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Fandom Lumos Maxima - OOC

I never really considered that the sorting hat sorted by personality traits before... but now that he's phrased it that way I can see the flaws in the system.

I don't think his argument was very strong with the 're-sorting at a later age'... it seemed like the better solution from his argument is either to change the sorting system, or to have no sorting system at all.

And now that I'm really thinking about it, it does seem funny to group people just by their personality traits. To have all of the like minded folks together does narrow the views of the world.

At the college I go to, we're broken into groups of what we're interested after the first year where we're all in preliminary courses...

Not that my college is doing it right, but I kind of agree with it working that way, especially since it would push the sorting back a year and it would allow students who were interested in the same magic, but not necessarily thought the same, together. It would be a lot more fun.. because that way students like Hermione wouldn't be going nuts with studying on her own, she'd be able to be in a study group with other people who actually do their homework and students like Neville would be able to be around other people who love Herbology instead of around kids who have little to no interest in the study of magical plants.

So the person who made the video (Jay, was it?) makes a very good point. Hogwarts has a rather flawed system with sorting... so the real question he puts up is should there even be a sorting or should we keep sorting but change the way that they sort?

Thanks NessieAlways <3

This was really refreshing to think about, and it brought up some really good questions.

Was there any reason for sharing it with us besides that it's an interesting question to bring up?

Also, it was also really interesting how many different character types were in Gryffindor in the movies. I mean Ron, Harry, Hermione, Neville, Fred, George, Ginny- they all have really different personalities and out looks on life and yet they're all int he same house.

I just think there's a flaw with sorting in general... and I don't know what you could do to make sorting better. All I know is I don't want sorting to go away because it's so much fun to find out what house you belong to xD

(Website of Zodiac Signs and how they sort into houses that I am really fond of:

http://www.spenecial.com/birdsofafeather/astrology.htm )
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RubyRose said:
Was there any reason for sharing it with us besides that it's an interesting question to bring up?
Not really =P

I was just looking up food recipes on youtube and one thing led to another. Before I knew it, I found this video and was literally mind blown!

I'd never really thought about some of the things he mentioned and, being a proud Ravenclaw it makes me feel dumb for not even giving the system a second look. Sure while reading the books and seeing the movies, you think it's such an amazing idea! I mean at one point, even Harry Potter haters must have wondered what house they were in. But now I realize there's so much more that defines a person than just those four house traits (I actually started noticing that as I was reading through all the characters trying to figure out what house they belong in).

I'd never given it much thought though, since I'm the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it " person and my mentality was, like J (It's actually J for John) said, good people come out of Hogwarts so there's nothing wrong with it? Now though, I see that I too am a victim of narrow mindedness =S

I love hearing and seeing others opinions about things, but I never really sit down and start questioning things myself. I feel like I'm never going to get anywhere in life. And as for the whole school spirit thing, it's so true! Do they seriously not have enough school pride to support people the people from their own school? I mean, in the movie, Cedric was making those "anti Harry Potter" pins instead of making "Anti all the others" pins.

Could it be possible that the division within the school acts as a fertilizer for villains? Instead of creating diversity by showing all the different personalities in the school, it forces people to think there should only be one way of doing things.

Then again, we are seeing the books and movies from a Gryffindor perspective so the actual concept of Hogwarts might be a little biased which leads to believe all this.

Idk it was just an interesting video that might harbor some interesting opinions and I wanted to share it with you guys while we wait for the plot post =)
Because who doesn't love a knock knock joke.


If you think these jokes are out of Lion.



Let's bring in the plastic surgery


If you don't get this one...just get out. =P


Yes I lack the ability to have a life and end up in crazy parts of the internet. Don't judge me xD




To all you not in America just enjoy the fire works =)


Boat Ride Buddies

I feel like my character, Yvaine, would probably want to ride on a boat with @NessieAlways 's Imogen, but I was wondering if anyone else would like to ride with them? They have only interacted with each other, and it would be cool to meet new people. :3

I know the most recent scene post goes right through the boat ride to docking. You can either collaborate some conversation via PM and split it up among yourselves, or wait to RP that your characters have docked until you feel the conversation is done. Remember, if you do the last method, keep in mind how long the boat ride may take. I'd say about 10 to 15 minutes, so conversation shouldn't come out to be hours long!
Erin and Jonas might join that boat (If @CloudyBlueDay is ok with Jonas joining too... imagining Erin regaining her spirit and more or less 'dragging' him along behind her xD )
Effervescent said:
Boat Ride BuddiesI feel like my character, Yvaine, would probably want to ride on a boat with @NessieAlways 's Imogen, but I was wondering if anyone else would like to ride with them? They have only interacted with each other, and it would be cool to meet new people. :3

I know the most recent scene post goes right through the boat ride to docking. You can either collaborate some conversation via PM and split it up among yourselves, or wait to RP that your characters have docked until you feel the conversation is done. Remember, if you do the last method, keep in mind how long the boat ride may take. I'd say about 10 to 15 minutes, so conversation shouldn't come out to be hours long!
Yvaine is going to have the run of his life then!

Imogen is going to sprint to the boats as soon as she gets that chance =3

Briea will not be happy about that xD
Damn, just noticed I haven't been getting notifications for the OOC since I haven't posted here in a while.
Hello all! I just wanted to let you all know that I'll probably be off RPN Tuesday - Thursday. I will be attending a conference for my internship and will have little to no internet access beyond my phone. I may be able to check messages, but I won't be able to post.

As for the boats, I'm not exactly sure where Rosemary will be yet. She's pretty adventurous, so I'm sure she would be able to ride with anyone, if groups are still forming for that piece.
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Hey guys!

So we're still missing

Ethan, Meghan, Rosemary, Gail and William to have permanent seats on the boats.

Since it is an odd number of people, I'm going to have William sit with whoever is left alone.

Unless he's the one that's left alone. Which would mind that much.

@Akeira already stated Rosemary will tag along anywhere.

@RubyRose told me she'd wait also to see who paired up with who

Gail and William might pair up depending on how the rest of the arrangements turn out

So @Macaberz @CloudyBlueDay

What will Ethan and Meghan be doing?
Meghan will probably want to go with Gail and/or Ethan, if possible. I wasn't exactly sure how to post. Should I just bring Meghan to Gail/William?
CloudyBlueDay said:
Meghan will probably want to go with Gail and/or Ethan, if possible. I wasn't exactly sure how to post. Should I just bring Meghan to Gail/William?
She could see them walking out of the train and go up to them?
NessieAlways said:
Yvaine is going to have the run of his life then!
Imogen is going to sprint to the boats as soon as she gets that chance =3

Briea will not be happy about that xD
Oh boy! These children and their energy!

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CloudyBlueDay said:
I probably missed this somewhere, but is there a place we can change? Because both my characters are with the opposite gender, lol.
That is a great question to which I do not have an answer. Let me do some Harry Potter research and get back to you on that!

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Yes...over clothing seems reasonable, but what about the actual school uniform?

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If you see in the movies(since the books doesn't really reference it I believe) the students where they uniform bottoms, white button down, and black tie.

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