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Fandom Lumos Maxima - OOC

Valorie said:
Same, I'm still working and won't until later at night. But, I'll post as soon as I get home!
That's fine! Like a said to archangel, Take your time.

I rather have a quality post than throwing something out there for the sake of posting
Or using the post completer xD XD

Good grief the staff had me going there until my friend reminded me that today was April Fool's. Guess I'm a fool xD

I really hope it's a joke >.>

Because if it's not then what's the point of roleplaying if you can just have a thing fill out your post for you?
I can see it being useful in those RPs that you joined hoping for a good story, but you end up hating halfway through, but yeah...That would take away from the point of RPing.

If this is real we're already falling into the world from Wall-e

(' :) ) That's scary accurate.

I am honestly going to be so mad at the sight if this becomes an actual thing though... because the whole point of roleplaying is to write out the post. If you're not going to participate, don't freakin' join xD XD
For reals!

If you're not going to have the time to dedicate yourself to writing a post then don't join in the first place...Yeah sure people can argue that they just don't have time and they have real life stuff going on, but that just means you have to excuse yourself from the RP for a bit, handle what you need to handle and then jump back in when you're ready. Idk...I love the way technology is advancing, but when you start replacing people with robots that's were I draw the line.
I agree with you guys completely. Having the Post Completer would take away the joy I feel when roleplaying and the satisfaction after finishing a post. A majority of the people I've written with have been understanding in terms of my busy schedule, so they don't mind waiting a bit longer, if they're going to receive something worthwhile. I think the same with people I write with because I usually really enjoy the stories.

I can see what you mean about falling into the dystopian world from Wall-E. Computers and technology are great, but they should only be allowed to do so much. This is a bit off topic, but for example, but people rely on calculators far too much to do simple math. I remember being taught the multiplication tables in third grade and haven't forgotten them, whereas I know plenty of people who rely on a machine to multiple 5 x 7 [a random example] for them.
Oh man... Ok, so I'm tutoring this guy to get his GED and every single time we run across multiplication or simple division he asks if he can use a calculator.

Of course I say no and he whines and asks 'why? His phone has a calculator so he'll never be without one so he should be allowed to use it.'

And it's just... when did people become so lazy that remembering the basics became too difficult.

The other day in my college class one of my classmates said 'I wish paper had spellchecker' and I swear I wanted to tell that guy off. Instead I just shook my head in shame and shared a glance with my best friend... because if you're so lazy that you can't remember proper spelling then you are just... a disappointment.

And honestly, I know a girl who has trouble with spelling and she's my age (21) and... I can understand when it's a learning disability. But that other guy was just being a lazy butt.

This is... it is becoming the Wall-E universe... robots are slowly taking over our jobs. (There is a reason I don't use self-check out... though I see it's uses for people with social anxiety).

It just seems like no one wants to do anything but play video games or watch TV nowadays... and it's rather concerning because it seems like we get lazier and in a lot of cases dumber by the generation. Very, very worrisome..
I knew you were just using it as an example, but I wouldn't be anywhere without my calculator.

I know how to do simple math and everything, but once decimals and more complicated stuff comes into play, I either need to write it down or use a calculator. Although I did survive Calculus 1 and 2 without a calculator!


RubyRose said:
'I wish paper had spellchecker'
I'm actually going to have to agree with this person. I'm the worlds worst speller and if it weren't for spellchecker I don't know where I'd be right now =P

Even with spellchecker I still misspell stuff xD
Of course I can definitely understand someone with a learning disability, such as dyslexia. I agree @NessieAlways that doing decimals, logarithms, natural logarithms, etc. can be extremely difficult without a calculator. In fact, my university requires that you must complete the Calculus Series [Calculus 1, 2, and 3] without the use of a calculator. I'm currently in Calculus 2 and will be taking the last one next semester. As much of a disadvantage it is, it's also kind of helpful because professors really can't make the problems extremely tough, given that your brain cannot muster how to do difficult calculations. I often write down a lot of steps to make sure I don't forget anything and also convey to my grader that I understand the topic.

As far as self-check out, I tend to use it only when I'm in a hurry and only have a few items at the grocery store. Plus, I find it kind of neat, haha. At the same time, I do enjoy taking the time to have a brief conversation with the cashier (friendly ones, of course). As far spellchecker, I try my best to spell things as well as possible and correct my grammar. Afterwards, I use spellchecker just to clean anything up, because I probably overlooked something and know my grammar isn't anywhere close to perfect.

----- The fact that I had to edit this post is living proof that I need to look things over multiple times before I send them.
(>:<) *sighs*

Everyone has a right to their own opinion.

But I stand strongly by that paper should not have spell checker...
Yeah I took Engineering Analysis last semester (It's basically taking Cal 2 and using it in real life situations and models.) and the professor didn't allow calculators. Although I feel like I didn't really needed it after the first few weeks. Now with stats...I can't be found without my calculator! adding more than ten numbers, squaring them, dividing by percents, square-roots...yeah nope not gonna happen unless someone give me about an hour or so.

It's sad, but I am highly dependent on technology. Although in a way that's what it's there for to make life easier. When technology starts living life for you...then that's when things get messy.
Engineering Analysis sounds like an interesting class. May I ask what you're majoring in? My roommate took statistics last semester, and she always seemed to be using her calculator for the different things she had to do. I don't understand it all, considering I never took that course.

I hate to admit it too, but I'm very reliant on my cellphone and my computer, especially for organization. I keep my calendar up to date, which is synced to my computer, phone, and iCloud account. In addition, I make sure to keep a continuous list of things to do in Notes, since I've have one of those devices on me at all times. Though I'm very reliant on this technology, it really helps me, considering I can be very forgetful. Even when I was younger, I had to make sure I wrote down all my homework in my planner, or else I'd forgot minutes after the homework was assigned.

@RubyRose The terrible thing about spell check is that it's really not that smart. I can see things from your point of view. In reviewing my papers, I've noticed multiple times that a word has been misplaced or misused, yet spell check says everything is just dandy and fine.
Akeira said:
Engineering Analysis sounds like an interesting class. May I ask what you're majoring in?
I was originally doing Biomedical Engineering, but my advisors messed up my curriculum by giving me different and wrong information, so I might have to switch to Mechanical Engineering or something else.
NessieAlways said:
I was originally doing Biomedical Engineering, but my advisors messed up my curriculum by giving me different and wrong information, so I might have to switch to Mechanical Engineering or something else.

I am studying environmental engineering where I am. That sounds particularly difficult, especially considering the different requirements for each branch of engineering. I hope everything works out well for you!
Akeira said:

I am studying environmental engineering where I am. That sounds particularly difficult, especially considering the different requirements for each branch of engineering. I hope everything works out well for you!
Yeah... well my new advisor...the one who actually knows what she's doing and not some recent graduate trying to gain work experience, told me that if I do mechanical as a bachelor, I can then get into the graduate school and get a masters in Biomedical so that's probably what I'll end up doing. One of my professors from Biomedical Engineering is actually a mechanical engineer. He says that they're basically the same thing only that biomed is more biologically inclined and deals with health and all that good stuff.

It's complicated, but doable! I'm determined to have a degree in biomed even if it takes me twenty years! (I really hope it doesn't take me 20 years)

And one of my friends is doing Environmental Engineering! It seems pretty fun =3
I am so sorry my post is so late ;A; I couldn't keep my eyes open last night and my schedule's been all over the place recently, but it should be getting a bit better now, thankfully :3
I find it terribly tempting to keep calling Luka little mouse all the time, just to get on his nerves. Yes, I am evil like that. You're still in the safe-zone though as Ethan currently doesn't even know Luka exists!
Hey guys!

So I'm going to be out of town for the weekend and I'm not sure I'll be able to connect to wifi. I'll find my best to find a starbucks or Mc Donalds to keep up with this, but If not I'll be on taptalk.
Hey guys!

Just so you all know we haven't forgotten about this!

Effer and I are just writing our next posts and we'll have a post soon enough!

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