Lost in Paradise

Alex smiled a bit wider. "Great. I should be able to lead the way. Just give me one second." She took a deep breath and started singing. Then, just like before, more than a hundred fireflies surrounded her. She stopped singing, just to say, "Bugs are so easy to manipulate. Now just follow me." She continued humming the same tune and the fireflies all moved in front of her. She began walking towards camp and the fireflies stayed in front of her, providing light.
Damian stared amazed at her and he closed his mouth.Shaking his head lightly he took a deep breath and followed slowly behind her.He scratched his head and continued feeding Shadow.While he walked he started singing the song he was making for Alex in a soft tone that made him blush even heavier than before.
Alex stopped humming so she could hear his song. Fireflies could still be controlled after she stopped. She blushed even more and was in awe of his voice. It was the best voice she had heard that wasn't her own. She blushed even deeper when she payed more attention to the song. Did he make it for her? No that's not possible, he couldn't possibly like her. But maybe he did...It was just best not to get her hopes up. If he liked her, hd would tell her when he wanted. And she would wait for him to do so.
His voice picked up the pitch and her name started to come into the song.He sighed and his voice picked up the pitch.Shadow flew over and landed on Alex's shoulder and nestled into her neck.Damian stared in wonderment at how his bird flew to her.The only time he knew he liked or loved someone was when his companion noted them as a friend.He smiled and continued singing,his voice becoming softer and the tempo slower to a more loving tone.
Walks out from the tree out by the song bird and looks at both of them repetivly and leaves his mouth hanging open "not in my house hold your not" laughs and goes back into the tree
'H-He really did make it for me,' she thought. She looked at Shadow, who had just landed on her shoulder. When it nestled into her neck she smiled and sighed. 'This is just too good to be true.' Alex stopped and turned to look at Damian. The fireflies, now behind her, stopped. She blushed a deep red, and it was visible because of the light coming from behind her.
Damian didn't stop singing as he stopped and smiled at her.Walking over Shadow continued nuzzling her and Damian walked over.Looking at her his eyes kind of transformed into a dark pink.His eyes which represented his emotions now told that he truly did like her.Spotting the guy from before he shrugged him off and continued singing.His cheeks soon matching with his eyes as he stood in front of Alex and his song ended and he took a very deep breath.
Alex didn't even notice Brady. It seemed to be only her and Damian. She looked up into his now dark pink eyes with her deep blue ones. She couldn't even speak, it was just so wonderful. Her blush seemed to get more red, but she smiled up at him.
"W-well I wasn't really that tired anymore is all" he said jumping a little not expecting Faith to pop out like that. He squirmed a little after the poke "That tickles" he whined just as childish.
He didn't know what drove him but for some reason he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.His body seemed to be moving on its own but in all honesty,he really didn't even wanna stop it.He wrapped his arms around Alex and kissed her a little more deeply.
As they are kissing he grows a garden of flowers around them and a heart made of vines with a flower on top. He the sticks his head out and says "awwww."
Alex's eyes widened, not expecting the kiss. But she soon relaxed into it and kissed him back, then she wrapped her arms around his neck. She really hadn't expected him to kiss her, much less even like her.
He squirms a little bit now steeping back one step before covering his stomach trying to suppress the laugh coming up his throat.
He noticed the garden of flowers and he smiles in the kiss."Thanks".He says in the other males mind and he continues to kiss Alex.Soon he pulled away and smiled at her,a very deep blush spread on his cheeks.
Faith giggles at his obvious attempt to surpress laughter. "i wonder where Emerald went?" she thinks out loud. "probably somewhere good." she thought of how well Emerald was getting along with Dustin and started feeling lonely.
Alex blushed even more than she had before and smiled up at Damian. "So I guess that means you like me?" She laughed. It was light and sweet.
"It's not funny" he whined blushing a little bit. He noticed Faith begin to look a little more concentrated than usual"What are you thinking about" he asked letting his guard down a little bit. "If it's about everyone else I couldn't find them either" he said hoping that helped.
Hears the thanks and grows two coconut trees and has vines weave in between the trees makeing a hammock as two coconuts into the hammock
He smiled and blushed deeper."Yea I guess I do".He said and laughed as well.It was deep and soothing.Shadow had flew off while they were kissing and he returned.A half coughed up worm in his beak and Damian flicks Shadow."We only kissed it wasn't that nasty".The bird rolled it eyes and Damian smiled again.
"its nothing. i dont mean to open old wounds or anything, but i know how you feel. i never met my father, and i havent seen my mother since i transfered to Celestial Academy 3 years ago." her smile looks sad. "it get a little lonely doesnt it?"
"Well, if it wasn't already obvious I like you too." Alex then noticed the hammock and unwrapped her arms from around Damian's neck. She grabbed his hand and walked over to it, and waited for him to get in first.
"Actually it's just as scary for me then it is lonely" he said honestly. "Im not really the toughest person so I either depended on my brother or freinds to stick up for me" he admitted. "But I don't know what to do anymore now that i'm forced to be myself. I guess I just feel lost" he said.
He stared at the hammock and sighed.He smiled and looked to her then blushed and looked to the hammock.Taking his jacket off he laid it on the ground and climbed into the hammock.He looked to her and smiled and patted next to him.
"if you havent noticed, we are all lost." Faith smiles a bit brighter "i guess im lucky though, me and Emerald both ended up here together. i tried really hard to get along with everyone here because i knew i couldn't rely on her too much but now that shes gone off i guess i didnt realize how lonely i was. she was my only friend even though we were in different schools.

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