Lost in Paradise

Kane smiled and sat down, playing with the little bone some more. He made it grow, made it shrink. Even made it into a sword at one point then he shrunk it back to size and made it do a little dance on the floor. Damn this is boring he thought whilst whistling a little tune and having the bone float in midair.
Jace cast one more look over at Kane before taking a deep breath. "Yeah...yeah, I guess so." He looked back to Lily. "Thanks."
Jace smiled. "It's fine. It was probably about time I did. I've been wanting to ask Dustin something, anyway. Any idea where he is?" He asked, looking around. It didn't seem like he'd come back at all.
Dustin smiled and took a step away from Emerald "Lets go back to camp. I'm hungry." Dustin took Emeralds hand and led her back to camp.

Kane yelled over to Jace "Dusty's coming back, he'll be here soon."
Jace thought for a second before hearing what Kane said. "Awesome." He looked back at Lily. "I'm going to try and see what else is on tis island. I'll take Dustin with me, maybe Kane; but I think it's best if you girls stay near the camp."
Dustin emerged into the camp as Jace finishes speaking "I heard my name, whats up?" he asks, going to stand by Jace and kicking Kane lightly on the arm as he walks by "Get up you lazy ass."

Kane rubs his arm as he stands up "Jeezus man, chill out. I was getting there." He also walks over to Jace.
Carly stood. "Don't think like that! You will find him, and if I have to help you, I will."

Jace looked at Dustin and Kane. "Ok, since we are the only 3 guys here right now, i should go out and...exploding, for lack of a better word. See if we find anywhere useful or any life saving items that will make life here easier."
Emerald felt a bit awkward, she had spent so much time with Dustin she hadnt helped in the survival efforts. "i suppose we could try building some sort off boat to get off the island?"

((i thought it might be cool if we take time to build a boat and have everyone go struggle on the open sea? for a change pace. what does everyone think?))
nope." she smiles, "you never know what you could find exploring." she pushes past some leaves into a clearing. "we might find stuff to build a boat with!" she stops, the clearing is full of flowers and is surrounded by a variety of fruiot trees. the sun creates a gentle light around them,
Mark finds himself shielding his eyes as he looked out into the clearing. "You dont want to wait until someone finds us" he asked
((im on vacation for a week, may or may not be able to post. putting my characters in good spots just in case i cant post.....))

Faith decided to investigat the tree later, "im going to gather food from the trees around us" she said to Mark.

Emerald looked around, "im going to look for stuff to build a boat" she said to Dustin before disapearing into the jungle.

((so, until my next post they are both off gathering stuff.))
Kane shrugged "its cool with me as long as you don't stick a knife in my face as soon as we're away from camp"

Dustin smirked "If he doesn't I will"
Jace chuckled, but not very sincerely. He did have a pocket knife on him...but he doubted that he would use it for anything like that. "So, when do you want to head out? I was thinking that an early start would be good since the sun wouldn't be high overhead yet."
Lily nodded at jace and then said to perticually no one "I wish we had some form of communication,, so we'd know if they were hurt"
Faith walks up to Mark with her arms full of food. "Look at all this" she smiles.

Emerald comes out and looks at the group, "I realized it wasn't safe to go alone. Your organizing an exploration party right?"m
Dustin smiled at Lily "I'll send word if you need us to. I can use shadows to make like a patronus from Harry Potter." then he turned to Jace "The early bird get the worm I guess where should we go first?"

Kane plays with his bone some more "Lets get going. I'm bored."
Jace nodded. "Alrighty then! Just bring a few things like...snacks, tools, anything you can think of and we will be on our way!"

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