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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Marcus creeps up behind Max. "Hello Max." He sat by him. He yawned and then fixed his tie. "Dinner. I am starving," he rubbed his eyes and looks around. "Max, you seem deep into thought. If you would like, please share what is on your small and unintelligent mind." He joked, but he was actually curious.
Max would look at Marcus. "eggs. Cooked to perfection. And I'm probably smarter than you." he means this not as an insult, but a likely hood.
Ugh, such boring idiots. He rolled his eyes. Zainier came in and Jamie laughed a little. He wanted Belle to come down so he could annoy her brother some more. "Hey Zainier, where's Belle? I haven't seen her since this morning." Jamie leaned back and folded his arms, a smug grin on his face.
Aaron walked downstairs and couldn't keep the surprised look of his face. They actually ate at home? The whole time a look of surprise and curiosity sticked on his face. When he sat down on the table he looked around him. Should he introduce himself to the others? Or should he just wait until someone asked for his name. The latter sounded like the safest option. So he kept quiet and just stared at the table.
Marcus rolled his eyes. "You are going o turn into a Zombie if you keep staring at the screen," He smirked and sighed. "I know, I am smarter than you..." He said quietly, smiling.

Ruby came in as well, and sat next to Aaron. Ruby, surprisingly, looked at him and smiled, "Hello. Um... I'm Ruby. You are?..." He voice sort of cracked and she mentally face palmed her self.

Now maybe he thinks I'm weird! What if he scoots away from me?! Or ignore me?!? Oh god...

Ruby bit her lip in thought.
And now that Mayor kid was here. "Hey, Mayor. Glad you changed outta that suit." He sneered. "Why were you wearing that atrocity?" He sat up and tried to look interested, though he wasn't. He just wanted to seem like it; so they would trust him with their deepest darks secrets. He knew it would be a long time until they did. Jamie looked at Ruby. Her timid little face was looking longingly at Mayor. Jamie laughed and walked behind her, putting his hands around her neck as if hugging her.
"My name is Aaron" Said Aaron with a smile. He looked at Jamie. Should I tell him about my bet with Natasha or should I just tell him about the party? Both seemed quite unnecessary, seeing that he didn't have to explain himself to Jamie. "Oh, the usual"Answered Aaron.
Ruby tensed up a little when Jamie put his arms around her neck, like if he was hugging her, she laughed nervously and patted one of his hands. "Hi." She said quietly and Ruby smiled uneasily.
The usual? Why would anyone have the need to wear such a suit? He laughed, "Why, how often do you have to wear..um..That?" He burst out laughing harder and then stopped, telling from Aaron's face that he was being insensitive and that was obviously bugging him. He didn't want to be on the wrong side of anyone-not yet anyway. He still needed that 200 dollars and besides, he liked looking people up.

"So how did you end up here? You know, in the digs, the residence, the system. An orphanage?" His stomach was starting to hurt considering he was starving.
Where is everyone? His stomach and mind groaned. He unhooked himself from Ruby, knowing she felt uncomfortable enough now and sat back on his chair.
''That was the first time'' At least that suit. Aaron thought back about Sacred heart. They told him that he was born there. Of course he knew that was a lie. It took them years until they finally told him the truth. ''Oh you know. When I was a baby they just dumped me at an orphanage. Didn't even took the time to tell the people why..They just put me in a basked and placed me in front of the orphanage'' Aaron's tone was emotionless, but at the same time it sounded like it wanted to tell 'Are you really that rude?'.
"Oh. Yeah, it was like that for me." He nodded, remembering sitting under a table, watching his Mother being beaten too death. Jamie notied the tone of Aaron's voice and the edged of his mouth curled up a little bit. He liked annoying people; he liked to see people's puny brains stress over tiny matters. "I hope I wasn't offending you there." He grinned.
Ruby relaxed but she looked at Aaron. "Oh.." She squeaked out. She felt like she was eavesdropping.. But.. Er. "I think it would be a good idea if we uh- changed the subject, like uh, dinner,.. Or something..." She squeaked out again silently...
Aaron raised his eyebrow at Jamie. Oh really? You sure as hell don't look like you're sorry. The smug grin kinda reminded him of Bill. But for some reason it annoyed him when Jamie did it. ''Do you guys always eat at home?'' Asked Aaron to switch the subject. The fact that they ate at home was still kinda weird to him.
"Every night. The Headbitch cooks us up a meal-" Jamie looked amused, the Headmistress was standing behind Aaron, her arms crossed. She knew she was listening somewhere.

She decided to show herself when Jamie was starting to screw up her plan."Jamie, I hope you aren't being rude to our guests." She folded her arms and smiled. She pretended not to hear Jamie's name, but she had her eye on him. She knew he wasn't as goody two shoes as he seemed, but if anything, that helped her. A little bid of a bad boy attitude made it easier for him to find things out.
Aaron nodded at what Jamie said but frowned at his nickname for her. ''Oh, M-I mean headmistress. May I use the phone? I doesn't have to be now.. it can also after dinner'' Aaron looked at the headmistress and smiled timidly. He really had to call Natasha. Tomorrow was Monday and that meant his first day of work. Now he thought about it, how was he supposed to go to school? The school-bus doesn't go here, and he doesn't know the way from here to school. Hopefully Natasha could bring him to school.
Ruby was uneasily smiling at the Headmistress, she then looked at Jamie. She chuckled in her head.

Hehe. Headbitch...

A chuckle escaped her but she quickly shut it and looked down, pretending to play with her fingers,
Jamie couldn't help himself but laugh at Aaron's posture change when the Headbitch walked in. The way he stuttered when he asked his question was comedy gold.

"You may. What for?" The Headmistress enquired. She walked over to the kitchen counter and bent down, opening the oven and pulling out 2 trays full of pork chops. She put them on the counter and turned to Aaron who still hadn't answered. Pathetic.
''Well.... I have to tell someone I moved here'' Aaron bit his lip. At this rate he didn't have any privacy. I mean come on 9PM curfew? He wanted to ask her if that meant they're supposed to be in the house. Hopefully that didn't meant that they had to be in their bed at 9PM. How is that even gonna work? Homework and everything. How many bathrooms are their in this house? Their quite a lot children here. Maybe he had to wait a full hour before it was his turn...
execution tonight. Bring popcorn. this was the extent of max's thought capabilities. He smiles at the thought and had blanked out at Marcus. He tries to look completely awake, but it doesn't work to well.
Ruby smiled at Jamie and smirked at Aaron. "So. Uh. I'm not that hungry... I'm just gonna go,..." Ruby has been skipping meals a lot, and that was not good. Seems like something was on her mind. She slipped out of the house and into the garden, she sat under the tree and sighed.

Marcus looked at the pork chops.. He was so hungry, then he patted his grumbling stomach, "Ugh... food..." He groaned.
"It's okay. I have informed anyone who needs to know about your habiting here." She dished up the pork chops and placed three plates on the table. She didn't let anyone use the phone. Mostly because you couldn't; it didn't work.

Jamie saw Ruby laugh a little at his nickname for the Headbitch, he kicked her gently under he table.

''Natasha too?'' Asked Aaron while raising an eyebrow. That's weird. Not that many, if any at all, knew that he knew Natasha. ''How about Banaltra Industries?'' In his contract stood that someone always drove him to and from work. So they needed to know.
"Why would I need to inform a company of your whereabouts? If it wasn't on your file; It doesn't matter." She out a hand on her hip and looked at Aaron. She sighed with anger and walked away, leaving the rest of the pork chops plated up on the counter. As she walked past the stairs she shouted "It's your fault if your dinner goes cold."

Jamie looked at Aaron with his best sympathetic look. "Sorry, she can be rude as hell. That's why I call her the headbitch." She tucked into his pork chop.
Ruby still laughed and kicked him back gently. "Hey, it's funny..." She looked at the pork chops. She took one but barley touched it, Ruby sighed and looked at Aaron, then back at Jamie.

( Ruby never left! :D )
''Does someone has a phone that I can borrow?'' Aaron took a bite from his dinner. ''I really need to call her'' Said Aaron after swallowing his food. Aaron poked his food with his fork. That file she has about him isn't even up to date. But the fact that she has a file about him makes him feel weird.

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