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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Jamie growled as he flew across the floor onto the corridor. "Eugh!" He stood up and kicked Nick in the shins, hard. He almost felt like he had broke his foot doing so.
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An indignant noise escaped his throat when the other boy kicked him, forcing him back a step and almost making it difficult to stand. Of course he wouldn't heed his warning. Of course. Nick recovered quickly enough in spite of that and stepped forward to push the other boy back, fist curling as he threw his arm forward to drill his knuckles into his jaw.
The immense force of Nick's fist plummeted into his jaw and made Jamie crack his neck and stroke the skin of his cheek. "Ouch." He stretched his jaw. "I'm going to stop here, Nick, because I'm the better person." He stepped forward. "Although, do not hesitate for a moment to think that I won't make your life a living hell." He looked behind Nick and saw a shivering Fliss, "As for her; I'll find something about her, and I'll do the same." He smiled and then looked at his fist, "Although, I would like the last hit." He brought his fist up and slammed it home into Nicks nose with enough force to knock him backwards, but Jamie didn't stay and wait. He turned around and walked to his room, locking the door behind him.

Fliss squealed as Jamie punched Nick. She put her hands over her mouth and moved towards him, before shouting, 'Asshole' down the corridor to Jamie.
Nick had already planned his next exchange of blow, only feeling a somewhat satisfactory crack of his knuckles. However, the aching in his shins was already starting to get to him, and with the other boy now running his mouth, it was an easy way to opt out for the time being. It still took a lot of logic to convince himself to let it end there, as his objective was, in theory, to drive him off and display his own measure of strength. He scoffed nastily at the prospect that Jamie was the 'better person', and most of his speech simply continued to grind his gears. Make my life a living hell? I'm already at least four steps ahead of you, Bitch Cakes.

His thoughts consumed by his own loathing, he was no longer registering the meaning of each individual word, and thus was completely caught off guard when Jamie slammed his own fist into him. Nick's back collided with the wall behind him and his hands came up to cover his face, an excruciating pain throbbing in his nose, bringing causation to an even more estrange noise being forced out of him. He growled faintly, baring his teeth, and it took all of the self control he had in him to wait the few seconds it took Jamie to lock himself in his room.

He remained there, seething in silence, until he was brought back to reality by Felicity's rapid breath. Nick began to feel something warm and sticky gathering at the base of his palm, and when he finally removed his hand, there was a smear of blood on it. He wiped off the thin stream of blood, but the crimson substance was already trailing out of his nostrils again. Unable to soften his gaze even for a moment, furious he had ever given Jamie that opening, he turned his glare over to Felicity. "Get some rest," he ordered, hardly managing to sound calm. He wasn't mad at her, of course, instead blaming everything on himself, but he wanted more than anything to just retreat to his room and shut out the rest of the world for the evening.
"Yeah, right." She shook her head and spoke sarcastically. She looked at the blood on Nicks face and sighed. "That happened to me to, remember." She pointed to the still slightly bruised scar on her nose. Then she hopped over to the bathroom and grabbed a rather large amount of toilet paper. "Here," She touched the tissue the the blood on Nicks face, wiping up what was there and then handing him the tissue, "Pinch the bridge of your nose, it'll hopefully stop soon." She lifted the corners of her mouth, but would hardly call the action a smile.
Nick frowned, having half a mind to shove her in her room and lock the door, even if she could just get right out again, but he refrained, keeping his aggression in check for the time being. His expression deepened all the more when she referenced the incident from the day before. My nose better not be broken. He gingerly ran a finger down the bridge of his nose experimentally, not finding any unnatural curvature of it at the moment. He pinched his philtrum, closing it for some degree of entertainment as he wiped more of the blood off.

When Felicity returned, he dropped his hand, somewhat embarrassed by her wiping his face, but he was quickly becoming too exhausted to care. "Thanks," he muttered, taking the tissue from her. Nick attempted to pinch his nose, holding to tissue up to him now, but he grimaced in pain. Not to mention I can't breathe. He was silent for a moment, transitioning between pressing and not, as each inhale seemed to take in more blood than oxygen. Nick couldn't bring any recollection of what had happened to Felicity to mind, as he had not looked inside the room before. "He didn't hurt you, did he?"
Fliss gulped, remembering the situation she was in with Jamie,"of course not." Though the throbbing in her shoulders suggested otherwise.
Of course not? Like it was some sort of common sense that he wouldn't have done that? Nick could distinctly remembering her protesting loudly, it wasn't as though it was such a strange concept that he might have. Feeling somewhat annoyed by this whole situation, he finally asserted, "Alright. Well, I'm going now." With that, he resumed pinching his nose, the crinkled tissue already stained red and held closely to his nostrils, and went to his room.
"Sure." She nodded as he walked away.

Fliss had 2 choices now. She could press charges against Jamie, she could get him a criminal record for doing something that was possibly provoked by her, or she could forget about what had happened in that room, she could keep it to herself. All she wanted to do was punch Jamie. She walked back into the room, covered herself in blankets and went to sleep.
The sound of a door closing. Oh. It's Nick.

Isadore stirred from his nap and popped his head out from under the covers. Oh. He's bleeding. Getting up sleepily, Isadore stifled a yawn as he waved over to his roommate. "Hey." He blinked once, perplexedly, as he did a double take. He's...bleeding. Tilting his head to one side, Isadore gave Nick a curious look, pointing at the red-spotted tissue crumpled against the other boy's nose. "Is that your blood? Or...should I be worried?"
Nick felt a large degree of relief to have found the other boy buried beneath his covers, the only lighting in the room coming from the illumination of the moon being filtered through the half-shut blinds of the windows. Though he wouldn't really be alone, with Isadore asleep, it would be close enough. He twisted the doorknob and pushed the door closed as silently as he could, though there was a resounding thump when it collided with the door frame, and the knob rattled somewhat when he released it. The other boy reacted almost instantly. His lips dropped into a grimace as he swore inwardly.

He moved across the room to his bed, flipping the tissue to a cleaner side. Nick suspected the bleeding had at least slowed by that point, as he could not actively feel the stream cascading down, but his nose just seemed to be pulsating against his fingers that pinched it. He furrowed his eyebrows at Isadore's eventual inquiry. "Worried? What does that even mean?" He fell heavily on the edge of the mattress, the springs bouncing up against him in protest, as he fixed the boy across from him with an annoyed glance. "Yeah, it's mine."
He silently watched Nick walk to the other side of the room and sit down. "Yeah, it's mine." Isadore stared at his roommate in disbelief. Nick was tall, he was athletic, and Isadore was pretty sure he knew the basics of fighting, at least. Yet, someone had managed to hurt him. A frost seemed to splinter around the edge of Isadore's expression; the perpetrator wasn't in the room, but all the same, he glared coldly at the bloodied tissue on the table. Nobody. Nobody harms my friend...nobody harms my prey.

Remembering that Nick was sitting across the room, Isadore shook his head vigorously and forced a smile. "So...who's the lucky person that landed a punch to your face?" So, what's the bastard's name? He chuckled as he sat back down on his own bed. "If they're still alive, I really must go congratulate them!" If they're still alive, I'm going to end them. Permanently. Isadore grinned jokingly at Nick as he lay back down to sleep. "Did you win the fight?"
Nick scowled aimlessly, his gaze unfocused even as his eyes were turned to his roommate, unsure of whether or not he wanted to talk about recent events. Definitely not everything. I haven't a clue how he would react to the whole rape thing. I don't think I want to know. At least now the discussion of his injury seemed inevitable. He could just try to crawl in his bed and ignore whatever Isadore had to say... except ignoring him didn't work really well, if his first day at Sunny Brook indicated anything.

His attention was drawn again by the animated shaking of the other boy's head, and for whatever reason, he addressed him again with a smile. The corner of his lip twitched at his last question. Jamie had landed more blows quantity-wise, but he had also walked away. He wasn't sure who won, but even saying he let the other boy walk away felt weak. Not to mention the brief exchange with his roommate, which had ended with him being taken down in one hit and not being able to even touch him. The resurfacing of the memory sent a chill down his back that he tried to ignore. He was not weak.

"It was a cheap shot. Jamie's a total puss." Yeah, and he almost broke your nose. Rage brewed inside of him and he couldn't help but keep his brows furrowed as he stared at Isadore. He wiped under his nostrils again before pressing the tissue back up to his nose. "He walked away. It's all a long story. Don't really wanna' talk about it." Nick pinched his nose again, trying his best to disregard the throbbing that came along with the action.
Fliss opened her eyes. Today was the day; her birthday. She yawned as she sat up, knowing it was just going to be a normal day and that there was no point in labelling it a 'birthday' It was simply 16 years since the day she was born. It was a hardly a celebratory occasions. Maybe when she turned 20 it would be, as that made more sense. It would be 2nd century alive.

She got up and put on A simple pair of blue jeans and a large woollen sweater that was too big and she had to roll up the sleeves. She brushed her hair into a ponytail and washed her face. She had absolutely no intention of going to school today. She may not have wanted a celebration, but she certainly didn't want her day ruined with pointless lessons going over the things she already knew. She stood up and rolled her sleeves up some more. She sighed and put on a thick pair of socks, knowing she wouldn't be wearing shoes that day. She opened her door and walked past Jamie's room. shaking her head as she went by and walked down the stairs, the surprising smell of bacon filling her nose.

At the dining table sat Jodie. She was eating what seemed to be a cooked breakfast with a glum look on her face. She straightened up as Fliss walked in and squeaked,
"Happy birthday Felicity." She went back to contently eating her breakfast. Fliss went in the kitchen and saw Jamie flipping pancakes and placing them onto a large pile. Fliss frowned and as Jamie turned around, he smiled. "Ah, birthday girl, I have prepared something special for you." He pushed a plate towards her. It was piled with about ten pancakes and topped off with chocolate sauce and blueberries, along with a generous amount of whipped cream. She looked at the dish and nearly threw up. She put it on the side and simply said, "I haven't got an appetite." She walked back into the dining room and Jamie followed. "It's a good job my Jodie does." He hugged her from behind and stroked her cheek. Jodie accepted the hug willingly and kissed his cheek as he bent down behind her. Fliss almost felt like slapping her in the face and telling her that he was a psychopathic rapist who only cared for himself, but if she didn't realise that already, perhaps they were perfect for eachother.
Nick rose to his feet from where he squat, brushing his hands against each other as though to dust them off as he admired his work. The boy had done a little bit of shopping yesterday after an interview that had went particularly well, confident he would get a call soon. He had missed his gags, but now he had a decent supply. He had gotten up relatively early in hopes of beating Jamie to be awake, but alas, this did not seem to be the case. Still, he was good with improvising, and if anything, it worked out even better this way. A little more risky, but it would be much more rewarding, and he doubted the other boy would suspect a thing. After all, he had concealed it to such a degree that he would have to be looking for it in order to ever find it.

He had found a particularly dark corner to hide the firework poppers. Nick had taped them down in such a way that the strings were held securely to the bottom of the door and the poppers themselves were taped snugly to the floor, but open on one end to ensure they would still be set off. Perhaps he wouldn't be able to see the explosion when Jamie tried to go into his room, but he would definitely be listening for it. Meep meep, Bitch Cakes. A nasty, devious smile curled his lips and he tugged the end of his button-up shirt just before picking the masking tape back up and heading back into his room.

He set the tape down on the desk and, glancing back over to Isadore, an epiphany hit him that nearly made him face palm. I have Mentos but no soda. What kind of prankster am I? I'll ask him later. Nick reached for a crudely wrapped present, but hesitated. He was faintly embarrassed about it, for whatever reason, and breakfast probably wasn't the most discreet place to give it to Felicity. Later, then. Without prolonging the matter any further, he exited the room and headed down the stairs.

Whatever had resulted from Jamie kicking his shins, they still ached with every step he took, so his progress to the floor was slower than usual, nearly excruciating. Track try-outs are Friday, too, he realized miserably. However, when he emerged in plain view of everyone, he made sure that his steps were significantly less lumbering. Nick grimaced when his eyes landed the sight of Jamie wrapping his arms around Jodie's torso from behind and her practically leaning into his embrace. What the fuck did I miss? Just the sight of his face makes me want to beat it in. I almost wanted to like you, too, Jodie.

He smacked his lips comically, his expression turning perplexed as his eyes rolled up to the ceiling. As though contemplating something for a moment, he finally looked back down at them. "Oh, yeah. Definitely the taste of throw up in my mouth." Nick allowed a smile to cross his face then and headed into the kitchen. Passing Felicity, he settled with flipping her ponytail up, as he couldn't muss her hair with it pulled up as it was. "Happy birthday," he chimed, managing to stay relatively upbeat with his plots for revenge in the back of his mind.
Fliss took a seat at the furthest end of the table. She heard someone come down the stairs and then she felt her ponytail flip. "Happy Birthday." It was Nick. "Ah, thank you." She cringed a little, but was grateful that he had remembered. "I think I'm going to get breakfast elsewhere." She gagged, jokingly at Jamie, who was now tickling Jodie in an attempt to make her laugh. "Stop it!" She was squeaking. Fliss knew Jamie wasn't really into Jodie. It was evident, the way he kept giving her 'the eye' as if saying 'You could have had this'. Each time, Fliss looked away, almost angrily.
Nick shrugged at Felicity wanting to eat elsewhere, not exactly sure about what she could be insinuating with that comment. He pulled the freezer open, his eyes scanning through the contents as a blossom of frost brushed past him. He kept his fingers crossed. Waffles, waffles, waffles, waffles... I know you're in there, waffles... Nick was distracting by a high pitched protest coming from behind him, making him toss his head over his shoulder. He grimaced at the sight of Jamie's hands running up and down the girl, not bothering to conceal his disgust. He's not even looking at her. Oh. Ooooooh. "Seriously, get a room you two. Foreplay gives me indigestion."
And then Jamie made a kissy face at her and-"Nope, that's it. I am not eating while you two...canoodle each other." Canoodle was the only polite word she could find, but either way, she wasn't comfortable saying canoodle. She got up from the table a little to quickly and smashed her knees on the underneath of the table. She winced but tried to hide the pain, after all, she was trying to make a dramatic exit, showing Jamie she hated his advances. "Nick," She began walking to the door, "I need to talk to you." She got to the front door and put on her coat.
Jamie didn't even give him a moment of consideration. Well, of course not. Hope you like fireworks. He furrowed his eyebrows when Felicity spoke. Canoodle? He would have laughed at her slang normally - or what he assumed to be slang, as he had never heard the term before - but she seemed especially frazzled and he was feeling especially nauseous at the new couple. He turned back to the freezer with a quiet retching noise. Teen romance is so disgusting... or whatever you want to call that. He was alerted by the sound of something knocking against the table, and the sardonic part of his mind that resided in the gutter assumed it was something of Jamie's, but instead it was Felicty rising abrupt and demanding his counsel. He straightened from where he had been bending over to examine the bottom shelf, and with a sigh shut the door and followed after her. "Yeah?" he questioned when he caught up to her.
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"I need to do something about him." I can't live in a house where I'm afraid I'll be rape-" she coughed, "Where I'm in danger. We need to tell the Headmistress, or do something. And currently, you are the only one who knows fully of his ways, besides, there's no one else I trust." She went a little red at the last comment. "So, any ideas?"
Nick looked down at her, giving the give a somewhat pitying stare. It was exactly why he wanted to run away, except she wanted to confront the problem. He already had several somethings planned out for Jamie, but he doubted that she would appreciate them or give her some sense of security, particularly after the last one went so horribly wrong. But if I leave her out of it, that shouldn't happen again. Give him over to the authorities is probably what she wanted him to say, but they had no evidence, and even if they did, that interfered with his own plans. That, too, wasn't something she would like to hear, so he decided to avoid touching on that subject altogether.

"Felicity," he began in a somewhat hushed tone, "I won't ever let that happen." But saying that alone was not good enough. Nick was faintly aware of how selfish his desires were, but his last statement was something he would hold true to, so that could be something to redeem himself with. He breathed a long sigh from out of his nostrils when he thought of him being the only person she trusted. That's because no one else tells the truth. "You can trust Isadore." Even as he was uttering those words, he inwardly cringed, conflicted, the corner of his lip twitching. All Nick knew about his roommate's stance on the matter was... nothing. He knew nothing. Still, if she believed she had someone else, it made everything a little less despairing. He fumbled to change the subject. "Besides... it looks like he's got himself a fuck buddy in Jodie, so..." He wasn't sure if he even believed that.
Fliss sighed and her shoulders shrugged as she did. "Whatever." She couldn't get what Jamie had done to her out of her mind. All she could think about was his hands on her shoulders, crushing her skin-"I'm going to go find somewhere-I don't know where-To eat. Do what you will with that." She shrugged on her coat and kicked on her shoes before waling out the door, leaving it open in case Nick was going to follow. She doubted it, but the option was there. She kicked up a few pieces of concrete that lay on the side of the path and walked out of the orphanage, hoping to head into to town and find a diner somewhere.
The boy's eyebrows knit together, his forehead creasing as he gave her a perplexed stare. Did he say something wrong? "Um..." School? School was a thing, and she was probably going to be late if she didn't grab some quick breakfast... and if she didn't know where she was going, she was going to get lost, because she probably didn't even know where the school was from where she was as is and... Felicity had already stepped out of the door before his mind had traslated all his concerns into conveyable words. Nick sighed deeply, scratching the back of his head. Girls are so exhausting. Guys are so simple.

Not entirely able to process what had just happened, he shut the door behind her. Nick walked back into the kitchen, attempting to employ all the tricks he had ever learned to ignore kids sucking face in the hallways, and resumed digging through the freezer for waffles. The door swung smoothly open and he squatted painfully to be level with the bottom shelf, the only resemblance to the cringe he wanted to make being the tightening of the corners of his mouth. Nick glanced at his watch before proceeding to shove boxes aside in his hunt. No time for syrup and butter, probably...
Aaron heard the beep of his alarm and pushed it off. When looked at his alarm he saw that it was almost time for school. Aaron jawned. shrugged and changed into a green hoodie, jeans and a pair of black sneakers. You know what they say right? Haastige spoed is zelden goed. He walked downstairs to the kitchen. When he saw that there where other people their he just softly said, ''Good morning'' and grabbed an apple.

When he was finished with his apple he threw away the remaining part.
Jamie moved away from Jodie and looked up at Aaron. "Hey, Mayor. I have something to ask you." He walked to him. "Hows Nicholas?" He grinned, evilly. He hoped it would spark something in his brain and annoy him.

Fliss got to a little cafe named John's. It was a tiny greasy spoon place and she sat down on a leather stool that was next to the bar. She ordered a waffle and ice cream and waited patiently for it to arrive. While she waiting, a little kid sat on the table behind her. She had noticed him sitting alone when she arrived, but thought that his parents were in the bathroom and would return any minute. When she realised they were nowhere to be seen, she got up and sat across from him. "Hey." She smiled. "Where's you Mummy?" She smiled. She still wasn't used to calling a Mother 'Mom' over in the USA. The kid looked up at her, he was still sucking the straw of his milkshake. "She'll be here soon." He looked jolly as he dipped back down to stick the straw in his mouth. "Oh, do you want me to wait with you-" She stopped, noticing a bruise on his temple as he turned to the side. It spread all the way down his cheek and almost under his eye, but not quite making it. "How did you get that?" She reached out to stroke his cheek, but the kid twisted away. "I fell." He said, unconvincingly. "Are you sure? If someone did this to you, I can help-"

"No!" He squeaked. "I'm fine. My Mommy will be here soon. Just go away." His eyes were glassy with tears. Fliss gulped, knowing this kid was lying. "Look, there's no need for that." She dug in her pocket for her purse and pulled out a note. She slid it across the table. "How about you go and get yourself a second milkshake, and we'll talk properly, yeah?" She smiled, sympathetically. She knew that if she let this kid go, he could be in danger.

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