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Fandom Lumos Maxima - OOC

Just to make it clear these groups aren't binding.

Fell free to mingle with everyone during the RP. This is just so people won't be alone on the train and feel left out =)

Also I'm in class already. I'll be watching over this, but if you have any questions or comments be patient with me =)

Have a good day!

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By starting tomorrow afternoon, do you mean this afternoon (Monday) or Tuesday afternoon? Either way, my post may not be up until the evening. Monday is my busy day in terms of class, so hopefully my lab won't run too late tonight.
Monday afternoon

And that's fine, Effer won't be free until 3EST and I have a group project meeting tonight so we understand the busy schedule. Once we begin post when you have time. Real life comes first!

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So by the looks of it these are the train partners

Erin, Meghan and Jonas were a bit confusing do they have partners?

@RubyRose @CloudyBlueDay
No Macaberz, not kill anyone.

Erin'll probly follow Jonas randomly at first but like Nessie said, everyone is still fair game. Still though... Erin'll follow Jonas

Gail will definitely respond to Meghan randomly sticking her head into their department. She'll be free to join that.

It'll only be for a split second that Meghan will poke her head in, so Gail's gotta be fast! [emoji14] but otherwise, sounds good to me.
I'm not out of touch with the darkside, It's just not the only side I'm in touch with xD And it's not the dominant side xD

Hey guys! Here are the updates for the night!

  • First post might be up in a few! Be ready for that!
  • If you haven't gotten paired up with someone for the Train make sure to let Effer or me know so we can pair you up.
  • Effer, being an amazing person, got a schedule up for the classes. Schedule can be found in the Mechanics section, so take a look at that.
  • Lastly, if you guys hadn't noticed, there's a new Tab! In there you can find the counters for the house points. Since we predicted 100 points would be reached easily, we're going to work on a 1000 scale. (Ex. 10 House point = 1 progress point) Guide to winning and losing points can be found under Rules. If you have any questions feel free to PM Effer and me.

I believe that is all for now.

Have a good night!
Oof. I hope to get a post up before I go to sleep tonight, because tomorrow I'll be on a 14 hour flight and then some. X.x
The schedule is brilliant! It's definitely really helpful with planning where characters are at certain points during the day.
I like how Gryffindor and Slytherin have potions together. That ought to go well xD .

Also, is my iPad just being weird or are the pictures on the Neutral Characters page mixed up? I have the picture of the headmaster next to the description og the head girl!

My iPad does the same time every day. xD I always do a double take because it confuses me for a few minutes.
That's the Ipad...I just checked on my laptop and everything seems fine.

Lol Calvin and Jonne are casting a spell on you guys =P

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