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Fandom Lumos Maxima - OOC

RubyRose said:
Has that how it's always been for you?
I could just imagine walking up to my grandparents/parents and calling them by their name. Oh goodness... the looks they would give me xD
Yep. My parents didn't call each other mom or dad in front of me when I was born so I didn't either. Lol.
Most of my families nick names are in Spanish but, I used to call my maternal grandparents "Tito and Tita Lengue Lengue" it used to be their main word when they did baby talk instead of a high pitch "Aww who's a cute baby" they say "Lenguele lengue" it's weird never new the meaning behind the words.

My paternal grandparents I wasn't so creative. Just "Tito and Tita" they'd get mad if I called them "abuelo or abuela" they'd say it made them feel old =P

Now my parents... I call my dad "chichinchle". In Spanish there a word "achichincle" it means partner in crime. Once when I tried calling him that I messed up calling him "chichinchle" and it stuck.

I call my mom "mi musquiz" Musquiz is a city in Mexico and I thought it sounded cute.

I call my little brother "Little One" also that one's more self explanitory =P
NessieAlways said:
Sadly no.
If we had All four houses there'd be at least one person alone in a house.
And that would be sad.

Honestly, I think it was a smart move! I just wanted to make sure that's what was going on.

Are we going with the characters in the roleplay are the only first years or are there NPC 1st years?
RubyRose said:
And that would be sad.
Honestly, I think it was a smart move! I just wanted to make sure that's what was going on.

Are we going with the characters in the roleplay are the only first years or are there NPC 1st years?
I'll double check with Effie on this, but I believe there will be other NPCs.
And the NPCs shall be named Bompas and Bommas, right?

@RubyRose for a second there I thought you were Belgian because it's commonplace for Belgians to call their grandfather bompa and their grandmother bomma.

Anyway, I'll get back to mischief making now :P Looks like Slytherin is stashed with trouble-makers.
Trouble-makers are the best. xD I'll be busy over the next couple days, so I'm hoping to get a reply up sometime next weekend.

Unfortunately, we didn't really have creative names for my grandparents besides Grandpa and Granddad. I did call my next door neighbors Nana and Pop-Pop growing up, since they used to take care of me, when my parents weren't home. I do have some interesting names for uncles though.
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Hmm...I am a little stuck on what to write, so I am going to put it off until tomorrow. Sorry! Thought I'd let you guys know, in case someone is waiting on me to post...
I am still struggling with this. I can barely make the 3 paragraph minimum and whatever I write feels like useless filler...it's probably just me, but I am little stuck. I don't do this often: but does anyone have any suggestions? I want to make a post, but I can't seem to figure out what to write about. I can have Ethan respond to Gail and the other new Slytherins...but that feels a little bit useless...

Dunno. I am sorry if people are waiting on me. I am trying to get something up though.
Macaberz said:
I am still struggling with this. I can barely make the 3 paragraph minimum and whatever I write feels like useless filler...it's probably just me, but I am little stuck. I don't do this often: but does anyone have any suggestions? I want to make a post, but I can't seem to figure out what to write about. I can have Ethan respond to Gail and the other new Slytherins...but that feels a little bit useless...
Dunno. I am sorry if people are waiting on me. I am trying to get something up though.
Well Ethan's friend from the US just got placed in the same house as him as well as the girl he talked to in the stairs. He could congratulate them or express his annoyance or however Ethan reacts.

He could also react to others being sorted to other houses. Like Meghan got into Gryffindor. He could be proud annoyed, indifferent. He could be like "I knew it!" Or "go figure."

There's also Jonas there who hasn't met Ethan so there's the opportunity to meet someone there.

Or he can just express how he feels about being sorted into the house.

This is where character development takes place. We'd like for you all to get to know your characters and the people around them so when the time comes for the big plot reveal, you'll be familiar enough with them to really milk the plot.
NessieAlways said:
Hi guys!
Will anyone else be posting character interactions?

I'm cool with moving ahead for the sake of time. My character interactions post still needed some heavy work.
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Akeira said:

I'm cool with moving ahead for the sake of time. My character interactions post still needed some heavy work.
I suppose I agree :) If it gets people posting. It will get people posting, right?
Hey guys! The new post is ready. Just need to revise it and It should be dandy then!

Still struggling with finals so it might be up later in the week.
RubyRose said:
I thought technology didn't work inside of hogwarts?
Well Professir Broadus has made several changes so that the magic world is a bit more connected to the muggle world. They aren't big changes and I'd bet the lotto that non of the professors can properly operate a computer, but it's several years into the future so technology has become part of the school. It's very restricted though since the professors are still figuring things out
RubyRose said:
Thank you for explaining <3
It'll be interesting to see how you incorporate that
Haha it'll be more a side thing probably, and just a bit of comedy with students trying to figure out the passcode and professors catching them with electronics in class.

Just a little extra to make the roleplay a tad more enjoyable!

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