Lost in Paradise

"Yeah...well, I mean...I don't know. We have an empathy link, but we've never had any situations where the 'stronger together' thing came into play." Carly had never thought of it like that before...
Mark woke up yawning looking around hoping to learn this was all just a crazy dream, but after realizing he was still sleeping under a tree he became depressed one again holding his knees closer for a while. It took him a few minutes to notice Faith sleeping close to him. He looked at her for a few minutes before he remembered the tune of a song he never heard before. He sighed as he shook Faith lightly.
Kane shrugged "Yeah, if you combine your power with some else s it usually results in a stronger power blend type of thing. Like if I combine my power with Dustin's we can create shadow specters. I wonder what would happen if we tried some other combos"
Carly bit her lip. "Interesting..." she murmured. "Jace and I both have limits. If we try to hard or bite off more than we can chew, I get a headache and a nosebleed."
Kane smiled "Just train. That's what they had us doing at Deans. If you exercise your power enough it gets way stronger. We've had kids go from not being able to pick up spoon to being able to pick up cars. Easily. Its actually pretty fun once you get used to it."
Carly tried to think back to the heaviest thing she'd lifted up. It had to have been...a tree that had fallen in the road one year when their family was vacationing. Is that heavier than a car? ​she thought. "Sounds cool. I'll have to talk to Jace about it."
Kane shrugged "If you need any help training ask Dusty, he was a trainer for the little kids back at school. He'll know how to train you guys. All I can do is.... Stuff" He laughed and looked around as they reached the camp "So this is camp?"
Carly nodded looking around and then she saw Jace and Lily. "Well, isn't that sweet..." she mumbled under her breath. She grabbed on of the blankets and it flew over to them, hitting Jace in the face.

Jace looked bewildered as the blanket hit his face. He realized a second later that it was Carly. 'Thanks.' he mouthed, a sarcastic look on his face. He wrapped the blanket around Lily.
Kane laughs "Dustin's a nifty guy. he always wanted a treehouses too. When we were little and both out on the street we banded together and Dustin loved high places. If I ever asked where he wanted to live he would say "Treehouse. Duh" I never have understood why though" Kane said, deep in thought.
Kane laughed "Especially when he fell from high places. he would come back up riding a little shadow cloud and he'd be so mad" Kane laughs "He thought he was the toughest kid in the park too. He'd. walk around with so much swagger we called him the real slim shady"
Emerald blushed. She was surprised but she didn't let go, for once she actually felt like a girl. "Mark and Faith are asleep Carly ran off with that new guy you brought. The rest I don't know. Does it matter?" She said shyly.
Dustin smiled "No, no it doesn't. Lets go for a walk. come on, I know a cool place" Dustin started walking

Kand smiled and laughed as well "I know, call him Slim Shady next time you talk to him but don't tell him I told you. his reaction will be priceless."
"Faith" he tried calling again shaking her a little bit harder. "She sure sleeps hard" he said to himself.
Carly smiled, "Oh I'm sooo gonna do that." She arranged pillows in each of the hammocks and put blankets in them, too. She set the pots and pans by the fire and the salvaged plates and silverware next to that.

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