Lost in Paradise

Lily laughed and said "I have four, they are out of school already." she said "And I'm the youngest, and only girl." she said
OOC: Hello :) mind if I join?

Name: Chitsu

Gender: female

Age: 15

Personality: friendly to all, loves cooking and drawing, fun to be around, struggles to make friends as she was home schooled, etc.

Abilities: telekinesis

School: home schooled

Items: the backpack that remained on her back the whole time, containing an apple, notepad and pencil, pocket knife, locket containing her family picture, bottle of water, dead mobile phone, a change of clothes.
Jace laughed. "My mom grew up with 4 brothers. She said it was tough 'cause they wanted to do all the guy stuff. She did say it toughened her up a bit though." He looked dow at Lily. "What about you?"
She made a face and fake shuddered "Oh god, I could never have a boyfriend when I was five some kid teased me about the blue incident and they beat him up." she said "It toughened me up but they are so protective!" she said.
She would nod "Kinda, you saved me so they will lay of for a while, They can all do the same thing as i but different One can create things like, for real. One can create a place and take anyone there, one can make dreams and the last can make you see anything he wants" she says
Jace thought for a second. "And I can throw them across a room without even touching them. I think I'll be good." He looked down at Lily, a smile on his face.
She would put her hands on her hips and say "You will not do that unless nessisary, right?" she asks her eyebrow raised
((Can I still join?? O.o ))

View attachment 5681

Name: Charlotte Rose

Gender: Female

Age: 18.

Personality: Sweet, kind, and caring. This girl is never afraid to help someone in need. She always has some kind of a smile on her face and loves to cheer people up. Even though she's had a rough past, she manages to forget about it and move on with herself. It's usually very rare for her to be depressed or sad, since she's usually so happy all the time.

Abilities*: She is able to shapeshift into animals. But nothing else.

School**: Rose Hill Academy.

Items***: She has a suitcase full of clothes. She also has a few army knives given to her by her Father. But that's about it.
(sure thing nice username by the way :) ))

Emerald gasped, "this is beautiful!" she ran over and splashed her face with cool water.
Dustin smiled "Yeah, I know. Isn't it nice? Plus, it's fresh water so now we have a water source. Yay for awesomeness" He sneaks up behind Emerald and pushes her into the small pool at the base of the waterfall.
Mark abandons the thought of trying any harder to wake Faith up as he stood up defeated. "Where did everyone go though" he asked looking around worried as he began walking around.
Emerald resurfaced and laughed. "real nice! why dont you join me? the water is ice cold and it feels great"
Dustin frowned "I don't like water. Not my strong point. Don't like it, don't like the way it makes my hair look. No way I'm getting in there." He sat down on the edge of the pool "Sorry. Just, bad experiences and such in water."
Lily would bring the blanket aroung the both of them and hold it close "Better?" she opened her eyes and said "Are you still tired?"

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