Lost in Paradise

"why did we have to meet under such circumstances?" she sighed she started to get up. "lets go for a walk."
((Wait, was that post that you posted right under mine meant for Dusty or Mark? I'm assuming Dusty but just making sure [MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] ))
((Dustin got kissed and pushed into the water. that was the last post i made to you.))

Faith looked around. "lets get off the beach. the sun is brutal. plus i want to look for fruit so lets walk in the forest."
Dustin sputtered and stood up out of the water. "So not fair!" He grabbed Emeralds leg and grabbed her, he held her and then threw her into the water. "Now we're even." He said, laughing.
"hey! no we're not! you already pushed me in yesterday!" emerald smiled. "besides payback, what i said before was 100% true." she blushed a bit.
Jace shook his hand. "I'm Jace...Carly, did you say something?"

Carly looked at her brother, still confused. "Uh...I thought something..." What are you up to now, Jace? she thought.

Jace pointed at Carly, eyes wide with amazement. "There!! Just now! Just like I thought." He smiled, half laughing.
Kane arched an eyebrow "Ohhhkkkaaayyyy. That's not totally weird at all. Anyway nice to meet you Jace. What're you here on this lovely island for? Teleportation? Mind reading? Telekenisis? Blowing stuff up with your mind?"

Dustin smiled as he dragged Emerald closer to him "But you ruined my hair, trust me, now we're even." He said, smiling and kissing Emerald on the cheek.
Emerald blushed again. "fine. but i dont really care what your hair looks like." she smirked. " because i cant see it when i do this...." she kissed him gently.
((By the way I'm on a week long vacay and idk how often ill be able to post.))

Jace was still enamored by the fact this was happening, Kane's question flew right over his head. "Carly...I can hear your thoughts!"

Carly looked at him, eyes wide. "What?!" He was joking...right? The island must have made him crazy...
"Alright, Jace. If you can read my thoughts, what am I thinking now?" Carly looked at him, arms crossed and an expectant look on her face.

Jace looked at her for a second. His eyes narrowed, then his eyes grew wide. "You're thinking of that time in the sixth grade when that Billy kid asked you out and you threw him against a wall." He smiled, satisfied with himself. "I remember trying to explain that to the principal."

Carly blinked. "Wow...uh, yeah that was it."
Carly shrugged. "The guy wouldn't step off...so...he ran into a wall." Jace shook his head. "And that's why we moved to the Academy."
Kane smiled and nudged Carly "You are so screwed if he can hear your thoughts." He smiled "Dean would sometimes do that, tell us what we're thinking. Just to psych us out you know? Just to get in our heads. It makes you go crazy after a while..." Kane kind of trailed off "You won't know whats real and what's in their head. Can't separate fact from fiction." Kane snapped back to reality and his blue eyes opened wide "Sorry. Kind of rambling there. But seriously, that's kind of creepy. Like, he's your twin. He will so beat up any guy who comes near you." Kane laughed as his hand moved closer to Carly's.

Dustin smiled into the kiss and held Emerald closer.
"somehow, im glad we got marooned here." Emerald smiled, "i got friend zoned by all the guys at my school since im such a tomboy."
Dustin arched an eyebrow "Of course, being marooned on an evil island is a good thing. and you seem like a tomboy but thats so cool. All the girls in my school were either popular pricks of psychopath killers. Trust me on the psychopath part" He shivers "They were weird dates. It was like "What do you like?" "Oh thats cool.... Wanna see my knife collection?"
"are knifes a problem?" she gave him a sarcastic look. "i use daggers for combat. coupled with my flexibility and cat like reflexes, that kinda makes me a ninja."
"nope. i dont have the body for that. besides, ninjas are cooler. they get throwing stars" Emerald chuckled
Jace eyed Kane's hand. "Take your own advice, kid." His face grew serious.

Carly rolled her eyes. "My god, Jace. Calm down! I can take care of myself; I'm not a child!" But you act like it, Jace's voice echoed in her head.
Lily turned to Jace, hands on her hip "Caalm down, you do that, if my brothers were here they would beat you up, leave them alone!"
Alex walked to the camp, her eyes red from crying, and sat down a little bit away from the others. She pulled her knees to her chest, trying not to cry again.
Jace pouted a little but regained his composure. "He's, like...12." He said to Lily. He started rambling on about maturity and other related things.Carly rested her chin on her hands, half-listening to Jace's argument when she saw Alex come back into camp...she looked like she'd been crying. Carly stood up and walked over. "Hey, you ok?"

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