Lost in Paradise

Jace chuckled, but he did find it easier to go to sleep. He was out sighing a couple of minutes.

Carly climbed into her own hammock, making herself comfortable. Goodnoght lovebirds, she thought.
((Alrighty!)) Jace blinked his eyes open then rubbed the dreary away from them. He looked down at Lily then up at the sky; the moon was in a different position but that was about it. The fire had died down a bit and Carly was asleep in the hammock near him.
Lily stired and scrunched up her eyes and then opened them, it was still dark and Jace was awake, she looked aoung the camp and say Carly, Jaces sister fast asleep in the hammok next to them. "Hey." she said to Jace and yawned pulling the blanket closer to her and Jace.
She nodded and almost melted when she talked, his morning voice was so cute "yeah, better than on the beach. You?" she asked looking up at him
Lily smiled and kissed his cheek "We have to do this again, when we get of this island" she said "Under better circumstances" she said
Damian looked around as he walked to somewhere unfamiliar.He used his blood as wings and he flew off.Landing on the ledge of a low building he crouched down and stared around his surrounding area.
((A wild building appeared! xD jungle island buddy, but don't worry. it happens to me all the time .))

Kane woke up on hard dirt, for a moment he panicked "am I dead again?" He asked himself, but then calmed down when he saw the 2 occupied hammocks and the dying fire. he saw a small bone on the edge of the clearing, probably from a mouse or some other small creature. Kane levitated it over to himself and turned it around a few times in his hand. "Poor little guy, died of starvation " Kane murmured to no one in particular.
Damian surveyed the man not talking to anyone in particular.He somersaulted off the building and landed softly behind him.Staring at the rat he sang a chorus of beautiful notes and the rat awoke and scurried out of the mans hands and ran away.
Kane looked behind him "Cool trick. Wanna see one of mine?" with that Kane took out his pocket knife, cut his own throat. No blood, nothing came out. Kane smiled and sat back down with his back to Damien "So... who are you?" He asked
"c'mon. im here, dont worry! i was even a lifegaurd back at the academy. i promise i wont let anything happen. its a pond not a cruise ship on the ocean." she tried her best at puppy eyes. is this.....'girlish and cute'? Emerald thought awkwardly.

Faith woke up to see Mark wandering the beach. she check her cuts from the night before, which werent completely healed. she didnt have the energy so she just ignored them. she ran over to Mark hoping he had improved from the earlier. "hey, its late shouldnt you be in bed mister?" she poked him in the side. oops. maybe that was a bit childish of me.
"Definitely." Jace murmured. "I can see it now: Sitting in a field on a picnic, nice day."

Carly had one eye open inconspicuously, as she had heard Kane speaking. Did he just cut his own throat?! she thought.
Dustin was still hesitant but he took off his hoodie and jumped in "I still don't like water. i'm like a cat but way cooler and with more lives" Dustin smiled as he waded over to Emerald.

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