Lost in Paradise

Dustin rolled his eyes "And how do you expect me to do that genius? I can only shadow-port non-living things."
"Really I didnt know that" takes another sip from the coconut "Fine i can help some of them up maybe...I dont know.
Dustin rolls his eyes "My guess is that Jace and I will kick your sorry ass ((Cussing is allowed right? If not replace that with butt)) if you even come near us. So yeah, nice life." Dustin shadow ports back to the camp by the others.
Jace had been looking up at the whole ordeal. When Dustin came back he asked "What was that about?"

Carly grabbed something that looked like fruit. "Is this ok?" She asked Faith.
Laughs "I wonder if they would be able to do it and my but doesn't feel sorry its actually quite comfortable. All well" talks to self takes another sip "So lets see out of their group only ability ive seen is the shadow man so hide so ill travel in the tree down into the root or i could let him come kill me" laughs
Dustin shrugged "Some kid. Freaky plant powers. Thinks he's god. On this island though.." Dustin trailed off as he looked around at the thick vegetation around them "He's probably as close to god as anyone can be. At least during the day, at night though, I'm gonna go screw with him."
"Well..." He picked up the pile of wood in front of him and made float to the tree. "That. My sister can do the same thing."
Dustin smiled and took out his small pocket knife "So you could like make this fly around and make it super deadly?" He asked
"Hmm i could make all the plants die except for my tree or i could help them. Ill do it if they ask for it." gets out his violin and as he plays branches grow out of the tree in a stair like pattern once it reaches the bottom he puts it away and starts to walk down
"Well...yeah, but...only if I had to." Jace mulled the idea over in his mind. "Are you planning on killing the freaky plant power...god...guy...?" Yeah....that sounded right.
Dustin frowned "No, and if I was I wouldn't need your help. and the freaky plant power god guy told me his name was Batman." Dustin smiled "But no, I'm not planning on killing him. But wouldn't it be a nice wake-up call if you woke up to find a knife hovering about 3 inches from your face?" Dustin pauses and continues "Can you make yourself fly by telekinesis?"
Walks till he reaches the bottom and waits for a blast of air once it hits he turns into leaves and lets the wind take him over to the little set up
"Never tried. It's...like a muscle. I don't know if it's strong enough yet and if I try to hard or push myself too far, I get dizzy and m nose starts bleeding." Jace thought about the idea. "But I figure that being here, I'll have plenty of time to practice."
Dustin smiled "Sweet, see my power is like solar charged. During night I feel like I could do anything and during day I feel half as strong. Reverse solar charging? I just confused myself" He laughs "Try to get me some more wood up in the tree, that way I can stop porting around, I'm getting really tired." Dustin ports up to the tree one last time and starts crafting a floor out of the wood and his pocket knife.
As the leafs reach the set up they come back together to form him "So im here now." cocks head to the side and smiles "Kill me"
"Sure thing." Jace picked up as much wood as he could and began to hoist it up into the tree. "Would a ladder be a good idea?" He yelled up. He hadn't thought about getting up there, he thought.
Dustin threw down a rope ladder "Oh yeah, that would be nice wouldn't it?" He yelled down as he secured the ladder to some sturdy branches. "Don't push me BatMan. I might do just that" He yells down to the annoying kid.
Lily rolls her eyes and keeps cathering rocks when she has a pile she secured a rope to her bad and says "Ya think we should have a pulley? to get things up?"
"Did you know some people believe that all plants are connected.Hm does that mean i could hear everything you were saying?" smiles "nah theres no way i could do that and i couldn't build a three story house by myself either."
Dustin nodded "Yeah sure, you wanna work on that? I'll find a place to connect it up here. I'm not that good with mechanics and stuff"
Halfway up the ladder, Jace stopped and looked back down at Lily. "I'm a pulley!" He smiled stupidly. "Well, in a way. But it's not a bad idea." He continued up the ladder.
She rolled her eyes and said "And after hunting, you will bring dead animals up? yeah, no. here" she threw the vine she was holding up "just find a place to loop it threw."

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