Lost in Paradise

((I cannot believe that I read through like 10 pages of this, just for nobody to be online. -_- ))

Dustin sat on the edge of the water and used his feet to drag Emerald over to him "Yeah it is, isn't it. Reminds me of back home, only on certain times of the year you could see the stars, usually there were too many lights" Dustin yawns and streches out. "What? I don't sleep, ever. why am I tired" he thought to himself
Jace just chuckled. "Yeah, I guess. But I'm not putting my hook in the water."

Carly bit her lip and pulled the blanket over her. Should she say something to him? Or somebody else? Maybe Dustin knew what it was...
Name: Jackie

gender: F

Age: 16

Personality: Dark/twisted...Not really understood by all. She isn't the happiest person but really does try her hardest to have people think that she is...Just so that questions aren't asked. She's talented with many things--some used to say she was "The 'Jack' of all trades." That brings back good memories. Anyways, she does have a loving and kind personality. It's just...she hides it...same way she tries to hide from the world.

Appearance: View attachment 5699

Abilities*: She has such abilities as an ordinary Demon. (Therefore, she can posses and/or kill those she hates with a passion in an instant, or let them suffer slowly and painfully in what they say would be an optical illusion of some sort of abyss.) <--Not that she'd ever do that...it would just bring trouble...But she's very much capable of doing it.

school**: Mania High. An all girls school...

items***: A diary of her past and present, Gummy bears, A necklace with the Star of David on it, Pocket knife, and an Ipod.
Charlotte sat on the beach, digging her toes in and out of the smooth sand. Thoughts and questions poured into her mind, but she ignored them and sat there silently. She shapeshifted into a large Leopard, padding to the side and swinging her spotted tail behind her.

"Why did this happen..?" She murmured quietly under her breath before wandering into the forest and vanishing.
Damian woke up and rubbed his head.He looked around tiredly where he was then he remembered last night and he looked to the side of himself and at Sam.He smiled and laid back down.Staring blankly Shadow hopped over to his chest."Good morning Shadow".He smiled and poked the Raven.It cawed and bit on his finger.Damian smiled and tugged his finger away.
Alex woke up the next morning and could hear the birds chirping. "Justshudupalready," she mumbled. It was obvious she was not a morning person. She opened her eyes and saw she was still in Damian's lap. She blushed and smiled as she remembered last night. The only thing she didnt remember was telling him she loved him.
He remembered how she told him she loved him.He lay under Alex,staring to the side at a group of birds and he didn't notice she was awoke."Why would she say something like that....".He sighed heavily and Shadow cawed and flew onto Damian's head.
Alex took a deep breath of fresh air and rubbed her eyes. "Goobmornin." She couldn't really think too clearly and was trying to clear her head from sleepiness.
He looked to her and smiled."Mornin".He momentarily put aside his thoughts but they kept budging into his mind and making him continue to think about her statement."Hmm".He said and Shadow hopped onto her chest and pecked her cheek.
"Shadoooww. Stoooop." She really wasn't a morning person. She buried her face in Damian's chest and tried to say something, but it was muffled by his shirt.
He looked down at her and tilted his head."Did you say something?".He asked and Shadow continued to peck at her but eventually flew to Damians head and nestled down.
Charlotte shifted back into her human form and sighed, leaning against a tree and twirling a bright orange and white Orchid between her fingers. Footsteps crackled behind her, and her eyes widened slightly. She shapeshifted quickly into a black Panther and snarled loudly at the thing behind her, but there was nothing there.

She looked confused as she looked around quickly for the source of the noise. But there was none.

"Strange.." She murmured, padding forward and scanning the clearing in front of her.
Alex lifted her head from his chest. "I have to go get something." She moved off of him then the hammock and headed to Brady's tree. She walked in and up to her room. She put her black tshirt that was still there over her tank topthere rushed her hair out with the seashell. It was now soft and came to her waist. She put the shell in her pocket and walked out of the tree and back to Damian.
Damian was standing up.He was making forms with his blood.The thick red liquid moved around to where he pointed.He turned it into a knife and threw it into the bamboo wall and it broke through it.He narrowed his eyes and the blood came flying back into the wall.He made it swirl around and he stood staring at it.A bang had fallen in his eyes and he stared at the blood and sat back on the hammock.Swinging back and forth on it he thought deeply.About him and Alex and what he might do from here on out.
Alex walked back to Damian and smiled. She sat down next to him. "So is there anything you want to do? We could take a walk or maybe go to the beach. We found a part of the ship. I was going to look there for some more clothes."
He thought for a second and shrugged."Sure why not".He stood up.Reaching down he put his clothes on.Checking his gun he growled and put his gun back in its holster."Ok I gotta find some more bullets anyways".He said and Shadow flew up to his Shoulder and cawed.
She looked at their surroundings and found the way they were supposed to go. She reached for his hand and started walking through the forest in the direction of the beach.
When she grabbed his hand he quickly followed and walked up next to her."Where exactly are we going anyways".As he surveyed every inch of their surrounding cautiously.
"Just through some thick woods, then it thins out and we will be on the beach." She continued walking, stepping over thorns and branches.
"your probably tired because of all that has happened. youve been working all day." she smiled. "want to go back to the tree house? im a bit tired as well" she yawned, and got out of the water. she held out her hand.

((im going to force a time skip on everyone its been night for like 30 forum pages))
Dustin took her hand and then got his shirt and slung it over his shoulder "Lets go" he said,leading the way back to camp.
"Fine".He said and narrowed his eyes still.He manipulated his blood and while they walked he played with it.He formed it into a rose and twisted it through his fingers,the thick liquid now lie the stem of a real rose.
Emerald glanced at Dustin and then at the ground, "you know, um," she wanted to tell him, she just didnt know how. she wasnt used to liking boys like this "well i kinda..." she mumbled.
Dustin looked over at Emerald. "What is it Em? You wanna stop somewhere else before we go back to camp?" Dustin smiles "I'm up for it"

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