• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Lumos Maxima - OOC


Hey guys here's the update of the day...

*First characters are due by the 11:59 (EST) on the 24th. (Exceptions may be granted. PM Effer and me for details)

*IMPORTANT! If you decide to make a second character, you will be granted an extra day to work on your second character!

Second characters will be accepted until 11:59 (EST) on the 25th. First Characters, however, must be done by the 24th. (No exceptions)

*The main villain of this RP has been completed although the villain will remain a mystery until timing is right.

*Professors are still out on Spring Break (Ergo not done yet)

*Lastly, we're still accepting people so feel free to tag anyone who might be interested.

Thank you guys! Have a lovely day.
CloudyBlueDay said:
@NessieAlways Oh yay, extra day! But I have a suggestion if you're looking for more people~ Have you tried using the Looking for Roleplayers List? :) You can send out a mass mail or ping them here or something. ^^
Oh I don't do player hunting. It's just a suggestion in case someone has an aquaitance that they like Rping with or someone who likes HP or stuff like that. I'd do that if we didn't have enough people to fill spots, but I think we're good on that =)

Thanks for the suggestion though =)
Effer and I discussed this before and here's what we concluded...

Effervescent said:
The writing example does help give [us] a feel as to how they would roleplay the character...instead give more of an emphasis on describing the character's personality for the second character
So in other words yes, but focus more on the characters personality

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@Effervescent @NessieAlways Just to be safe, I'll finish up my CS today. I don't know when exactly in my timezone the submissions will close, but I thought I'd let you know that it will be done within the next 24 hrs.
Hey guys!

Today is the day! Remember to have your characters in by midnight (EST).

If I'm correct it should be 1:47 PM (EST) right now. (If it isn't someone please correct me I'm using Google) so you have about 10 hours.

People with a second character remember you have an extra day for the second Character ONLY.

If you have any questions or need some extra time PM Effer and Me and we'll work something out!

Have a great day!

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Aaaand done. That took far longer than I thought it would. Not the best, but still a better love story than Twi-

Never mind.
Hey guys!

So it's around 10:40 pm EST

You have an hour and 20 mins to complete your first characters.

Second characters still have one more day to go.
30 min!!

My internet is down at the moment, so I don't know when I'll be able to get my second character up but he's done and ready to be posted. All I need is Internet =P

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Second Character completed and Posted ^.^

I may do some editing though... again... took around 3 hours. Goooooodness. I'm rather fond of Erin, though ^.^ She and Gail are probably some of the best characters I've made in a long time.
Oof gosh I'm so close to finishing my own second character X_X Definitely one of the toughest CS's I've ever worked on for sure.
Hardest but when you're done the characters are amazing... and you are connected to them... and just... ush, I'm almost sad that I have finished. Suppose I'll make sure everything is looking great, though...

Having fun with the character anyway, @CloudyBlueDay ?
Way to go @CloudyBlueDay

It's... really sad that Jonas and his father can't connect :( It makes me want to hug him to pieces.

I'm also kind of amused because the characters we just made had very opposite lives, though circumstances were rather similar xD
Yeah. :c But Meghan has had a pretty cool life thus far.. I was like, let's make my next character have a terrible life! Woo!

Haha yeah O.o ;
You know, I never attempt to make opposing opposites in characters because the world isn't black and white. But I also looked at how I made Gail's life and was like 'how can I make this different' so I understand where you were coming from xD

Where as Gail was stuck in one place, I wanted Erin to be able to travel. And where as Gail had a lot of troublesome family, I realized Erin would not... in fact her family would be very limited. And then Erin wrote herself with just those two little pieces of difference and the thought of a cute tomboy xD
Oh, I wasn't attempting to to make them exact opposites! I just wanted something rather different between the two. :) I love the differences between your characters :D
I experienced a moment of panic because RPN locked me out of replying to this thread, even though I haven't gotten around to it yet. It turns out the issue was simply that my email address needed to be updated because of a problem with my other one. Anyway, I'm really loving the characters that everyone has put up. They are all very interesting to read about!

Oh, and I've never really heard of Lab Rats before I looked it up earlier today. None of my younger cousins seem to watch that show. I didn't know their last names were Davenport. xD

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