Lost in Paradise

Jace shrugged. "I am when I'm comfortable. Otherwise, I'm the lightest sleeper ever." He looked to Lily. "You feeling better?"
She made a ace and nodded "yeah, sorry about that . . . it just landed like a meter away and . . " she shuddered and trailed of
Jace nodded. "I think all the stress just kind of caved in on you and you were already tired; put that together and you're pretty much knocked out." He looked around as well. "So...what do you wanna do now? Walk around some more or...head back?"
Dustin climbed into the ship, he was totally zoned out from Jace and Lily's conversation. He just needed to find one thing, see if it had survived the wreck. He threaded his way through the cracked hallways with ease, since it was all shadows he could see pretty well.
Lily thought for a moment "We should head back, eat and then maybey go fishig, of course you don't have to fish." she laughed at the embarrsing story he told her and held out her hand "Coming?"
Carly managed to get herself into the ship. Everytime the ship creaked, she had a mini heart attack and got a little more jumpy each time. "C'mon Dustin, hurry up..." She picked up a few items she thought would be useful - a hammer in the utilities closet, a couple pillows and blankets that weren't too damaged...

Jace smiled then took her hand. "Yep." He thought about going bak later to get some more metal pieces; he wanted to make one more thing...
They walked up to the camp an she looked around seeing no one "Wow, everyone spread out fast!" she said heading towards the fruit
Dustin found his room, or half of it anyway, everything was just thrown about. He dug in his drawer and found a special black and red braclet with some kind of red material running through it. He also found a necklace that looked exactly the same. He put both in his pocket and then went next door, the smell hit him immidetly and he knelt by the body "Hey, Kane. Bro, get up when you're ready."
Jace nodded in agreement, going over to the berries and eating some as well.

Carly somehow managed to get to the kitchen. "Let's see..." she looked around. Some pots and pans were around, including some utensils. She grabbed a few of them and some plates that weren't already broken.
((Can I create another character? Like make him have Necromantic powers and have him raise from the dead out of the ship? That would be so cool and creepy at the same time))
Jace smiled. "Haven't you ever seen the movies? Your clothes will get ripped and torn around that edges, yet still look ok!" He put on a goofy smile. "Tthey get washed in the ocean, bla bla bla..." He trailed off and look over at Lily. "Yeah, i don't know what I'm saying."
She would laugh and say "Yeah, but in movies they arn't covered in sand, and we need fresh water to wash them, and then wet clothes for ages" she said
Jace shrugged. "I guess so." He looked around. This is soooo awkward, he thought to himself. Do something, bro! He looked over at Lily out of the corner of his eye.

Carly found an opening on the bottom of the boat and managed to place everything she had collected down on the ground. "Now I won't have to carry all that anymore." She turned and climbed back inside the kitchen to see if she could find anything else.
Dustin decided to leave Kane and decided to go see if Carly was alright. He shadow-ported over to her, she was in the kitchen "Hey. Sorry for running off."
Carly turned and tried not to scream. "I still haven't gotten used to that..." she said almost quietly, tying to slow her heartbeat. "It's ok. She responded, then went back to searching. "I found some pretty useful stuff. I set them out on the beach."

Jace scooted closer to Lily as a breeze blew through the camp. "Gets kinda cold at night, huh?" He smiled a little,

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