Lost in Paradise

Emerald frowned, "its not about the boat or the bodies. Its just me. Don't worry about it." Emerald wasn't so sure she wanted people to know she was more like mr. Fantastic from the fantastic four then a ninja.flexible? More like freaky.
Jace nodded, but still wondered. What is she hiding?...he thought to himself. He stopped when the opening in the trees to get to the beach came up and looked around. Looking closely at the ground, he saw what seemed to be almost a footpath deeper into the woods, almost like someone was frequently using it. "Has anyone been using this?" He pointed to it.

Carly smiled. "That's sweet." She thought for a second then looked back at Lily. "Can you talk to him?"
Lily thought about it "I supose, If i really tried, I could send an Illusion message, but it would take days and I would have to be awake the whole time. In the dream, maybey."
Faith looked around a second, "ok now that we are here, we should collect as much fruit as we can." She instructed. She herslef decided to investigate the tree she had seen a shining object in earlier.
Dustin and Kane both shook their heads "I haven't been farther away then camp." Kane said and Dustin shrugged "nah, and I wouldn't make footprints like that. I more like levitate in shadows like these."
Emerald wasn't afraid. Whatever made thos prints would have to go through before she would let it hurt anyone.
Jace thought about it for a moment. "Should follow it? It could lead us to...people? Some sort of civiliazation? The tracks look human..." Truth was, he didn't really know what to make of them.

Carly nodded. "I don't know if that would help us get off the island...but we could try?"
Faith slowly clambed up the tree. She reached a sturdy branch and pushed the heavily leaved braches to reveal the source of the shine. There was a rusty plane stuck in the branches of the sturdy tree."holy mother of- everyone come of here!" She screamed
Jace walked up behind Faith and took a look. His eyes grew wide. "The hell?" This made everything so much more...interesting.
(Faith is up in a tree)

Faith looked around the branches, and spotted one branch near th front of the plane. "Jace, Carly, use your telekinesis to move this branch about 3 inches right, everyone else back off." Faith moved to a branch far away from the plane. "If we get it out of the tree we can search it"

Emerald backed off warily, she hoped Faith would be safe

(Faith is up in a tree)

Faith looked around the branches, and spotted one branch near th front of the plane. "Jace, Carly, use your telekinesis to move this branch about 3 inches right, everyone else back off." Faith moved to a branch far away from the plane. "If we get it out of the tree we can search it"

Emerald backed off warily, she hoped Faith would be safe

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