Lost in Paradise

"maybe a little" she admitted with a guilty face. "but some of the faces you make are cute for a boy! all guys think they have to be manly or something."
"Well I guess that is really the best I could ask for" he said sighing a little. "At least I'm Cute" he said smiling a bit lamely.
His eyes widened and he shook his head and waved his hands infront of him."N-no your cute all the time you just look alot cuter when you look like that".
"Stop that seriously" he sad giggling again laying his head back into the sand staring up into the sky.
He smiled and kissed her lightly."Well let's just say we're both cute".He smiled and smoothed down his hair."But,we do know who the most cutest is".Smiles and holds head high.
"your not making anymore faces." Faith makes a pouty face. what else mad boys have funny faces when i was little. oh i know....h we are both kinda childish so its ok right? she thought back to some adorable kid pics of her when she had friends when she was really young. she crawled up next to Mark, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
Mark immediately had a surprised and confused look on his face ,but not an angry one. "What was that for" he stuttered rubbing the spot where she kissed him gently.
"another face!" Faith said triumphantly. as she realized what she she had just done she turned really red. "wait did i just...." she mumbled
"You know who it is".He smiled and placed Alex on his lap so that he could look up at her."Its obviously me".He says in a rich snobby voice and laughes.
"Now you made a face" he said just as victorious hoping it would make her feel a little less weirder then he felt.
She laughed along with him. As the laughter dies she looks him in the eyes. "You know, you never told me what exactly your power is." She looked at him curiously.
"got me!" she said a bit awkwardly, "sorry about that i not really sure what happened there." her face was still red. why did i want to do that so much?
He tilts his head at her and smiles."Silly girl haven't you figured im a blood manipulater".He said and the cut on his wrist opened up and a small drop of blood came out and he glided it around making it do all kinds of tricks and other things.
"If I was to tell the truth I didn't mind it that much" he said just as Red.

(Alright im going to sleep ill be back as soon as I can wake up)
"Wow, I've never heard of that before." She looked in awe at the drop of blood. "If you haven't already figured it out I can manipulate stuff too." She yawned and looked at him sleepily.
"Your even nicer" he said giving a loud yawn before his eyes started fluttering. "I'm sorry it's just that well I can't help going to sleep when I get Tir" he began before drifting off to sleep snoring lightly enough so it was obvious but not annoying.
He smiled and put the drop of blood back in his wrist and the wound sealed up.He yawned and wrapped his arms around Alex and looked at her."Good night".He said and kissed her.
Faith smiled. hmm. this might be the first time im this comfortable around a guy. she layed down, but felt cold so she scooted closer to Mark and pressed her back against his. so warm.... she blushed slightly before falling asleep as well.
"Goodnight." She rested her head on his shoulder and mumbled sleepily, "I love you." She then quickly fell into a deep sleep.

((I actually gtg to bed. It's 4 am here -_- goodnight/morning guys~))
(Yea me to ill see ya .....later I guess)

He smiled and brung her close to him and he said sleepidly."I love you to".He said and dozed off to bed.

(Bye guys)

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