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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Yes, an opportunity. Give him your phone and he'll speak to you. "Okay, you can borrow my phone, as long as you do a favour for me. I have some homework fro last week, its maths, with you help me?" He knew this would be a perfect time to talk to him. He didn't actually have any homework-yet, but he knew it wouldn't be too difficult to print a random sheet from the internet. He pulled out his phone and held it over the table to Aaron, eating the last bit of his dinner.
''Of course I can help'' Said Aaron with a smile. ''Euhm.. do you mind if I call her in my room'' No need to let them know everything about Natasha and the fact that he works for her company. Aaron grabbed the phone and placed it next to him. He ate his dinner up and waited for his answer.
Ruby looked at Jamie. "Soo,..." She said awkwardly, poking her food, "I bet that's wasn't really homework, am I right?" She said quietly and smirked.oh the poor sap falling for his tricks...
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Marcus took one and started to eat, eating like he never ate before. "Foooood." He groaned and hummed quietly when he stopped to take a drink of water.
"Sure." Jamie said and looked warily at Ruby while Aaron wasn't looking. Ah, she thinks she knows my plans, precious. "Yeah, actuay I have a bunch of homework." He smiled and washed his plate up. He looked at Aarons. He knew the headbitch would be mad that he hadn't washed it.
Aaron took his plate and washed it in the sink. Than he took the phone and walked to his room. ''Hey Natasha'' Said Aaron when she answered her phone. Aaron told her about the fact that he moved to The New Life Centre. He didn't know the address but Natasha googled it for him. She said that she would pick him up right after school. Hopefully he would make it in time for dinner. The conversation ended soon because someone wanted to talk to Natasha. When he hang up he quickly deleted it from Jamie's phone. So that Natasha's phone number wouldn't be in his phones 'history'. Aaron walked back to the dinner room. '''Thanks for letting me use your phone'' Said Aaron while giving it back.
"You're welcome." He nodded and said, "Don't take the Headbitch too seriously." he smiled and went upstairs. He was full after his dinner, and he felt like curling up and going to sleep.
''So you don't want me to help you with your homework?''Asked Aaron to no one in particular. Not that it mattered to him. He wanted to spend his night playing video-games anyway. Tomorrow would be his first day of work. And he'll probably get homework and it was implied by the rules that the headmistress would check their homework. Even though he always made his homework, having someone check on it was weird.
Ruby didn't touch her dinner, just left it there. She trudged to her room and curled up on her bed, looking at the ceiling. "Hmm. Maybe I should get some buttercup flowers... I got enough money." Ruby had been collecting all the money she could find or get. She barley spent it on herself, but she spent it on the garden. Once she got enough money, she would buy a new plant. Ruby seemed like she never wanted things for herself but only for others... Maybe she can give some money to her fellow orphans. She shrugged to herself and sighed.

Marcus was sketching a collier playing with a german shepherd. He smiled at his Sketch and yawned, he looked out his window then back at his sketch. "Well... I guess I should color it in tomorrow.."
"Oh-yes, that. Yeah, that'd be great. so, if you just wait here, I'll go get it." Jamie jogged upstairs to his room and quickly printed out some random maths homework he found, one that wasn't too hard, so Aaron would be completely stumped, but also not too easy so it didn't seem like he was a dumb ass. He ran back down stairs and passed the paper to Aaron. "Yeah. It's pretty hard. Do you like maths?" He smiled politely.
''Not that much but it's okay'' And with that he meant, he kinda hates it but he's not bad in it. Aaron took the paper and smiled at Jamie. It wasn't that hard but he could tell that someone could have problems with some of these questions. Also they sure like using the name Alice in their little stories. What's it with maths and little stories anyway? Why can't they just ask the questions?
"Yeah. I hate it. What other things do you like, art maybe?" Jamie thought Aaron seemed like the kind of guy who would be artsy fartsy. His rugged hair and his hipster suit. Jamie still laughed at the memory of the ridiculous suit; it's still hadn't gotten old.
''A little''Said Aaron with a shrug. He was more the history type and even though he hated the subject maths he liked solving equations and all. But history was still his favourite thing. Just reading or finding out about old things is kinda fun. And if that made him a nerd, than so be it. It's not like he's trying to impress someone or anything.
Mad house. 
"So are you into sports? I used to like soccer, until I got into a fight." He was lying, "Have you ever gotten into a fight? It was pretty painful when I did." He scribbled down an answer on the sheet, pretending he was still interested.
''No, not really'' Said Aaron. He thought it was kind of stupid, why would someone want to fight? I mean maybe as a sport, but it didn't really sound like he was talking about a sport. ''And I'm not very athletic'' Said Aaron. That's not really true, Aaron is a great sprinter. He just didn't found the time or need to join an athletics team.
Isadore blinked, slowly stretching his arms as he stepped through the bedroom doorway. It felt like he'd been standing there for hours. My feet feel kinda sore. Frowning perplexedly, he wandered down the hall and slipped silently down the stairs. He could hear voices coming from the kitchen. "...I'm not very athletic." Ah, it's Aaron. But who's the guy talking to him? Isadore cautiously peered around the side of the kitchen entrance and quietly, ever so quietly, contorted his face into a wide, maniacal grin. "Rooooooonnie..." he whispered to the short boy sitting nearest to where he stood.
Oh, great, more idiots. "Hey, Mayor, who's your friend?" Jamie nodded to the guy who seemed to be mocking Aaron. Jamie loved mocking people as much as the next person, but the fact that someone else was doing it? Oh no, this is my turf little boy. Just walk away. He had a friendly grin plastered on his face. He almost felt like hitting everyone in the room, but he knew that that wasn't going to get 200 dollars.
Ronnie? Oh that should be Not-Steve. ''Oh that's Steve'' Said Aaron with a smile. A second past before he realised what he just said. ''I mean that's Isadore'' Aaron chuckled nervously. At least he didn't say Not-Steve. Now that would be ridiculous. Aaron nervously placed his hand on his neck and smiled a uncomfortable smile.
Ruby went downstairs. Seeing Jamie, Aaron and... Who the heck was that guy? She decided to go introduce herself to him. But right now they seemed..uh,.. Busy. She stood there, staring at the kid she does not know... She tapped her right foot slightly in thought,
"Yeah, you seem sure of that. So, Not-Steve Isadore. How ya doing?" He leant back in his chair and Ruby walked in. Ah, so much fun.

Fliss finished off writing in her journal and then went down stairs for her dinner. She hoped it wasn't cold, because she'd taken a long time finishing up in her book. Downstairs, Aaron and the guy from earlier stood along with some random and guy girl she had never seen. She smiled awkwardly and picked up her lamb chops from the counter. She sat on the seat furthest away from the Aaron and the other boy and ate her pork, head down.

"And who is this beautiful girl?" Jamie looked at her, his eyes flirting.

Fliss looked up at him in disgust. "Ew." She frowned.
Aaron smiled unconsciously when he heard Jamie say Not-Steve. For some reason it sounded funny to him. But enough about that. Aaron looked at the sheet of homework and answered the questions in his head. Some of them took him more time than others, because he didn't have a calculator, but after some time he answered all of them. If they were all correct was another thing.
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Isadore tilted his head to one side, appraising the new boy with an impassive expression. That's not wholly accurate, is it? I'm actually the 'new' one here; perspective is such a strange thing. Chuckling a bit, he ignored the boy with the dark brown hair and walked over to Aaron. "What's this, math homework? School doesn't start until tomorrow-" Suddenly, Isadore froze. Wait, now that we've moved into a new foster care facility, does that mean...He tapped the math sheet in front of Aaron. "Ronnie, are we going to a new school?"
Aaron looked at the sheet. He didn't think about changing school and didn't know what to think of it. ''I don't know, you should ask the headmistress'' Said Aaron while grabbing the sheet.He hoped that Isadore would ask her about school. He didn't want to talk to her again. ''Also, this isn't mine'' He nodded towards Jamie. ''I'm just helping him with it''

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