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Fantasy Luxor Academy Rewritten -Open-

Katashi and Akemi
Katashi and Akemi were sitting next to each other, katashi, though enjoying the presence of someone he could possibly be friends with, akemi on the other hand was less than happy to be near him. She could sense the demon within him, and his demon can sense her. Really it was just a really weird ordeal between those two. Before katashi could utter a word to her the bus crashed. He and her were flung from their seats and landed in different areas. Akemi was conscious and katashi well... His human form is unconscious. His demon form is out and taking over his stupid weak self. "God he is softer than a sponge" he said and rubbed the back of his head. He was next to two girls and a boy. The girls seemed alright but the boy, he seemed... odd. He sat there listening to their conversation. His eyes glowing bright red. Redder than anyone elses. Akemi landed alone. She sat there, trying to regain her composure. Katashi cringed at the boys way of speaking. Though he sensed the presence of a vampire. Basically he sensed someone like him, but not on the same level..
Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Anyone Anyone who wants to interact with akemi
T Tomorrow morning XD


Hundun ~ Monster Hunting Professor
  • (Location: Courtyard, Luxor Academy. )(Mood: Idyllic)
    (Interactions: Ryo & Cicero.)
    (Mentions: Mercury Design Thugs )

    Tsk! Offering such a gracious offer with little to no gratitude in return?! Blood-pressure was rising from Cicero's end as he witnessed the Deva Dragon's arrogant personality in full-force, watching him go about shrugging off his suggestions and not to mention Dean Luxor himself! The amount of audacity this teenage spirit had was like having an inexperienced acupuncture with each needle being more bothersome than the last. "Maybe you two have more in common than you think." Cicero spoke, rolling his eyes at Ryo's haughty attitude before having his jaw droop in disbelief at being labeled as 'Sir Fluffles'. "T-that bastard." A reddish-hue brightened on the heated face of the agitated kitty-cat upon hearing such an insult being thrown at him. Granted Cicero was use to being insulted by delinquents as it was part of the job, teaching kids that are full of themselves how to control their powers and so on but never in all his years of teaching has he come across such defiance, Ryo the 'King of Idiot Dragons' or 'King of Delinquents?!' it was hard to pick what asinine title would be more fitting. "Strange, didn't think there'd be any seismic activity happening today." Cicero's eyes momentarily flickered at segments of the ground rumbling beneath his little paws. He swore that he was watching the news not too long ago, those meteorologists said nothing about there being anything of the sort but than again you could never trust those damned meteorologists, they were like dogs! Out of control animals that smelt like wet fur. Cicero's doggy animosity was soon quickly interrupted by an anomalous sighting of a mysterious shadow growing in size beneath him, surely this must've been magic or something of the sort but he would soon come to find out it was far worse than any kind of magic this dreadful Earth had in store.

    "What the Fwaa...!!?!" Only a few words sprung from his lips as he shockingly fathomed the reality of the situation, stumbling his sights over a buxom full figured lady belly-flopping above him. Cicero believed at moments like these an early retirement would've been satisfactory. BOOM! Compressed gusts of oxygen quaked the room as it shattered nearby windows, toppled over Luxor's miscellaneous paperwork, and peeled portions of the fresh-paint off from the walls before tearing the double-entry doors straight off from the hinges before Hundun even had a chance to reach for the handle. The Monster Hunting professor's masculine physique stood dormant, almost shrinking the door-frame in comparison to his massive build. He wasn't completely sure why Cicero was squashed underneath the ass of one of the students neither did it please him to see Ryo's face after shooting the both of them a resentful glare. "Urrrrckk.." Perplexing noises winded from the small cat's throat as Freya removed her 'assets' from his frail body, leaving him pancaked to the floor with Hundun nonchalantly stepping over his frame, planting himself down onto one of the still in-tact chairs scattered around the room and shaking his head in slight shock.

    "Anyways aside from whatever the Hell happened here, Cicero told me to come here and at first I said no because of you Ryo, but then he mentioned something about you reproducing with my daughter at which I nearly contemplated the thought of propelling my sword through the door in hopes of hitting you with it. But then it came to me, I haven't seen my daughter in quite a long time or even had the chance to see my granddaughter." Hundun sighed, feeling a bit guilty at his distanced relations from family even though it was vital. Protecting Setsuna was the number one thing to him, even if it meant leaving her without a father to grow up with in the process and leaving her in DaJi's forgetful hands. "So I decided to swallow my pride and come with you to see them." Hundun replied, snatching a small gourd off from the side of his hip and chugging down a few swigs of potent alcohol before setting the bottom of the container onto the half-way shattered desk in-front of him, only to have it spill after a bursting echo from a megaphone snuck its way through the open window across from him and Ryo. "Great." Hundun took a few seconds to look outside to notice a group of unfamiliar delinquents gathered outside in the courtyard, equipped with bats, knives, and all sorts of rag tag weapons found from your local hardware store. Flags with the words "Mercury Designs" drifted through the breeze as stereotypical battle music raged from the opportune thirteen foot speakers set outside by the horde of goons. "C'mon out Ryo! Behemoth is done for, surrender yourself and maybe we don't have to get violent!" One of the men with the megaphone threatened, waving his hand at both of them angrily as they looked at each other in absolute bewilderment. "Guessing you don't know these guys... Funny, thought i'd never have to fight along side someone I hate. Try not to go overboard either, we're not allowed to kill on school grounds unfortunately." Without warning, Mercury Design thugs were taken back by Hundun leaping out from the fourth-story of Luxor Academy with his enormous blade attached to his back. Vibrations of Hundun's hefty weight hitting the concrete sent the front-line of goons off their feet, landing onto their backsides as he stood up from a crouching position, cracking his neck while looking back at the mass of wannabe soldiers with a toothy smirk that gave off of the notion of Death.

    ( YungJazz YungJazz - Had to, I was dying for a bit of action. )
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Kagami Enoshima - The bus crash site

She noticed his intoxication levels going down. He seemed to be coming to his senses." No worrys darling. Our days have been a little rough but intresting.." She said, gesturing to the crashed bus they recently got off from. The vampire curiously looked over at the book Aiko was reading. Her father had that book in his library. She hummed at the memory of him discussing the book at the dinner table. Kagami turned to Tobin," I didn't get your name. I am Kagami Enoshima and that's Aiko Kirishima. You are?"The girl asked, raising her hand out for a handshake.
Kagami sensed a new presence in the group. The vampire turned her head to the side to until she saw a demon boy, who's eyes were more red than hers. "Sorry, I didn't see you there."

Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Aiko Kirishima

bus crash site

Aiko fixed her glasses once again as she continued reading her book. She flipped to the next page gracefully her soft cold Index, middle and ring finger grasping the beige creamy paper from one side and her thumb from the other as she lifted the page across indicating that she had flipped to a new page as she brought the book up a bit closer for her to read it. She continued to read while observing Kagami and the other unimportant lifeforms.

Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Katashi looked at the girl who acknowledged his presence. "No worries. Seeing how... Actually hold that thought." he said and fainted. His horns turned to dust, and his tail retracted into his body while his eyes stopped glowing. Once he opened them again they were normal. He looked at the girl, the demon in him telling him everything that had happened while he was passed out. "Sorry about that... That THING wasn't the real me." he said and stretches. he looked at the girl who inhumanly read her book. They are in a bus that has crashed, why is she reading? he doesn't know and doesn't want to find out. "So... What's the plan?" he asked the vampire girl, and really everyone in the group in general. He didn't know what to do.
Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Seo Sentrale - Location: Auditorium

a seemingly wonderful and lovely day on the quiet campus Seo walks around the campus ground with o few of his assigned underlings giving and receiving critique on some of the "art" sprayed to the windows and walls of the school. "The gang symbol is distorted on the left who made this" Seo let out a irritated voice peering at the peons standing in from of him words of Ryo of course he says Seo should be harsher to his branch in order to keep umm intimidation? Another conversation Seo had barely paid attention to. While thinking he did not notice the underling now in front of him bowing and apologizing. "Sir i made the Symbol on the wall." Seo looked at the underling and raised his chin up to lcok eye contact. The intensity in his stare sent shudders through the body of the "artist" only furthered by Seos Smile. "Do you not take pride in our organization? Why not clear this before it ent-" A loud crash happened outside the front of the building just around the auditorium area. Changing his attention from the Underling who decided to start slowly backing away once Seo had his attention drawn away. Seo gestured towards one of his men holding a sack. The Underling rushed the sack over and placed it into his grasp. Seo looked at the grunt and pointed towards the wall where the disgrace was etched on. Understanding the grunt rushed over and began to fix his co-workers mistake. Sack in hand Seo began walking away his fist step freezing the ground behind him connecting and crawling up the underling foolish enough to make a mistake on the walls. moments later the grunt became a beautiful Glacier reflecting the light of the sun in various hues across its surface. "See you can make something decent looking. dry him off and clean up the rest of this mess. Don't make something Ryo wouldn't hang in his room."

Walking over to the Disaster area Seo starts systematically pulling bagels out of the Sack and handing them to the new students that is until he runs over to a majestic creature burping up feathers from who could even guess what it was she ate. "Lyssa im impressed the damage is so little and hopefully all the students are accounted for!" Looking in the direction of the New Students and returning ones. "Hiya Everyone How are you! Bagels anyone?" Seo pulls out more bagels and throws them at each of the students.

( Everyone Everyone in the Auditorium Sorry about the lazy post i'm tired LUL.)
The feelings of euphoria were starting to die down, the lines and edges of the things around him becoming sharper and the color less saturated. Common sense started to come back to Tobin, as well as a feeling of slight tiredness. Fortunately, because of the minimal dosage he had taken, he didn't feel that much tired. A Vitamin B12 pill would help with that.
"My nam--" Tobin was in the middle of his introduction when the boy next to him suddenly keeled over and fainted, then immediately got up.
"I uhh..." Tobin mumbled, trying to piece together what had just happened. Annoyingly, a soft rubber-like object rebounded from his head. He turned around to try to figure out what it was, in time to catch a bagel that was falling through the air. It seemed that other students also had bagels.
"I'm Tobin Sheppard," Tobin introduced himself, switching the bagel to his left hand to shake Kagami's hand. He then turned his attention to the double-minded boy, "And as for plan, I dunno...?"
Tobin released Kagami's handshake and picked up his suitcase, which had the immediate parts to assemble a turret when necessary. The other parts were still in a baggage being shipped, so if the plan the boy was speaking of was blowing something up, then Tobin was ill prepared. Then it suddenly clicked. A few moments ago when his high wasn't wearing off yet, he had the distinct impression that someone had said there would be a greeting ceremony in ten minutes.
"Should we head to the ceremony?" Tobin asked the others.
Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
5 of the 7 Thrones

The ball Samson had been throwing didn’t return the last time he threw it. Instead, Asmodeus/Astaroth the throne of lust and resident cosmic harlot cannonballed towards him, causing him to fall over. The two ended up on the ground, her straddling him on the gym floor.
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this.” she said slyly, leaning over him. A ran a finger across his chest and down to his waist while saying, “Kids won’t show up for a while….we could maybe…finally…“she mused seductively.
Then a grey armored first connected with A’s face sending her flying, hitting the wall with a crack and sliding off onto the ground.
“Don’t sexually assault the teachers, dumbass. We’re already on thin ice as it is.” The throne the hand was attached to spoke. Ember eyes peered down at Samson menacingly. “Samuel…” said wrath.
“Samson.“ Corrected the third of their group.
“I could give a f*ck.”
A rolled over her shoulder and to her feet, yelling back to the group. “Wtf, you psychopathic cu-.“she was cut off by Leviathan beginning to speak. “Hello, Samson.” Spoke the throne of envy, lending him a hand to get up off the ground. “Sorry about these two. They don’t have 3 brain cells between each other.” She gestured to her head.
“Oh eat sh*t, Levi.” Retorted Satan
“I’ll say.” Added A.
“You won’t say another word if you want that pretty head of yours to remain attached.” Wrath threatened. A put her hands up in surrender. “Jeez, easy up, Sati. You’re acting like a colossal b*tch agai-ach she was stopped mid-sentence by a vice grip around her throat. Lust struggled some against Wrath’s grip feeling as if she’d be decapitated by force alone.
“Uh huh….case and point there, dumb and dumber.” Levi responded during their antics, shooting a smug glance at Samson. “Come on Sate, put the moron down. I think she’s got the point….for now.”
Wrath looked as livid as always but reluctantly dropped A with a thud. She sat on the floor clutching her neck and went to speak ”Quit it! You know we can’t start fights on school grounds anymore…”, but the death stare she was met with caused her to scramble back and hide behind Samson, looking from over his shoulder.
Leviathan smiled at Samson as the other two looked at each other.

Meanwhile, at the auditorium.

The two more collected thrones approached the two causing the most current commotion in Luxor. “Bathroom’s down H hall, 9 doors down.” one answered Mikail, giving him directions to the boiler room. “Get lost.” said the other.
“My, my, would you look at this, Mamo?” Lucifer throne of Pride said looking down on the crater created by Ryo and Freya. “These animals can’t go a single day without causing problems…but we’re the evil ones.” She said with a disdainful smirk.
“Not to mention that Greek already blew a hole in the wall with a totaled bus. All I see are dollar signs at this school, if you could call it that. There’s a fortune to be made playing clean up behind these apes. This one in particular, he might be worse than our savage.” Mammon throne of Greed remarked walking up to the edge of the hole.
“One would think it’d be easier to kill off whelps like this. Or in the very least have them expelled.”
“Expelled? From Luxor?”
There was a brief silence before the two laughed out loud. “We would sooner see pigs fly. Speaking of….” Pride said venomously, turning her attention to Freya.
“You there, with the ridiculously vulgar proportions.” She pointed down into the pit. “You will have to answer for this behavior of yours. Though, being a cohort of this glorified iguana I can’t say I’m surprised.“
“That’s right…..Hmm, this one looks vaguely familiar does she not, Luci?” Greed said, hiding a grin. Pride caught on immediately.
“Yes, I suppose she does, Mamo.” She sneered.
Mammon conjured up a delft cow creamer and the two laughed as they tossed it down into the crater.
“Stay in line, meat.” Luci growled.
“That goes for you too, Gojira.” Mammon added.

“You’re not dealing with one half-functional throne anymore. We are seven, whole.”

“If we’re confined to this ‘academy’, then so be it. But within our confines becomes our domain. ”
The princes chuckled and began to move away, crowds of first years making way for them.

Solemn Jester Solemn Jester YungJazz YungJazz Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Aiko had known about the introduction ceremony but did nothing casually reading her book on her throne of mangled metal and concrete. Her cold lifeless hands reach the paper and with a light flick of the wrist,flipped the page to continue her reading. She was too engaged with the book to care what Tobin said her body seemingly lifeless due to how still she was. She only went to the introduction ceremony with Kagami. They were both in the same class and Dorm because Aiko had altered the position of the ink on the papers if it had not been so. She remained mostly casually indifferent most of the time replying to questions with short phrases in a monotonous voice.

Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Kagami- Arriving at the auditorium

"It's a pleasure to meet you Tobin. I hope we can be friends." Kagami said.

Kagami gave a small squeak as she saw demon pass out and turn into a regular boy. She looked to Aiko the back to him." You kind of scared me for a second." The vampire placed her hand over her heart.

"Oh, right! We should if we don't want to be late." The vampire remebered hearing the announcement. She was too invested in talking to the new classmates that she forgot about it. "Let's go darlings. We want to make a good first impression!" Kagami started to skip away. Her long black hair bounced back and forth. A few minutes later, she arrived at the auditorium with Aiko. Kagami did not notice the bagel that sat on top of her head. "We're here!".
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Katashi and Akemi
Katashi felt bad. "sorry didn't mean to." he said. When she brought up to getting to the auditorium. He followed with her. A respectable distance as he has no idea where to go. When they arrived he stuck with the group he was with. They seemed to not care he is a demon. Which was great in his book. Akemi also followed them. Staying a little further back. Katashi looks at everything in the auditorium. Nothing special in his eyes. Akemi found a nice spot in the shadows and stuck to it. She was away from them when they reached the auditorium... Katashi looked at the girls, he was gonna introduce himself but went against it. "So... Are we all new here?" he awkwardly asks them. Better than nothing...
(Apologies for short post. Got stumped! ;-; )
Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart (assuming you follow too xD)
~ Judith Geniewek ~

Crash Site

As the bus made it's way to Luxor Academy, a lone figure with long red hair sat somewhere in the middle, staring longingly through the window, face resting over her hand. Despite what it seemed, Judith wasn't watching the scenery. Her crimson gaze was restless, wandering to a place beyond the clouds as she had let out a soft sigh. What would Samson be up to right now, she wondered. Since he was staff it was logical to assume that the teacher would have arrived earlier than the students... But what would he be doing then? Preparing his class, perhaps? He was a very organized individual, constantly preparing things ahead of time after all. As she thought more and more about it the female spirit could almost picture the man's satisfied and confident semblance, congratulating himself over a job well-done. Judy sighed again, if only the bus ride didn't take so long and wasn't so painfully dull!!

The whole trip had been spent like that, looking out of the window, reminiscing about Samson. It was as if the closer they got to the academy, the more her chest tightened in both anticipation and apprehension. If she didn't know better, Judith would think she was running out of air for the third time in her dual life, but it wasn't like she needed any to live. If this could even be called living. The bus ride seemed like it was going to be pretty uneventful and normal, until the bus driver lady had shouted some nonsense about something being tasty out of nowhere. The red-haired woman had raised her head in curiosity, momentarily glancing at the front to see if anything else would follow afterwards. Nothing did, so she returned to the task of staring out of the window.

When they had started crossing the bridge and the sight of the school grounds had presented itself, Judy had been unable to contain herself and got up from her seat to get even closer to the window, filled with excitement. And then the background was filled with the sound of tires screeching, suddenly the whole world was spinning... Not even Judy saw that one coming.

The first time she had been thrown about in the spinning vehicle she had been taken by surprise. Judy's eyes had widened upon her losing her footing, dropping from the left side of the bus to the right. The impact had been more sudden than painful, though she was sure that if she could still breathe it would have knocked the air out of her lungs. However, once she knew what to expect the whole experience had become akin to an amusement park ride. As she was thrown left and right like a pinball, Judith burst out laughing, a loud, unhinged psychopath's laugh. Now, this is what she was talking about!! Goodbye, boring bus ride, hello, derailing spinning bus trip of death~!
Eventually, the vehicle had crashed against the auditorium wall and stopped. It seemed that the fun was over, oh well...

Judith stepped out of the cloud of dust, slightly dazed and disoriented from all of the being thrown around, yet still caught up with laughing in amusement:

"Now THIS is what I call an Opening Act!!!"

She took a couple steps forward before feeling her boot sink into something soft. Judy glanced down to see the ragged remains of what seemed to have once been a hamster plush. Without a second thought, she proceeded to kick the unbearably adorable toy away from her, not caring about its place of landing and tapping her clothes somewhat clean right afterwards.
Passed the enjoyment of the bus crash, the Rusalka found herself moving away from the wreckage. There was no reason to stick around a broken ride, so instead, she had started looking around, wondering where to go first in her search for Samson. That's when a new voice echoed like thunder, prompting a couple people to run away from its source, scared. Judy watched them go, shrugging with a grin on her face. Ah~ Such predictable reactions and yet still so entertaining to observe~

Aaaand then she was bored of doing that, instead glancing back at the way the voice had come from. Uh-oh, apparently Lyssa was in trouble for crashing the bus. Judith didn't know the other that well but could at least appreciate and condone her chaotic style. It was never a dull day near that one. The bus driver's matters with the headmaster were, however, not the woman's problem and thus, she had quickly dismissed that as well.

Multiple interactions started popping up in the crowd, yet the red-haired individual was, as expected, not interested in making friends, focused once again in trying to find the survival class teacher. She glanced around the courtyard, at all the buildings and doors on her line of sight, trying to remember which way to go until she was interrupted by the introduction announcement. Very well, that solved the issue with destination. Though it irked her to follow a given instruction so easily, there was a large probability that the staff would be present in the gardens as well, which meant that her best chance of locating Samson was complying with the order...

Judy had been ready to leave, when a new voice called from behind her, prompting the woman to turn around.

"Hiya Everyone How are you! Bagels anyone?"

She stopped, looking at the circular shaped object the boy held in his hands. Bagel...? Judith tilted her head as she tried to remember what the heck those were until it finally hit her. Oh right, it was a type of bread. Normally, the woman couldn't care less about pleasantries of this type but seeing as he had so promptly gone around offering these to everyone in the vicinity, Judy thought that she should at least honor her manners and give a proper reply:

"I am quite well", she said in a polite tone with a little bow of her head, "Sadly, I must pass on the offer of pastries, seeing as I don't eat. At all. It is truly such a shame...!", Judy concluded, putting her hand over her chest and closing her eyes in a pensive expression as she shook her head softly.

There were a pair of individuals being incredibly obnoxious and loud in the background, which warranted an annoyed glance from her in the general direction, simply for disturbing the current mood. The angry expression was there for just a split-second and then, gone, leaving Judith back in a pleasant, graceful stance as if it had never happened.
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Aiko Kirishima

location: Auditorium

Aiko stared at the bagel as she silently walked behind Kagami. She didn't have any reason to tell her there was Ansley sitting a top her head so remained quiet. She followed Kagami into the auditorium where she sat down right next to her. She didn't really care where she sat down as long as she was next to her. When she sat down, she began to reached novel silently reopening the last page she read reading.

Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Ryo Sentrale & Freya Lashiec
Location: Auditorium to Courtyard

Mentions: Mikhail ( Coyote Hart Coyote Hart ) Luci and Mamo ( FTR FTR ) Hundun ( SidTheSkid SidTheSkid )
Ryo (2B).jpg

Just as Ryo was about to walk off with Freya on his shoulders to get some donuts, some scrawny kid with WAY too much cologne on him walked up to them asking for directions to the nearest shitter. Huh, Ryo could've sworn he was still glaring enough to put off any random no names that were trying to talk to him, but oh well. Ryo glanced over the kid and scrunched his nose in disgust, not because of the over dosage of cologne, but because of the strong stench of death that was hidden under it, the kid was a killer. Instead of addressing it, Ryo simply shrugged off the smell and proceeded to point in the direction of the bathroom while Freya wildly waved at the newcomer, "Yeah, it's right down that way. If you hit the stairwell, you've gone-"

"Bathroom's down H hall, 9 doors down"

Ryo paused in his speech as a sudden sense of foreboding flooded his senses. Two voices, one more familiar than the other echoed throughout the auditorium, stopping him in his tracks. Ryo felt a headache of ginormous proportions coming on and could feel the sympathetic pat of Freya on his head, shit even she could sense how much these two bothered him. Ryo felt his headache increase as Mammon, who Ryo knew from his time with Lucifer, insulted Freya for causing the crater, while Lucifer called Ryo several forms of lizard. Rubbing his temples, Ryo gave the two thrones a light glare, "You two done? Cool, bye then, good to see you outta my head Luci. Have fun inside your 'domain', twats." And once again Ryo was on his way, Freya waving wildly to the two Thrones like they hadn't even insulted her, "Bye bye twats!" Wait, never mind, she knows.

Moving on, Ryo and Freya made their way through the fourth floor towards the stair in pursuit of their ever desired donuts. Leaning over Ryo, Freya smiled at her long time friend, "You sure seem popular Ryo! Those two horn chicks seemed pretty keen towards you!". Ryo chuckled at Freya and the thought of a Throne ever being 'keen' towards him, "First off Freya, don't ever say the word, 'keen', again. And second, did you not catch any of the insults they just threw at us?"


Ryo had to chuckle at his friend's easy-going nature, "Never change Freya. And don't forget to apologize to Cicero for squashing him, he may be uptight, but he's a good teacher. Now let's finally get us some donuts!". Maybe now the two friends could finally be on their way. Of course it had to be ruined by one of Ryo's least favorite people walking in. Freya blinked as she sensed Ryo's mood suddenly downshift into anger as the stranger stepped in. Shooting her current ride a curious look, Freya pointed at Hundun, "Hey Ryo, who this? And why are you looking at him with your 'I wanna shove his head into a volcano', look?"

Ryo felt his irritation grow at the sight of Hundun, who was glaring back at him with almost the same amount of animosity in his eyes. Neither man liked the lot they drew to end up in each other's lives, but they had to deal with it for the benefit of Setsuna. Ryo reluctantly motioned towards Hundun to introduce him to Freya, "Freya, this is Hundun, my technical father-in-law. Shit stain, this is Freya, try to keep your booze breathe away from her."

The glares only increased and it seemed fists were to be traded until Hundun dropped a bomb on Ryo's head. Ryo hadn't seen Setsuna in a while (years due to his journey for enlightenment) so he was not ready for the words that left Hundun's mouth. Ryo stood still with his mouth opening and closing, one word being repeated over and over again:


Just as Ryo was about to go into a barrage of questions, a loud echo from a megaphone reverberated from outside. Ryo would've ignored it in favor of continuing the questioning, but then one of the jabronis had the audacity to call him out! Turning to Hundun, Ryo let out a low snarl, "No I don't know these scrubs, but they're about to get a one way trip to smackdown central." With a wordless nod, Freya jumped off Ryo's shoulders and stood next to him with a smile on her face, "Want me to go ahead and get our donuts?". Ryo smiled as he took off his sunglasses and tossed them to Freya's awaiting hands, "You know it, and tell them not to skimp on the frosting."

With a nod, Freya ran off to accomplish her task as Ryo began unbuttoning his jacket and loosening his tie, "I gotta be honest old man, my mind is still reeling from the whole daughter thing, but I can talk to Setsuna about that later," Ryo had completely unbuttoned his jacket and removed it along with his tie, "But right now, i'm too annoyed by these bunch of ass hats tryna move onto my turf," Grasping the front of his dress shirt, Ryo quickly pulled it off in a flashy motion, revealing his bare chest and rather large Dragon tattoo on his back, wow, when'd he get that?

"So while I hate to team up with ya, looks like I may as well, who knows, hopefully you'll die in the crossfire!", With those words said, Ryo leapt out of the fourth story window along with Hundun, dive bombing towards the center of the Mercury Designs gang. Wasting no time, Ryo immediately transitioned into a drop kick that sent the targeted goon flying into his fellow gang members and blasting a trench into the ground. Landing on his feet, Ryo shot up with a familiar beastly smile on his face, just like old times:

"What're ya waiting for you scrubs! You said you were going to get violent! Well let's get violent! IT'S PARTY TIME!"

Ryo then launched into a flurry of blows too fast to see as punches and kicks bombarded the surrounding thugs. Shockwaves reverberated throughout the brawl as goons were sent flying into space or sent into gigantic craters, there was no stop to Ryo's rampage. Just as Ryo suplexed as delinquent into the pavement, he shot back up and smiled at Hundun, "Come on old man, I can't be having all the fun!" Kicking the next thug, which blew the air out of said thugs lungs, Ryo glanced around the entrapment of Mercury Designs with a fanged smile and a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"Come on you scrubs, this can't be it!? I haven't even broken a sweat! Where's the secret boss leading you bunch of dumbasses!"

Kagami Enoshima- Auditorium
"Why didn't anyone tell me that I had a bagel on my head?" Kagami questioned the group. She shrugged it off then began to nibble on the doughy treat. " Not bad." The vampire gave it a nod of approval. "I'm new here. I don't know about Aiko." Kagami pointed to her purple haired friend. "By the way, what's your name? I'm Kagami Enoshima." This would be end of her introductions until class.

H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 (Sorry for the quick change of setting. )
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart

Christina Blood- Auditorium
She was in the corner of the auditorium, hunched over with her spell book in her hand. Her dark aura scared off most of the students away from the part of the room. " Where is goldy? I don't want to be left alone with these...thugs." She muttered, shivering from anxiety. Christina had an urge to summon Cerberus to sick everyone within the room. However, she didn't want to hear from Luxor that ' You can't summon a three headed hound so it can eat the students. It's immoral and would ruin the reputation of the school.' She clicked her tongue to the thought. Christina then felt the building shake. " Ugh..Gods."
Samson Hearth

Interactions: Three of the thrones FTR FTR

You'd think being all seeing that Samson would have forseen what was about to happen and avoided it, right? Well he did forsee it, but he had completely forgotten about it due to being overly excited about his first class of the semester. So when A, one of the trouble some thrones landed on him. He wasn't so much suprised as he was disappointed in his own carelessness."Well I'd gladly take you up on that offer. But you seem rather reluctant on letting me go. You're like a fly that won't go away." The swuave survival teacher was preparing to teleport from under A, when a familiar fist came flying into her face. Samson sat up dusting himself off and grabbing Levi's hand giving a grateful nod."Thank you, much appreciated. Yes, indeed they are quite idiotic, and they're as lively as ever it seems. I feel bad for all the new students. Unsuspecting victims that I'm sure they'll be."

He stretched his neck, walking over to a bench and taking a towel to wipe the sweat from his body. He then tossed it in A direction, although this was unintentional. He kept his friendly smile, turning to address the others."I just set up for class, I'd appreciate it if you didn't make a mess for me to clean up. Now I know why A is here. But what reason do you two have for coming to the gymnasium?" This question was directed towards Levi, as he figured Sat would be to busy death glaring A to answer.


Hundun ~ Monster Hunting Professor
  • (Location: Courtyard, Luxor Academy. )(Mood: Worried)
    (Interactions: Ryo Sentrale)
    (Mentions: ??? )

    Three, Twelve, Fifteen! Numbers of unconscious bodies of Mercury Design hoodlums were sporadically 'pitched' like super-sonic baseballs across Luxor Academy's courtyard as Hundun slovenly pushed through the ranks of several criminals, each unlucky member being utterly devastated by the 6'4" muscle-bound professor while each ticking second passed through his fingers, possibly with a hint of sweat, tears, and blood from his enemies colliding with his unyielding fist. "H-he's a monster! There's no way he's human!" Morale drastically dropped among them as able-bodied gang members were subsequently ran through the substantial portions of concrete that transfigured into excavation-sized holes that erupted with mounds of dirt, dust, and crushed rock being shaped into miniature sized mushroom clouds that towered over the battlefield. Emptiness spiraled inside Hundun's stomach as if it were a bottomless abyss as each foolish insect was easily dealt with, he couldn't help but feel a bit irritated at the everlasting shortcomings of the individuals that tried attacking him, failing miserably in the process even with him deliberately letting his guard down just to give them the illusion of making a difference.

    "Weaklings.." Managing to spit out an insult, Hundun effortlessly clenched his hand around jawline of one of the insgnificant worms trying to escape his wrath before stretching out his arm and putting him on display for all to see. "This is how feeble you all are." After that utterance, Hundun maliciously curved his elbow backwards, cocking it before rushing the entirety of the man's head beneath him and sending a thunderous clap throughout the area, popping a couple of eardrums as it traversed through the waves of delinquents. Fragments of cement sky-rocketed into the clouds above them, raining down like pebbles after Hundun took a moment to drop the motionless body of their comrade and brush off the chalky grime that covered his upper-body. Goosebumps were easily distinguished on even those that were thought to be considered fearless once Hundun gestured his head from one shoulder to the next, reverberating a loud cracking noise through the silence in the skies as he anticipated his next victim. "Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over all the work I was doing while you were busy showing off that finger-painting on your back." He replied, regrettably cracking a soft smile back at Ryo's self-important commentary. Even for such an intolerable personality, Hundun was slightly amused by it even though he wouldn't ever go as far as admitting it out in the open. In spite of his short-lived merriment, he still hated that bastard with all of his mite for dating Setsuna.

    Not surprising when he further deliberated on it, Hundun was never there to show that daughter of his what a true man was like and now instead of Setsuna dating someone with a fully competent brain cell, she's now stuck with some scaley-skinned pervert with a knack for getting his family into dangerous situations that are potentially life-threatening. Granted, Ryo was an extraordinary student when it came to strength but nevertheless he has seen far stronger in his lifetime, if he kept up his daredevil lifestyle than it would certainly jeopardize the lives of Setsuna and his Granddaughter and the mere thought of that alone made his blood boil to no end. Suddenly Hundun's brewing thoughts were interrupted by a faint clapping that grew as groups of brainless Mercury thugs promptly stopped what they were doing to frantically drop themselves to the ground in servitude, bowing their heads against the ground as a fiercely energetic man wearing a loosely fitted Yukata swung his arms about carelessly while tromping his merry ass down the pathway until he came across one of the lackeys in the way.

    Doing what any 'sane' figure of an upper echelon would do, the Yukata wearing sociopath instinctively nudged the back of the man's head with the hilt of his blade causing him to slam to the floor then quickly stepping on the quivering minion's skull before crushing it beneath his sandals causing blood to rush across the surface of the ground. "Ooops!" A sinister chuckle ripped out from the vibrant maniac's throat before directing his eyes at Ryo with devilish intentions hidden behind his sickly yellow pupils. "RyYYyyooOO Chan... I've heard so much about you! Hu-hu-hu! I almost damn near shook in excitement when I heard the head honcho of Behemoth HQ was here all by himself! I hope you know I don't mean any ill-will sending these murderous goons after you, just thought you needed the warm up is all I had in mind!" Something about this whackjob was off-setting, even in Hundun's mind he figured him as one of the oddest fellows he has ever laid his eyes on besides Lyssa, naturally Hundun readied himself for anything that was about to happen.


    "If you're wondering who I am.. Let me introduce myself!" With that said the weirdo spun around like some sort of ballerina on the deceased man's head before hunching down into a pose while giving off a tremendous grin that made his fellow lackeys forced to applaud him for his awe-inspiring beauty. "Mercury Typhon at your service!" Fireworks bursted through the day-time sky whilst legions of busty fan-girls crowded around him wanting to marry after his flashy reply with Typhon shooing them away after signing all of their breasts with a handy marker given to him by one of his several flunkies. "You might be thinking to yourself, who is this good-lookin' fucker standing in front of me and when can I get his phone-number? Well i'm the one who graciously wants to rip the life out of your silly corpse, oh and uh sorry to disappoint but it seems that my contacts are currently filled at the moment so I kin-" Typhon's voice hastily fleeted after noticing a beeping sound coming from one of his pockets making him sigh in disbelief before shrugging his shoulders at Hundun and Ryo. "Looks like we'll have finish this some-time tomorrow! Hope you two have a splendid day, try to smile too Ryo it sure is a sun-shiney day today here at Luxor Academy!" Just like that, Typhon casually threw a whole bunch of signed pictures of him over to Ryo and Hundun's feet before departing in a limousine right outside of the twisted gates of the campus causing the Mercury Design thugs to soon follow suit and haul their obnoxious asses out of there.

    "I don't honestly know what just happened.. Ryo, we gotta check on Setsuna and my granddaughter, something doesn't feel right." Hundun felt a certain sickness to his stomach as the limousine rolled away, this Typhon guy was a merciless sociopath with no remorse for any form of life, just thinking about him getting near his family made his skin shutter.

    (Sorry had to rush at the end because I was excited.)
    YungJazz YungJazz

Katashi felt embarrassed for not mentioning the bagel. "Sorry. And, my names Katashi. Nice to meet you Kagami." He said kindly. He didn't know what else to say... He simply sat there listening to the people on stage.. He didn't know what his classes were yet. He didn't get his sheet for it, so he will have to go see the principle or someone close to him or her. The girl named Aiko was indeed strange. Always reading when he looked in her direction. His demon side was annoying him, bugging him to come out. He sighed and allows him to do so. Katashis horns grew back and his eyes went red again. "Ah! that's better!" he said happily.
Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Aiko Kirishima

Aiko remained silent and taciturn reading her book flipping to the next page seemingly not caring when the demon erupted out of someone next to her. She acted as if nothing happened and flipped to the next page again to continue her reading. She soon finished her book and took out another thick Novel from her Jacket pocket reading it. It was the book "The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography" By Simon Singh. She began to read the thick book.

Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Ryo Sentrale
Location: Luxor Courtyard/Road to Behemoth HQ
Interactions: Hundun and Typhon ( SidTheSkid SidTheSkid )
Mentions: Seo ( Marumatsu Marumatsu )

Ryo stared in confusion as this dillweed known at Typhon introduced himself with a dramatic flare that Ryo was ashamed to admit he was somewhat jealous of. Then the jackass had to nerve to take out his own crew! Glaring at the yukata wearing nimrod, Ryo clenched his fist in preparation to deck the silver haired dumbass, "I don't give two shits about who you are, but a Boss doesn't take out his own men for no reason, plus you're on my turf jabroni, now I suggest you start prepping yourself cause i'm about to keep my pimp hand strong all upside your head!" Just as Ryo was going to launch into a devastating haymaker, a loud beeping noise echoes from Typhon. Without so much as a punch thrown, the dirtbag had the audacity to leave and say they'll finish this tomorrow!

Oh Hell Naw!

"Listen chuckle nuts, you ain't going no where until my foot is firmly planted on your face Now get- Oi!," Ryo didn't even get to finish as Typhon sped away while throwing signed pictures at Ryo and Hundun. Never had the dragon been so irritated by someone and not killed them! In anger Ryo lashed out with a punch that sent a shockwave barreling outwards and leaving a gaping trench towards the forest area of the school. Huffing in and out, Ryo ran his hand through his hair, slicking it back to it's organized form and snapped his fingers. Immediately several Behemoth gang members showed up with a new suit, sunglasses, and a silver 1970 Mustang that skidded up besides Ryo and Hundun, another Behemoth member getting out of the driver's seat and handing the keys to Ryo.

Tightening his tie and flipping his sunglasses onto his face in a stylish fashion, Ryo turned to Hundun, his anger subsiding but now the previous situation back in his mind, "So, I guess we're heading to Behemoth HQ down the road to see Setsuna and my...." Ryo couldn't help but pause at the next word slowly left his mouth, "Daughter." Ryo still had a hard time believing that. He never thought he would be a father, especially with the way his father raised him and Seo. While Ryo didn't resent his dad, he also knew the way Tyrus raised his two sons was for them to fight, conquer, and dominate the multiverse. Ryo looked up to his father and wanted to at least be half the dragon he was, but also knew that he did not want his future children raised the same way he and Seo were. To suddenly hear that he had a daughter with the woman he loved, shook Ryo to his core. People could insult him and insinuate his arrogance, need for violence, perversion, and lack of compassion, but no one knew his own faults more than Ryo. To know that the person he was now was to be a father, is a reality shattering thought.

Running his hand through his hair out of nervous habit, Ryo ushered Hundun into the passenger seat of the Mustang, being surprising mindful to not anger the Chaos Entity, then swiftly got into the drivers seat, inserted and turned the key, revved the engine and began speeding down the road without any hesitation. The loud roar of the engine was evidence of the amount of illegal parts put into the muscle car and Ryo's skill at weaving in and out of traffic was testament to the amount of practice he had with the car. The only thing that was shocking was the amount of silence that pierced the car like blade, the young dragon lost within his thoughts.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Ryo glanced over to Hundun while shifting gears and cruising down the road, "Hundun....two questions. First, those guys from earlier, you know anything about them and if they're a threat to Setsuna?" Ryo paused to consider his next words, absentmindedly shifting gears, "And second...Well, uh, my daughter...What's her name?"
Luxor and Christina- Introduction Ceremony

Christina appeard behind Luxor with a poof of black smoke. The witched waved her hand to get rid of the smoke so she could see. She notice his new outfit he had on. Instead of his usual white suit he wore a navy blue long sleeve collared shirt with black dress pants."Hey! I see you changed your outfit. Looking good brother, " The witch patted him on the back and gave him a smile. Christina saw the 'please don't' look on his face. She awkwardly laughed and slowly turned back to her regular postion. Christina pointed her fingers to her seat. " I'm just going to sit." She sat down, playing with her fingers so she could brush the encounter off.
Luxor was a little annoyed with the lack of teachers that we on time for the ceremony but the show must go on. He began to walk forward to the center of the stage until he started to slip on the newly waxed floor.The archngel detested the idea of seeming clumsy so he turned his fall into a somewhat entertaining entrance. He slid foward, turning his body in a spin. To make it worse, fireworks that he specifically told someone to not to buy went off in the back of him. At that this moment, he was dying inside from embarrassment.
Luxor quickly composed himself after his little stunt. He just pretended those very few seconds never happened then began to speak."Welcome new and former students to Luxor Academy. I am your principal, Luxor. I'm sure you are all excited to start class today so I'll make this quick," He quickly explained the major rules of the academy. "For those who were in this morning's crash, I'm sincerly apologize for the bus ride. The bus driver had some complications." The angel apologized with a bow.

(I'm probably going to edit this later. I'm about to start to tag everyone.)


Cicero ~ Head of Security / Monster Hunting Assistant
  • (Location: Courtyard, Luxor Academy. )(Mood: Ashamed)
    (Interactions: Luxor)
    (Mentions: Hundun & Ryo)

    After a painful encounter of having someone plant themselves directly on-top of his fragile little body, Cicero decided to meagerly shake off bits and pieces of debris entangled within his locks of fluff while letting out a tiny groan as he exhaustively pulled himself out of the impressive crater caused by a student's buttocks. Sometimes it's 'special' moments like these that give Cicero a reason to sleep for extended periods during school-days. As frustrated as Cicero truly was, it was only inevitable for him to let out a deep exhale before wiggling about his head to regain his composure, more importantly figuring out what kind of raucous was happening outside, even being as out of it as he was outlandish cries of panic were loud enough to perk his feline ears up every-so often. One cautious leap onto window sill later, Cicero found himself gawking at every single vandalized piece of property around the courtyard not to mention rubbernecking at the destruction within the office itself. Disheveled papers, toppled office supplies, and muck littered throughout the workstation were enough to make Cicero begin his own 'spring clean-up', utilizing his unique telekinetic competence he promptly embarked on tidying not only Luxor's disfigured office but the demolished courtyard that had a dense smog 'dancing' around the trees. Fifteen to thirty seconds later, everything was spotless! Random folk outside of the Luxor Academy pearly-white gates admired the view of Cicero whipping around the enclosure, taking sections of rubbish with him and making it disappear like a trick out of the world's fastest magic show. "A-and done!" Swiping his paws in delight, Cicero looked on with satisfied flailing of his tail at his marvelous clean-up job but soon losing his gleeful demeanor at the revelation that sparked in his mind.

    "Shit, the ceremony!" Springing into a dead-on sprint, students clung to their lockers at the speeding image of a brisk white creature zooming down the brimful corridors of the school, leaving trails of vibrant green aura dispersing behind his wake before evaporating a couple seconds later once Cicero's paws collided with the patches of freshly mowed grass ending his concluding stride. Noticing in disbelief, he couldn't help but look out from the crowd in guilt at Luxor wrapping up his speech all the while having the lack of teachers sitting in the rows behind him which amplified this feeling of remorse a bit more as he reluctantly climbed his way up to the platform, fearing for the worst repercussions as he confronted the angelic principal with an innocent frown as the gathering of new students dwindled, going off to their new classes while they begun to speak. "Sorry Luxor, I know how much this meant to you. I had a bit of a hold-up with Hundun and Ryo... Not to mention cleaning up their disastrous mess they made in the courtyard and your office. Nonetheless don't worry about Hundun and Ryo, I gave them the day off so they could have more bonding time together with their families." Cicero bowed his head, his antlers following suit as he polite-fully held his posture while anxiously awaiting Luxor's comment moreover contemplating what kind of vacation the likes of Hundun and Ryo would even share together.
    ( Kisaki Kisaki )

    (Meanwhile with Hundun and Ryo...)
    Hundun picked at the transitioning of scenery, watching as the jungle-esque environment of the island crossed over to a beach-goer's delight as their spinning wheels finally crossed over the expansive bridge that led over into the hustling city. Hundun was honestly surprised at Luxor's decision to cross life between the outside world of humans and the mystical academy, there was a point in time where the underlining fear of supernatural creatures becoming a reality would create some sort of uprising or chaos, guess Ryo screwed that one up too... It's not hard to put two and two together if there's a freaking dragon-deity walking around town and turning them into un-certified astronauts with his fist. Obnoxiously loud puffs of exhaust pushed through the mustang as both of them swerved through traffic, breaking almost every damn traffic law imaginable while making their way to Behemoth HQ with unspoken words being exchanged with one another until the silence was eventually broken by Ryo glancing over and speaking to Hundun whom was still inspecting the city-life while comfortably snug in the passenger seat. "Hundun....two questions. First, those guys from earlier, you know anything about them and if they're a threat to Setsuna?" That was one question of course that even he didn't have an answer for as Hundun took a moment to respond back. "No clue, i'd take it they have a grudge against you although i've seen that emblem on that man's uniform before, we've been getting fliers at Luxor Academy from a talent agency called Mercury Designs... Maybe they're affiliated? As for your family, i'm not gonna let any of them lay a finger on my daughter or granddaughter for that matter." Hundun's spoke, a distinct fuming anger leaving his voice at the idea of someone attempting to hurt his own flesh and blood.

    With that being answered there was still the latter question that needed to be resolved. "And second...Well, uh, my daughter...What's her name?" Before Hundun could even lash out with a back-hand at Ryo's stupid mug he stopped himself, knowing how much of a hypocrite he'd be if he resorted to something like that for Ryo's forgetful parenting. "Rina, Rina Sentrale. I'm sure you didn't need help with the last name. I actually have a photograph of her and Setsuna together but I don't wanna spoil the surprise for you... I'm sure you'll be happy to know that she takes after her father quite a bit with the a dash of Setsuna's fiery attitude." Just as he was about to go further into detail about Ryo's mysterious daughter they had both arrived at a colossal sized building, having the exterior resemble a hybrid of a mansion and a miniature executive skyscraper with a group of heavily-armed guards standing vigilant outside of the gates. "Interesting." This was it, Behemoth Headquarters! Setsuna and Rina gave mention to this in their visits to Hundun but just seeing it in person to him was surreal, everything looked bigger than he saw in the photographs. After a few exchanging of words between the guards, they wildly open the gates out of shock at seeing their boss pulling up. It didn't take too long for both Hundun and Ryo to step out and get inside the main foyer of his HQ after having his lackeys find a parking space for his mustang. "Dad?" Almost instantly a familiar voice sprung out with a consequential one following behind. "Babe?!" The one and only love of Ryo, that ever-so-loving fox woman dressed in relatively revealing clothes rushed down the stairway and wrapped her arms tightly around Ryo. "Don't ever leave like that again, had me worried sick...! I'm surprised that you showed up on no notice, i'm more shocked to see you with my dad too but most of all."
    Setsuna clung to her words like a vice as she clenched her hand, balling it into a fist before knocking it into Ryo's chest. "Where were you for our daughter? So many birthdays... So much time.." Tears jerked from the sides of her eyes only to be wiped away out of strength from seeing her daughter walk out from a neighboring door across from them. "Rina, meet your father." Hundun said, nudging at Ryo with his head as he stood in shock at seeing his daughter for the first time who also kind of looked kind of like a grease-monkey with the wrench and attire she had on. "Father..?" Rina couldn't help but furrow her brow with confusion at seeing Ryo, she didn't know whether to become filled with detest or happiness at him coming back home. "I don't know what to say.. Why did you leave?" She asked, a bit emotionless from shock.
    ( YungJazz YungJazz )
Seo Sentrale (Location: Auditorium/ Court Yard)
(Interactions w/ Lyssa & Judith) (Mentions: Ryo)

After Judith had accepted his gesture though declining his offer he wondered how,much joy could truly be had without eating? Could it He took the hand of Judith and placed the sack of bagels in it smiling. "Could you pass them out then? I think its a bit sad not to need to eat especially bagels." He walks over the stuck bus taking a dead lifting position and grasping the bottom of the bus leaning back he lifts his legs flipping the bus a a ridiculous speed creating a small Gale that sweep across the room before catching the bus in mid spin and walking it outside. Seo ordered some of his men to clean the area and set up a breakfast for the newcomers. Seo decided to fix the dents in the bus and look it over for any serious damage not sure why he just did. That's usually his style do what he wants in the moment and for some reason it was being a repair man of sorts. After about a minute Seo came outside the bus to hear Principal Luxor apologizing for Lyssa's very much anticipated driving. Before heading back inside a fancy car drove past a silver horse car or something whatever it was Seo knew it belong to Ryo. Seo started heading towards the vehicle until he paused surprised and curious as to what he was seeing. Hundan was getting into the Vehicle as well? "What did i miss?" taking a moment to scan his memory of anything in the rivers of his mind he did remember hearing Ryo reveling in the glory of battle and a loud thunderous boom. VROOOOOOMMM snapping Seo out of his concentrated stance Ryo takes off once Hundan is settled. Not wasting any time Seo ran into the auditorium scooped Lyssa up and ran outside with her looking at a grunt who made a quick call. Forgetting he was still holding Lyssa he talked to her with an endearing gaze set upon her sparkling eyes. "Hey love I gotta head to HQ to check up on Ryo, Just scooped you to see if you wanted to come along?" shortly following a yellow car named after a game and a country came around the corner a 20- something Grand Theft Auto Spainyo? Came around the corner and its doors popped open with the driver patiently waiting to hand over the keys.

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Location: Luxor/Navigating this freaking huge school.
Lu sighed as she walked around the school, it had been quite the journey getting here. Luckily they hadn't taken the bus and had instead walked here, though that included walking around aimlessly for a while until they found it. Though....that was basically how most of their lives had went so far together, so eh. Needless to say it was an amazingly breathtaking place to be at too, and as large as some small towns the pair had walked to. "Why is this place so damn big anyway?" She asked, mostly muttering to herself. Ciel shrugged, "Lotsa people, needs lotsa room I guess. Makes sense to me." He spoke, humming as he looked around. "Quite the interesting cast of people here have to say.." He said, seeing races he had only seen once or twice in his life time, some not at all. It was quite something to be sure. Luckily they managed to find the main room the ceremony was being held in. Sure, they had been given a map upon enrolling. But that didn't stop Lu's excellent map reading skills from getting them lost, not by a long shot. "Besides, if you knew how to read a map better we wouldn't of gotten lost." He pointed out, causing the petite female to glare up at him. "Well excuse me for living away from civilization and not needing to learn how to read a map, or really knowing what one was at all for a while." She snapped with a small hmph.

Ciel just laughed and walked over to stand in a corner of the room away from most people, looking around at the students there and gauging who he might be able to trust. Of course he occasionally glanced at Luciela too, just in-case someone decided to start something with her. Though of course she could handle herself, she was far stronger than her small stature gave away, it was still his duty to protect his small companion no matter how annoying she was. Lu on the other hand was roaming around a little, luckily they had made it in time to see Luxor's amazingly grand entrance. She stared blankly for a few moments before outright starting to laugh. It was...absolutely hilarious. She honestly had no idea who the guy was, though she was sure he was someone important...she didn't care. It couldn't of went better if it were planned. As the bus crash was mentioned she blinked, now she was really glad she was unaware there was even a bus to begin with. Walking superiority? Seemed so in this case. She did quiet down after a brief moment of laughter though, not really wanting to get into too much trouble her first day here.
(Not sure who all is actually here or involved, so just tagging Kisaki Kisaki 'cause she's sort of loling at Luxor.)​
Byakko Taro

Interaction: Typhon SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

Location: getting the fuck out of Luxor academy

"It's just a quick stop. It'll be real fast don't worry about it." That's what Typhon had said when he asked Byakko to drive him around."Pfft, yeah right. What a load of shit. He's lucky the boss makes me watch his ass to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Otherwise the dumbass would be on his own." Byakko sat in the driver seat of company limo.

He had considered taking a nice relaxing nap. But he was worried he might end up flattened or worse considering all the lunatics hanging around this place. Of course he had to deal with Typhon every day. So it's not like he's not use to handling violent insane degenerates. Hell, he was a degenerate himself. Although at least he had enough sense to not go causing unnecessary trouble. He hated fools who tried harder than they needed to.

So instead of sleeping he took out his phone and decided to play angry birds. Staring absorbed by the screens shine, and the little birds which he flung across the screen. He was so immersed with his game that it took a few seconds before he realized Typhon had returned to the vehicle. He huffed, and scratched his nails down the dash as his hand made it's way towards the ignition. He turned the key, and the engines came to life. Letting out a satisfying purr. He floored the gas peddle. The sleek car roaring as it retreated from Luxor Academy."Eh, geez. You really need to learn to drive. I'm tired of driving your useless ass around. At least I could rest some when im babysitting you. Don't talk to me like im your damn chauffeur either! Ugh, im not driving you around again."Byakko said although for some reason he was dressed as a chauffeur. But that was mainly because he liked to dress for the part. It was his weird sense of what he called being situanionally fashionable. "I hope you know that. I guess I'll have to finish taking you around for today at least. Otherwise you'd just bitch, and moan at me all day, tsk."
He didn't wait for Typhons reply as he began driving towards the city library. Although he didn't seem in much of a rush. Besides, it's not like he was going to be late for anything. It was Typhon who needed to he somewher.

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