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Dice Lunar Fury - Exalted 3e OOC

You would just need to have a few dots in Resources in order to be able to afford having multiple firewands like that.
Then I'll go for a big moonsilver dragon sigh wand! One that will forever bruise the poor dears shoulder.

Just read some of the bits about the flame tag. Does use strength, instead adds a +4 to withering damage die. Also, as an artifact, has a +1 at close range rather than a penalty.

I got a charm that let's me flurry with a shape sorcery action, so can reload while shaping.

I dont think I'll need multiple firewands. As I will be using it sparingly to get my initiative up. And I bet I can find some interesting evocation models to use to help out.
It's very busy here. Not just work, but some social events these days. Sherwood Sherwood if you're in a rush to start, you can start without me, and I'll join after my character is done.

We can just say that he was busy putting down a mean god or elemental.
I have a first draft of the backstory up.

Two Mornings was born in the slave fields of Harborhead, marked from birth as a slave. She learned quickly to hate the lash, but she was too stubborn to properly learn fear of it. As a child this was tolerated as a phase, but as she grew to adulthood it drew more and harsher punishment.

One day, shortly after her fifteenth birthday, she punched out an overseer whipping her friend. Deciding that this meant “The boy will never learn his place”, the plantation owner decided to have her rubbed with meat and thrown in a pit of starving cats.

That was when Luna appeared to her. She refuses to tell anyone what the moon goddess said to her in the pit, but the tiger that leaped out went on a rampage. Before the day ended every overseer and slave driver was dead. The owner of the plantation was the first to die.

The other slaves recoiled from her in fear, and did not recognize her even after she returned to human form. To them, Granite Chain died when he was thrown in the pit just before dawn. So she left.

The Silver Pact saved her from the Wyld Hunt, and she joined with them. The Realm was the largest institution maintaining slavery in Creation, so she would ally with the Silver Pact until it was taken down. Some Lunars practiced slavery too, but they can come later.

It was also in the Silver Pact that she discovered her immense talent for Martial Arts. She drank up the martial disiplines like a sponge, having mastered the mundane aspects of Tiger Style, Ebon Shadow Style, and White Reaper Style in less than two years. She has just begun to learn Snake Style.

It was through the Silver Pact that she met her Solar Mate, a Twilight teacher and Sorcerer from Mahalaka. She knows that Raksi is a slaver, so she avoids talking about that with her beloved. She wants to make it work, and tries her best to be feminine for him, despite her lack of knowledge and practice.

What do peeps think? And any ideas for how she'll get along, or clash, with other members of the circle?
Other than the Summoning issue Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws brought up, seems like a there wouldn't be a lot of clashing. I'm assuming the boy was Two Mornings' friend and her name was Granite Chain as a slave and has since changed. I got a bit mixed up as to who was being referred to over the course of the story.
Rykon Rykon not a Summoning issue. Ibris is not a Sorcerer, at least not for now, since I didn't find any spell that could further his concept.
I am referring to actually brow beating a spirit to submission, and threaten it with annihilation if it didn't comply.
Sherwood Sherwood , is that because it's a custom import from 2E? Or is there a published home-brew thing for it somewhere?

Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws , ah I see. A pedant might argue that it's technically extortion, though not mutually exclusive.
@Sherwood, is that because it's a custom import from 2E? Or is there a published home-brew thing for it somewhere?
The IRA has the cost of 5m from 2e in the DotFA book.
It's very busy here. Not just work, but some social events these days. Sherwood Sherwood if you're in a rush to start, you can start without me, and I'll join after my character is done.

We can just say that he was busy putting down a mean god or elemental.
Hopefully we won't have that problem. Thanks for letting me know that you're busy, though.
So the former then.

I was going by the standardized armor stat block that'd apply to it's closest 3E equivalent, the Silken Armor, given how different combat is in 2E rather than 3E.

Either way works for the artifact. I mean they basically transplanted the Amulet of Shadow Walking with the same mechanics and all that into the Core after all.
Silken Armor is just armor, and the IRA has extra bonuses to die rolls, and, depending on what kind of material it is made of, it has a lot of great benefits that the Silken Armor just doesn't have.
How would she feel about Ibris forcing spirits to take certain actions? Or be consumed? Would she view this as a form of slavery?

Yes. Also probably binding demons.

She's not speciesist as I conceive her.

Other than the Summoning issue Red Shadow Claws Red Shadow Claws brought up, seems like a there wouldn't be a lot of clashing. I'm assuming the boy was Two Mornings' friend and her name was Granite Chain as a slave and has since changed. I got a bit mixed up as to who was being referred to over the course of the story.

Two Mornings is trans, granite chain is her deadname.
Silken Armor is just armor, and the IRA has extra bonuses to die rolls, and, depending on what kind of material it is made of, it has a lot of great benefits that the Silken Armor just doesn't have.
I guess I'm just a little too hesitant to directly import 2E artifacts verbatim, so I hadn't considered that to be the case here initially. I see the difference in numbers between 2E and 3E as an absurdly wide gap, at least in terms of things that impact the combat system. So instinctively I thought of it as if it were a Silken Armor with the same effects as an IRA, just as either attunement bonuses/free evocations, mechanically.

Either way, the net result is the same, so it's not like it bothers me. I've just been a little mixed up today in general and made assumptions I shouldn't have.

Back to trying to decide if I can bare to part with my martial art on Toun...
Rykon Rykon not a Summoning issue. Ibris is not a Sorcerer, at least not for now, since I didn't find any spell that could further his concept.
I am referring to actually brow beating a spirit to submission, and threaten it with annihilation if it didn't comply.

Oh. If it was summoning it would be an issue. Two Mornings doesn't like extortion, but she isn't implacably opposed to it.
Yes. Also probably binding demons.

She's not speciesist as I conceive her.

Two Mornings is trans, granite chain is her deadname.
Does that mean she's not a fan of people that own pets? Could be a source of comedy later on.
Sherwood Sherwood Would dexterity charms that mention things like a lunars physical attacks affect ranged attacks?

TheLunars limbs move with a fluid grace that helps to pierce through the enemies defenses. -1 defense for the enemy.

Would that same mechanical benefit apply but via a different method? Like the Lunars hands handle the weapon with such precision, coordinating with their senses to attack at the perfect angle.

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