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Fantasy Luxor Academy Rewritten -Open-

~ Judith Geniewek ~

The Gardens
All Free~!

Judith didn't know what she had been expecting from the rest of this mundane interaction, but it certainly had not been what she had got. For starters, the sudden physical contact had not only been startling, but very unpleasant. Though externally her reaction had been nothing more than a few confused blinks, internally, the water spirit was outraged that the other had dared to do such a thing without her consent. A few outer strands of hair momentarily defying gravity in accordance with her disgust. The only one that was allowed to do such a thing was Samson!! ...And he didn't normally make full use of that card, much to the woman's dismay.

As if that hadn't been enough, the boy had smiled at her and placed the bag of bagels on her hands. Uhh, hello? Hadn't she made it clear that she wasn't interested in those? Especially something as simple as a type of bread... Apparently, the message had entered one ear and gotten out the other. Oy maybe she should have been more direct. Whatever had been the cause, now Judy found herself with a bag of bagels that she did not want and the owner of said bagels had strolled away, seemingly not to return any soon.

She watched him leave attentively until the Rusalka judged the other too far to see her:

"Pass the bagels, huh?", Judith thought to herself, glancing around and taking notice of the students nearby.


"...Nie." (No)

With the end of the act, the woman released the bag of bagels without hesitation, letting the whole thing drop to the floor. One or two of the fluffy pastries coming out of the bag with the impact of the landing. Wearing a wicked grin, Judith soon brought her boot up, delivering a very sadistic blow to the defenseless bread as it squashed and crumpled under the heavy sole, again and again, and again. Once she was done, there was nothing left but tiny crumbs all over the ground where there once had been whole bagels.
She had to contain herself not to laugh in delight at the sight of her completed work! This had been, oH, SO SATISFYING!!!! Pfffft, the poor fool had thought that giving her, The Ruler of the Hańcza, such an altruistic and good-willed task was a good idea... And he had been so wrONG~!! Judy would have liked to see the naive boy's reaction at the destruction of his precious pastries but sadly he had left too soon, what a pity.

The sounds of fireworks echoed, taking Judith out of the proud contemplation of the 'ex-bagels'. And that's when she remembered... Oh no, the gardens! The introduction! SAMSON! Stepping over the crumbles of bread one last time, the woman rushed in the general direction of the fireworks. Eventually, Judy had reached the academy's garden, right in time to listen to Luxor apologizing for Lyssa's bus crash from earlier. Apologizing? What was there to apologize about?? That had been THE MOST FUN she had ever been through inside a bus!! She would request for bis if that didn't mean making the experience predictable and thus, boring. But this wasn't why Judy had come...
As Luxor kept talking, Judith stopped paying attention, instead frantically glancing around in search of a certain special someone.

The crowd of students started to disperse, but still, the woman refused to let go, her gaze only growing more panicked the more the vicinity went empty. It was only when she overheard Cicero's apology towards the headmaster that the realization hit her full-force: HE wasn't there.
In the midst of her disappointment, Judy felt a plethora of negative, painful and ragging emotions boil to the surface, her whole being shaking as she tried to keep all that energy in...

...Until she couldn't anymore, picking up the scissors from her pocket in a swift motion and throwing it at a nearby tree. The rusted sharp tool embedded in the bark of the tree and stayed there, poking out like a new, metallic branch. Judith remained still, giving off a heavy, unfriendly aura, not making any indication of a desire to pick the object back nor going anywhere.

Urgh, there was just so.much.frusTRATION!!
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Tobin followed Kagami, Aiko, and the boy he realized he didn't know the name of. Unfortunately, with his high dying down, Tobin lacked the confidence to ask for the boy's name. He didn't bother to ask, as he knew Kagami would ask, it seemed to be in her personality. Indeed, she did, and Tobin learned that his name was Katashi.
After the four of them arrived in the auditorium and took a seat, Tobin noticed that there truly wasn't a lot of people at the auditorium. A good proportion of the seats were taken, however, Tobin was mostly sure that he had seen much more people milling around, chatting with friends, or disfiguring the school. Tobin had a feeling that the boy passing out bagels didn't plan on attending since passing out bagels to so many people would be quite a task to carry out. Additionally, there didn't seem to be many teachers and those who did arrive stood in the back spread out.
Nevertheless, the principal, Luxor, appeared on the scene to give an opening speech. He danced his way on the stage, with fireworks exploding behind him to signify his entrance. A less careful eye wouldn't have noticed the balance Luxor lost on the slippery floor, or his horrid posture and balance. It was obviously unplanned.
Despite this, Luxor actually managed to pull off the improvision quite well, and began his speech. Tobin listened respectfully, paying close attention to the rules and the possible loopholes. Tobin noticed that Luxor never said that fighting was strictly prohibited, rather, it seemed that designated fighting areas had been established.
Students started to leave, and Tobin realized that Luxor's bow was the finale of the introduction.
"So, what's next?" Tobin asked Kagami, Katashi, and Aiko as he stood up and cracked his back, "Do we grab lunch? No... it's too early for that."
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto Kisaki Kisaki H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177
The taller boy wrinkled his nose, probably because of the stench coming off of his clothes and started to give directions before he was interrupted.
"Bathroom's down H hall, 9 doors down," someone behind him said.
Mikhail looked around, and only got a glimpse of two people before one of them said, "Get lost."
With any other person, they probably would have looked in offense at the two people, but Mikhail simply gave his signature creepy smile while in a completely genuine tone of voice replied, "I'm not going to get lost easily!"

Mikhail would have stayed and stood his ground, but there was something off about the two people. They didn't seem like normal people, though neither did the tall boy with the girl sitting on his shoulders. With this in mind, Mikhail stuck his hands in his pockets and headed down the halls looking for the 'H-Hall.' Around him, students were making their way to what seemed to the auditorium, other than the boy, looking relatively similar to the guy he asked where the bathroom was. He was handing out bagels.
Finally, Mikhail managed to find the H-Hall. It was one of the lesser decorated halls, and there was a feeling around that there were no windows anywhere, even in any of the rooms. Mikhail had to guess this was probably where people practiced dark arts or the sort, in an isolated area where nobody could get hurt. He counted the doors carefully and pushed open the ninth door. When he first saw the door, Mikhail thought dully that it didn't seem like a bathroom, but then he reasoned that if this was really a cave-like section of the school, the bathrooms might really be behind the doors in a split pathway.

They weren't. Instead of a forking path to a men's and a woman's restrooms, Mikhail was greeted with machinery, giant pipes, and valves of all sorts. The air smelled like chemicals. Rather than the restrooms, Mikhail found himself at the boiler room.
"Dang it," Mikhail said to himself (nobody else was in there), shaking his head, "I think I've been misled."
In a sort of vain hope of a restroom, Mikhail explored every nook and cranny of the boiler room, turning each corner with anticipation. But to no avail. He was only greeted by slate gray machinary, all of them hooting like madmen.
"Aww, shucks!" Mikhail exclaimed, kicking one of the water tanks. He contemplated what to do next. The two deadly figures might have misguided Mikhail, but he had a feeling that the tall boy with the girl on his shoulders probably didn't lie to him. Mikhail decided he would trace his route to try to where he was last at and try to follow the remnants of the boy's instructions. But what path had he gone?

Mikhail wasn't given any time to contemplate this, as the water tank suddenly let off a threatening whistle along with a bit of steam. Mikhail whistled, hoping that the water tank wouldn't make the same noise again. It did. Mikhail decided that the water was probably going to blow, so he quickly made his way out of the room, wiping his fingerprints from the door handle in case his kick actually broke the water tank. As he ran away from the room, Mikhail heard alarms sounding as the water tank broke. He didn't look back.

It took forever, but Mikhail was finally able to find the hallway where the crater that the dude with the girl on his shoulders was standing in, and beyond that, a suitable bathroom. In there, he quickly changed, tearing his over-cologned shirt and throwing it into the trash can and putting on a red zippered tee which zipped from his left shoulder to right hip. Once he was done and thoroughly satisfied that the smell of cologne was thoroughly removed, Mikhail rushed to the auditorium, where he could hope to hear the last of the welcome ceremony.

Unfortunately, it seemed that he was too late. Students were streaming out of the auditorium, heading off to do their own thing. A girl with pink hair evidently pissed off, threw a pair of scissors into a tree. Mikhail had no idea what made her so angry, and there was an aura of unapproachability around her. But like with the blonde haired guy, Mikhail wasn't worried about what a person looked at him like. He was willing to talk to them.

"What's gotten you so angry?" Mikhail spun around the girl and the tree, his hands still tied in front of him with his handcuffs, his signature cheerful tone in full blast, "Don't tell me the bagels gave you a stomachache. I knew I was glad about missing out on the bagels."

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
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Kagami Enoshima- At Ceremony
"Pleased to meet your acquaintance Katashi," Kagami looked at his new appearance. He appeared and smelled more demonic than a few seconds ago."I like your horns. They are very pointy." She complimented Katashi.

Kagami turned to the sound of fireworks. She laughed at the sight of her principal slidding across the stage. "What a lovely performance. He would be a great idol." Kagami clapped after the introduction was done. She turned to Tobin and nodded."I am hungry. I need a little bite before class starts." She replied. The bagel that she found on top of her head didn't feed her hunger as much as she wanted to. The vampire gasped at what she said previously. Kagami waved both her hands in a exaggerated manner. "Oh!Oh! You don't have to worry about me biting any of you! I have whole case of blood waiting for me in the nurse's office." The vampire explained. "Food can always late. What you three intrested in doing?" She asked the group.
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart

Katashi looked at the boy and chuckled. "Yeah... Little early for that, but it's your fault for getting high early! Now you gotta suffer with munchies until lunch." he said blackly. When he heard what Kagami said he had to tease her a bit. "Well if you tried my blood your tongue would most likely burn itself numb for decades." he stated and grabbed a Carolina Reaper from his pack and ate it. "So... I mean... The munchies man might give you a high... Actually is that even possible?" he asked curiously before being reverted back to his human form. The horns withered and dusted away and his eyes stopped glowing. "Ugh! Sorry you two... He's not as kind as I am..." he said sadly, feeling he might have just lost his only friends from how rude and disrespectful his demon form was. "So... I haven't got your name" Katashi said and looked at the boy who was just previously insulted. "I'm katashi. Local demon and... probable loner..." he said. Feeling a little upset.
Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Tobin was slightly concerned when Kagami panicked and tried her best to not to make any of the three of them worried about what seemed to be vampire feeding. He frowned, trying to figure out what type of feeding this was. Was a psychic feeding like what Tobin's friend from back home did? Or was it a physical feeding with a knife to pierce the skin?
Then Tobin considered the possibility that Kagami was a real, supernatural vampire. He shamed himself for not considering it first. This was Luxor Academy, where everyone had some sort of supernatural ability (except himself). It added up. It explained why Kagami didn't even feel a bit satisfied by the bagel when Tobin himself, despite suffering from a bit of the hunger that came on after getting high, was able to find a bit of nourishment in the bagel. Additionally, it explained Kagami's sniffing when Tobin was still high. Tobin tried to think of how to react and didn't strike anywhere close to anything satisfactory.
"I've always wondered what being fed on by a vampire feels like," Tobin mused, talking to Kagami, "Though I suppose it can't be fun. But hey, if you ever aren't able to make it to the nurse's office, feel free to feed off of me. I'd be an enlightening experience."
The boy sitting next to him though, his contribution to the conversation hit a sore spot in Tobin. Being made fun of wasn't something Tobin was okay with, but he did his best to swallow the rebuttal he was going to shout, as he realized that the boy probably didn't mean it. Especially with Katashi's timid introduction.
"Golly gosh" Tobin said in response to Katashi's introduction, "A demon, a vampire, and a robot... Quite a full group we have. Yes, Aiko, I know you're a robot." Tobin gestured to Aiko, "Your movements and actions said all."
"But don't worry!" Tobin said to Katashi, his crimson eyes smiling, "You won't be a loner, we can be friends. My name is Tobin, Tobin Sheppard. Resident techy!" He jingled his suitcase and heard something clink that shouldn't have moved, "Crap."
"Also, your glowing eyes are kinda cool," Tobin said, "Now we have three people here all with red eyes, ignoring the fact that I technically have brown eyes."
Aiko Kirishima

Location: Post-Introduction ceremony auditorium

Aiko continued reading her book not seemingly responsive with any of the people around her. She was however internally surprised when Tobin revealed her identity as a Human interface. She remained silent about it and just kept on reading. She turned her head to Kagami getting her head out of her book and looking at Kagami. "Library." She said in a monotonic voice when asked what she wanted to do. She then returned to her book her fingers clasping the soft beige creamy paper and with a flick of her wrist turning the page over to continue her reading. She seemingly paid no attention to the other two.

Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart

Mercury S. Typhon - Lord of Monsters
  • (Location: Edenia City, Haven Park )(Mood: Entertained)
    (Interactions: Byakko)
    (Mentions: ??? )

    That was possibly one of Mercury Typhon's best extravagant introduction! Not to mention inexpensive except for costing the life of one of the minions that unexpectedly decided to get in the way of Typhon's showboating but it served him right, what peasant would be foolish enough to steal the spotlight from the man himself? That's just asking for a death-wish! Nonetheless it was a spectacular entrance, only thing it was missing was a couple of half-way naked babes, dozens of fireworks, and a group sing-a-long from yours truly although all of that could be used at a later date as he knew that fate would soon bind Ryo and him together once more in the future. "Ah, finally I get to fight against a legend! Ryo, descendant of Shiva... Prepare yourself Ryo, this will not be an easy fight at least not for you." Typhon remarked, his words escaped underneath his breathe while igniting a cigarette with his trademark lighter and gently flicking it's coffee-colored filter up betwixt his lips. Miniature blankets of fume leisurely exited out from the model's nostril, taking a hot minute to thoroughly enjoy the exhilarating flavor of his expensive addiction before lethargically swinging open the rear-side passenger door and making his dastardly escape from Luxor Academy. "Here we go.." Just as he had gotten comfortable he had to listen to Byakko's voice, for a high-ranking affiliate of Mercury designs he sure was more annoying than the regular bunch of brain-dead lackeys he was paired up with, maybe it was because he stunk like cat-crap? Nah, had to have been his insatiable hunger for complaining to Typhon over and over again like now... Bewailing about having to drive him around or just mumbling off about things he didn't like about while Typhon casually died out the cigarette in the conveniently placed ash-tray in front of him. "Jeeze Fluffles, sure are an earful today aren't ya? Must be difficult playing angry-birds while I do all the work huh?" He chirped back at him, hoping to aggravate the Hell out of him by lazily bringing his heels up onto the shoulder's of his seat as he inclined his seat backwards to make himself a bit more comfortable.
    Unbeknownst to most, Typhon and Byakko don't actually have a divine sort of hatred for each other even though they'll sometimes get into fights if one gets fed up with the other although that rarely happens! Behind the scenes it's kind of a different story when they're having a fun time drinking together or just relaxing while the boss is gone, most of the time partying it up with the booze-hound Selena as they spend the rest of their day enjoying themselves or just goofing off like a bunch of teenagers, only during work-hours will they ever bark at each other like two dogs over a bone or if it was when Selena was instigating them by flirting with the two, trying to make them fight over the girl until Mercury found himself a girl of his own. Of course Typhon had to add some sparks to their 'brotherly love' by imitating Byakko's bickering, using his hand to impersonate his mouth as he grumbled about having this be the last time he drives him or something like that, who knows! Typhon was barely listening in the first place. "Wouldn't be surprised if they started making tampons just for you Byakko. Ya gotta stop whining like this, it really does ruin the mood! Tsk, if ya really didn't wanna drive me so damn bad than you could've just got one of the underlings to drive for you." He said, rolling his eyes before edging his body up-between both the driver seat and the passenger seat. "But I don't blame you for wanting to drive for me, i'm sure everyone would want to be known as Typhon's butler! Hey you might even get a couple of ladies if you're lucky buddy." With that being said, Typhon blew a lovely cloud of smoke into Byakko's face, hoping to piss him off even more as he retreated to the backseats safety. "But in all honesty, I do appreciate this! We get to bond a bit more like some sort of fucked up family."

    Unexpected commotion soon followed after Typhon's 'heart-warming' comment as he observed a group of Behemoth men gathered menacingly around an innocent woman with her kid, both of which were frightened beyond belief at these out of control hooligans who were harassing them. "C'mon babe, i'm sure we can have lots of fun.. We'll just put the kid in the other room." Laughter spilled out from their voices as their perverse thoughts got the best of them with the woman beginning to quake in fear. "L-leave me alone or i'll call the police!" She yelled as she tried to shove one away, only to be slapped in the face by the thug, dropping to the ground afterwards. "Thought Ryo taught his men how to behave, looks like these ones forgot the memo.. Pull over Byakko, I think these guys need a taste of the tiger's wrath! Oh, feel free to not hold back either.. These scumbags don't deserve any kind of PR humility." Typhon knew he couldn't let this scene go on any longer, seeing these punks take advantage of this poor woman made his blood boil which probably did the same to Byakko since he was renown for being a gentleman around the ladies.

    At the time of Byakko and Typhon's vigilantism Lyssa was still scrapping her cartoonishly pancaked body from off the ground after the leap off faith she did in a desperate attempt to avoid being scolded by Luxor, it took a long while but she eventually scooped herself from off the heated cement with a wooden pizza peel she retrieved from her backpack. "Now that's a spicy pizza!" She exclaimed, having third-degree burns all over her after being stuck to the sidewalk for so long. Thankfully any damaged skin was hastily repaired by the time she cartwheeled into the Auditorium! But little did she know by the time she had gotten there, there was a presence waiting for her! Just like that she felt a wind blowing against her back, a figure rushing towards her like a flash of light causing her to look back in panic, randomly shape-shifting her neck up into a Llamas before being scooped up into Seo's arms.
    Thinking she was under attack by some strange spirit she did the only thing she thought appropriate at the time, chewing on the person's hair violently! Not wasting any time Lyssa's Llama tongue scooped in Seo's locks of hair, planting it in her mouth before gnawing on it until realizing that it had a oddly familiar taste to it! "Seo, darling!" Lyssa screamed, transforming back into her regular appearance and planting as many kisses as possible upon Seo's lips out of pure joy and love for his return, she was enthralled that his partner had arrived right on schedule! Any kind of negative ideas planted inside her head earlier were quickly removed upon seeing that handsome face of his once again! "Oh my goodness, I missed you so much! oOoOo how was your vacation did you have lots of fun? Did you bring me any cake? Also you have a new ride?" Continuing to never shut up as per usual, Lyssa spoke on and on about the wacky adventures she had and even talking about the part where she slammed a bus into Luxor Academy! By the time she exhausted herself talking the Yellow sports car was blown away, flung through the air like a ball being thrown from a catapult after being struck by a goofy looking panda riding on a tricycle, one that was wearing a fashionable outfit nonetheless. "Boshie!?!" She gasped, leaping off from Seo to bring him over to the back of the tricycle to make their getaway. "You remember Boshie don't ya Seo" Lyssa asked with Boshie looking over. "Sup?" Boshie spoke, looking back at Seo before using his fluffy feet to swerve the tricycle into an immediate drift as it peeled off from Luxor Academy with a deafening speed while Eurobeat background music blared from the funky speakers situated in-between the handles.
    Trails of fire blew from behind the back-wheels as they sped through the city leaving pedestrians completely baffled at the sight they had just witnessed. "Ryo we're baaack!" To Hundun's shock, Boshie's tricycle lifted off from the ground like a rocket and smashed through one of the many Behemoth HQ windows. As if that wasn't stressful enough for Ryo, both Seo and Lyssa leapt off the vehicle before Boshie the panda drove directly through the doors of the dining room, bursting into an explosion and completely wrecking the inside of the kitchen. "Seeeee ya Boshie!" Setsuna, Rina, and Hundun all looked on shock, wondering what had just happened in the span of two seconds.

    (Sorry that Lyssa's post was finished so quickly! Had to hurry.) ( Marumatsu Marumatsu , YungJazz YungJazz , Solemn Jester Solemn Jester )​

Byakko Taro

Byakko know Typhon as well as he did, knew he'd make some idiotic remark about cats, then some insensitive remark as he often did, being the jackass he was towards most everyone. Finally he'd male some retarded retort that showed he didn't know shit. Byakko could have handled this, but Typhon should have known better when he blew smoke in the tiger gods face. His eyes went full on feline, and his nails extended like claws as he bared his fangs."Grr, you're the fucking most insensitive, brain dead, fool I've ever meet! If you paid attention instead of spending all that time staring at yourself in the mirror! You'd know that I have to watch your ass! Otherwise you end up causing shit, and making us look bad!"

His pupils dialated, and a few veins began throbbing under the skin on his normally cool and collected face."Tsk, I bet you probably planned on fighting Ryo until whatever came up didn't you?"

He snapped at Typhon, giving him a knowing glare. He was preparing to rip Typhon to shreds. When they both seemed to notice some behemoth thugs messing with a innocent mother and her child. Normally Byakko would ignore Typhon when he tried to give him orders, but this was a special occasion. He stepped on the gas, then turned the wheel hard before hitting the break. Now parked safely, and stlyishly out of the way. He could take care of the trash."Yeah, fuck it! I'll handle this filth, perfect timing, I've got some steam to vent." With that the fierce feline stepped out of the limo approaching the thugs as they continued their harassment. Of course he was still dressed as a chauffeur."Yo, ass bandits! Why don't you leave the nice lady alone. If you want to stick that eraser you call a dick in someone im sure you can take turns fucking each other." He taunted his hands in his pockets to keep them from shaking with anticipation. Just a sign he needed to blow off some steam. Although his shaking could have easily been mistaken as fear."Miss, please take your son and leave. I'll handle these disrespectful worms." He advised the mother as he had the thugs attention.

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

Behemoth Lackeys ~ Low-ranking NPCS
  • (Location: Edenia City, Haven Park )(Mood: Angry)
    (Interactions: Byakko)
    (Mentions: )

    At long last, solitude! Must've been one of the best parts of the ride once Byakko parked and stepped out of the limousine! Tyhon let out a relaxing sough at not having to hear another word from his colleague while sluggishly leaning backwards, taking a moment to position himself across the seats so he could take a quick nap before the yammering Byakko was done taking care of these random hooligans. "Hope he takes his time brutalizing these guys, I sure could go for some shut-eye." Typhon yawned, taking a second to peak out the passenger window before slowly dropping back down onto the seats, shutting his eyes as Byakko announced himself to the rowdy bunch of lackeys. "Yo, ass bandits! Why don't you leave the nice lady alone. If you want to stick that eraser you call a dick in someone im sure you can take turns fucking each other."

    Before they had a chance to further harass the woman, Byakko's presence made all eight of them turn around just to wonder what tough-guy was sticking his curious nose in their business! Despite showing himself off in a rather aggressive way, nearly all of the Behemoth members busted into laughter at seeing some pretty-boy spout of to them like he was some sort of hard ass. "Hey kid, why don't you go back to drivin around in that fruity outfit of yours? On second thought, me and my boys here have been wanting some exercise... Maybe we should just kick the shit out of ya? Unless that is you apologize and cough up some change!" One of them said, cracking his knuckles casually as he confidently stepped up to Byakko while handing him a pissed-off glare that quickly intensified after hearing him telling the woman and child to run-away. "Thank you so much!" She replied graciously before swiftly hugging Byakko and running away to safety with her child afterwards. "Eh? Ruining our date with that hot piece of ass huh? You really are gettin' on our nerves.. Tsk, y'know what? Enough talking."

    Without hesitation the lead minion in charge attempted to throw a wild hay-maker at Byakko, unknowingly sealing his fate with the foolish mistake he had just made.
    ( Didn't have much to work with when it came to these NPCs. Solemn Jester Solemn Jester & Marumatsu Marumatsu )
Luxor and Christina
Luxor to the sound of one of the staff member's voice. He looked down to obviously late cat like creature with a neutral expression."..It's fine. I know most of you were occupied with other important things." The archangel was slightly glad at the cat's late arrival due to his little performance before Cicero arrived. It didn't change the fact that certian students and staff members were adding to collection of damages done to the school." Should I expect my school to be in a mess everyday? My condolences for having to deal with their mess." He asked as he rubbed his gloved fingers against his temples. "I'm glad to hear that Ryo and Hundun are somewhat getting along with each other. Perhaps, they'll become better individuals as they strengthen their bonds." The archangel hoped that Ryo relationship with Hundun could help him change into a better person. With further thought, he doubted that'll ever happen.
Christina replayed the video she caught on her camera. She was a giggling mess. The soft red eyes girl walked over to Luxor and Cicero with a smirk. " That was hilarious Luxor. The fireworks added a nice flare to the performance." The blood witch saw Mei ordering the fireworks a month ago. Christina laughed for a few seconds before her laughs died down in a akwardly manner. She looked away from the archangel's eyes to Cicero's. " Uh..Is everything going well?"

( SidTheSkid SidTheSkid )
Kagami Enoshima- Hanging out with the crew

Kagami looked at Katashi. He was in his demon form again." Spicy blood? I'm curious to try ...even though my tongue would burn for ages. Well, I can survive that ." Kagami shook her head smiled. " That's alright darling. I find him to be actually nice."

Kagami remembered her few experiences of feeding on actual living beings."I've bitten a few people before. They say its slightly euphoric with a hint of burning pain." Kagami explained. She reached her hand up to her throat and rubbed it. She was a little parched." I have to decline on your offer, though. You still seem to have drugs in your system."

"You're a robot! Now that I think about it I never caught the scent of blood from you, darling". Kagami moved closer to Aiko. She casted a shadow over the robot's book. " Library? But you already have a dozen of books." Kagami pointed out. The vampire noticed how Aiko pulled out a new book every few minutes from out of nowhere.
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Aiko Kirishima- Reading

When Kagami had leaned closer, her blood smelled of Gasoline or something similar to it. She continued her reading though was slightly surprised when she leaned nearer to her unsure how to respond to this. She did however still maintain a sort of barrier on the others as she has not even acknowledged their existence but knows everyone already.

Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Katashi. Auditorium
Katashi thinks for a moment while Kagami spoke to everyone in their little group. he wonders if his human blood would be different. "i mean... if you're thirsty. go ahead and use me. My human form might be tame. And Im sure we can get milk from the cafeteria. If they still serve breakfast " he stated. He actually doesn't know if the spice oil from the peppers are in his blood. If so then milk should help. If not then it might be like eating hot food or coco. "do you need to bite my neck or is my wrist good too?" he asked shyly.
(sent from xbox LOL)
Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
The Seven Sins

A was very much disconcerted when Samson moved away and removed the barrier between her and Sati. She followed him to the bench standing awkwardly next to him. Wrath feinted a lunge and cause Lust to fall over the bench, Samson’s towel landing on her head where she lay. Sati smirked.
“No need to lament the fresh meat.” Levi said with a similarly sinister smile to Wrath’s. “They’ll be just fine so long as they cooperate.”
“Am I an idiot for being in love?” A responded throwing her head back in a fake swoon.
“Yes.” Replied both Levi and Sati.
A pouted at the situation “You harpies are just jealous Sammy will gladly take me up on my ‘offer’.”
She started to move toward him when Wrath grabbed her leg and pulled Lust towards her, pinning her with a foot on her face. She squirmed for a moment before giving in and just laying there.
Envy went to answer Samson but Wrath answered instead. “This one can’t be left to her own devices. We’re supposed-“ she stepping down harder on A’s head causing her to writhe and yelp. “-to be at the orientation.”
“There’s no way any of us will make it at this point.” Envy finished, keeping her forced smile. ”I’m sure Luci and Mammi made it, they’ll fill us in.”
Just then, one of the doors of the gymnasium swung open, enter Gluttony and Sloth. Gluttony wasted no time calling the others out on what she felt was an unfair charge.
“What the hell was the big idea leaving me with this useless thing?” she said dragging a sleeping throne of Sloth by one of her horns behind her. She tossed her down still asleep when she was close enough to the group. “Oh! Good morning, Mr. Hearth.” She said standing more politely after having stormed in. “This all makes more sense now.” Bel looked towards A under Wrath’s heel only to find Sloth asleep in her place and Lust smiling and laying on her side where Sloth had just been.
“Well I sure as hell wasn’t gonna deal with the dead weight.” Replied Envy.
Wrath stepped off of Sloth and towards A, who rolled over pleading “Mercy!” and stepped back onto her, with more force this time cracking the floor.
“Oh but I’m supposed to? She’s been asleep for 5 days! I’ve things to do.”
“Like what? Getting d*cked down and being a fatty?” Sati retorted. “Maybe getting drugged up in the teacher’s lounge? Or are you wanting to go play house with that glamorized jockey. You’re worse than this cock sheath, here.”
“Bel….help me…” A begged from under Sati’s foot, causing her to press down harder.
"Leave Famine out of this, you lonely hag."
"Aw, mad I poked at your precious Pepé Le Pew? Where the hell did that accent come from anyway? Has he finally fallen off the deep end?"
Belphegor just looked down at A disparagingly before finishing with the conversation with a “Whatever.” and turning away from both of them.
“Samson wh-“ Envy was cut off by Sloth snapping to “I’m up! I’m up! Let’s- We- Where am I…” Abaddon said groggily, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, sleeping stupidity. “
Envy looked glanced at both of them before returning attention to Samson. “Samson, what are you planning on doing for your lunch?”
“Hey! Step off, you skan-ow, ow, ow!” Lust protested as Sati drove her foot further into her, cratering her head into the floor.
Pride and Greed were able to enter mostly unnoticed as everyone bickered.
“Just what the hell is going on here?” Lucifer said in an austere tone, causing everyone to go quiet. Pride lifted Aby up to her feet by her handle-like horns, keeping her eyes on the others.
“Oh! Hey Luci, hi Mam.” Sloth greeted in the usual lethargic tone she sported.
“Quiet Abaddon. “
Wrath stepped off of Lust and turned to face them. A sat up and adjusted her neck with a crack.
Envy spoke up first. “We couldn’t make the ceremony-“
“Yeah, no sh*t.” interrupted Pride. “By the looks of it you were all too busy being a pain in Professor Samuelson’s ass.”
“Samson.” Corrected Greed.
“I could give a sh*t.”
“A was the problem here. She tried to assault Dr. Samsung, she kept us all from the ceremony.”
Lust looked up at Wrath with a glare. “Snitch.”
“We can’t afford to harass the staff this early in the year. Luxor is close enough as it is to putting us back in the hole.” interjected Greed, leaning in.
“No….we can’t…” Luci said walking to A and crouching down. The red demon shrunk away slightly before being shook by the horn to get her full attention.
“I have half a mind to just devour you here and now.” Pride threatened. "Before you become any more of a problem."
Lust peeped.
“C-come on, Luci. I was just getting to know our survival teacher, I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s the same lame-ass introduction ceremony every year anyway. ”
Pride looked at her intently and then scoffed at her response, shoving her away.
“Get up. We’re going.” Lucifer stood up and began to walk away, the rest moved to follow. “We’ll be seeing you, Mr. Heathe.”

Solemn Jester Solemn Jester (eh)
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Cicero ~ Assistant Monster Teacher
  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Gardens )(Mood: Entertained)
    (Interactions: Luxor & Christina)
    (Mentions: ??? )

    Cicero maintained his white-collared stance while awaiting Luxor's response, figuring at the time it was the appropriate course of action to do rather than represent himself slovenly after being unaccounted for at the opening ceremony of Luxor Academy. He still was confounded at himself for missing such an important event even with Luxor's gracious response considering such a celebration happens once ever couple of years, albeit it was the first one he'd ever missed and he found himself squished underneath a physically blessed woman's bottom but because of Cicero's high-standards when meeting Luxor's expectations, as a former domesticated animal it was hard to break such a subservient habit. "Thank you, your kindness is without boundaries." He stated, relived at his understanding until he mentioned the prior conditions of the school and how they were created through the negligence of specific staff members, not that Hundun and Ryo had a choice in the matter when those infuriating trespassers decided to introduce themselves but when it involves those two, it truly can't be helped to not have the environment looking like an utter 'pigsty' knowing how reckless they can get at some points. "With such notable powers confined within four walls, it's inevitable for something not to break sir. Nevertheless don't be concerned, due to our last year having such a difficulty controlling themselves i've taken in the liberty of installing what's known as 'flashback' points." Cicero cleared his throat upon giving a brief explanation of his latest solution.

    "It's rather unorthodox, explaining it in detail would be quite the headache. To put things in a way so it's easier to understand, i've trained myself to memorize locations of the school so that it's sealed away inside my mind... If something were to get damaged a fraction of my aura would rebuild that part of the school within a few minutes!" He was positive that Luxor would be undoubtedly thrilled at hearing such outstanding news, even if it did take a small amount of time to recreate specific sections of the building. "Like so." As Cicero swiveled his head to the left, bodies of students and faculty members watched as tremendous chunks of the auditorium begun levitating into the air, defying all gravity as the materials pieced themselves back together like a puzzle, appropriately positioning themselves into their former spots which they once were. Bodies of students, teachers, and likewise begun quickly applauding at the sight of the reconstruction, knowing that they don't have to worry too much now about having to step through rubble on a daily basis while waiting for the school to be eventually fixed! Having these flashback points provided a great solution but it did have it's issues, if Luxor Academy were to get obliterated than it would take a great deal of memory to restore it to its former glory, luckily for Cicero all he'd have to do is inform Aiko without worrying about draining himself.

    "As for Hundun and Ryo, well I do believe they're getting along... I hope." Cicero said, looking away for a moment to reflect on the thought of Ryo and Hundun becoming... Friends. He gulped at the idea, feelings of dread soaked into his skin like water as a headache started to form at the kind of destruction those two would get into before hastily shutting the horrible thought out from his mind. Not even he wanted to know what would happen if that friendship became a reality. "Everything is going rather splendid, Christina is it? I'm not sure if I remember you.. Maybe it's the hair? Anyway it's a pleasure to meet you if I haven't before! I'd like to get to know you more but I believe that my students are getting ready, I shouldn't disappoint them... I'll be seeing both of you around, take care!" With a fascinating exit, Cicero's eyes brightly sparked before creating a blinding flaxen light that enveloped his body like a black-hole before disappearing out of existence and reappearing back into his classroom.

    Gleefully leaping out of the fading vortex, manifested as something far different than a cat.
    What felt to him like a distant memory glued to his skin came in the form of a fully-grown man, standing at a 6'0 and shown to be wearing an eye-patch over his left eye that matched the colors of his black formal teaching attire. Cicero's jacket leisurely swayed from side to side as he stepped towards an open window, reaching into his coat pocket and snatching out a lonely cigarette that now dangled between his lips. "Looks like it's that time again." After puffing on his cigarette for a good minute or two, he died it out and watched as students poured into their first class... Monster Hunting 101.

    Kisaki Kisaki , Marumatsu Marumatsu , YungJazz YungJazz , FTR FTR , H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 , Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto , Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , Solemn Jester Solemn Jester , Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , Mitchs98 Mitchs98 , @EveryoneWhoIMissed!
Samson Hearth

Location- school gymnasium
Interactions- the thrones FTR FTR Luxor Kisaki Kisaki

Samson began changing while the thrones where busy arguing. Not concerned with them seeing him naked as they weren't exactly one set gender themselves, and he was only using the body as a vessel. He finished changing into his normal clothes, before returning his full attention to the thrones. With a pleasant smile on his as always. " Im sorry, but I'll have to crush your hopes A. It would be inappropriate for me to fornicate with you. Besides, I have not interest in becoming another notch on your belt...or lack there of."
He said all of this in a very serious manner, but couldn't help giving her a teasing wink afterwards.

He frowned at her statement about missing the introduction to the new year."Hmm, yes very unfortunate. I had planned to attend. But I forsaw your arrival, didn't want to be rude."
Suddenly two more of the thrones arrived, but Samson was already turnes towards them prepared to greet them."Greetings girls. I trust you enjoyed the ceremony."He asked more to be polite than out of actual curiosity. Samson watched the thrones bickering more. But after Satan, and Gluttony had finished raging blue fires erupted from the kindly smiling Samson. Although his smiled seemed somehow sinister as the flames caused shadows to dance across his face."Id appreciate it if you don't break my floor. Also refrain from insulting other school staff in my presence." He orderd his eyes burning with hatred unlike their usual beautiful galaxy like glow. They quickly went back to their happy peaceful manner. "Luckily its a easy fix, but I hope you'll remember this next time. I don't want to give Mister Cicero anymore work than he already has."

Samson's attention was caught by Envy who seemed to he trying to ask him something. Of course Sloth chose that excact moment to shoot up from her eternal slumber. He knealt down giving her a pat on the head, showing his pearly whites in a amused smile."Morning Miss Abaddon, I hope you had a nice nap."Samson greeted the freshly rested Sloth, only to have his attention snatched away from him by Envy and Lust. Of course before he could answer that the last two thrones entered the gym. Causing a sigh from Samson."Geez, I sure am popular it seems. It's a bit overwhelming."He mumbled to himself his shoulders drooping from how exhausted he was getting just hanging around the thrones.

"Hello Pride, Greed. Hope youre doing well today."He then stood aside as the thrones went another round or banter, threats, and just being their normal pleasant selves. He was going to say the others weren't really a bother. But that would have been a bold faced lie. So he kept silent, grateful for Lucifers scolding of the others, he just wished they'd get his name right. Before they left he called out to Envy."Oh, and miss Levi, I'd love to spend lunch with you. Just come find me when it's time."He said, giving her a smile that flawlessly conveyed he was looking forward to their little lunch date. After they left he himself disappeared reappering next to the heaemaster Luxor."Oh, apologies. I was dealing with the thrones. They decided to pay me a little visit. So, what shall we do now?"Samson grinned for once seeming a bit more sinister than normal.

Byakko Taro


Location- park
Interactions- Behemoth grunts SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

Byakko's glare only deepened as the grunt insulted him. But he didn't make any rash movements. Only seeming to take their insults. He nodded at the woman as she thankes him. Glad he could he of assistance. Of course when the thugs leader tried to show off attacking Byakko it appeared to him like a slug moving through mud. He smirked his arragant, mocking smile,"Pathetic, if this is your limit. Then you shouldn't go picking fights with your superiors."

As the thug came in close, confident he'd cream the pretty boy Byakko casually ducked the haymaker. Although it would appear to the grunts as if he had instantly vanished and reappeared beside the grunt. Who's arm was suddenly flung back bending at a awkward angle. Clearly broken to pieces."Don't your filthy hands on me you worm."Byakko flexed his wrist somewhat, just checking his movement."It only took a flick of my wrist to break your arm. But its slower than normal. Should have limbered up some."
e said continuesly flicking his wrist side to side, giving his attention to it completely.

The other grunt still not convinced they'd die yelled at their boss."Hey boss! Whats tha matta? You trip ar somethin?" One of the grunts called, foolishly to their leader who was clutching his shattered arm."That guys a monsta! He broke my arm like a twig!"He called back, only for the others to laugh in response."Thought you waz stroger den dat boss. Dis guys just a sissy boy! C'mon fellas! Lets get em!" He called to the other six members, and they all charged Byakko. Who was still distracted by his wrist."Ya should kep yer eyes on tha enemy at all times ya punk! Now ya gunna pay cocky bastard!" He roared swing a heavy right at Byakko. Who in response suddenly croutched down, dodging the blow. His eyes starred up at the thug big and unnerving like cats."Why would I want to keep my eyes on you lot? You've faces that not even a mother could love. Of course soon enough your mother's won't be able to rwcogni you. So that won't be much of a problem."

Before the thug could react Byakko shot up with a powerful uppercut slicing the hoodlums face off, and sending his head flying. Landing infront of the others who all stood staring in terror, and shock."You...you bastard! You BASTAAAARD!" One yelled in anger,"He killed Domino." Another pointed out in horror."Domimo huh? Cool name, too bad he won't be using it anymore."
Byakko wiped the blood from his hands using the clothes on the crumpled corpse. This caused the one who had called him a bastard to roar in outrage. Charging him despite his comrades pleas to run. Byakko easily backstepped his attacks as he swung a bat at him like a caveman trying to kill its dinner.

Of course they where about to reach the limo, and Byakko didn't want it to get dinged up. He also didn't want to get hit. So when he was backed against the door, making the thug confident he'd land a hit. He waited for his moment,"Die you sonofabitch!!!!" He hollered raising the bat for a hard strike. But suddenly he froze mid swing. The bat still in his grasp for a moment before he lookee down to see blood spurting from the center of his chess. He coughed blood, and dropped the bat,"...you..baastard, ugh." That was all he could say before Byakko split his body in half down the middle. Causing a rain of blood to flow onto the limo door as the two halfs separated. Although he didn't seem all that concerned,"Oh well," he shrugged nonchalantly."Better bloody than broken. Now...what about you all?"He asked the others raising a single hand and waving them over. Although they seemed frozen by fear.

Byakko tilted his head, a blank expression having taken over since he started his massacre. He seemed like a tiger, moving silently to stalk his prey. No emotion, no fear, simply intense focus on the goal."Fine, then ill come to you."Before the gang could protest he had appeared behind one of the thugs slicing his head off, the others startled by his sudden appearance fell back, then screamed in terror as they witnessed another of their allies get murdered. Byakko quickly disappeared again. This time twisting a foes head quickly snapping it, to the point his face was starring behind him.


He counted the remaining foes, meticulously brutalizing the helpless enemy. He vanished, reappearing infront of another enemy. Stomping his foot flat into the ground. Making it look like roadkill on a highway. He struck the foe repeatedly, his hands moving to fast it seemed like he wasn't moving at all. The only indicator that he was being the enemys face quickly turning to pulp, Byakko vanished once more. Leaving that foes face as flat as his foot."Four."

Byakko then reappeared beside the next foe who had now pissed his pants, and was crying for his mommy. When Byakko gave him the most brutal wet willy of all time, stabbing through his eardrum, and causing his brains to splatter out the other end."three."

His next attack he appeared once again infront of a foe, slicing open his stomach and pulling out his intestines. Then before he even realized it he disappeared and suddenly one of the thugs disappeared. Reappearing with the intestines wrapped around his neck like a noose, hanging from a nearby tree. Simultaneously strangling one foe, ans pulling on the others guts. Until both died.

Byakko then turned his cold, sociopathic stare to the leader. Who hadn't had the time to recover, and make a run for it yet. His eyes, widened growing larger as he zoomed in one his final prey."Then there was one..." Was all he said as he stood over the leader leaving a fountain of blood behind him. Although he had moved so fast the blood works didn't have time to touch him before he was safely away.

The leader freaked out, tossing a rock as he crawled backwards in an attempt to increase the distance between him and the monster Byakko. As the stone approached him Byakko caught it tossing it back right behind the leader. Just scratching the side of his face, and hitting the ground hard enough to be embedded in it."C-c'mon man. We waz just messin around! We didn't mean nothin by it! Can't ya let me go! I promise I won't neva do it again! Please man! I got family!"He begged, tears and snot running down his face Byakko took on step towards the thug, and was suddenly infront of him. Having closed the distance in no time at all. Be glared down, his expression now somewhat angry."You know, scum like you pisses me off the most. You go around hassling people trying to mind their own business. Good honest, innocent people. Who have nothing to do with you. Weaker people, just so you can feel good about yourselves. But when someone strong comes along you can't do anything but beg and plead like infants before a god. Talentless plebs like yourself should learn your place in this world. Tsk, whatever. Just make sure your friends at Behemoth know that if they get out of line, they'll end up like the seven dwarves over there."Byakko sneered at him, his expression, and voice having gone back to it's normal grumpy, unmotivated tone. He then turned away preparing to leave him how he was.

However, whether it be a sad attempt at revenge, or simply paranoia making him doubt Byakko's mercy. The former leader ran behind Byakko taking a swing at him, and landing a solid his on the fierce feline Mercury Designs strategist. Byakko didn't budge though, and the strike did nothing. Sending causing terror, and despair to overwhelm the man. Byakko turned around, his eyes now slitted like a tigers."Well, I tried to give you a chance. But I don't show mercy to ungrateful scum."He dodged the thugs one armed assault as he desperately tried to defend himself from the upcoming slaughter that his savage foe was sure to deliver. Byakko side stepped each strike, and back stepped as his foe charged him. Eventually wearing out the leader, who was vomitted from how hard he had fought to keep up with the speedy Byakko."Done? Good, my turn. Remember this one's on you. I tried to be nice. BUT YOU STILL DON'T KNOW YOUR PLACE! GET IN LIFE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!"

With that he sent a palm to the thugs face sending him skidding back several feet, and his head jerked back. Cracking but not breaking, as Byakko was still using minimal effort. He moved in close sending several more pals to the man, several more to his face, and many to his body and limbs. His limbs shattered, and his ribs broke to splinters as he struck his liver, also causing that to burst. The leader stood a few seconds after the assualted at blinding speed. Before his eyes rolled into the back of his head, he vomited blood and fell face first. Byakko rolled his eyes at the pathetic member of the enemy gang." Worthless, if this is who Behemoth is recruiting now then they'll fall easily. If you don't die remember to tell them what I said. Oh, and tell your family I said hello. Geez, the things I do to be a gentleman."He said to himself as he walked towards the limo, leaving the broken leader, and horror show behind him. He then jumped in the driver's seat, cracking his neck tense from stress."Im feeling a bit better. Now, library next right? Lets make it quick. I don't want that blood to stain the window. The boss will bitch, and that's a fight I don't need."

Byakko started pushed down on the gas, driving towards the library. Having only taken a minute at most to handle the grunts.

Tarrare Tantalus

Location- School cafeteria
Interactions: anyone

Meanwhile, at Luxor academy a delicious, alluring, appetite calling smell drifted into the halls. Beckoning student to come feast till they were nice and plump. Of course this was Tarrare the school chef doing. He was preparing a delicious feast to (fatten up) introduce the new (livestock) students. Happily humming along as he did. He was almost done setting up lunch. He could have left it to his helpers. But he wanted this to be special. First impressions were important after all. Especially when it came to food. He finished the prep work, everything was set. So he turned to his assistants, and gave them strict instructions on what to do. Before leaving, and changing into his normal outfit. A black shirt, and pants. They hid stains well, so it was perfect for the sometimes messy eater. He prepared to head out and look for his love Gluttony, but stopped. Looking over to breakfast, and taking a bite of a cinnamon roll he had made. "C'est Magnifique!" He said praising his work. Before heading off to prepare for class, and hopefully find Gluttony.
Delora Melanthe
Location: Monster Hunting 101
Interactions: idfk talk to her if you want to be mostly ignored, be my guest

Delora approached the classroom for monster hunting. She didn't necessarily need it, but she might as well take the opportunity. She briskly walked past the professor, mumbling a short greeting and sat down at her desk. She noticed that she was the first to arrive, but thought nothing of it. She reached into her bag and pulled out a notebook and retrieved a pencil. She didn't bother looking up at the professor, his name was Cesar or something. She opened up the notebook, which she had already labeled "Monster Hunting" in permanent marker on the cover. She felt indifferent about coming to this school. She didn't particularly hate the idea when her mother decided to send her here, but she wasn't very excited about it either. If this place could provide a chance to help her improve in some way, she was fine with letting her mother pay for her to go to classes. Just to be safe, she also got out a red pen in case she had to mark something as more important in her notes. Feeling she was prepared for class, she raised her gaze from her desk.
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
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"Class is about to start." She gasped. Kagami placed a hand on Katashi's shoulder. " Thanks for the offer but I don't want to feed on anyone just yet. I usually take blood from the arm to answer your question." She said. The vampire pulled out a reddish vile. " I have small ounce of blood. It should keep me going for the rest of the day." Kagami open the vile then gulp the liquid in a matter of seconds. " Is everyone ready to move?" She asked, stretching her arms to loosen up her muscles.
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
(No colored text for this post. :()

Aiko closed her book packing it into her bag and prepared to move with Kagami. She had already submitted her application to Luxor to work in the Library as a part time Job. When did she fill this application out. Who knows? She has a very small presence so she can do things and no one will notice. She still seemed to pay zero attention to the others staying real close to Kagami but not close enough for them to touch.

Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
"Class?" Tobin asked, confusion on his face, "Class on the first day of school? Now that's a first."
As politely as possible, Tobin scarfed down his bagel, before getting up with his suitcase in his right hand and backpack slung over his left shoulder.
"I'm ready to go," Tobin said, "Kateshi, Kagami, Aiko, lead the way."
Kisaki Kisaki Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 ((Sory short post))
Katashi heard that class is starting and nods when kagami replied and answered his question. he stands up and stretches his back and arms. his legs had already stretched when they walked to school. he pops his neck and knuckles. "Yeah im ready to go." he said. when the other kid spoke about classes on the first day of school, even his polite and nice self wanted to facepalm and call him an idiot. Has he not been to a school in his life time? Katashi would never know, because he assumes asking would simply only get him a bunch of confused replies. "those drugs are frying your brain dude." he said kindly.
(assume Katashi follows. Reply done on xbox x3)
Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Kagami- Monster Hunting

" I'll lead the way." Kagami saluted and began to skip to the main building. She didn't notice Aiko's closeness. The vampire was oblivious to most things anyways. " I'm here!" Kagami skipped in the room and tool a seat in the front. She was a little excited about her first class. Monster hunting would be a new experience for her as she spend most of time modeling and singing. 'Even the teacher looks nice enough to ' bite.' She gazed at Cicero with her crimson eyes.

Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

Aiko followed suit sitting next to Kagami upfront. She didn't say anything the whole time, big surprise and sat down taking out her novel and continuing to read it while waiting for class to begin. She didn't mind what Kagami was saying and just read her book fixing her glasses. She had brought nothing save her novels and a pencil case.

Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Faraday Barrow
Location: Monster Hunting 101
interactions: open

Faraday hurried to his first class. Monster hunting seemed a bit... well, odd for a creature such as him, but he felt he should take the class. He was wearing simple clothes that he thought a normal human would wear. He had a plain t-shirt on and some jeans, but he left his gauntlets in his room, assuming people would rather see his scaly hands than intimidating metal gloves. Granted, he really couldn't wear shoes because of the odd shape of his feet. He walked quickly into the classroom. He moved towards a random desk near the back. He mostly averted his eyes as he walked, not really looking at the others in the class. He set his books down on his desk and sat down in his chair. He got out a blank notebook and a pencil. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for his first day.
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