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Fandom Lumos Maxima - OOC

K guys, I tried writing in a way that the people my characters are interacting with could react without use going small conversation blips at a time.

Hope that that's ok. If not I can go back and delete/reword stuff... I just didn't want to shorten things to the point where it takes 3 weeks for Gail to read the newspaper xD This way it'll just be the one week :)
In all honesty I don't know how I wrote all that, I kinda just barfed it out, eheheh. I was hitting some walls for other stuffs I was writing so it was nice to be able to glide smoothly through something. But enjoy. I must sleep now. It's lateeeeee.
Thinking of you guys while having a Harry Potter Marathon!

I'm loving this so much!

*Fan girl's!*


Now to business.

  • If you're waiting on someone to post please contact them and let them know they are being waited on. You can contact them either by PM or tagging them here.
  • If you aren't waiting on anyone and have Real Life things you need to deal with, don't worry about it! Just let Effer and me know you're busy at the moment.
  • If you aren't waiting on anyone and can post, please do so as soon as time permits!
  • If you need help coming up with something to write let us know and we'll help you guys out!
  • If you have any questions or comments relevant to the RP feel free to ask or share them in the Lumos Maxima PM.

I believe that is all for now...

Other than that, Have a wonderful weekend!
Enjoy the marathon, Nessie!!


Looking forward to seeing some of the other reactions to the death of Harry Potter

(Still can't believe you guys did that though O.o how do you kill a legend?!)
RubyRose said:
how do you kill a legend?!
Don't think about it as us killing him think about it as another adventure!

Archangel said:
I had a post all written out but it's gone and disappeared on me ;A;
I hate when that happens!

I've had to re-write so many posts because of that (:<)

But I always tell myself After a huge fit and cursing out all the people in the world If I did it once I can do it again!( :D )

Any who...

Hey guys!

Biggest apologies for the long wait. I know for those of you in school, the year is almost coming to an end! And while the beginning of summer is a long awaited glorious mark in a scholar's life it also signifies that Finals are almost here.

Dun Dun DUN!! (} :) )


During finals week at least for me life gets pretty hectic. Projects, presentations, tests, and all types of torture schemes professors throw will begin to arise and take priority over RPing. I know it's horrible!

So if you all need some time to take care of studies and all of that good stuff Even if you don't have studies and just need time in general let Effer and I know and we'll work something out!

This RP has amazing players and amazing characters and I'd hate to see that go to waste because of wretched school.

So if we all communicate properly and keep on task as soon as Real Life stops being a pain we can get this rolling and bring out all the beauties this RP is capable of!

With that said, I'll be posting tomorrow so those of you waiting on me, the wait will finally come to an end!

Anywho, it's about midnight right now and I have class at 9 so I bid my farewells.

Goodnight guys!
As for my lack of being here, my laptop is toast... so until I get my old one up and running or my new one back it'll be sketchy about where I'll find a computer to post on (at my folks place at the moment but I'll have to go back to my place in a day or so because work :P ) so I'll be here when I can but I don't know how often that will be.
Hey guys!

I have to deeply apologize for not posting. I had my post all types out like a week ago, but I just realized I never clicked post =S

It's been sitting there for the longest time.

Now my internet is being crappy and showing the webpage as unavailable. I'll post as soon as I get the Internet back!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
After very long heated discussions with my internet provider, I finally got them to fix my connection problems!

I hate how their response to "I have problems with my internet connection" is "If you have problems with your internet connection, please visit us online at..." I can't freaking visit you online because I don't have an "online" Why can't you understand that?!

Rant over.
Hey guys!

So I am completely aware that this RP has slowed down a bit.

I apologize for my absence, but Finals came up and I've been pulling all nighters all week.

If you don't count the awesome 5 hour nap I just took, I probably had about 4 hours of sleep this entire week total.

Anywho, enough about me.

Effer and I will be getting together and writing our next posts in order to give this RP a boost.

Just a few things

  • If there are people who still need to reply and you are waiting on them, please tag them so they are aware of this.
  • If you're still in the torture of finals and need a small break, please let Effer or me know.
  • If you're going to be out for any reason, please let Effer or me know.
  • If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to boost this RP, send Effer and me a PM
  • Lastly, If you're still alive and willing to do this RP please like this post. (I don't want Effer and I to send time working on a boosting post if everyone is gone already.)

Our goal is to pick the pace of this RP back up and continue on our Hogwarts experience.

Please help us help you by improving communication and creating a plan for this RP to come back.

Thank you guys!

Have a good day/night.
@RubyRose @CloudyBlueDay @kira blackthorn @Archangel @Akeira @Macaberz @Valorie @Effervescent

I believe that is all our players...If I missed someone please tag them =)

Hey guys!

It's been a while! I'm just going to cut straight to the case.

Effer and I worked really hard on this RP to just see it fade away.

We're willing to bring it back from the ashes like Fawkes, but only if you all are willing to help us out and continue.

In a moment we will be sending a small snippets of what's to come in the future of the RP through the RP PM.

Hopefully that's enough to get most of us back on the tracks and excited about this.

If you're willing to put some time and work into this then thank you!

If not, then please let us know we will no longer be counting on you guys.

If you want to be part of this but have issues, Let us know and we'll help you guys figure something out =)

Lets draw a line in the sand and move on from here. What ever happened back then doesn't matter. All that matters is getting this RP back on its feet!
I have not seen many RPs that pull a succesful revival. However, if one is going to pull it, this one is. I will readily admit I quite simply forgot about this RP. I am horrible...

In any case, I will do what I can to help move things forward. In other words: I need to work on a reply :)

It would be such a waste to let this slide. I am sure you and Effer will be doing a splendid job at GMing.

*flicks wand and revives the RP*
I love the idea of reviving this role-play! Since I was one of the last people to reply, I'll be waiting a little bit, but I'm excited to write with all of you again.
Alright, it isn't much but I've squeezed out a post. I thought it more important to get things moving again than to write a novel. Apologies if it is a bit lacking, I'll try to write something more worthwhile next time :)

Luckily writing this did help me get back into the swing of this RP. I hope the revival will be successful!
Hey guys!

Thank you @Macaberz for posting and caring about this RP!

The reason I haven't posted is because @Effervescent is no where to be found D=

I'm worried!

Plus i just got a 9-5 job and have to pick up my brother from swim classes

I should be back by 8 so I'll write a post then =)

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