Lost in Paradise

"Its pretty much the same thing with me" he said. "Girls used to take advantage of me so they figured I would be better off with all boys. Of course I was still picked on but I had my Older brothers and friends to protect me from anything" he confessed. "This is actually the first time kissing a girl other then my mom." he said blushing.
"my first kiss too." Faith blushed. "by the way, that face you made just now has got to be my favorite." she giggled.
"Well it would never had happened if I never met you" he said smiling a little unsure of what to do next.
"perhaps we should get up first" faith laughed, "we cant lay around here forever, as nice as it sounds."
"We can at least until someone comes and finds us" he said teasingly flipping on his back causing faith o lay down directly on him.
Faith giggled. " i guess so." her stomach growled. "but.....i might be a teensy bit hungry" she laughed.
"Well I'm getting hungry too if only there was something we could do to take our mind off of food" he said seriously leaning his head back thinking.
Lily looked at Jace peacefully sleeping and knew she couldn't get back to sleep, or wake him up. She sowly got out of the hammock and put the blanket over him. She decided to cook something with the fire, like a stew, the went over to where the food was and picked some veggies and some fruit
"so youre not always childish?" Faith smiled. "can we stand? or am i not allowed to hold you too?" she said, her hands lay gently on his his chest.
"Well im only doing this because im tired" he said smiling. "And who said I wasn't still being childish I have no idea what I'm doing right now" he said.
(( :3 Thanks. This looks fun...now how to start... ))

Jackie laid against a leaning palm tree near the water. She sighed and used her pocket knife to draw pictures in the sand, humming a soft tune as she listened to music on her Ipod.
Jace still sleeping.

Carly blinked as Kane walked away from camp. That was...sweet? Desperate? Weird? Blunt? She didn't really know what to say or do after that. She looked at her sleeping brother. You'd probably kill him, wouldn't you?, she thought to herself.
Lily had finished the cooking and put out the fire. She walked up to see Carly looking around, "Hey, want some beakfast?" she asked
Jackie stared off into the blue. Then got up with a huff; And at first, she simply kicked away the picture she'd drawn in the sand, then she angrily started jumping around. After her mini tantrum, she crossed her arms. "This SUCKS!" she narrowed her eyes and frowned. "Is there like, ANYBODY here?" My diary is SOAKED. She thought angrily as well. "Better go like, find crap..." she mumbled and picked up her soaked bag, tossing in her pocket knife and a pretty shell she found. Jackie started to walk off into a large palm forest...Still mumbling to herself.
"you should see this" Faith rolled off him, and giggled rolling over to her bag. she grabbed her notebook and her favorite pen and rolled back over and lay next to him. "ive been keeping track of lots of stuff. when we get found, we will have so many stories to tell!" her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm
"Yeah," Carly walked over to Lily and sat down by the fire. She still had a confused look on her face, but tried to hide it as best as she could.
Charlotte sighed, padding onto the beach and gazing out over the water. A small tear dripped out of her eye, rolling down her face and soaking into the white sand. She sighed, trying to convince herself she was going to be okay. But she felt alone and vulnerable. She didn't even know anyone on the island. And she probably never would.

She lashed her spotted tail and shape-shifted into a Leopard and stared at her large paws, trying not to think about her family back home.
Jackie came back out to the beach after half an hour of looking around. She then realized she just went in a complete circle. "AWE REALLY?!" she stomped out onto the sand and noticed a leopard. Jackie looked confused and looked back at the large jungle behind her. Do leopards usually come out onto the beach? She thought to herself. She backed away and then turned around, walking away slowly.
Charlotte heard a voice, and immediately looked up. She saw a girl, who seemed confused. She got up and followed her slowly, knowing she was probably going to alarm her. She sat down when she was right behind her and than blinked her glowing green eyes.

"Are you lost?" She asked softly, trying not to seem like a threat of any kind.

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