everything he wanted and finished dressing, he looked down at his watch, noting how early it still was. What time did the bus come? I can't remember. Not terribly hungry after he had managed to stuff his face last night after all, he slumped back onto the edge of the bed rather than heading straight toward the kitchen, cupping his face in his hands to rest his eyes a little and give himself time to calm.
Fliss woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. It wasn't an annoying sound, but she guaranteed it would be in a few weeks. She crawled out of bed and changed into a plain black tee and a long black coat. She put on some grey leggings on underneath, deciding she looked a little gothic, and they were the lightest colour of leggings she had. She teased her hair into a ponytail and wrapped a chunky scarf around her neck. After fitting on her boots, she shrugged on her back pack and made her way downstairs. No one was in the kitchen yet, so she decided to make herself some cereal. To Fliss' surprise, there was an array of cereals. Shredded wheat, Lucky Charms, Coco Pops. She pulled out the Shredded wheat and started preparing her breakfast.


Jamie heard someone get out of their room. He had already changed into his jeans and a black t shirt with his boots. He had written down all the information he'd learned about Aaron in his black book, which wasn't much, but it was a start. He hoped whoever had gotten out of bed was Nick or Isadore, either way he could annoy the crap out of them. He peeked his head around the door and saw it was Felicity. A devious smile curled on his face, because she was even better than Isadore or Nick. She was the defensive girl. He knew it'd be a while before he trusted her, but he had 4 weeks. He opened his door and waited a few seconds before following her, so it didn't seem like he was following her. He crept downstairs and walked into the kitchen with out her hearing and sat on the kitchen table. "I'm sorry about last night."

Fliss jumped and sloshed the milk all over the counter. She squealed and got a towel from the side to clean it up.

Jamie got up and struck a gentlemanly move. He removed the towel from her hand and began mopping up the milk. "Let me." He smiled. God this is tedious work.

"Thanks," Fliss said, "And last night, it's fine. It was probably all of that male leadership tension and what not." She tucked a stray piece of hair neatly behind her ear.

"Thanks for forgiving me." He got up and smiled shyly at her. He saw her face turn a little red before she turned to her breakfast and sat at the table.  
Jodie woke up, her stomach rumbling like crazy. She felt like she was past the point of hungry and now she felt sick. She got out of bed and walked to her wardrobe. She pulled on an oversized sweater and a pair of tights and shorts. She put on her white chuck's and rolled her hair into a messy bun. She stretched and grabbed her bag. She walked downstairs into the kitchen, hoping to get breakfast, but something put her off. The sight of an awkward moment between Felicity and that weird guy that had given them the shortest tour known to man. She decided to interrupt the moment, but Fliss had cut it off herself by grabbing her cereal and sitting at the table. Jodie moved towards them, silently and poured herself a bowl of Lucky charms. She stood up to eat them, across the kitchen from the guy with a nose ring. She ate her breakfast, looking at him. No one had made a sound, and he looked uncomfortable. He knew she was staring.

Jamie cursed inwardly when a girl with red hair walked in the room. She got herself some breakfast and didn't have to manners to sit at the table. He felt her staring at him. He felt anger boil inside him. She wasn't looking at him in a good way, she was looking at him like he was strange, like he was an experiment. "Are you quite all right?" His anger burst out in his words, his voice was raising. "Do you need anything?"

Jodie nearly spat out her lucky charms when he raised his voice to her. "Woah, you're touchy." She pulled a confused face. And stuffed the last spoonful of Lucky Charms in her mouth. She had eaten them a little too quickly. "I'll just go wait in the living room while all of this tension dies down." She strode over to the couch.

Fliss kept her head down. Jodie was right, there was tension. Why? He was a complete dick to her the other night. Stop being too trusting Fliss, he's an ass.
After reading all the files Aaron packed his backpack with the books for the day. He pulled on his backpack and went downstairs to wait for the bus. ''Oh good morning everyone'' Said Aaron when he saw that there were people. He walked to the table and sat on a chair. According to the clock the bus wouldn't come for forty minutes. When he looked around him he saw that not that many people were there. People should wake up earlier. But that's none of my business.
After a couple of minutes, Nick felt he had sufficiently calmed himself down. In any case, the only shivers coursing through his body were in long intervals, to which he could also credit the breeze from the air condition cutting right through his cotton shirt. The boy looked up from his hands and, between their beds, seated precariously on the dresser, were the bright red numbers of an alarm clock they had never bothered to set, as far as he was concerned. Must have bumped it last night. Nick got up and adjusted the clock back to the center of the dresser, and in a matter of moments, he had managed to set it to go off at eight. That should be good. He doesn't take long to get ready, I don't think.

Without further ado, he slipped out of the bedroom and almost instantly felt a wave of relief, such that he couldn't help but let out a long, contented sigh. A part of him hoped his roommate wouldn't wake up for a while. I just need some space... just for a little while. Nick down the stairs, skipping the last step and landing neatly, relishing how much better his ankle felt now. When he emerged in the kitchen, he had the most disgusting feeling of deja vu. The only thing missing was the relatively quiet presence of Isadore. He smiled in greeting, the likes of which was anything but sincere, and proceeded to dig through the freezer. Toaster Strudels? Cherry flavor? Oh hell yes. In moments he had popped two in the toaster and was awaiting for them to cook, propping his elbow on the counter to cup his cheek, one leg crossed over the other as he observed whatever there was to observe in the kitchen that fine Monday morning.
"That's my que." Jamie smiled sweetly at Fliss and walked out the kitchen. He banged on the steps a few times to make it sound like he had gone upstairs and then leant on the wall, a magazine in his hands, listening to what they had to say.

"Jamie apologised for last night." She scooped the last mouthful of shredded wheat into her mouth and placed the bowl in the sink. She leant on the counter, zipping up her coat. "It's not like I completely forgive him yet, but it's a start. I think you should too." She warmed her hands inside of her scarf.
Nick felt his bottom eyelids rise a little, peering at the other boy when he gave Felicity such a dazzling smile and exited. His cue? What happened just now? His nostrils flared ever so slightly, but he was glad to have the other boy gone... except for when he heard a consistently loud banging coming from the stairs. Did he just fake going up the stairs? Amateur. Nick didn't care about whatever reason he had to do so, however. He didn't have anything to hide.

His face didn't relax from his scowl, not really, when Felicity spoke up. You've gotta' be fucking kidding me. You're a horrible eavesdropper. Nick forced a sardonic grin, tilting his head a little to the side. "Apologized? My, what a fine, upstanding gentleman!" he appraised, tone sweetly mocking. "Why, he deserves a medal, doesn't he? Maybe I'll go get one for him later." Nick puffed out his lower lip and frowned, nodding a little as though to consider this.
Aaron raised his eyebrow at what Nick said. He didn't start listening until he heard Nick. Did something happen? He's being sarcastic.. right? He wanted to say something. But he didn't feel like he should. He doesn't know what's going on. So he decided to just listen. Or not. Depends if this conversation was actually going somewhere.
"Wow, you rolled out of the wrong side of the bed this morning." She rolled her eyes. "I was just saying that he apologised. No need to be grouchy." She sounded a little hurt. She looked at Aaron and smiled, acknowledging his presence. She put her hands in her pocket and waited for Nick to talk more crap about Jamie, she hoped he would just forget about him, because she could see inside of that hard armour he was putting up, there was the chance of something good, a spark of kindness.
Nick dropped all sarcastic expressions, a frustration beginning to boil inside of him. What, did she think he was being unfair or something? Why should he give that boy any consideration after last night? Why the hell was she giving him any consideration? If she keeps getting all moved by Jamie's kindness, he was so done with her.

"Don't you understand?" he demanded, vexation evident in his tone. "I've never met someone so fake in my life." Well, maybe he had, but it was too far back for him to remember off the top of his head, and he certainly hadn't lived with said hypothetical person. "He even said he was going to pretend to be different. I mean, you heard that, didn't you?" Nick's jaw tightened as he grit his teeth, his irritation growing such that he almost missed his breakfast popping out of the toaster. "Don't get all starstruck just because he's the first person to hit on you. Do you even remember what I told you before?"
"Jees, Nick, calm down. Please. I didn't say I was going to marry him! I just think that I should make friends with everyone here, no matter how fake they are!" She tried not to shout, because if she did, she was making this into an argument, and that was the last thing she wanted. She sighed and looked at the floor. How could he say that he was the only person that had ever hit on her? It was true, but she didn't want to admit it. How could assume it? "How do you know he's the only person who's ever hit on me?" Her jaw tightened.

Jamie heard all of the arguing. That's it Nick, keep going, make her hate you and she'll come crawling to me. He almost felt like laughing. but he couldn't. He'd had enough. He was amused enough and he walked up the stairs, silently.
Nick turned away from her in an attempt to seethe silently, plucking the strudels from out of the toaster and putting them on the plate. She didn't care how fake they were? She's so naive. He ripped the packet of frosting open and began to squirt it as evenly as he could, though it was turning out to be no more than a rough approximation of a zig-zag. Obviously the answer to his last question was a 'no', but with her squeaky voice beginning to crawl up in volume, he merely sighed, attempting to move past how on edge he had been since the moment he woke up. It didn't work. "I don't know, I was being metaphorical." Was that even the right term? "Er, hypothetical. Whatever."

Nick smoothed down his eyebrow and rubbed his eye a little with his free hand before moving onto the next packet. "Look, I've only been trying to help you since you got here, and if you aren't even going to listen to me, then you can just forget about it. I told you to be careful of who you get close to." And you're trying to do the exact opposite, he brewed.
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"And I appreciate that, but I'm not getting close to him. I'm just thankful he apologised." She heard footsteps and then felt guilty. Obviously Jamie had been eavesdropping. "Okay. I'm sorry. And for the record, I have been hit on before." She was lying of course.
Aaron decided to tune the others out. It wasn't his business and it didn't look like it was an interesting conversation. The soft sound of elevator music filled his mind and he just stared in front of him with a blanc look on his face.

Nick rolled his eyes at his breakfast. How much does an apology matter if it isn't sincere? "So full of shit," he muttered under his breath before sticking the packet of frosting in his mouth, closing his teeth around it as he pulled it out so as to get the remainder of the frosting. After doing the same with the other packet, he discarded both of them on the counter for someone else to take care of, put the box back in the freezer, and took a seat at the end of the table with his plate. "Yeah, whatever. Just don't expect me to be so grateful." With that, he kept his eyes down at his plate and began to munch on the strudel.
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Fliss' eyebrows drew closer. She shook her head. "Okay, well I'll be ready to speak to you when you stop acting like you're the only person who's ever been insulted." She walked out of the kitchen and almost laughed at his behaviour. The only time she remembered him actually being nice to her was when they first met, and even then he was uptight, tense. She walked outside, not actually knowing where the bus stop was. She decided to wait for someone else to come and show her.

Jodie walked in the kitchen. She had been listening to the argument between Nick and Fliss. She was leaning against the wall, half in the kitchen, half in the living room. "So I know my opinion probably means nothing to you, but be nicer to Fliss. The way she said sorry so quickly like that, that's the voice of a girl who-well lets just put it this way, you seem to mean something to her, I don't know why, personally I wouldn't give you the time of day, but Fliss seems to want to. So yeah, cut her a bit of slack." She took a deep breath, having only paused once throughout her 'speech'. She exited back to the living room, not giving him time to directly reply and picked up her bag. She walked outside and saw Fliss. "Do you know where the bus stop is?" She enquired.

"Not the slightest." Fliss loosened up when Jodie came outside. Although they hadn't been best of friends, she hadn't actually been directly mean; she'd only acted on anger.

"Luckily I do." Jamie walked out the door, he'd heard Jodie speak from inside. "This way." He walked down the patio and out through a gate.

Nick scowled into his plate, opting to stuff his face rather than respond to her last statement. She doesn't understand whatsoever, and that conversation probably didn't help at all. Yeah, good luck. Just when he thought he was done with that upon her exit, but soon he heard another girl coming in with her input. He turned his glare over his shoulder to see who it was, still chewing, and lo and behold, it was Jodie. Is it just like the other day with you not wanting to include her never happened? Shove it up your ass.

He rolled his eyes back to his plate. What does she know, anyway? I am being nice. "Girls are so fickle," he muttered after swallowing. Nick looked over at Aaron, who might as well have not been there, as he was staring off into space again. It wasn't even like he was having to angst quietly about his God awful past or whatever, he was just oblivious. That fact provided nothing to ease his irritation. "Do you ever even do anything, Princess?" he blurted, perhaps taking a little bit of his anger out on the other boy.

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