Lost in Paradise

"But....".He held his head back down and he couldn't look back at her.Shadow cawed with his companions sadness and flew to Damians shoulder who did not stop him.
Kane stared at Carly "I'm a Necromancer. I see dead people. I like dead people. Dead people are under my command. It's quite fun, you know. Besides from the fact that I'm also dead. Or undead. Whichever way you want to look at it." Kane smiles "But yeah, that's about it."

Dustin emerged from the forest "Yeah Em?"
((number one, yes Chaotic youre fine, number two, yes damien this is an island, which is in fact deserted minus the students that are stranded here. third, WHY U NO READ? i specifically said in my first post to read everything BEFORE you jump in. any further qustions, please go back and read my first post before asking, thank you.))

"there you are! lets go back to that water fall ok?" emerald suggested.
"Mark shifted in his sleep trying to ignore the sun as he swing over to his side and unknowingly swung his arm around Faith pulling her closer as if she was a pillow or blanket.
Faith felt warm, and shifted around. next thing she knew, she was face to face with Mark, who appeared to be asleep. there was just a tiny gap between there noses and Faith blushed. "um Mark?" she said quietly
Dustin shrugged "Sure, but I'm gonna go hunting while you splash around ok?" ((Leaving on a 7 day vacation, won't be able to post much or at all. trying to get my charries in good position for prolonged disappearance))

Kane stood up abruptly and turned to Carly "Sorry if I scared you, but you are very pretty and we should totally hang out sometime, if your brother doesn't kill me first. I think I'll go hunting now" With that he walked into the forest.
"ok" Emerald said with a frown. i guess i will tell him later then.

Faith was red as a tomato and Mark was just inches from kissing her. "Mark, wake up please....."she felt awkward, she didnt know if she felt good or bad about this.
Mark tried closing his eyes before finally opening his eyes slowly to be face to face with Faith almost kissing. "How did we get like this" he asked still too tired to react.
"your the one who put your arm around me. i cant beleive your still holding me. perhaps this will wake you up?" Faith said closing the gap between their lips.
Mark's eyes shot open immediately resisting the first few seconds before relaxing pulling her a bit closer.
"Well yeah I guess" he said a bit nervous. "Was I not supposed to" he asked next blushing just as much.
"thats not exactly it." Faith said frowning, "i used to get bullied since im so frail. Emerald had to save me so many times,thats why i go to an all girls school. im not really used to talking to boys, let alone anything else."

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