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Love that's forbidden


Ten Thousand Club
Isabella walked around the city of Chicago, Illinos like she always did during her morning runs. It helped her calm down before going back to the office where she stared at paper and "red inked it" all day long. She had a passion for it however, and today she was meeting a new author her company recommended her too. She has to make sure she dresses nice and honestly it will be a wonderful experience.

Upon finishing her run, she got dressed in black lace dress and wedges with her hair down but curled. She threw on her glasses and went to the cafe where the author agreed to meet her at. She wondered what he would be like. She honestly wasn't all that nervous for this, considering she's worked with many authors before this one. She was experienced enough.


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Nick on the other hand was quite nervous to meet this potentail new editor. He still thought this author dream of his was isane, it was a total long shot and he never really thought he would come this far with it. While he knew he was good at writing he was self conscious of other people's thoughts and opted to keep his works to himself mostly. Walking into the cafe he was there first so he took the corner booth and ordered a simple water while he waited for the editor to make her appearance though he didn't know who he was exactly looking for

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When Isabella arrived, she walked in and looked around, looking for the author, though she didn't know who she was looking for exactly. When she noticed a man in a corner booth however, she walked over and smiled. "Nicolas?" She asked him and smiled as he looked at her. "Isabella McClain. I'm the editor the company I work for recommended to you." She said with a smiled and held out her hand to greet him. She wasn't all that bad looking but she saw the ring. The wedding ring.

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When the young woman approached him he smiled and nodded when she called him by name. Shaking her hand in greeting and waited for her to sit before he spoke. "It's nice to meet you, I'm glad you came."

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"It's my pleasure." Isabella said with a soft smile as she ordered a simple water. "So, I should get to know you." She said and then smiled once more. "What kind of books do you write?" She asked him with complete curiosity.

(So who's married again?)

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([emoji23][emoji23]I was about to ask the same, who do you think it should be?)

Nick blinked how quickly she jumped into questions but he expected it. He knew it was her job but it meant something to him she was at least trying to care about his hobby he was trying to turn into a career. "Mystery thrillers," he has a thing for them, they were intriguing to write and he always had fun trying to piece them together.

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([emoji23][emoji23]I think maybe Nick.)

Isabella giggled softly and smiled. "Those are always fun to read. I am more of a horror kind of girl." She admitted with yet another smiled and then looked at her hands. She didn't know what else to ask because the first meeting was always so awkward. "How long have you been writing?" She asked him with a soft smile. She kept her question dealing with buisiness and not personal. She had a reason.

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(It works. [emoji108])

"Honest answer, I can't remember, I was young. Maybe eight." Ever since he knew what words were and how you could use them he had a fascination for them but that was something he always kept to himself. It wasn't very professional of s career and his wife never really approved of it though she was supporting him through this be knew she hoped he would let it go, it was just a silly dream and she was the one with their income, his wife was a professional chef and had a respectable reputation he understood.

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(Alright. [emoji108])

Isabella nodded with interest and smiled. "I see. I feel in love with english lit, but let's not talk about me." She told him and then pulled out a small notepad to take notes on. "So Nicolas, do you have a published book I can go and cheek out?" She asked him as she wrote small thing on the notepad, the sun coming through the window and casting a soft glow on her.

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"I'm afraid not Ms McClain,"He says with a somewhat defeated sigh. He had been rejected by so many due to it being his first attempt honestly if she were to do the same it would be another chip off the old black. "I've been trying for awhile, nothing yet." All he could think about right now was his wife and his annoyed she would be when he came home with another rejection to add to the stack. Would it less to another fight?

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Isabella looked over at Nick and became confused. She could tell many have rejected him before and well she saw a spark many may not have seen. She wanted to help him, but she wanted to get to know him more before she committed to being his editor. "I see." She said as she continued to write on her notepad. "Where do you tend to find your inspiration?" She asked him. She hated asking business questions but it was important the editor only knew the author on a business basis.

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Nick felt ashamed with himself he didn't really have an answer for that question, most of the time it just came to mind and he wrote it. "Life experiences I guess you could say, nothing too fascinating." He admits, he was last the point of trying to make good impressions after he had been through this process so many times before.

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Isabella continued to jot down notes but when she saw the face on Nick, she sighed and decided to quit the business for now. "So I see you're married. What's her name?" She asked him, trying to brighten his spirits a little more. She hated going personal because she never liked to get attached more then she needed to.

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"Amber." He says with a slight smile. Despite their difficulties right now he did love his wife and he felt bad for putting he through so much just so he could have this one thing. May the mention of her he talked his hand with his wedding band against the table.

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"That's a lovely name. She's a lucky girl." Isabella said as she smiled and took a sip of her water they had brought her. "How old are you Nicolas? I'm sorry. You must be annoyed with my one million questions." Isabella said with a slight giggle. Her hand covering her mouth as she giggled and her eyes closing. When she opened them again however, she met his eyes and smiled softly.

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When they're eyes met his gaze softened. "I understand, it's your job." He says with a light laugh, I'm 24, and I would consider myself the lucky one out of us two." He adds before he took a sip of his own water.

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"That's cute." Isabella said as she laughed softly and then looked back down at her notepad. "Okay so your favorite color?" She asked just to lighten the mood. "This is the most important question." She said and laughed softly yet again. She always loved to lighten things up with a little fun here and there. She was always so happy.

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"Oh gosh, I don't want to mess this one up." He says with a laugh tapping his chin to ill ostracize his thinking. Pulling his hand away from his chin he finally answered."Cyan, hoe about you?"

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Isabella smiled softly at his choice but she had to admit, he was a first not to say blue. "Lavender." She told him softly then smiled. "It's not the same as lilac. Lilac is darker." She explained with a soft laugh and then continued to write in her note pad. She didn't even know what she was writing anymore.

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"I'm quite aware, it's a nice color," He says as he watch her jot things down. Turning to his water again he took another sip.
Isabella laughed softly as she looked at her notepad and the. But the end of her pen. She didn't know what to ask anymore so she decided to go personal again. "Where did you and Amber meet?" She asked him with a soft smile.

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Nick didn't mind her personal questions but no one else bothered to ask before. "It's really a bad cliche actually, we met in college, she was in a sorority and i was a frat boy," he says with an embarrassed laugh.
Isabella laughed softly as she ahed and then smiled. "That's always cute. So you were a frat boy. I bet Ambers really pretty." She said as she began to write again. It was in her nature but if he looked at her notepad, she wasn't writing all the information. She was writing a poem. A poem about the author sitting in front of her.

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"Ehhh, she's okay." He says teasingly with another laugh. Finishing his water he looked at his watch and quickly jumped up. "I'm sorry I have to go." He says, his wife was catering an event tonight and requested he be there. He never did really like these events but he agreed.
Isabella blinked at the sudden movement and she looked up at him. "Oh okay. Well here." She said as she gave him a contract and her card. "Give me a call and Id be glad to be your editor." She told him with a bright smile and then stood up to grab her notepad and purse then told him bye. She wasn't expecting him to be the way he was but she found it cute and she knew him and his wife would be cute as well.

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